Another Layer (1 Interface) vs. extending N Interfaces? - api

I have an Data-Access Layer (SAP ABAP, but the language does not matter here) where I have 1 interface per entity/database-table, like
IF_DATA_CONTRACT_POSITION->get_contract_positions( )
IF_DATA_CONTRACT_HEAD->get_contract_header( )
IF_DATA_OBJECT_CALC->get_object_calculations( )
40 more ...
These interfaces are implemented by the actual database-access class-impls and a generated caching-layer, which is pretty simple since the methods really do not have any parameters and just return "the relevant" data.
In certain consumers however, I require a filtered access to the returned data, specifically I need to get the data of all interfaces (~50) constrained by contract-position.
So, do you recommend to
A) extend all interfaces by an optional parameter like IF_DATA_CONTRACT_POSITION->get_contract_positions([OPTIONAL-FILTER]) which means my impl and my caching-layer gets more complex
B) should I create another interface IF_DATA_FILTER_CONTRACT_POSITION->set_contract_position_filter? for the sole purpose of explicitly filtering data-acesss
A) When extending every existing interface (the ~40-50 listed above) with the optional contract-position filter/constraint, the API is quite clean and would look like the following:
result = lo_data_object_calc->get_contract_positions( <FILTER> ).
As already mentioned, it would require me to extend every implementation, the data-access as well as the generated caching-layer.
B) With the explicit filter-interface IF_DATA_FILTER_CONTRACT_POSITION on the other hand, I would have yet another interface-layer around data-access and I could generate the uncoupled filtering impls. I would neither need to touch the actual data-access impl nor the generated cache-layer. However, the usage would be a little more clumsy, like
" down-cast from data-interface to filter-interface
DATA lo_object_filter ?= lo_data_object_calc.
lo_object_filter->set_contract_position_filter( <FILTER> ).
CATCH could_not_cast. RAISE i-need-a-filter-impl!
result = lo_data_object_calc->get_object_calculations( ).
Update 05.08.2014: I decided to go with C) create a seperate filter-object which explicitly filters collections retrieved by e.g. get_contract_positions().

I would go for solution A.
1. If you later need to optimize your data retrieval you can do that in your db-access-class
2. You can use your filter in your where-clause and don't have to program by yourself
3. Someone else using your interfaces have to find, understand and use your filter interfaces/classes. I think it's easier if you have the filter as parameter inside your data access-methods


Method and parameter naming conforming to Swift API Design Guideline

It's not obvious to me from reading the current API design guideline, which of the following version is better.
class MediaLoader {}
class MediaRequest {}
let mediaLoader = MediaLoader()
let mediaRequest = MediaRequest()
// Option 1
mediaLoader.add(request: mediaRequest)
// Option 2
mediaLoader.add(mediaRequest: mediaRequest)
// Option 3
// Option 4
Which of the above conforms to the current API design guideline the best?
The answer really depends on the purpose and semantics of MediaLoader. If MediaLoader is only a collection of mediaRequests, then .add(mediaRequest) is the way to go because it would flow grammatically and be meaningful in context.
On the other hand, if a mediaRequest is merely one of many different things contributing to its purpose, then .add() alone would not convey enough context to properly read the statement. For example, if you could also add display channels or filters, then merely saying .add(something) would not be clear enough. This is when you would use an extended name that describes the relationship. e.g. .addRequest(), addChannel(), addFilter().
But not .add(request:...), because, using a name for the first parameter is not the ideal way to distinguish between relationships. It should be used instead to clarify the method by which the addition will be performed or the way the request will be accessed. This will leave the "nameless" variant for the most frequent and straightforward use case. e.g. .add(fromTemplate:webRequesTemplate) or .addRequest(fromTemplate:webTemplate).

