Display including Zero using SQL count(*) and group by - sql

For this query i want to display records zero using SQL Count(*) and group by below is my SQL Query:
SELECT B.BranchName as Filter,
Coalesce(COUNT(*), '0') AS NoofSplits,
SUM(ls.Amount) AS TotalLoanValue
FROM dbo.tblBranch B
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblLoan L ON L.BranchID = B.BranchID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblLoanSplit LS ON L.LoanID = LS.LoanID
WHERE LS.DateSettlement BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate
GROUP BY B.BranchName
ORDER BY B.BranchName

Don't use COUNT(*) when you do an outer join, this will return 1 svn if there was no row to join. You must COUNT the join column of the Outer Table, in your case :
SELECT B.BranchName as Filter,
COUNT(LS.LoanID) AS NoofSplits,
SUM(ls.Amount) AS TotalLoanValue
FROM dbo.tblBranch B
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblLoan L ON L.BranchID = B.BranchID
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.tblLoanSplit LS ON L.LoanID = LS.LoanID
WHERE LS.DateSettlement BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate
GROUP BY B.BranchName
ORDER BY B.BranchName


How to create distinct count from queries with several tables

I am trying to create one single query that will give me a distinct count for both the ActivityID and the CommentID. My query in MS Access looks like this:
tbl_Category.Category, Count(tbl_Activity.ActivityID) AS CountOfActivityID,
Count(tbl_Comments.CommentID) AS CountOfCommentID
FROM tbl_Category LEFT JOIN
(tbl_Activity LEFT JOIN tbl_Comments ON
tbl_Activity.ActivityID = tbl_Comments.ActivityID) ON
tbl_Category.CategoryID = tbl_Activity.CategoryID
(((tbl_Activity.UnitID)=5) AND ((tbl_Comments.PeriodID)=1))
I know the answer must somehow include SELECT DISTINCT but am not able to get it to work. Do I need to create multiple subqueries?
This is really painful in MS Access. I think the following does what you want to do:
SELECT ac.Category, ac.num_activities, aco.num_comments
FROM (SELECT ca.category, COUNT(*) as num_activities
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.Category, a.ActivityID
FROM (tbl_Category as c INNER JOIN
tbl_Activity as a
ON c.CategoryID = a.CategoryID
tbl_Comments as co
ON a.ActivityID = co.ActivityID
WHERE a.UnitID = 5 AND co.PeriodID = 1
) as caa
GROUP BY ca.category
) as ca LEFT JOIN
(SELECT c.Category, COUNT(*) as num_comments
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.Category, co.CommentId
FROM (tbl_Category as c INNER JOIN
tbl_Activity as a
ON c.CategoryID = a.CategoryID
tbl_Comments as co
ON a.ActivityID = co.ActivityID
WHERE a.UnitID = 5 AND co.PeriodID = 1
) as aco
GROUP BY c.Category
) as aco
ON aco.CommentId = ac.CommentId
Note that your LEFT JOINs are superfluous because the WHERE clause turns them into INNER JOINs. This adjusts the logic for that purpose. The filtering is also very tricky, because it uses both tables, requiring that both subqueries have both JOINs.
You can use DISTINCT:
tbl_Category.Category, Count(DISTINCT tbl_Activity.ActivityID) AS CountOfActivityID,
Count(DISTINCT tbl_Comments.CommentID) AS CountOfCommentID
FROM tbl_Category LEFT JOIN
(tbl_Activity LEFT JOIN tbl_Comments ON
tbl_Activity.ActivityID = tbl_Comments.ActivityID) ON
tbl_Category.CategoryID = tbl_Activity.CategoryID
(((tbl_Activity.UnitID)=5) AND ((tbl_Comments.PeriodID)=1))

Subquery for MAX() value from LeftJoin

I have this query in SQL Server, and i would like to know if it can be shorter ?
i've made a subquery (with a group by) with all the column just to get the MAX() value of 3 dates which come from a table left join.
Ithink i can't do without a subquery to get the MAX() of the 3 dates.
SELECT otherCol1
,MAX(UnsubscribedDate) AS UnsubscribedDate
,MAX(OpenedDate) AS OpenedDate
,MAX(ClickedDate) AS ClickedDate
SELECT otherCol1
,tu.JoinDate AS UnsubscribedDate
,trkOp.Clicktime AS OpenedDate
,trkRes.Clicktime AS ClickedDate
FROM v_members_email_occurrence vmec
LEFT JOIN tracking_unsubscribed tu WITH (NOLOCK) ON tu.ReportId = vmec.SendingId
LEFT JOIN tracking_opened trkOp WITH (NOLOCK) ON trkOp.ReportId = vmec.SendingId
LEFT JOIN tracking_result trkRes WITH (NOLOCK) ON trkRes.ReportId = vmec.SendingId
WHERE vmec.MemberId = #MemberId
) AS Result
GROUP BY otherCol1
You can aggregate without a subquery:
SELECT otherCol1
,MAX(tu.JoinDate) AS UnsubscribedDate
,MAX(trkOp.Clicktime) AS OpenedDate
,MAX(trkRes.Clicktime) AS ClickedDate
FROM v_members_email_occurrence vmec
LEFT JOIN tracking_unsubscribed tu WITH (NOLOCK) ON tu.ReportId = vmec.SendingId
LEFT JOIN tracking_opened trkOp WITH (NOLOCK) ON trkOp.ReportId = vmec.SendingId
LEFT JOIN tracking_result trkRes WITH (NOLOCK) ON trkRes.ReportId = vmec.SendingId
WHERE vmec.MemberId = #MemberId
GROUP BY otherCol1

How do you work out the average of a sum function within a temp table?

