Access from swift to objective c function with a **void parameter - objective-c

This is mainly an "academic" question, so please don't ask "why do you need to do this" :-)
I have this objective c method, I'm not using ARC (I know that it leaks if I don't release the allocated string).
This method takes a pointer to a pointer to something in memory, then changes the pointed content to an NSMutableString.
+(void) writeString:(void **)var
NSMutableString *aString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:#"pippo %#", #"pluto"];
*var = aString;
From Objective C I access it in this way and it works correctly
NSString *str;
[FLSwiftUtils writeString:&str];
NSLog(#"%#", str); // prints pippo pluto
Now I want to access it from Swift in the same way, but I have problem with pointers.
I tried this way:
var opaque = COpaquePointer.null() // create a new opaque pointer pointing to null
But it prints VSs14COpaquePointer (has 1 child), because opaque is a pointer and I don't understand how to deference it and access the pointed NSMutableString
If I try, then, to create an UnsafePointer starting from the opaque value:
var str = UnsafePointer<NSMutableString>(opaque)
the println prints an empty line
I even tried this:
var secondStr = AutoreleasingUnsafePointer<NSMutableString>(opaque.value)
but it prints
VSs26AutoreleasingUnsafePointer (has 1 child)
I think I am near the solution, but sure I'm doing something wrong.

I received the answer on the Apple Forum (note: this code is FOR ARC)
+ (void)writeString:(void **)var
NSMutableString *aString = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:#"pippo %#", #"pluto"]; // this is autoreleased by ARC
*var = (void *)CFBridgingRetain(aString); // send a retain, the release will be sent at the swift side
Then just release it into Swift like this:
var opaque = COpaquePointer.null() // create a new opaque pointer pointing to null
var string = Unmanaged<NSString>.fromOpaque(opaque).takeRetainedValue() // this function: creates an object, from the opaque pointer "opaque", take it's value and balance it with a release


Getting the class type for a nil object?

If I have an object that is already allocated, then doing object.class returns a non-nil value. So far so good. But, if the object has not yet been allocated, then accessing object.class returns nil.
I want to allocate an object based on its type dynamically, so for example:
#property NSArray *myArray;
// myArray is nil so far
self.myArray = [_myArray.class new];
However, I can't do this because _myArray.class is returning nil. So how would I determine the class type of a nil instance?
It is in fact possible. Check out my answer below.
You cannot determine the class of a nil instance, because it does not have one: it can be, quite literally, of any type derived from the type of the variable. For example, NSMutableArray is perfectly compatible with NSArray:
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray new]; // OK
NSArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray new]; // Also OK
Since the run-time capabilities of different subclasses can vary a lot, it is always up to your program to decide what kind of objects it wants.
Objective-C is a duck-typed language. This means that there are several things you can or can't do, and one of the things you can't is statically get a reference to the type of a variable.
Specifically, in your expression:
[_myArray.class new]
First, _myArray.class is evaluated, and then the result is sent the new message. Since _myArray is nil to begin with, _myArray.class returns nil as well, and the new message will return nil too, because sending any message to nil returns nil (or the closest representation to zero the return type has). This is why it doesn't work.
I suspect you come from a strongly-typed language like C#; what you're doing right now is the equivalent of Foo foo = (Foo)Activator.CreateInstance(foo.GetType()), which is sure to fail because foo.GetType() will either not compile or throw an exception (depending on if it's a class field or a local variable) since it was never assigned a value. In Objective-C, it compiles but it doesn't works. What you would want is Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Foo)), but notice that Foo is now hardcoded here too, so you might as well just create a new Foo().
You say that the compiler "knows the type" of the object. This is not exactly true. First, NSArray and NSMutableArray are the root classes of the NSArray class cluster. This means that both are abstract, and [NSArray alloc] and [NSMutableArray alloc] return an instance of a subclass (NSCFArray last time I checked, and possibly something else; I recall seeing _NSArrayM). Maybe [NSArray new] works, but it's not giving you a plain NSArray.
Second, type safety is not enforced. Consider this code:
id foo = #"foo";
NSArray* bar = foo; // no warning!
So even though the compiler thinks that bar is an NSArray, it's in fact a NSString. If we plug in your code:
id foo = #"foo";
NSArray* bar = foo; // no warning!
NSArray* baz = [bar.class new];
baz is now an NSString as well. Since you ask for the runtime class of bar, the compiler has nothing to do with the operations.
And precisely because of that kind of behavior, you should probably instantiate your object with a class that you know, using [NSArray new] instead of trusting _myArray to be non-nil, and to be what you think it is.
You must init the property , or it will be nil , send a message to a nil object , it will return nil , so ,you must first init the array like _array = [[NSArray alloc] init];
So, for anyone wondering if this is possible, it is:
objc_property_t property = class_getProperty(self.class, "myArray");
const char * const attrString = property_getAttributes(property);
const char *typeString = attrString + 1;
const char *next = NSGetSizeAndAlignment(typeString, NULL, NULL);
const char *className = typeString + 2;
next = strchr(className, '"');
size_t classNameLength = next - className;
char trimmedName[classNameLength + 1];
strncpy(trimmedName, className, classNameLength);
trimmedName[classNameLength] = '\0';
Class objectClass = objc_getClass(trimmedName);
NSLog(#"%#", objectClass);
Done with the help of extobjc.
Nil has no class type
In Objective-C the actual class on an instance variable is only determined at runtime. So, you can't know the class of a nil object.
This is not an issue in your situation since you only need to do:
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray new];
NSArray *myArray = [[NSArray alloc] init];
In Objective-C most decisions are deferred to the runtime
(as much as possible)
Objective-C is a runtime oriented language, which means that when it's
possible it defers decisions about what will actually be executed from
compile & link time to when it's actually executing on the runtime.
This gives you a lot of flexibility in that you can redirect messages
to appropriate objects as you need to or you can even intentionally
swap method implementations, etc.
This requires the use of a runtime
which can introspect objects to see what they do & don't respond to
and dispatch methods appropriately. If we contrast this to a language
like C. In C you start out with a main() method and then from there
it's pretty much a top down design of following your logic and
executing functions as you've written your code. A C struct can't
forward requests to perform a function onto other targets.
Source: Understanding the Objective-C Runtime

