Throttle amount of log alerts per cycle - monit

I'm using Monit to send alerts when keywords appear in my maillog :
check file maillog with path /var/log/maillog
if match "ratelimit" then alert
Problem is that the keyword can sometimes appear multiple times in a single cycle, which then triggers multiple emails for the same incident.
Is there a way of limiting Monit to a single alert per cycle?

This was fixed in Monit 5.4:
Monit 5.4 or newer sends only one alert in the given cycle, changelog
* The content match test now sends one event per cycle and pattern. Even if there are multiple lines matching the same pattern, only one
event will be generated. Also the event rate is fixed now, so it is
possible to require match for X cycles before generating the event.
Systems with older packages might find an updated version in a third-party repo. e.g.:


How do I clear up Documentum rendition queue?

We have around 300k items on dmi_queue_item
If I do right click and select "destroy queue item" I see the that row no longer appears if I query by r_object_id.
Would it mean that the file no longer will be processed by the CTS service ? Need to know if this would it be the way to clear up the queue for the rendition process (to convert to PDF) or what it would it be the best way to clear up the queue ?
Also for some items/rows I get this message when doing the right click "destroy" thing, what does it mean ? or how can I avoid it ? Not sure if maybe the item was processed and the row no longer exists or is something else.
dmi_queue_item table is used as queue for all sorts of events at Content Server.
Content Transformation Service is using it to read at least two types of events, afaik.
According to Content Transformation Services, Administration Guide, ver. 7.1, page 18 it reads dm_register_assets and performs the configured content actions for this specific objects.
I was using CTS for generating content renditions for some objects using dm_transcode_content event.
However, be carefull when cleaning up dmi_queue_item since there could be many different event types. It is up to system administrators to keep this queue clean by configuring system components to use events or not to stuff up events that are not supposed to be used.
As per cleaning the queue it is advised to use destroy API command, though you can even try to delete row using DELETE query. Of course try to do this in dev environment first.
You would need to look at 2 queues:
dm_autorender_win31 and dm_mediaserver. In order to delete them you would run a query:
delete dmi_queue_item objects where name = 'dm_mediaserver' or name = 'dm_autorender_win31'

Nifi: send file to HDFS; if fail, wait one second then retry

As part of my ETL process in Nifi, I need to send some files to HDFS. What is needed is to check if there's a failure. If so, it needs to wait one second then retry. If that fails it will again wait a second and retry. Finally, if that fails it will send an email to me and another admin. That last part is easy enough, I just have it going to a "PutEmail" processor. For the retries, I set it up as per this article:
However, it won't wait before each retry. I thought about adding an expression that is something like ${now():plus(1000)} but it's expecting a boolean expression. Is there maybe a way to express the same idea in a boolean way? Or will I need to scrap this and find a different approach? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Try ControlRate for this, you can configure the throughput to be 1 flow file per second, or tweak the settings to allow multiple flow files through based on a grouping attribute, e.g. For example if you get 5 failed flowfiles in the queue at once, then it will take 5 seconds if you send 1 flow file per second "globally". If your use case says you just need each flow file to be delayed by 1 second (meaning after 1 second, all 5 flow files are sent), I believe you can set the properties to support that as well.
An alternate solution is a scripting processor, you could read in a (configurable) number of flow files at once, then delay one second, then transfer them all.