I have created a temp table that lists each client's invoice(s), plus the number of days it took to pay the invoice. A client can have more than one invoice.
Instead of this, I would just like the temp table to list each client once, along with the AVERAGE number of days it took to pay all of their invoices.
Any tips on how to do this would be much appreciated.
sum(datediff(Day,b.BILL_DATE, ba.TRAN_DATE)) as Days_To_Pay
into #tempG1
from blt_bill b
left outer join blt_billm bm on b.tran_uno = bm.bill_tran_uno
left outer join BLT_BILL_AMT ba on bm.BILLM_UNO = ba.BILLM_UNO
left outer join hbm_matter m on bm.matter_uno = m.matter_uno
left outer join hbm_client c on m.client_uno = c.client_uno
where b.total_bill_amt > 0.0
and bm.ar_status NOT IN ('P','X')
and ba.TRAN_TYPE in ('CR','crx')
group by c.client_code,b.bill_num,b.bill_date,ba.TRAN_DATE
select * from #tempG1
Drop Table #tempG1
I am not familiar with temp tables, but this should work (tested on a simliar scenario on MySQL8 and assuming that #tempG1 return results):
sum(datediff(Day,b.BILL_DATE, ba.TRAN_DATE)) as Days_To_Pay
from blt_bill b
left outer join blt_billm bm on b.tran_uno = bm.bill_tran_uno
left outer join BLT_BILL_AMT ba on bm.BILLM_UNO = ba.BILLM_UNO
left outer join hbm_matter m on bm.matter_uno = m.matter_uno
left outer join hbm_client c on m.client_uno = c.client_uno
where b.total_bill_amt > 0.0
and bm.ar_status NOT IN ('P','X')
and ba.TRAN_TYPE in ('CR','crx')
group by c.client_code,b.bill_num,b.bill_date,ba.TRAN_DATE
into #tempG1
SELECT temp.client_code, AVG(temp.Days_To_Pay)
FROM (select * from #tempG1) as temp
GROUP BY temp.client_code
#### Do you see results if drop? ####
Drop Table #tempG1
Note that I put #tempG1, at the bottom of your SELECT request, but might not be what want to achieve, not sure if you want to include your JOIN conditions or not.
Or you could do without temp table(including your join conditions):
SELECT temp.client_code, AVG(temp.Days_To_Pay)
sum(datediff(Day,b.BILL_DATE, ba.TRAN_DATE)) as Days_To_Pay
from blt_bill b
left outer join blt_billm bm on b.tran_uno = bm.bill_tran_uno
left outer join BLT_BILL_AMT ba on bm.BILLM_UNO = ba.BILLM_UNO
left outer join hbm_matter m on bm.matter_uno = m.matter_uno
left outer join hbm_client c on m.client_uno = c.client_uno
where b.total_bill_amt > 0.0
and bm.ar_status NOT IN ('P','X')
and ba.TRAN_TYPE in ('CR','crx')
group by c.client_code,b.bill_num,b.bill_date,ba.TRAN_DATE
) as temp
GROUP BY temp.client_code
This sounds like a simple aggregation:
select c.client_code, avg(datediff(Day, b.BILL_DATE, ba.TRAN_DATE)) as Days_To_Pay
from blt_bill b join
blt_billm bm
on b.tran_uno = bm.bill_tran_uno join
on bm.BILLM_UNO = ba.BILLM_UNO join
hbm_matter m on bm.matter_uno = m.matter_uno join
hbm_client c
on m.client_uno = c.client_uno
where b.total_bill_amt > 0.0 and
bm.ar_status not in ('P', 'X') and
ba.TRAN_TYPE in ('CR', 'crx')
group by c.client_code;
Note that you do not need outer joins. The where clause is turning most of them into inner joins anyway. Plus, if you are aggregating by the client code, then presumably you want a non-NULL value.

How to construct a SQL sub query in SQL Server 2008?

