Subview constraints for dragging - objective-c

The color palette is a view added to main storyboard. I have used corner radius to make a circle. The small circle inside the palette is a subview created inside the palette view. The small circle is draggable. The problem is I can drag the small circle outside the main circle (palette).
How do I stop the small circle from being dragged once it reaches the border of the main circle (palette).

Calculate the distance between the centre point of the palette and the centre point of the picker circle (How to find the distance between two CG points?)
Add on the radius of the picker circle and if that exceeds the radius of the larger circle then you want to stop the dragging.
So if the Distance + R2 is >= Radius 1 you've reached the edge of the circle and need to stop them dragging
Based on the sample project you uploaded here is the correct code...
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
for (UITouch *touch in touches){
CGPoint newPoint = [touch locationInView:self];
newPoint.x -= startPoint.x;
newPoint.y -= startPoint.y;
CGRect frm = [picker frame];
frm.origin = newPoint;
CGFloat xDist = abs((newPoint.x + 15) - ( - self.frame.origin.x));
CGFloat yDist = abs((newPoint.y + 15) - ( - self.frame.origin.y));
CGFloat distance = sqrt((xDist * xDist) + (yDist * yDist));
if ((distance + 15) >= (self.frame.size.width /2)) {
} else {
[picker setFrame:frm];
You only want to update the frame if its still in bounds and your distance calculations weren't taking into account the offset of the containing view


ConvertRect accounting for UIScrollView zoom and contentOffset

I've been trying to get the converted CGRect of a UIView within a UIScrollView. It works fine if I'm not zoomed, but once I zoom, the new CGRect shifts. Here is the code that's gotten me close:
CGFloat zoomScale = (scrollView.zoomScale);
CGRect newRect = [self.view convertRect:widgetView.frame fromView:scrollView];
CGPoint newPoint = [self.view fromView:scrollView];
// Increase the size of the CGRect by multiplying by the zoomScale
CGSize newSize = CGSizeMake(newRect.size.width * zoomScale, newRect.size.height * zoomScale);
// Subtract the offset of the UIScrollView for proper positioning
CGPoint newCenter = CGPointMake(newPoint.x - scrollView.contentOffset.x, newPoint.y - scrollView.contentOffset.y);
// Create rect with the proper width/height (x and y set by center)
newRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height);
[self.view addSubview:widgetView];
widgetView.frame = newRect; = newCenter;
I'm fairly certain that my issue lies in the zoomScale - I should probably be modifying the x and y coordinates based on the zoomScale value. Everything I have tried thus far has been unsuccessful, though.
I received the following answer from user Brian2012 on the iOS dev forums:
What I did:
Created a UIScrollView that covers the view controller's main view.
Put a desktop view (a standard UIView) in the scroll view. The origin of the desktop is at 0,0 and the size is bigger than the scroll view so I could scroll around without having to zoom first.
Put some widget views (UIImageView) into the desktop view at various locations.
Set the contentSize of the scroll view to the size of the desktop view.
Implemented viewForZoomingInScrollView to return the desktop view as the view to scroll.
Put NSLogs in scrollViewDidZoom to print out the frame of the desktop view and one of the widget views.
What I found out:
The widget frame never changes from the initial value that I set. So for example, if a widget started at position 108, 108 with a size of 64x64, then the frame is always reported as 108,108,64,64 regardless of zooming or scrolling.
The desktop frame origin never changes. I put the origin of the desktop at 0,0 in the scroll view, and the origin is always reported as 0,0 regardless of zooming or scrolling.
The only thing that changes is the desktop view's frame size, and the size is just the original size multiplied by the scroll view's zoomScale.
To figure out the location of a widget relative to the coordinate system of the view controller's main view, you need to do the math yourself. The convertRect method doesn't do anything useful in this case. Here's some code to try
- (CGRect)computePositionForWidget:(UIView *)widgetView fromView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
CGRect frame;
float scale;
scale = scrollView.zoomScale;
// compute the widget size based on the zoom scale
frame.size.width = widgetView.frame.size.width * scale;
frame.size.height = widgetView.frame.size.height * scale;
// compute the widget position based on the zoom scale and contentOffset
frame.origin.x = widgetView.frame.origin.x * scale - scrollView.contentOffset.x + scrollView.frame.origin.x;
frame.origin.y = widgetView.frame.origin.y * scale - scrollView.contentOffset.y + scrollView.frame.origin.y;
// return the widget coordinates in the coordinate system of the view that contains the scroll view
return( frame );
I have also similar kind of issue, i fixed it by a different trick. i catch the zoom scale in a temporary variable, and set scrollView's zoom scale to minimum(1.0) and then calculate my frame using convertRect() and set the original zoom scale again
CGFloat actualZoomScal = self.baseVideoView.zoomScale;
CGPoint actualOffset = self.baseVideoView.contentOffset;
self.baseVideoView.zoomScale = 1.0;
CGRect iFrame = [[RGLayout layout] rectToPixels:[self recordingIndicatorFrame]];
self.recordIndicator = [[RiscoRecordingIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:[self convertRect:iFrame fromView:self.previewView]];
[self addSubview:self.recordIndicator] ;
[self bringSubviewToFront:self.recordIndicator] ;
self.baseVideoView.zoomScale = actualZoomScal;
self.baseVideoView.contentOffset = actualOffset;

