How to compute the cubehelix color scheme in Less.js? - less

I want to compute the cubehelix color scheme in Less so I can tweak some variables. I believe this necessitates CIE L*a*b color system. I ran across Chroma.js which seems like it would work for computing colors, but now I'd like to integrate this into Less.

Mike Bostock has implemented and extended cubehelix in JavaScript as a plugin for the D3.js visualisation library (see examples).
You can use the code of Bostock's plugin to write a custom function for Less.
Download and unzip the source from github at:
Run npm install
Create a file called lib/less/functions/cubehelix.js and write down the following content into it:
var Color = require("../tree/color"),
functionRegistry = require("./function-registry");
function d3_interpolate(y) {
return function(a, b) {
a = a.toHSL();
b = b.toHSL();
var radians = Math.PI / 180;
var ah = (a.h + 120) * radians,
bh = (b.h + 120) * radians - ah,
as = a.s,
bs = b.s - as,
al = a.l,
bl = b.l - al;
if (isNaN(bs)) bs = 0, as = isNaN(as) ? b.s : as;
if (isNaN(bh)) bh = 0, ah = isNaN(ah) ? b.h : ah;
return function(t) {
var h = ah + bh * t,
l = Math.pow(al + bl * t, y),
a = (as + bs * t) * l * (1 - l),
cosh = Math.cos(h),
sinh = Math.sin(h);
return "#"
+ hex(l + a * (-0.14861 * cosh + 1.78277 * sinh))
+ hex(l + a * (-0.29227 * cosh - 0.90649 * sinh))
+ hex(l + a * (+1.97294 * cosh));
function hex(v) {
var s = (v = v <= 0 ? 0 : v >= 1 ? 255 : v * 255 | 0).toString(16);
return v < 0x10 ? "0" + s : s;
cubehelix: function(y,a,b,t) {
return new Color(d3_interpolate(y.value)(a,b)(t.value).slice(1),1);
Open the lib/less/function/index.js file and append require("./cubehelix"); to the list of register functions, just before return functions;
Run grunt dist (to create a new version of less.js)
Now the following Less code:
p{color: cubehelix(1,red,blue,1);}
p{color: cubehelix(1,red,blue,0.5);}
p{color: cubehelix(1, hsl(300,50%,0%), hsl(-240,50%,100%), 0.3);}
p {
color: #766cfd;
p {
color: #21ba40;
p {
color: #4c4c4c;


Pass arrays from JS by reference for WASM to edit?

What's the best way to pass and return arrays of floats in AssemblyScript?
Can I pass an array form JS (by reference) for WASM to edit?
export function nBodyForces(data: f64[], result: f64[]): void {}
Below is what I have now. Ignore the implementation details, and it's returning 2000, then incrementing it to 8000ish.
What's the best way to return an array of new values?
export function nBodyForces(data: f64[]): f64[] {
// Each body has x,y,z,m passed in.
if (data.length % bodySize !== 0) return new Array<f64>(10);
const numBodies: i32 = data.length / bodySize;
// return a 3-force x,y,z vector for each body
let ret: f64[] = new Array<f64>(numBodies * forceSize);
* Calculate the 3-vector each unique pair of bodies applies to each other.
* 0 1 2 3 4 5
* 0 x x x x x
* 1 x x x x
* 2 x x x
* 3 x x
* 4 x
* 5
* Sum those forces together into an array of 3-vector x,y,z forces
// For all bodies:
for (let i: i32 = 0; i < numBodies; i++) {
// Given body i: pair with every body[j] where j > i
for (let j: i32 = i + 1; i < numBodies; j++) {
// Calculate the force the bodies apply to one another
const bI: i32 = i * 4
const bJ: i32 = j * 4
let f: f64[] = twoBodyForces(
// b0
data[bI], data[bI+1], data[bI+2], data[bI+3], // x,y,z,m
// b1
data[bJ], data[bJ+1], data[bJ+2], data[bJ+3], // x,y,z,m
// Add this pair's force on one another to their total forces applied x,y,z
// body0
ret[bI] = ret[bI] + f[0];
ret[bI+1] = ret[bI+1] + f[1];
ret[bI+2] = ret[bI+2] + f[2];
// body1
ret[bJ] = ret[bJ] + f[0];
ret[bJ+1] = ret[bJ+1] + f[1];
ret[bJ+2] = ret[bJ+2] + f[2];
// For each body, return the summ of forces all other bodies applied to it.
return ret;
For faster interop with JS I recommend use typed arrays if this possible
export const FLOAT64ARRAY_ID = idof<Float64Array>();
export function nBodyForces(data: Float64Array): Float64Array { ... }
And later on JavaScript side:
const loader = require("assemblyscript/lib/loader");
const imports = {};
const wasm = await loader.instantiateStreaming(fetch("optimized.wasm"), imports);
const dataArray = [... your data ...]
const dataRef = wasm.__retain(wasm.__allocArray(wasm.FLOAT64ARRAY_ID, dataArray));
const resultRef = wasm.nBodyForces(dataRef);
const resultArray = wasm.__getFloat64Array(resultRef);
// release ARC resources
console.log("result: " + resultArray);

