How do I convert a polysurface to a mesh in Rhino3d - mesh

I extruded a curve then caped it and converted to a poly-surface. now I want to convert to a mesh, how doI about doing that

Select the polysurface and then run the Mesh command: Mesh->From NURBS Object on the menu.
By the way, this isn't really a programming question, so it's not really appropriate for StackOverflow. However, we'd love to have you ask Rhino related questions at


How to print a character in an x,y coordinate in the console using kotlin?

I want achieve that to make a basic game
Is there any way to print a character in console in a x,y coordinate like gotoxy function in conio library of C language?
Just as with C, Java provides no built-in way to do full-screen terminal output.
And, as with C, you have two main options:
You could assume that the terminal understands ANSI escape codes, and output those directly.  That's quick-and-dirty; it doesn't require any dependencies, and the basics can be done fairly easily.  But it's not very maintainable; anything more sophisticated gets very fiddly — and, more importantly, it's likely to fail on other terminal types.
Or you could use a library which does all the hard work.  These questions ask about that, and have several answers.

Is there a way of using the <prosody> tag in SSML to adjust individual words without a pause (without using a post-processor)

When using the prosody tag in SSML with Google Cloud TTS, I cannot adjust the attributes of individual words without creating an unwanted pause.
The code below creates a lag between 'New' and 'Video'. It has been suggested that a postprocessor can remove these pauses, but I'd like to know if there's a way of doing it directly within the code itself?
Hello, and welcome to this<prosody pitch="+3st">New</prosody>Video Tutorial.
After testing, it appears there isn't a way of doing this using Google Cloud TTS. You can manually edit the sound file after generating it, but thay defeats the object of the exercise.
I don't have the cleanest answer, as what you are asking is not very supported. Prosody's pitch contour let's you change the tone of voice at different parts of the sentence.
Example of Prosody contour
<speak><prosody contour="(0%, +20Hz) (20%, +30%) (100%, +20%)"> Hello friends! </prosody></speak>
I am still playing around with this, but it seems like a tedious way of getting what you want done.
Using contour
contour takes a string of tuples "(%position in sentence, pitch adjustment) (..., ...)
I hope this helped and best of luck on your work!

Writing an app that previews the result of a small part of code

This may seem strange, so I will try to explain it as best I can:
I want to write an application for OS X that will accept some code as an input and will produce a visual output. The input will be in Objective C and the output will be the output that this code describes.
The output may be text or graphics based, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I don't know how can I make this input be handled as Objective C code and be executed by the system as such. I have a big experience with Objective C, but I hadn't had the chance to get involved with something like this.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
So if I understand correctly, you want to:
Take Objective-C input
Parse it
And show its structure to the user in a visually digestible form.
Now the hard part is parsing it - for that you'll need a compiler front-end, possibly LLVM-clang. When you have an abstract syntax tree of the code, you can walk that tree and easily construct some graphics or structured, human-readable text to describe what the code does.
Edit: so you want to actually compile and execute that code. Then you have to go one step further and compile the code then run it.

OpenCV for iOS sudoku grabber

I'm following this tutorial
But it's not fot the iOS.
some methods described there can be used, but the floodfill (used as cvFloodFill) is no longer an int. it's a void
I'm trying to get the size of the biggest blob, It's pretty much the part i'm missing. this for loops and the floodfill.
is there a good way of doing it?
I thought about the cvBlob library, but I just can't get it to compile for mac.. tried many ways....
EDIT: After arkiaz's answer, moved to a new question:
openCV cvContourArea
Instead of floodfill you can use findcontour to find biggest blob.
Do as follows:
1) Apply adaptive threshold, some erosion and dilation etc ( as mentioned in aishack)
2) Find contours using findcontours
3) Use contourarea to find area of each contour
5) Select the one with max. area. That will be the sudoku box. Then continue as given in
For me, this method worked faster than floodfill method

Color profiles conversion

I have a project on color profile conversion in C++, where the idea is to use CIELAB as transition between RGB and all others (CMY; CMYK; HSV; HSL;...).But I have one big big problem. I have searched everywhere and I cannot find any formula or descrition how could I convert CIELAB to others(CMY; CMYK; HSV; HSL; ...) only I got is what I found here : . Can someone please help me with formula or with an idea how to get to them? Thank you so so much.
magic :)
Color conversion with mathematical formulas yields very poor results with no serious application. Color systems are far too complex to capture them in simple, closed mathematical formulas let alone in linear formulas.
Good results can only be achived by using color profile files. And the conversion basically invovles interpolation between samples stored in these files.
Have a look at Little CMS. It probably does everything you need. Or if your software will run on Windows, you can use the built-in Windows Color System to do the conversion.