Unit testing value objects in isolation from its dependencies

How do you test a value object in isolation from its dependencies without stubbing or injecting them?
In Misko Hevery's blog post To “new” or not to “new”… he advocates the following (quoted from the blog post):
An Injectable class can ask for other Injectables in its constructor.(Sometimes I refer to Injectables as Service Objects, but
that term is overloaded.). Injectable can never ask for a non-Injectable (Newable) in its constructor.
Newables can ask for other Newables in their constructor, but not for Injectables (Sometimes I refer to Newables as Value Object, but
again, the term is overloaded)
Now if I have a Quantity value object like this:
class Quantity{
public function __construct($quantity){
$intValidator = new Zend_Validate_Int();
throw new Exception("Quantity must be an integer.");
$gtValidator = new Zend_Validate_GreaterThan(0);
throw new Exception("Quantity must be greater than zero.");
My Quantity value object depends on at least 2 validators for its proper construction. Normally I would have injected those validators through the constructor, so that I can stub them during testing.
However, according to Misko a newable shouldn't ask for injectables in its constructor. Frankly a Quantity object that looks like this
$quantity=new Quantity(1,$intValidator,$gtValidator); looks really awkward.
Using a dependency injection framework to create a value object is even more awkward. However now my dependencies are hard coded in the Quantity constructor and I have no way to alter them if the business logic changes.
How do you design the value object properly for testing and adherence to the separation between injectables and newables?
This is just a very very simplified example. My real object my have serious logic in it that may use other dependencies as well.
I used a PHP example just for illustration. Answers in other languages are appreciated.
A Value Object should only contain primitive values (integers, strings, boolean flags, other Value Objects, etc.).
Often, it would be best to let the Value Object itself protect its invariants. In the Quantity example you supply, it could easily do that by checking the incoming value without relying on external dependencies. However, I realize that you write
This is just a very very simplified example. My real object my have serious logic in it that may use other dependencies as well.
So, while I'm going to outline a solution based on the Quantity example, keep in mind that it looks overly complex because the validation logic is so simple here.
Since you also write
I used a PHP example just for illustration. Answers in other languages are appreciated.
I'm going to answer in F#.
If you have external validation dependencies, but still want to retain Quantity as a Value Object, you'll need to decouple the validation logic from the Value Object.
One way to do that is to define an interface for validation:
type IQuantityValidator =
abstract Validate : decimal -> unit
In this case, I patterned the Validate method on the OP example, which throws exceptions upon validation failures. This means that if the Validate method doesn't throw an exception, all is good. This is the reason the method returns unit.
(If I hadn't decided to pattern this interface on the OP, I'd have preferred using the Specification pattern instead; if so, I'd instead have declared the Validate method as decimal -> bool.)
The IQuantityValidator interface enables you to introduce a Composite:
type CompositeQuantityValidator(validators : IQuantityValidator list) =
interface IQuantityValidator with
member this.Validate value =
|> List.iter (fun validator -> validator.Validate value)
This Composite simply iterates through other IQuantityValidator instances and invokes their Validate method. This enables you to compose arbitrarily complex validator graphs.
One leaf validator could be:
type IntegerValidator() =
interface IQuantityValidator with
member this.Validate value =
if value % 1m <> 0m
"Quantity must be an integer."))
Another one could be:
type GreaterThanValidator(boundary) =
interface IQuantityValidator with
member this.Validate value =
if value <= boundary
"Quantity must be greater than zero."))
Notice that the GreaterThanValidator class takes a dependency via its constructor. In this case, boundary is just a decimal, so it's a Primitive Dependency, but it could just as well have been a polymorphic dependency (A.K.A a Service).
You can now compose your own validator from these building blocks:
let myValidator =
CompositeQuantityValidator([IntegerValidator(); GreaterThanValidator(0m)])
When you invoke myValidator with e.g. 9m or 42m, it returns without errors, but if you invoke it with e.g. 9.8m, 0m or -1m it throws the appropriate exception.
If you want to build something a bit more complicated than a decimal, you can introduce a Factory, and compose the Factory with the appropriate validator.
Since Quantity is very simple here, we can just define it as a type alias on decimal:
type Quantity = decimal
A Factory might look like this:
type QuantityFactory(validator : IQuantityValidator) =
member this.Create value : Quantity =
validator.Validate value
You can now compose a QuantityFactory instance with your validator of choice:
let factory = QuantityFactory(myValidator)
which will let you supply decimal values as input, and get (validated) Quantity values as output.
These calls succeed:
let x = factory.Create 9m
let y = factory.Create 42m
while these throw appropriate exceptions:
let a = factory.Create 9.8m
let b = factory.Create 0m
let c = factory.Create -1m
Now, all of this is very complex given the simple nature of the example domain, but as the problem domain grows more complex, complex is better than complicated.
Avoid value types with dependencies on non-value types. Also avoid constructors that perform validations and throw exceptions. In your example I'd have a factory type that validates and creates quantities.
Your scenario can also be applied to entities. There are cases where an entity requires some dependency in order to perform some behaviour. As far as I can tell the most popular mechanism to use is double-dispatch.
I'll use C# for my examples.
In your case you could have something like this:
public void Validate(IQuantityValidator validator)
As other answers have noted a value object is typically simple enough to perform its invariant checking in the constructor. An e-mail value object would be a good example as an e-mail has a very specific structure.
Something a bit more complex could be an OrderLine where we need to determine, totally hypothetical, whether it is, say, taxable:
public bool IsTaxable(ITaxableService service)
In the article you reference I would assert that the 'newable' relates quite a bit to the 'transient' type of life cycle that we find in DI containers as we are interested in specific instances. However, when we need to inject specific values the transient business does not really help. This is the case for entities where each is a new instance but has very different state. A repository would hydrate the object but it could just as well use a factory.
The 'true' dependencies typically have a 'singleton' life-cycle.
So for the 'newable' instances a factory could be used if you would like to perform validation upon construction by having the factory call the relevant validation method on your value object using the injected validator dependency as Mark Seemann has mentioned.
This gives you the freedom to still test in isolation without coupling to a specific implementation in your constructor.
Just a slightly different angle on what has already been answered. Hope it helps :)