I have requirement to extract total number of rows from a table - ci_periodicBillings only for clients where they have rows from a particular date range from another table - ci_invoiceHeaders. I am using MS SQL Server 2008, connecting via ODBC.
I have created a subquery which works but only if the total number of rows from ci_periodicBillings is 1. I'm finding if there is more than 1 result from ci_periodicBillings, it's multiplying the rows found by the number of rows meeting the criteria from ci_invoiceHeaders.
I only want to show only the rows from ci_periodicBillings without any multiplication if the criteria is met in ci_invoiceHeaders. I'm sure there is an easy solution to this but I can't see the wood from the trees at the moment.
There are a few other tables used for listing purposes only (i.e. facilities/clients etc)
SQL is here:
FROM ci_periodicBillings as a
inner join
(select f.name,
FROM ci_invoiceHeaders ih
LEFT JOIN ci_invoiceDetails id ON ih.invoiceNo = id.id
INNER JOIn cs_clients c ON ih.client = c.guid
INNER JOIN cs_facilities f ON c.facility = f.guid
group by f.name, c.surname,
c.forename, ih.client, ih.invoiceDate)
as b
on a.client = b.client
WHERE b.invoiceDate between '2017-08-01' and '2018-01-31'
order by a.client
Any ideas please?
Try this:
SELECT b.name, b.forename, b.surname, a.client,
FROM ci_periodicBillings AS a inner join
(SELECT f.name, c.surname,c.forename,ih.client,DATE(ih.invoiceDate) invoiceDate
FROM ci_invoiceHeaders ih
LEFT JOIN ci_invoiceDetails id ON ih.invoiceNo = id.id
INNER JOIn cs_clients c ON ih.client = c.guid
INNER JOIN cs_facilities f ON c.facility = f.guid
WHERE ih.invoiceDate BETWEEN '2017-08-01' AND '2018-01-31'
GROUP BY f.name, c.surname,c.forename,ih.client,DATE(ih.invoiceDate)) AS b
ON a.client = b.client
ORDER BY a.client;

Need assistance with T-SQL query UNION, JOINS, COUNT

Looks that I am stumped with query to sum up shipments grouped by by union operator. Today I was working to retrieve total shipments (count(Distinct. U.SjipmentId) delivered by agent, driver (U.AgentCode) to particular country (U.CtryCode, U.CtryName). The last thing I would like to do is to sum all the shipments together to get the total amount of shipments.
Would anyone advise how I this can be achieved in easy and simply way?
Below you can find my most current query.
SELECT U.AgentCode, U.CtryCode, U.CtryName, count(distinct U.Id)
select Agent.AgentCode, Addr.CtryCode, Ctry.Name, Ship.Id
from Shipment
LEFT JOIN RouteTab (nolock) ON RoutTbl.Cexp= Shipment.ID
LEFT JOIN Agent (NOLOCK) ON Agent.AgentID = RouteTbl.AgentID
LEFT JOIN Addr (NOLOCK) ON Addr.AddrId = Shipment.AddrId
LEFT JOIN Ctry (NOLOCK) ON Ctry.Id = Addr.Id
WHERE RouteTbl.Bur ='GB01' AND Agent.AgentCode IS NOT NULL
Union ALL
select Driver.DriverCode, Addr.CtryCode, Ctry.Name, Shipment.Id
from Shipment
LEFT JOIN RouteTab (nolock) ON RoutTbl.Cexp= Shipment.Id
LEFT JOIN Driver (NOLOCK) ON Driver.DriverId = RouteTbl.DriverId
LEFT JOIN Addr (NOLOCK) ON Addr.AddrId = Shipment.AddrId
LEFT JOIN Ctry (NOLOCK) ON Ctry.Id = Addr.Id
WHERE RouteTbl.Bur ='GB01' AND Driver.DriverCode IS NOT NULL
) as U
GROUP BY U.AgentCode, U.CtryCode, U.CtryName
ORDER BY U.AgentCode, U.CtryCode, U.CtryName
Union statements need to have the exact same column names, in your code below the Union All command, try this:
select Driver.DriverCode as AgentCode, Addr.CtryCode, Ctry.Name, Shipment.Id
Also change the Ctry.Name to Ctry.Name as CtryName in both your select statements.
You have the same code from your UNION. Good way to use WITH clause.
In your select you don't need a UNION - use a left join and COALESCE instead.
;With r_tab AS
select RouteTab.AgentID, Addr.CtryCode, Ctry.Name, Ship.Id,RouteTab.DriverId
from Shipment
LEFT JOIN RouteTab (nolock) ON RouteTab.Cexp= Shipment.ID
LEFT JOIN Addr (NOLOCK) ON Addr.AddrId = Shipment.AddrId
LEFT JOIN Ctry (NOLOCK) ON Ctry.Id = Addr.Id
WHERE RouteTab.Bur ='GB01'
SELECT COALESCE(Agent.AgentCode,Driver.DriverCode) AgentCode, U.AgentCode, U.CtryCode, U.CtryName,
count(distinct U.Id)
FROM r_tab U
LEFT JOIN Agent (NOLOCK) ON Agent.AgentID = U.AgentID
AND Agent.AgentCode IS NOT NULL
LEFT JOIN Driver (NOLOCK) ON Driver.DriverId = U.DriverId
AND Driver.DriverCode IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY COALESCE(Agent.AgentCode,Driver.DriverCode), U.CtryCode, U.CtryName
ORDER BY U.AgentCode, U.CtryCode, U.CtryName`enter code here`