EPIPE error uploading img to s3 using imagesquish - amazon-s3

I've been testing imagesquish for a while and I can't seem to have it working.
It works with node.js, forever, express and knox and basically does image processing on the fly.
I'm trying to call an image on a server, it resizes, crops or whatever and then uploads to s3.
I've had permission issues but after creating a new s3 bucket, it seems I made some progress but then, the image doesn't get uploaded and I can't get any error.
I managed to go through it's code and go all the way to exports.uploadImage that would call img.toBuffer but apparently it doesn't get called.
At the end, I get the error:
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: write EPIPE
at errnoException (net.js:904:11)
at Object.afterWrite (net.js:720:19)
error: Forever detected script exited with code: 8
error: Script restart attempt #1
I need some help on this. Does anybody have any idea?

Luis. Not sure if you're still interested in an answer to this. I'm the author of ImageSquish. From the information you provide, this sounds like img.toBuffer is failing which is usually because graphicsmagick is not installed. The latest version of ImageSquish checks for the existence of this library on startup (see https://github.com/dmcquay/imagesquish/blob/master/check.js).
You might also find it easier to try it out using docker (https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/dmcquay/imagesquish/) so you don't have to worry about installing anything.
If this doesn't resolve your problem, you can find me via irc on freenode #imagesquish.


how to solve module build failed after changing file extension ( *.ts => *.tsx )?

after changing a specific file's extension from .ts to .tsx I get:
Compiled with problems:X
ERROR in ./src/components/SomeComp/someFile.ts
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '.../someFile.ts'
No files matching 'C:\Users...\src\components\SomeComp\someFile.ts' were found.
it has happened recently and somehow figured out on its own,
then i switched branches and when returned it happened again
I tried what was suggested here, clearing the browser cache How to get Chrome to reload source maps?
also restarted the react dev server couple of times
but still it tries to find the file with the old .ts extension...
searched as much as I could but didn't find a solve...
after changing the extension back and forth and restarting the dev server it has figured out, but I would still love to know what was happening and what perhaps what should be done to handle this situation correctly in the future

Unable to resolve module `some-name` from `Path/To/Project/script.js`

I tried to require("some-name"); in my script.js. This gave me the following error:
Unable to resolve module some-name from Path/To/Project/script.js: Module does not exist in the module map.
So I removed the require("some-name"); in the script.js. The same error occurred.
So I went to a previous state of the app. The error keeps happening and there is nowhere in the code that I request the "some-name" file nor I have the file in my directory.
Here an image where I search in my code to the old file name:
The screen shot of the error in react-native.
I tried the steps shown in the error message and it did not resolve the problem.
It is possible to add more information if it is unclear.
The problem is the cache.
This problem was fixed by:
renaming the file where the error came from.
restarting the server.
Due to the file renaming the server took the updated project with out the error. This problem was solved with the help of Nikhil Parmar in this chat.
The error was already fixed in the code but the server still used the cached project. A normal cache clear and server restart did not work.

OSX App doesn't start(Buid succeeded)

Problem: I am unable to launch my OSX app.
Software versions:
XCode Version 8.1 (8B62)
macOS Siera 10.12.1 (16B2657)
I've already tried:
I don't have any changes in my version control.
Also it works fine on my colleague's computer
I've already tried to clean, Also used deep clean
I've overloaded my mac twice
I've already removed derived data
But still unable to run OSX app. It just build successfully all the time and isn't going to launch my app.
I googled about it.
But haven't found something helpful.
Any suggestions? Probably I missed something... but I think it is a system bug. And I have to clean or relaunch something. But I've already tried all what I was able to guess.
Information from console:
/Users/UserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-awtljghmrbqhgebrvruwulpmysqx/Build/Products/Debug/App Name.app/Contents/MacOS/App Name signature not valid: -67030
proc 1042: load code signature error 4 for file "App Name"
AMFI: allowing exception handler for 'App Name' (2504) because the process is unsigned.
Got a connection, waiting for process information for launching or attaching.
error: Attach failed: "No such process".
error: attach failed.
1 +0.000000 sec [09c9/1503]: error: ::read ( 3, 0x700009325a40, 1024 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
Any way. thanks for attention.

Installation failure of Impresspages on Two Servers

I have tried installing Impresspages on my local xampp server, and was successful, but have JS errors and am unable to edit any content on front end. I get the below error in my inspector.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'mouse' of undefined localhost/Ip/Internal/Content/assets/management.min.js?1:71
Does anyone know what is causing this?
I then tried to install it on my Cloudserver which runs WHM/Cpanel. I was not able to install at all.. I get the below error:
[03-Jul-2014 19:25:50 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/php_openssl.dll' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/php_openssl.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
What is causing this? How can I fix?
Thanks in advance!!
First issue shouldn't make any problems with content management. Refresh page, clear browser cache. Content management should work.
The second has nothing to do with ImpressPages. It's your servers problem with PHP installation.

Using COM in R language

I am trying to get the rcom package for R working. It seems to have installed ok:
> install.packages("rcom");
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
trying URL 'http://mira.sunsite.utk.edu/CRAN/bin/windows/contrib/2.9/rcom_2.2-1.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 204632 bytes (199 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 199 Kb
package 'rcom' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
The downloaded packages are in
updating HTML package descriptions
Then I try to run something:
Error: could not find function "comCreateObject"
What am I missing, the manual tells me that comCreateObject is the appropriate command. However, the manual's version is somewhat old. Anyone else have any insights?
I can see a couple of potential problems here - rcom has a weird installation.
Did you load the package - that is, run library(rcom) after installing it? I know, I know - but I forget that step all the time, and it would definitely give you the "could not find function" error.
Did you run the installstatconnDCOM() command? I almost didn't notice it telling me to do this.