What should I name a class whose sole purpose is procedural?

I have a lot to learn in the way of OO patterns and this is a problem I've come across over the years. I end up in situations where my classes' sole purpose is procedural, just basically wrapping a procedure up in a class. It doesn't seem like the right OO way to do things, and I wonder if someone is experienced with this problem enough to help me consider it in a different way. My specific example in the current application follows.
In my application I'm taking a set of points from engineering survey equipment and normalizing them to be used elsewhere in the program. By "normalize" I mean a set of transformations of the full data set until a destination orientation is reached.
Each transformation procedure will take the input of an array of points (i.e. of the form class point { float x; float y; float z; }) and return an array of the same length but with different values. For example, a transformation like point[] RotateXY(point[] inList, float angle). The other kind of procedure wold be of the analysis type, used to supplement the normalization process and decide what transformation to do next. This type of procedure takes in the same points as a parameter but returns a different kind of dataset.
My question is, what is a good pattern to use in this situation? The one I was about to code in was a Normalization class which inherits class types of RotationXY for instance. But RotationXY's sole purpose is to rotate the points, so it would basically be implementing a single function. This doesn't seem very nice, though, for the reasons I mentioned in the first paragraph.
Thanks in advance!
The most common/natural approach for finding candidate classes in your problem domain is to look for nouns and then scan for the verbs/actions associated with those nouns to find the behavior that each class should implement. While this is generally a good advise, it doesn't mean that your objects must only represent concrete elements. When processes (which are generally modeled as methods) start to grow and become complex, it is a good practice to model them as objects. So, if your transformation has a weight on its own, it is ok to model it as an object and do something like:
class RotateXY
public function apply(point p)
//Apply the transformation
t = new RotateXY();
newPoint = t->apply(oldPoint);
in case you have many transformations you can create a polymorphic hierarchy and even chain one transformation after another. If you want to dig a bit deeper you can also take a look at the Command design pattern, which closely relates to this.
Some final comments:
If it fits your case, it is a good idea to model the transformation at the point level and then apply it to a collection of points. In that way you can properly isolate the transformation concept and is also easier to write test cases. You can later even create a Composite of transformations if you need.
I generally don't like the Utils (or similar) classes with a bunch of static methods, since in most of the cases it means that your model is missing the abstraction that should carry that behavior.
Typically, when it comes to classes that contain only static methods, I name them Util, e.g. DbUtil for facading DB access, FileUtil for file I/O etc. So find some term that all your methods have in common and name it that Util. Maybe in your case GeometryUtil or something along those lines.
Since the particulars of the transformations you apply seem ad-hoc for the problem and possibly prone to change in the future you could code them in a configuration file.
The point's client would read from the file and know what to do. As for the rotation or any other transformation method, they could go well as part of the Point class.
I see nothing particularly wrong with classes/interfaces having just essentially one member.
In your case the member is an "Operation with some arguments of one type that returns same type" - common for some math/functional problems. You may find convenient to have interface/base class and helper methods that combine multiple transformation classes together into more complex transformation.
Alternative approach: if you language support it is just go functional style altogether (similar to LINQ in C#).
On functional style suggestion: I's start with following basic functions (probably just find them in standard libraries for the language)
collection = map(collection, perItemFunction) to transform all items in a collection (Select in C#)
item = reduce (collection, agregateFunction) to reduce all items into single entity (Aggregate in C#)
combine 2 functions on item funcOnItem = combine(funcFirst, funcSecond). Can be expressed as lambda in C# Func<T,T> combined = x => second(first(x)).
"bind"/curry - fix one of arguments of a function functionOfOneArg = curry(funcOfArgs, fixedFirstArg). Can be expressed in C# as lambda Func<T,T> curried = x => funcOfTwoArg(fixedFirstArg, x).
This list will let you do something like "turn all points in collection on a over X axis by 10 and shift Y by 15": map(points, combine(curry(rotateX, 10), curry(shiftY(15))).
The syntax will depend on language. I.e. in JavaScript you just pass functions (and map/reduce are part of language already), C# - lambda and Func classes (like on argument function - Func<T,R>) are an option. In some languages you have to explicitly use class/interface to represent a "function" object.
Alternative approach: If you actually dealing with points and transformation another traditional approach is to use Matrix to represent all linear operations (if your language supports custom operators you get very natural looking code).