ARC Releasing Too Soon

I wrote a BinaryReader class in Objective-C that can extract an NSString from bytes created using C#'s BinaryWriter.Write(string). It seems to work great, but when I call:
BinaryReader *binaryReader = [[BinaryReader alloc] initWithData:dataArray];
NSString *strName = [binaryReader readString];
// strName is not nil, but the value is no longer correct (seems to have been erased)
I stepped into the readString method, and everything looks great (the string is correct) up until the method returns (I think ARC is kicking in).
Why would this be happening?
Here's my readString method:
-(NSString *)readString
NSUInteger bytesCount = (NSUInteger)[self read7BitEncodedInt];
const void *byteData = [_data bytes] + _dataIndex;
NSString *returnValue =
[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:byteData length:bytesCount encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
_dataIndex += bytesCount;
return returnValue;
The returnValue contains the proper string right before the method returns.
By request, here's my init function for BinaryReader.
-(id)initWithData:(NSData *)theData
self=[super init];
if(self != nil)
_dataIndex = 0;
_data = theData;
return self;
and the relevant part of header
#interface BinaryReader : NSObject
NSData *_data;
int _dataIndex;
Are you sure the result is actually broken? The code you posted seems fine and there should be no ownership/memory issues when compiled with ARC.
Lately there have been issues reported with lldb (the debugger) not showing correct values in some cases. Try to log the result using NSLog.
ARC should not release the object so soon, so your error might be inside the readString itself.
Put your binaryReader as a property with the strong attribute, it may solve your problem.
#propert(nonatomic, strong) BinaryReader* binaryReader;
It tell to the compil to not release the object.

Pass by value vs Pass by reference

I have been looking into some basics over the last couple days and I realized that i never truly understood why pass-by-reference for NSString/NSMutableString did not work.
- (void)testing{
NSMutableString *abc = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"ABC"];
[self testing:abc];
NSLog(#"%#",abc); // STILL ABC
-(void)testing:(NSMutableString *)str {
str = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"HELP"];
How do i go about this? I want my testing method to be able to manipulate the String from the main method. I have been using this with Mutable Arrays, dictionary etc and works fine. Feels strange that I never realized how this works with Strings.
But the value gets changed in something like this which is a reference to the first string
NSMutableString *string1;
NSMutableString *string2;
string1 = [NSMutableString stringWithString: #"ABC"];
string2 = string1;
[string2 appendString: #" HELP"];
NSLog (#"string1 = %#", string1); // ABC HELP
NSLog (#"string2 = %#", string2); // ABC HELP
Like Java, Objective-C has only passing and assigning by value. Also like Java, objects are always behind pointers (you never put the object itself into a variable).
When you assign or pass an object pointer, the pointer is copied and points to the same object as the original pointer. That means, if the object is mutable (i.e. it has some method that mutates its contents), then you can mutate it through one pointer and see the effects through the other one. Mutation is always achieved by calling a method, or assigning to a field directly.
-(void)testing:(NSMutableString *)str {
[str setString:#"HELP"];
Assigning to a pointer never mutates the object it points to; rather, it makes the pointer point to another object.
I cannot in good conscious let this wrong answer linger on the internet.
Pass by reference in objective c is POSSIBLE; which is why it is better than Java.
Here's how:
- (void)testing
NSMutableString *abc = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"ABC"];
[self testingHelper:&abc];
NSLog(#"%#", abc); // NOW HELP
- (void)testingHelper:(NSMutableString **)str {
*str = [NSMutableString stringWithString:#"HELP"];