About SBC function rstan::sbc

Here I use the notations from the following example codes of SBC.
I have two questions about rstan:sbc.
Is it possible to extract the samples y described in y = binomial_rng(N, pi_); in the transformed data block ?
Is it possible to plot the rank statistics of user specified parameters only?.
If multiple parameter such as;
parameters {
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> pi;
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> ppi;
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> pppi;
then I want to plot the rank statistics specified parameter only.
E.g., the following manner
plot(output, pars =c("pi","ppi"))
where output is an return value of rstan::sbc.
Example of SBC
data {
int<lower = 1> N;
real<lower = 0> a;
real<lower = 0> b;
transformed data { // these adhere to the conventions above
real pi_ = beta_rng(a, b);
int y = binomial_rng(N, pi_);
parameters {
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> pi;
model {
target += beta_lpdf(pi | a, b);
target += binomial_lpmf(y | N, pi);
generated quantities { // these adhere to the conventions above
int y_ = y;
vector[1] pars_;
int ranks_[1] = {pi > pi_};
vector[N] log_lik;
pars_[1] = pi_;
for (n in 1:y) log_lik[n] = bernoulli_lpmf(1 | pi);
for (n in (y + 1):N) log_lik[n] = bernoulli_lpmf(0 | pi);
Edit for comments
Let output be a return value of rstan::sbc, then
output$Y is the following:
named numeric(0)
named numeric(0)
named numeric(0)
named numeric(0)
named numeric(0)
Edit for comments 2
Let stanmodel be an object of class stanmodel for the following .stan file. Then the following object output$Y is not functional.
output <- rstan::sbc(stanmodel,
data = list(
ww=-0.81,www =0.001,
zz= 1.55,zzz=0.001,
NL = 259, NI = 57,C=3,c=3:1,N=3
), M = 500, refresh = 0)
Stan file
data{ // SBC
//This is not prior truth data, but somedata to run
int <lower=0>N; //This is exactly same as C
int <lower=0>NL; //Number of Binomial trials
int <lower=0>NI; //This is redandunt
int <lower=0>C; // Number of Confidence level
int <lower=0>c[N]; //Each component means confidence level
//Prior which shold be specified
real www;
real mmm;
real vvv;
real zzz;
real zz;
real ww;
real vv;
real mm;
transformed data {
int h[C];
int f[C];
real w_ ;
real <lower=0>dz_[C-1] ;
real m_;
real <lower =0> v_;
real <lower=0,upper=1>p_[C];