Zoom Layer centered on a Sprite

I am in process of developing a small game where a space-ship travels through a layer (doh!), in some situations the spaceship comes close to an enemy, and the whole layer is zoomed in on the space-ship with the zoom level being dependent on the distance between the ship and the enemy. All of this works fine.
The main question, however, is how do I keep the zoom being centered on the space-ship?
Currently I control the zooming in the GameLayer object through the update method, here is the code:
-(void) prepareLayerZoomBetweenSpaceship{
CGPoint mainSpaceShipPosition = [mainSpaceShip position];
CGPoint enemySpaceShipPosition = [enemySpaceShip position];
float distance = powf(mainSpaceShipPosition.x - enemySpaceShipPosition.x, 2) + powf(mainSpaceShipPosition.y - enemySpaceShipPosition.y,2);
distance = sqrtf(distance);
Distance > 250 --> no zoom
Distance < 100 --> maximum zoom
float myZoomLevel = 0.5f;
if(distance < 100){ //maximum zoom in
myZoomLevel = 1.0f;
}else if(distance > 250){
myZoomLevel = 0.5f;
myZoomLevel = 1.0f - (distance-100)*0.0033f;
[self zoomTo:myZoomLevel];
-(void) zoomTo:(float)zoom {
if(zoom > 1){
zoom = 1;
// Set the scale.
if(self.scale != zoom){
self.scale = zoom;
Basically my question is: How do I zoom the layer and center it exactly between the two ships? I guess this is like a pinch zoom with two fingers!
Below is some code that should get it working for you. Basically you want to:
Update your ship positions within the parentNode's coordinate system
Figure out which axis these new positions will cause the screen will be bound by.
Scale and re-position the parentNode
I added some sparse comments, but let me know if you have any more questions/issues. It might be easiest to dump this in a test project first...
ivars to put in your CCLayer:
CCNode *parentNode;
CCSprite *shipA;
CCSprite *shipB;
CGPoint destA, deltaA;
CGPoint destB, deltaB;
CGPoint halfScreenSize;
CGPoint fullScreenSize;
init stuff to put in your CCLayer:
CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
fullScreenSize = CGPointMake(size.width, size.height);
halfScreenSize = ccpMult(fullScreenSize, .5f);
parentNode = [CCNode node];
[self addChild:parentNode];
shipA = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Icon-Small.png"]; //or whatever sprite
[parentNode addChild:shipA];
shipB = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Icon-Small.png"];
[parentNode addChild:shipB];
//schedules update for every frame... might not run great.
//[self schedule:#selector(updateShips:)];
//schedules update for 25 times a second
[self schedule:#selector(updateShips:) interval:0.04f];
Zoom / Center / Ship update method:
-(void)updateShips:(ccTime)timeDelta {
//1st: calc aspect ratio formed by ship positions to determine bounding axis
float shipDeltaX = fabs(shipA.position.x - shipB.position.x);
float shipDeltaY = fabs(shipA.position.y - shipB.position.y);
float newAspect = shipDeltaX / shipDeltaY;
//Then: scale based off of bounding axis
//if bound by x-axis OR deltaY is negligible
if (newAspect > (fullScreenSize.x / fullScreenSize.y) || shipDeltaY < 1.0) {
parentNode.scale = fullScreenSize.x / (shipDeltaX + shipA.contentSize.width);
else { //else: bound by y-axis or deltaX is negligible
parentNode.scale = fullScreenSize.y / (shipDeltaY + shipA.contentSize.height);
//calculate new midpoint between ships AND apply new scale to it
CGPoint scaledMidpoint = ccpMult(ccpMidpoint(shipA.position, shipB.position), parentNode.scale);
//update parent node position (move it into view of screen) to scaledMidpoint
parentNode.position = ccpSub(halfScreenSize, scaledMidpoint);
Also, I'm not sure how well it'll perform with a bunch of stuff going on -- but thats a separate problem!
Why don't you move the entire view, & position it so the ship is in the centre of the screen? I haven't tried it with your example, but it should be straight forward. Maybe something like this -
CGFloat x = (enemySpaceShipPosition.x - mainSpaceShipPosition.x) / 2.0 - screenCentreX;
CGFloat y = (enemySpaceShipPosition.y - mainSpaceShipPosition.y) / 2.0 - screenCentreY;
CGPoint midPointForContentOffset = CGPointMake(-x, -y);
[self setContentOffset:midPointForContentOffset];
...where you've already set up screenCentreX & Y. I haven't used UISCrollView for quite a while (been working on something in Unity so I'm forgetting all by Obj-C), & I can't remember how the contentOffset is affected by zoom level. Try it & see! (I'm assuming you're using a UIScrollView, maybe you could try that too if you're not)