Queue Fairness and Messaging Servers

I'm looking to solve a problem that I have with the FIFO nature of messaging severs and queues. In some cases, I'd like to distribute the messages in a queue to the pool of consumers on a criteria other than the message order it was delivered in. Ideally, this would prevent users from hogging shared resources in the system. Take this overly simplified scenario:
There is a feature within an application where a user can empty their trash can.
This event dispatches a DELETE message for each item in trash can
The consumers for this queue invoke a web service that has a rate limited API.
Given that each user can have very large volumes of messages in their trash can, what options do we have to allow concurrent processing of each trash can without regard to the enqueue time? It seems to me that there are a few obvious solutions:
Create a separate queue and pool of consumers for each user
Randomize the message delivery from a single queue to a single pool of consumers
In our case, creating a separate queue and managing the consumers for each user really isn't practical. It can be done but I think I really prefer the second option if it's reasonable. We're using RabbitMQ but not necessarily tied to it if there is a technology more suited to this task.
I'm entertaining the idea of using Rabbit's message priorities to help randomize delivery. By randomly assigning a message a priority between 1 and 10, this should help distribute the messages. The problem with this method is that the messages with the lowest priority may be stuck in the queue forever if the queue is never completely emptied. I thought I could use a TTL on the message and then re-queue the message with an escalated priority but I noticed this in the docs:
Messages which should expire will still only expire from the head of
the queue. This means that unlike with normal queues, even per-queue
TTL can lead to expired lower-priority messages getting stuck behind
non-expired higher priority ones. These messages will never be
delivered, but they will appear in queue statistics.
I fear that I may heading down the rabbit hole with this approach. I wonder how others are solving this problem. Any feedback on creative routing, messaging patterns, or any alternative solutions would be appreaciated.
So I ended up taking a page out of the network router handbook. This a problem they routers need to solve to allow fair traffic patterns. This video has a good breakdown of the problem and the solution.
The translation of the problem into my domain:
And the solution:
The load balancer is a wrapper around a channel and a known number of queues that uses a weighted algorithm to balance between messages received on each queue. We found a really interesting article/implementation that seems to be working well so far.
With this solution, I can also prioritize workspaces after messages have been published to increase their throughput. That's a really nice feature.
The biggest challenge ahead of me is management of the queues. There will be too many queues to leave bound to the exchange for an extended period of time. I'm working on some tools to manage their lifecycle.
One solution could be to interpose a Resequencer. The principle is outlined in the diag in that link. In your case, something like:
The app dispatches its DELETE messages into the delete queue as originally.
The Resequencer (a new component you write) is interposed between the original publishers and original consumers. It:
pulls messages off the DELETE queue into memory
places them into (in-memory) queues-by-user
republishes them to a new queue (eg FairPriorityDeleteQueue), round-robinning to interleave fairly any messages from different original users
limits its republish rate into FairPriorityDeleteQueue, either such that the length of FairPriorityDeleteQueue (obtainable via polling the rabbitmq management api periodically) never exceeds some integer you choose N, or limited to some rate related to the rate-limited delete API the consumers use.
doesn't ack any message it pulled off the original DELETE queue, until it's republished it to FairPriorityDeleteQueue (so you never lose a message)
The original consumers subscribe instead to FairPriorityDeleteQueue.
You set the preFetchCount on these consumers fairly low (<10), to prevent them in turn bulk-buffering the contents of FairPriorityDeleteQueue in memory.
Some points to watch:
Rate- or length-limiting publishing into and/or drawing messages out of FairPriorityDeleteQueue is essential. If you don't limit, Resequencer may just hand messages on as fast as it receives them, limiting the potential for resequencing.
Resequencer of course acts as a kind of in-memory buffer while resequencing. If the original publishers can publish very large numbers of messages in to the queue suddenly, you may need to memory-limit the Resequencer process so that it doesn't ingest more than it can hold.
Your particular scenario is greatly helped by the fact that you have an external factor (the final delete API) limiting throughput. Without such an extrinsic limiting factor, it is much harder to choose the optimum parameters for such a resequencer, to balance throughput-versus-resequencing in a particular environment.
I don't think a resequencer is needed in this case. Maybe it is, if you need to ensure the items are deleted in a specific order. But that only comes into play when you send multiple messages at roughly the same time and need to guarantee order on the consumer end.
You should also avoid the timeout scenario, for the reasons you've mentioned. timeout is meant to tell RabbitMQ that a message doesn't need to be processed - or that it needs to be routed to a dead letter queue so that i can be processed by some other code. while you might be able to make timeout work, i don't think it's a good choice.
Priorities may solve part of the problem, but could introduce a scenario where files never get processed. if you have a priority 1 message sitting back in the queue somewhere, and you keep putting priority 2, 3, 5, 10, etc. into the queue, the 1 might not be processed. the timeout doesn't solve this, as you've noted.
For my money, I would suggest a different approach: sending delete requests serially, for a single file.
that is, send 1 message to delete 1 file. wait for a response to say it's done. then send the next message to delete the next file.
here's why i think that will work, and how to manage it:
Long-Running Workflow, Single File Delete Requests
In this scenario, I would suggest taking a multi-step approach to the problem using the idea of a "saga" (aka a long-running workflow object).
when a user requests to delete their trashcan, you send a single message through rabbitmq to the service that can handle the delete process. that service creates an instance of the saga for that user's trashcan.
the saga gathers a list of all files in the trashcan that need to be deleted. then it starts to send the requests to delete the individual files, one at a time.
with each request to delete a single file, the saga waits for the response to say the file was deleted.
when the saga receives the message to say the previous file has been deleted, it sends out the next request to delete the next file.
once all the files are deleted, the saga updates itself and any other part of the system to say the trash can is empty.
Handling Multiple Users
When you have a single user requesting a delete, things will happen fairly quickly for them. they will get their trash emptied soon.
u1 = User 1 Trashcan Delete Request
when you have multiple users requesting a delete, the process of sending one file delete request at a time means each user will have an equal chance of getting the next file delete.
u1 = User 1 Trashcan Delete Request
u2 = User 2 Trashcan Delete Request
This way, there will be shared use of the resources to delete the files. Over-all, it will take a little longer for each person's trashcan to be emptied, but they will see progress sooner and that's an important aspect of people thinking the system is fast / responsive to their request.
Optimizing Small File Set vs Large File Set
In a scenario where you have a small number of users with a small number of files, the above solution may prove to be slower than if you deleted all the files at once. after all, there will be more messages sent across rabbitmq - at least 2 for every file that needs to be deleted (one delete request, one delete confirmation response)
To optimize this further, you could do a couple of things:
have a minimum trashcan size before you split up the work like this. below that minimum, you just delete it all at once
chunk the work into groups of files, instead of one at a time. maybe 10 or 100 files would be a better group size, than 1 file at a time
Either (or both) of these solutions would help to improve the over-all performance of the process by reducing the number of messages being sent, and batching the work a bit.
You would need to do some testing in your real scenario to see which of these (or maybe both) would help and at what settings.
Many Users Problem
There's one additional problem you may face - many users. If you have 2 or 3 users requesting deletes, it won't be a big deal.
But if you have 100 or 1000 users requesting deletes, it could take a very long time for an individual to get their trashcan emptied.
You may need to have a higher level controlling process for this situation, where all requests to empty trashcans would be managed by yet another Saga. This saga would rate-limit the number of active trashcan-deletion sagas.
For example, if you have 10 active requests for deleting trashcans, the rate-limiting saga would only start 3 of them and it would wait for one to finish before starting the next one.
Again, you would need to test your actual scenario to see if this is needed and see what the limits should be, for performance reasons.
There may be additional scenarios that have to be considered in your actual scenario, but I hope this gets you down the path! :)