real <lower=0>l_[C];
real <lower=0>dl_[C];
real z_[C];
real a_;
real <lower=0>b_;
w_ = normal_rng (ww,www);
for(cd in 1:C-1) dz_[cd] = normal_rng (zz,zzz);
m_ = normal_rng (mm,mmm);
v_ = normal_rng (vv,vvv);
for(cd in 1 : C-1) { z_[1]=w_;
z_[cd+1] =z_[cd] +dz_[cd];
for(cd in 1 : C) { if (cd==C) {
p_[cd] = 1 - Phi((z_[cd] - m_)/v_);
p_[cd] = Phi((z_[cd+1] - m_)/v_)- Phi( (z_[cd] -m_)/v_);
for(cd in 1 : C) {l_[cd] = (-1)*log(Phi(z_[cd])); }
for(cd in 1:C){
if (cd==C) {dl_[cd]=fabs(l_[cd]-0);
for(n in 1:N) {
h[n] = binomial_rng(NL, p_[c[n]]);
// fff[n] ~ poisson( l[c[n]]*NL);//Non-Chakraborty's model
f[n] = poisson_rng (dl_[c[n]]*NI);//Chakraborty's model //<-------very very very coution, not n but c[n] 2019 Jun 21
// fff[n] ~ poisson( l[c[n]]*NI);//Non-Chakraborty's model
real w;
real <lower =0>dz[C-1];
real m;
real <lower=0>v;
transformed parameters {
real <lower=0,upper=1>p[C];
real <lower=0>l[C];
real <lower=0>dl[C];
real z[C];
real a;
real b;
for(cd in 1 : C-1) { z[1] = w;
z[cd+1] = z[cd] +dz[cd];
for(cd in 1 : C) {
if (cd==C) { p[cd] = 1 - Phi((z[cd] -m)/v);
p[cd] = Phi((z[cd+1] -m)/v)- Phi((z[cd] -m)/v);
for(cd in 1 : C) { l[cd] = (-1)*log(Phi(z[cd])); }
for(cd in 1:C){
if (cd==C) {dl[cd] = fabs(l[cd]-0);
dl[cd] = fabs(l[cd]-l[cd+1]);
for(n in 1:N) {
h[n] ~ binomial(NL, p[c[n]]);
// fff[n] ~ poisson( l[c[n]]*NL);//Non-Chakraborty's model
f[n] ~ poisson(dl[c[n]]*NI);//Chakraborty's model //<-------very very very coution, not n but c[n] 2019 Jun 21
// fff[n] ~ poisson( l[c[n]]*NI);//Non-Chakraborty's model
// priors
w ~ normal(ww,www);
for(cd in 1:C-1) dz[cd] ~ normal(zz,zzz);
m ~ normal(mm,mmm);
v ~ normal(vv,vvv);
generated quantities { // these adhere to the conventions above
int h_[C];
int f_[C];
vector [3 + C - 1] pars_;
int ranks_[3 + C - 1];
ranks_[1] = w > w_;
ranks_[2] = m > m_;
ranks_[3] = v > v_;
for (cd in 1:(C - 1)) ranks_[cd+3] = dz[cd] > dz_[cd];
pars_[1] = w_;
pars_[2] = m_;
pars_[3] = v_;
for (cd in 1:(C - 1)) pars_[cd+3] = dz_[cd];
// Here I copy the prior predictive realizations to y_ , and now it is denoted by h_ or f_
h_ = h;
f_ = f;
The list produced by sbc has an element called Y that holds realizations of the prior predictive distribution. There is no option (yet) to plot a subset of parameters, but you could make your own plot fairly easily based on the original code