Overextending object design by adding many trivial fields?

I have to add a bunch of trivial or seldom used attributes to an object in my business model.
So, imagine class Foo which has a bunch of standard information such as Price, Color, Weight, Length. Now, I need to add a bunch of attributes to Foo that are rarely deviating from the norm and rarely used (in the scope of the entire domain). So, Foo.DisplayWhenConditionIsX is true for 95% of instances; likewise, Foo.ShowPriceWhenConditionIsY is almost always true, and Foo.PriceWhenViewedByZ has the same value as Foo.Price most of the time.
It just smells wrong to me to add a dozen fields like this to both my class and database table. However, I don't know that wrapping these new fields into their own FooDisplayAttributes class makes sense. That feels like adding complexity to my DAL and BLL for little gain other than a smaller object. Any recommendations?
Try setting up a separate storage class/struct for the rarely used fields and hold it as a single field, say "rarelyUsedFields" (for example, it will be a pointer in C++ and a reference in Java - you don't mention your language.)
Have setters/getters for these fields on your class. Setters will check if the value is not the same as default and lazily initialize rarelyUsedFields, then set the respective field value (say, rarelyUsedFields.DisplayWhenConditionIsX = false). Getters they will read the rarelyUsedFields value and return default values (true for DisplayWhenConditionIsX and so on) if it is NULL, otherwise return rarelyUsedFields.DisplayWhenConditionIsX.
This approach is used quite often, see WebKit's Node.h as an example (and its focused() method.)
Abstraction makes your question a bit hard to understand, but I would suggest using custom getters such as Foo.getPrice() and Foo.getSpecialPrice().
The first one would simply return the attribute, while the second would perform operations on it first.
This is only possible if there is a way to calculate the "seldom used version" from the original attribute value, but in most common cases this would be possible, providing you can access data from another object storing parameters, such as FooShop.getCurrentDiscount().
The problem I see is more about the Foo object having side effects.
In your example, I see two features : display and price.
I would build one or many Displayer (who knows how to display) and make the price a component object, with a list of internal price modificators.
Note all this is relevant only if your Foo objects are called by numerous clients.

Efficient way to define a class with multiple, optionally-empty slots in S4 of R?