autoreleasing NSString in class method causing app crash in iOS

The error I receive is as follows:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); //breakpoint that says Thread 1: Program Received Signal: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".
[pool release];
return retVal;
My two questions can be found at the bottom of this post :)
I am currently working on an assignment for an iOS programming class and have hit a road bump.
I have found a fix, shown below, but it doesn't make sense to me. Check it out:
#implementation MyClass
// This class method takes an (NSMutableArray *) and returns an NSString with its contents printed out.
+ (NSString *)myString:(NSMutableArray)anArray
// NSString *myString = [[NSString alloc] init]; OLD CODE THAT CAUSES MEMORY LEAK
NSString *myString = [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]; //NEW CODE THAT RELEASES FIRST ALLOCATION OF myString WHEN THE FIRST stringByAppendingFormat: IS CALLED
NSString *vp = VARIABLE_PREFIX; //#defined above to be #"%
for (id object in anArray) {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
if ([object hasPrefix:vp]) {
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",[object substringFromIndex:1]];
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",object];
}else if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
myString = [myString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%#",object];
return myString; //shouldn't I autorelease myString right before this line? NO NOT ANY MORE. THIS myString IS NOT THE ORIGINAL THAT I alloc-init, BUT AN AUTORELEASED OBJECT RETURNED BY THE stringByAppendingFormat: message.
When I try to send the message [myString autorelease];, the program crashes with the above error. It is working fine now as shown above, but I do not understand why.
Every time I send a message containing the "magic words" alloc, init, copy I have to call release, it don't I? Or are the rules different in a Class method (can the Class itself own a file?). I do not call retain in the object that is calling this file.
Here are my two questions:
Why does this crash when I try to release theDescription using autorelease?
Does my code create a memory leak?
This is my very first question on stack overflow! Thank you for your help!
Why does this crash when I try to release theDescription using autorelease?
Assuming you mean myString, it crashes because myString is already autoreleased. You got it by calling -stringByAppendingFormat:, which returns an autoreleased string. Now, you're probably thinking: "But I created it by calling +alloc, so I should release it." That's true, but NSStrings are immutable, and when you call -stringByAppendingFormat: you get a different string back, and that string is autoreleased. Autoreleasing it a second time is an error.
Does my code create a memory leak?
Yes, but not really. The "leaked" object is the empty string that you allocate in the beginning. You never release that string, so you've got a leak. However, NSString is apparently optimized so that [[NSString alloc] init] returns a singleton, so in this particular case it doesn't make any difference that the empty string isn't released. The other strings that are assigned to myString are all autoreleased, so none of those objects are leaked.
Why does this crash when I try to release theDescription using
With the updated code, the problem is that ypu are reassigning the pointer to myString using the methid which already returns an autoreleases object: stringbyappending, therefore if you call autorelease on this object which is already going to get autoreleased i will crash.
Aditionaly the first assugnment in the alloc init gives a memory leak when ypu reassign with stringbyappendingstring, since you lose the reference to the previously created string with alloc init and therefore you will never be able to release it.
Sorry for the formatting on my iPhone atm =)

One problem of NSMutableArray

the code is:
typedef struct _Package
char* data;
int dataLen;
Package *pack=(Package *)malloc(sizeof(pack));
pack->dataLen = 10;
pack->data = (char *)malloc(10);
NSMutableArray *lstPack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[lstPack addobjec:pack];
when the program goto [lstPack addobject:pack],it cann't go on.
If you know the reason,please tell me。
Thank you!
You can add to obj-c containters (including NSMutableArray) only obj-c objects. To add a c-structure to array you can wrap it to NSValue object:
[lstPack addObject:[NSValue valueWithPointer:pack]];
Later you access stored value:
Package* pack = (Package*)[[lstPack objectAtIndex:i] pointerValue];
Note also that you possibly have a typo in that line - method name is incorrect.
“… the result is that the p->data is nil …” — perhaps because of pack->dataLen = (char *)malloc(10);
I think, you wanted to do pack->data = (char *)malloc(10); instead?
You can create a CFMutableArray instead which can handle arrays of arbitrary objects, and you can use it as you would an NSMutableArray (for the most part).
// create the array
NSMutableArray *lstPack = (NSMutableArray *) CFArrayCreateMutable(NULL, 0, NULL);
// add an item
[lstPack addObject:pack];
// get an item
Pack *anObject = (Pack *) [lstPack objectAtIndex:0];
// don't forget to release
// (because we obtained it from a function with "Create" in its name)
[lstPack release];
The parameters to CFArrayCreateMutable are:
The allocator to use for the array. Providing NULL here means to use the default allocator.
The limit on the size of the array. 0 means that there is no limit, any other integer means that the array is only created to hold exactly that many items or less.
The last parameter is a pointer to a structure containing function pointers. More info can be found here. By providing NULL here, it means that you don't want the array to do anything with the values that you give it. Ordinarily for an NSMutableArray, it would retain objects that are added to it and release objects that are removed from it¹, but a CFMutableArray created with no callbacks will not do this.
¹ The reason that your code is failing is because the NSMutableArray is trying to send retain to your Pack struct, but of course, it is not an Objective-C object, so it bombs out.