Pentaho CDE how use my database - pentaho

I'm trying to create a Penaho Dashboard using CDE and I have problems accessing my Data.
I have found tutorials but they always use SampleData or Steel Wheels. I have managed to do that myself, but I need to access my own database.
I was able to connect with my oracle database from the Data Source manager and created my own Data Source. But now I don't know how to access those tables from CDE. If I chose "sql datasource" I see the SampleData datasource and can do queries on it, but not the one I created with my database.
So, once I create a connection with my orcale database, how do I access my tables from CDE?

There are two options:
SQL over JDBC: you define the db host, port, name, username and password;
SQL over JNDI: it'll use a registered JNDI from the Pentaho platform.
The JNDI field is an auto-complete field and fills in the various available options. However, if your newly created connection doesn't show up there, don't worry. Just type it in, it'll work.

you have to setup your data-source..
Click on datasources-panel on right corner
Click on sql Queries from the list you have seen on left side.
then click on sql over sqljndi
now here in properties in jndi set your database connection you want to access.
you can-not see the out-put of particular query in CDE for that open the same file in CDA for checking particular query's result(which you can find under files section).


Microsoft SQL Server connection error with Visual (Windows forms)

I've been trying for a while to connect the database to and it just doesn't work.
First I made the database and made everything I needed there and when I tried connecting it in through datagridview (trying to get it displayed there) it only gives me access to the "System databases" in which I can't make a database.
After that I decided to make the tables under the "master" database to see if that worked and yeah I can select the database and everything but it says it's empty when I know it's not. It says it has no tables when I've checked multiple times and saw the tables I've created there.
I would appreciate some help to either be able to get for visual to accept a database I make (to be able to automatically detect it once I enter the server name) or to see how can I use the master one properly.
You can add a data source to your project and it will be able to connect to the user databases. Also, it is highly inadvisable to create any user objects in the master database.
master database is a system database and you should not create user objects in the system database. In the connection string, provide the user database name explicitly. If you dont provide the database name, it defaults to master database.
Refer to connection strings for Sql Server for providing the right connection string for SQL Server in .net.

SSRS Impersonation for Datasource

I am working to deploy a reporting solution using SSRS and PerformancePoint. I have 4 databases I have pull from. 3 I have full control over the other I only have an additional domain account that has access to SQL with read only permissions, this is the only option due to the security agreement for this database.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how to publish a report using the domain account protected data. I have tried every combination of authentication I could find on google for the dataset but it just will not work.
My understanding is that you are not combining data from 4 different servers as your data source in this report, correct?
Then, In ReportManager - go to report properties - i.e. right-click on your report and then left-click on Manage from the dropdown menu. Then choose Data Source tab - it will have the following option:
A custom data source
Data source type: Microsoft SQL Server
Connection string: Data Source=YOUR.SERVER.IP.ADDRESS;Initial Catalog=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME
Then choose: Connect using: Credentials stored securely in the report server
You can enter your domain username and password there: e.g.
User name: SOMEDOMAIN\MyUser.Name
Password: MyPa$$wo%d
Then checkmark: Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source
You may need to checkmark this one too: Impersonate the authenticated user after a connection has been made to the data source
This will store your login/password combination securely on the server and will allow the report to connect to your datasource.
You can also do this for a shared datasource.
Otherwise, If you're trying to combine data from your 3 servers and 1 additional where you have read-only access only, I would recommend to:
create a linked server entry on one of your servers pointing to that 1 read-only server, and may be two more for the two other servers
create stored procedures that would provide datasets for your report gathering data from the other 3 servers as needed - this way you'd only need 1 datasource on the reportserver
Does this answer your question?

connect SQL to SPSS

I have table in Microsoft SQL server; and I'm using SPSS 14.1.
Now I want to connect SQL table to SPSS, so I can use SQL table from SPSS directly.
In SPSS, SQL database -> Data source -> Add New database connection -> Then I have 3 data source options only: dBASE Files, Excel Files, and MS Access Database. Which one can connect to SQL server?
You should open the Microsoft ODBC Administrator from Start or the Control Panel. There you should activate the System SDN tab, click Add... and add a SQL Server data source.
A wizard will open, where you can enter the details. First the name of the connection, which will be used as a reference by SPSS. Then optionally a description, and the ip address or name of the server.
On the next page select the authentication method, and if needed, enter the user and password. From this point, the default settings will most likely be good. If you will have character coding problems or something like that, you may need to change these settings.
I also use ODBC connection to connect to the database from SPSS, and it works well.
I hope this will help.
You may need an ODBC driver from MS or use one from the Data Access Pack for SPSS, but you will need a driver specifically for SQL Server.