RabbitMQ architecture for jobs with results back

I have trying to create a system that people can submit files to sign. Each submission can have multiple files and the results will be sent back to the user if once all the file in each submission is done.
Currently I have 6 signing boxes that signs one single file at a time. So for each submission I need to separate all the files and load balancing them among the 6 signing boxes, and after that I need to fetch the results and keep track of whether all the files in this submission have been completed.
If possible, I want to also limit the maximum number of signing boxes that each submission can use so that a big submission does not starve the other jobs.
My current set up is that I have a submission queue and a few submission queue consumers will consume message from it one by one, break the submission into individual files and send them to a file queue. And the 6 signing boxes will be the 6 consumers for the file queue. I am having trouble writing results back the the submission consumer which keep track of whether all the files are done for this submission, neither can I control the maximum number of signing boxes used for each job.
I looked at the RPC setup for rabbitmq which allows the results to be written back. The problem is rpc call is blocking for each file, and I want multiple files for the same submission to be able to sign in parallel. So I need some suggestions on the rabbitmq architecture and message flow for this type of scenario.
1) Assuming that you know the # of files, assign each submission a job id
2) A job can be composed of multiple tasks.
3) Calculate a priority which naively can be an inverse of the no of documents. So a document with more # of documents by default has a lower priority. Your application should have the bells and whistles to tweak the priority, just in case a bigger job needs to be processed with high priority.
4) Instead of coupling the job submitter and signer, why not use an event based mechanism that emits events on sign success and failure or currently processing for each task.
The submitter would persist the job and task details and the signer would update them as they get processed. The submitter would take into account the priority and no of tasks currently executing before submitting any further tasks. The logic to make that call is left to you.

receive as pick branch trigger does not fire

I have a WF4 Service with a flowchart as the root activity. It contains multiple correlated receive activites and decision branching to step through an approval process. The receive activities work perfectly until I try and use one as the trigger for a pick branch.
I am running tracking so can see that the receive is opened and in the persistance I can see the associated bookmark. When I send a client message with the receive type it does not trigger. I have a delay pick branch that fires OK but then the subsequent receive also does not work.
I have checked these receive activities individually and they work OK when not used as the pick trigger. I have tried the pick within a Sequence and a While but no difference.
I cannot see any difference between my implementation and may examples on the web. Am I missing something extra required when the receive is encapsulated by a pick branch?
There is nothing special about a PickBranch trigger that would cause a receive to behave differently so I suspect it is something with the Receive itself. What kind of errors are you seeing at the client application?