How to add movable UIView as subview with dynamic size at runtime in objective C?

I need to add a UIView as subview of a UIView where a UIImageview is displayed. What I need to implement is that when the image is loaded in my UIIMageview, at the same time I am showing the UIView call it as newView. In the beginning,I am showing it with static size say 190X170 and alpha as 0.5. Once i tap my finger on that view,it should move on the whole UIImageview. Once it is moved at the last,that coordinated I am taking and cropping my image with the same points. Now I am done with the moving part using the code below.
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView:self.view];
if (CGRectContainsPoint(newView.frame, touchLocation))
dragging = YES;
oldX = touchLocation.x;
oldY = touchLocation.y;
if (dragging)
newView.layer.borderColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
newView.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;
CGRect frame = newView.frame;
frame.origin.x = newView.frame.origin.x + touchLocation.x - oldX;
x = frame.origin.x;
NSLog(#"x value : %d",x);
frame.origin.y = newView.frame.origin.y + touchLocation.y - oldY;
y = frame.origin.y;
NSLog(#"y value : %d",y);
newView.frame = frame;
oldX = touchLocation.x;
oldY = touchLocation.y;
What I need to implement is to resize the UIView on taping two fingers like that of UIScrollview. I tried to implement the UIScrollview but it is not giving me good effect. I tried to implement
NSUInteger resizingMask = NSViewHeightSizable | NSViewWidthSizable;
[self.view setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
[newView setAutoresizingMask:resizingMask];
but in vain. Nothing is taking place.
Can anybody show me a path for the same. Thanks in advance.
To provide the zoom in zoom out feature you can use the UIPinchGuestureRecognizer. If you are using iOS 5 then it will be pretty easy for you.
here is the very cool tutorial for that hope it will help for you.