Export class from files other than index.ts

I made a file called assembly/Vec3.ts with this content:
* #constructor
* #name pc.Vec3
* #classdesc A 3-dimensional vector.
* #description Creates a new Vec3 object.
* #param {Number} [x] The x value. If x is an array of length 3, the array will be used to populate all components.
* #param {Number} [y] The y value.
* #param {Number} [z] The z value.
* #example
* var v = new pc.Vec3(1, 2, 3);
export class Vec3 {
x: number;
y: number;
z: number;
// AS is more strict than TS... need to replace all occuranves of this in PlayCanvasTS at some point
//constructor(x?: any, y?: number, z?: number)
constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number)
//if (x && x.length === 3) {
// this.x = x[0];
// this.y = x[1];
// this.z = x[2];
//} else {
// this.x = x || 0;
// this.y = y || 0;
// this.z = z || 0;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
* #function
* #name pc.Vec3#add
* #description Adds a 3-dimensional vector to another in place.
* #param {pc.Vec3} rhs The vector to add to the specified vector.
* #returns {pc.Vec3} Self for chaining.
* #example
* var a = new pc.Vec3(10, 10, 10);
* var b = new pc.Vec3(20, 20, 20);
* a.add(b);
* // Should output [30, 30, 30]
* console.log("The result of the addition is: " + a.toString());
add(rhs: Vec3): Vec3 {
this.x += rhs.x;
this.y += rhs.y;
this.z += rhs.z;
return this;
* #function
* #name pc.Vec3#add2
* #description Adds two 3-dimensional vectors together and returns the result.
* #param {pc.Vec3} lhs The first vector operand for the addition.
* #param {pc.Vec3} rhs The second vector operand for the addition.
* #returns {pc.Vec3} Self for chaining.
* #example
* var a = new pc.Vec3(10, 10, 10);
* var b = new pc.Vec3(20, 20, 20);
* var r = new pc.Vec3();
* r.add2(a, b);
* // Should output [30, 30, 30]
* console.log("The result of the addition is: " + r.toString());
add2(lhs: Vec3, rhs: Vec3): Vec3 {
this.x = lhs.x + rhs.x;
this.y = lhs.y + rhs.y;
this.z = lhs.z + rhs.z;
return this;
Then building it via npm run asbuild
But the file is just ignored and not included inside the untouched.wasm.
Is it possible to export classes from all files?
Currently AssemblyScript support global export only from entry file (index.ts). So you should reexport all your entities to this file. But this may improve in future. See this discussion:
Currently I solved it by adding the Vec3.ts to asc in
# print the commands via -x/+y
set -x
npx asc assembly/index.ts assembly/Vec3.ts -b build/untouched.wasm -t build/untouched.wat --sourceMap --validate --debug
npx asc assembly/index.ts assembly/Vec3.ts -b build/optimized.wasm -t build/optimized.wat --sourceMap --validate --optimize
set +x

Createjs function

I am trying to convert an old simulation from Flash to createjs with animate cc. The only code you have is to rotate a piece but I can not get it to work. This code not work:
function spinit()
var ang = myangle * Math.PI / 180;
this.pin1.x = disk1.x + R * Math.cos(ang);
this.pin1.y = disk1.y + R * Math.sin(ang);
this.yoke1.x = pin1.x;
this.disk1.rotate = myangle;
this.myangle = myangle + 1;
if (myangle > 360)
myangle = 0;
var myangle = 0;
var R = 90;
setInterval(spinit, 5);
Chances are good this is a scope issue. Your spinit method is being called anonymously, so it won't have access to any of your frame content referenced with this. You can get around this by scoping your method, and binding your setInterval call.
this.spinit = function() // 1. scope the function
var ang = myangle * Math.PI / 180;
this.pin1.x = disk1.x + R * Math.cos(ang);
// etc
setInterval(spinit.bind(this), 5); // 2. bind this so it calls in the right scope.
Make sure to call this.spinit().
Hope that helps!

How does one format a number with commas?

In Sencha Touch 2, how does one format a number with commas with either 0 or 2 decimal places? I imagine that there's a built in way to do this?
For example, I have 1234.567 and I need the number as 1,234 and 1,234.57.
You can do it easily with JavaScript only :
Add commas to the number
function addCommas(nStr)
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : '';
var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2');
return x1 + x2;
Round to the nearest integer
var result = Math.round(original)
Round to two decimals
var result = Math.round(original*100)/100
Hope this helps
Take a look at this function from Ext JS 4's Ext.util.Format, which is not part of the Sencha Touch 2 API. Just implement it in your application and you're set.
function iFormatValueTwoDecimals(inValue)
var leftSide = Math.floor(inValue);
var rightSide = Math.round((inValue - leftSide)*100);
if(rightSide === 0)
rightSide = '00';
else if(rightSide < 10)
rightSide = rightSide + '0';
return leftSide+'.'+rightSide;