extract raw SQL query from a Crystal Report .rpt file

I've got an .rpt file that I did not write and can find no documentation about. I want to be able to review the SQL that is generated from this report so that I can figure out, well, what data it was pulling and what WHERE clause parameters were used.
I can open it up and see the report layout. But when I select Database|Show SQL Query... the report tries to connect to the data source. The problem is, the data source being used is unknown to me, probably an ODBC connection used by whoever wrote the query. All I can do at that stage is 'Cancel' and I'm back to looking at the report designer.
Am I missing something? Can I get to the SQL query without connecting to the datasource? It seems like viewing the selection criteria shouldn't be dependent on a data connection.
version: Crystal Reports 2008
I know that this is an old thread, but I encountered this same problem. Effectively we used to have a database/application that has since been aquired by an external agency.
Although they now have the database/application they don't have access to crystal reports, so we can't just send them the old report that we used to run. Likewise we can't run it as we don't even have the database set up anywhere.... So instead our plan was just to extract the SQL code generated by the report and forward that on.
We experienced the same problem, but the solution is actually pretty simple.
If you don't have access to the original data source, just create a new 'blank' datasource (such as an ODBC connection). As long as the connection to the datasource works (i.e. it is some kind of valid datasource this it works fine). When running the 'Show SQL' option point the report to this datasource. As long as you don't try to actually run the report (and only show the SQL) the operation wont fail. This worked for our situation anyway. (Crystal Reports 2008)
(I can give more details if it helps in any way.)
It should be possible to find out some details about the existing datasource, by selecting Database > Set Datasource Location... .
As well as enabling you to change the datasource location, this should show you some information about the current datasource, such as which type of datasource is being used, and possibly (dependant on the type of driver) the name of the database. It is likely to be less helpful if (as you surmise) the datasource is ODBC, but if it uses a native driver there may be something useful.
Without the password, I'm not sure how much you can do. It seems "Show SQL Query" requires to report to run first, then generate the SQL plan.
It's not ideal, but you could go to Database > Visual Linking Expert to at least see the tables and how they are joined, and the go to the Record Selection Formula Editor and see what the custom WHERE statements are.
Viewing the SQL of a Command in a Crystal Report File
There are times you have just the report file, but not the associated database structure that the report uses.
This is common when dealing with example reports of functionality you wish to mimic.
This is a workaround ONLY to allow you to see the SQL of a Command that a Crystal Report is based on, when you don't have the underlying database connection that the report is based on.
In essence, the dialog box has to be satisfied before it will show the SQL, so we fool it with a legitimate Data Source, just not one that would work with the SQL that is actually in the SQL Command.
Why does a report use a command? Doesn't Crystal Reports have the ability to link tables?
When a Crystal Report is based on a record set that is too complex for the table linking functionality within Crystal Reports, the report can instead be based on a SQL Query, usually developed/tested in another editor tool and pasted into the command. This allows advanced SQL functions to be utilized.
If you don't already have a Data Source on your computer set up that you can connect to, you will need to build one first.
A simple Microsoft Access .mdb file saved in a simple location will suffice.
I placed mine with the path C:\A_test\test.mdb to make it easy to find.
If you don't have one, google for a sample mdb file and download it, saving it with a name and location you can remember. (You won't ever actually open this file, but just connect to it.)
Once you have the file saved, open the ODBC Administrator and create a New Data Source.
(you can get to the ODBC Administrator quickly from Start > type ODBC in the Search)
On the User DSN tab, click the Add button.
Scroll down the driver list to Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb), select it and click the Finish button.
In the Data Source Name box, type a name (I used MyTest).
Click the Select Button and select the mdb file you saved from a previous step, click OK.
Click OK again. You will see your new Data Source listed by the name you gave it. Click OK.
You now have the data source you will need for the next steps.
Open the Crystal Report you want to see the SQL command for, and click on Database Expert button or Database>Database Expert Menu.
Under Selected Tables, right click on the Command and choose View Command
The Data Source Selection Box appears. Select the Data Source you created (or one you already use) and click the Finish button. The View Command box should open with the SQL in the left pane. Copy the SQL into your favorite text editor.
Whats happening is that the crystal reports needs a database to connect to regardless if its the original source DB or not.
Create a local database or use a database stored on a server, added it to your ODBC Datasources and use it when connecting. After a successful connection you should be able to view the SQL query without an error.