detecting touch in UIImageView animation

i have a circle image that circles round the screen using a path animation. And i want to detect when the user touches the moving circle. However even though the image is moving round in a continuous circle its frame is still in the top left hand corner not moving, how can i update this so that i can detect a touch on the moving image? Here is the code...
Set Up Animation in ViewDidLoad:
//set up animation
CAKeyframeAnimation *pathAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:#"position"];
pathAnimation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationPaced;
pathAnimation.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards;
pathAnimation.removedOnCompletion = NO;
pathAnimation.duration = 10.0;
pathAnimation.repeatCount = 1000;
CGMutablePathRef curvedPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
//path as a circle
CGRect bounds = CGRectMake(60,170,200,200);
CGPathAddEllipseInRect(curvedPath, NULL, bounds);
//tell animation to use this path
pathAnimation.path = curvedPath;
//add subview
circleView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"ball.png"]];
[testView addSubview:circleView];
[circleView.layer addAnimation:pathAnimation forKey:#"moveTheSquare"];
Touches Method:
- (void) touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
//detect touch
UITouch *theTouch = [touches anyObject];
//locate and assign touch location
CGPoint startPoint = [theTouch locationInView:self.view];
CGFloat x = startPoint.x;
CGFloat y = startPoint.y;
//create touch point
CGPoint touchPoint = CGPointMake(x, y);
//check to see if the touch is in the rect
if (CGRectContainsPoint(circleView.bounds, touchPoint)) {
//check image view position
NSLog(#"frame x - %f, y - %f", circleView.frame.origin.x, circleView.frame.origin.y);
NSLog(#"center x - %f, y - %f",,;
NSLog(#"bounds x - %f, y - %f", circleView.bounds.origin.x, circleView.bounds.origin.y);
the imageview just seems to stay at the top left hand corner. I cant seem to figure out how to recognise if a touch gesture has been made on the moving ball.
any help would be appreciated,
You need to query the presentation layer of the view not it's frame. Only the presentation will be updated during the course of an animation...
[myImageView.layer presentationLayer]
Access the properties of this layer (origin, size etc) and determine if your touch point is within the bounds.

how to resize UIView with corner handles - similar to 'Pages', 'Keynote'

I need to add handles (to the corners) of view, so user can resize this view with them. Something similar to edit graphic in Apples 'pages' or 'keynote' apps. (or in any other graphic app).
I did try to add handles subviews to a given view, but those views received touches only in place where both overlapping, inside given view bounds. I need to be able to drag any of the corners handles which will change frame or bounds of that given view. (this part I have already working).
any suggestions, tutorials, links will be appreciated :)
I'm new, so I can't :( post images, so
please take a look at link
I would make a UIGripView that inherits from UIView that is on top of the view you want.
It would:
Be given a view to manipulate and size itself accordingly (a little larger, but with the same center)
Draw itself (the grips and borders) -- implement -(void) drawRect:(CGRect)rect
Register gesture recognizers
When a grip is moved, resize the underlying view and yourself accordingly
When the center is moved, move the center of the underlying view and yourself.
It might make it easier to deal with gestures if you make each grip a UIView as well, but it's not hard to make some zones in your view and check which one the touch is in.
(Remember to make the touch zones big enough)
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
touchStart = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self];
isResizingLR = (self.bounds.size.width - touchStart.x < kResizeThumbSize && self.bounds.size.height - touchStart.y < kResizeThumbSize);
isResizingUL = (touchStart.x <kResizeThumbSize && touchStart.y <kResizeThumbSize);
isResizingUR = (self.bounds.size.width-touchStart.x < kResizeThumbSize && touchStart.y<kResizeThumbSize);
isResizingLL = (touchStart.x <kResizeThumbSize && self.bounds.size.height -touchStart.y <kResizeThumbSize);
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
CGPoint touchPoint = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self];
CGPoint previous=[[touches anyObject]previousLocationInView:self];
float deltaWidth = touchPoint.x-previous.x;
float deltaHeight = touchPoint.y-previous.y;
if (isResizingLR) {
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x, self.frame.origin.y,touchPoint.x + deltaWidth, touchPoint.y + deltaWidth);
if (isResizingUL) {
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x + deltaWidth, self.frame.origin.y + deltaHeight, self.frame.size.width - deltaWidth, self.frame.size.height - deltaHeight);
if (isResizingUR) {
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x ,self.frame.origin.y + deltaHeight, self.frame.size.width + deltaWidth, self.frame.size.height - deltaHeight);
if (isResizingLL) {
self.frame = CGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x + deltaWidth ,self.frame.origin.y , self.frame.size.width - deltaWidth, self.frame.size.height + deltaHeight);
if (!isResizingUL && !isResizingLR && !isResizingUR && !isResizingLL) { = CGPointMake( + touchPoint.x - touchStart.x, + touchPoint.y - touchStart.y);