Building an auditing system; MS Access frontend on SQL Server backend

So basically I'm building an app for my company and it NEEDS to be built using MS Access and it needs to be built on SQL Server.
I've drawn up most of the plans but am having a hard time figuring out a way to handle the auditing system.
Since it is being used internally only and you won't even be able to touch the db from outside the building we are not using a login system as the program will only be used once a user has already logged in to our internal network via Active Directory. Knowing this, we're using a system to detect automatically the name of the Active Directory user and with their permissions in one of the DB tables, deciding what they can or cannot do.
So the actual audit table will have 3 columns (this design may change but for this question it doesn't matter); who (Active Directory User), when (time of addition/deletion/edit), what (what was changed)
My question is how should I be handling this. Ideally I know I should be using a trigger so that it is impossible for the database to be updated without an audit being logged, however I don't know how I could grab the Active Directory User that way. An alternate would be to code it directly into the Access source so that whenever something changes I run an INSERT statement. Obviously that is flawed because if something happens to Access or the database is touched by something else then it will not log the audit.
Any advice, examples or articles that may help me would be greatly appreciated!
Does this work for you?
select user_name(),suser_sname()
Doh! I forgot to escape my code.
Ok, it's working here. I'm seeing my windows credentials when I update my tables. So, I bet we missed a step. Let me put together a 1,2,3 sequence of what I did and maybe we can track down where this is breaking for you.
Create a new MSAccess database (empty)
Click on the tables section
Select external data
Pick ODBC database
Pick Link to the datasource by creating a linked table
Select Machine datasource
Pick New...
System Datasource
Pick SQL Server from the list and click Next, Finish.
Give the new datasource a name and description, and select (local) for the server. Click Next.
Pick "With Windows NT authentication using the network login ID". Click Next.
Check Change the default database to, and pick the DB. Click Next. Click Finish.
Test the datasource.
Pick the table that the Trigger is associated with and click OK.
Open the table in Access and modify one of the entries (the trigger doesn't fire on Insert, just Update)
Select * from your audit table
If you specify SSPI in your connection string to Sql, I think your Windows credentials are provided.
I tried playing with Access a bit to see if I could find a way for you. I think you can specify a new datasource to your SQL table, and select Windows NT Authentication as your connection type.
Sure :)
There should be a section in Access called "External Data" (I'm running a new version of Access, so the menu choice might be different).
Form this there should be an option to specify an ODBC connection.
I get an option to Link to the datasource by creating a linked table.
I then created a Machine datasource. I selected SqlServer from the drop down list. Then when I click Next, I'm prompted for how I want to authenticate.
CREATE TRIGGER testtrigger1
ON testdatatable
AFTER update
INSERT INTO testtable (datecol,usercol1,usercol2) VALUES (getdate(),user_name(),suser_sname());
We also have a database system that is used exclusively within the organisation and use Window NT logins. This function returns the current users login name:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UserName() RETURNS varchar(50)
RETURN (SELECT nt_username FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE spid = ##SPID)
You can use this function in your triggers.
It should be
select user name(),suser sname()
replace spaces with underscores
you need to connect with integrated security aka trusted connection see (
How many users of the app will there be? Is there possibility of using windows integrated authentication for SQL authentication?
Updated: If you can give each user a SQL login (windows integrated) then you can pickup the logged on user using the SYSTEM_USER function.
My solution would be not to let Access modify the data with linked tables.
I would only create the UI in Access and create an ADO connection to the server using windows authenticated in the connection string. Compile you Access application as dbe to protect the VB code.
I would not issue SQL statement, but I would call stored procedures to perform the changes in the database, and create the audit log entry in an atomic transaction.
The UI (Access) does not need to know the inner works on the server. All it needs to do is request and update/insert/delete using the stored procedures you would create for this purpose. The server should handle the work.
Retrieve a record set with ADO using a view with the hint NOLOCK implemented in the server and cache this data in Access for local display. Or retrieve a single record and lock only that row for editing.
Using linked tables your users will be locking each other.
With ADO connections you will not have the trouble to set ODBCs on every single client.
Create a table to set the server status. You application will check it before any action. you can use it to close the server to the application in case that you need to perform changes or maintenance.
Access is a great tool. But it should only handle its local data and not be allowed to mess with the precious server.