I am building a package to handle data that arrives with up to 4 different types. Each of these types is a legitimate class in the form of a matrix, data.frame or tree. Depending on the way the data is processed and other experimental factors, some of these data components may be missing, but it is still extremely useful to be able to store this information as an instance of a special class and have methods that recognize the different component data.
Approach 1:
I have experimented with an incremental inheritance structure that looks like a nested tree, where each combination of data types has its own class explicitly defined. This seems difficult to extend for additional data types in the future, and is also challenging for new developers to learn all the class names, however well-organized those names might be.
Approach 2:
A second approach is to create a single "master-class" that includes a slot for all 4 data types. In order to allow the slots to be NULL for the instances of missing data, it appears necessary to first define a virtual class union between the NULL class and the new data type class, and then use the virtual class union as the expected class for the relevant slot in the master-class. Here is an example (assuming each data type class is already defined):
# Use setClassUnion to define the unholy NULL-data union as a virtual class.
setClassUnion("dataClass1OrNULL", c("dataClass1", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("dataClass2OrNULL", c("dataClass2", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("dataClass3OrNULL", c("dataClass3", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("dataClass4OrNULL", c("dataClass4", "NULL"))
# Now define the master class with all 4 slots, and
# also the possibility of empty (NULL) slots and an explicity prototype for
# slots to be set to NULL if they are not provided at instantiation.
prototype=prototype(slot1=NULL, slot2=NULL, slot3=NULL, slot4=NULL)
So the question might be rephrased as:
Are there more efficient and/or flexible alternatives to either of these approaches?
This example is modified from an answer to a SO question about setting the default value of slot to NULL. This question differs in that I am interested in knowing the best options in R for creating classes with slots that can be empty if needed, despite requiring a specific complex class in all other non-empty cases.
In my opinion...
Approach 2
It sort of defeats the purpose to adopt a formal class system, and then to create a class that contains ill-defined slots ('A' or NULL). At a minimum I would try to make DataClass1 have a 'NULL'-like default. As a simple example, the default here is a zero-length numeric vector.
setClass("DataClass1", representation=representation(x="numeric"))
DataClass1 <- function(x=numeric(), ...) {
new("DataClass1", x=x, ...)
setClass("MasterClass1", representation=representation(dataClass1="DataClass1"))
MasterClass1 <- function(dataClass1=DataClass1(), ...) {
new("MasterClass1", dataClass1=dataClass1, ...)
One benefit of this is that methods don't have to test whether the instance in the slot is NULL or 'DataClass1'
setMethod(length, "DataClass1", function(x) length(x#x))
setMethod(length, "MasterClass1", function(x) length(x#dataClass1))
> length(MasterClass1())
[1] 0
> length(MasterClass1(DataClass1(1:5)))
[1] 5
In response to your comment about warning users when they access 'empty' slots, and remembering that users usually want functions to do something rather than tell them they're doing something wrong, I'd probably return the empty object DataClass1() which accurately reflects the state of the object. Maybe a show method would provide an overview that reinforced the status of the slot -- DataClass1: none. This seems particularly appropriate if MasterClass1 represents a way of coordinating several different analyses, of which the user may do only some.
A limitation of this approach (or your Approach 2) is that you don't get method dispatch -- you can't write methods that are appropriate only for an instance with DataClass1 instances that have non-zero length, and are forced to do some sort of manual dispatch (e.g., with if or switch). This might seem like a limitation for the developer, but it also applies to the user -- the user doesn't get a sense of which operations are uniquely appropriate to instances of MasterClass1 that have non-zero length DataClass1 instances.
Approach 1
When you say that the names of the classes in the hierarchy are going to be confusing to your user, it seems like this is maybe pointing to a more fundamental issue -- you're trying too hard to make a comprehensive representation of data types; a user will never be able to keep track of ClassWithMatrixDataFrameAndTree because it doesn't represent the way they view the data. This is maybe an opportunity to scale back your ambitions to really tackle only the most prominent parts of the area you're investigating. Or perhaps an opportunity to re-think how the user might think of and interact with the data they've collected, and to use the separation of interface (what the user sees) from implementation (how you've chosen to represent the data in classes) provided by class systems to more effectively encapsulate what the user is likely to do.
Putting the naming and number of classes aside, when you say "difficult to extend for additional data types in the future" it makes me wonder if perhaps some of the nuances of S4 classes are tripping you up? The short solution is to avoid writing your own initialize methods, and rely on the constructors to do the tricky work, along the lines of
setClass("A", representation(x="numeric"))
setClass("B", representation(y="numeric"), contains="A")
A <- function(x = numeric(), ...) new("A", x=x, ...)
B <- function(a = A(), y = numeric(), ...) new("B", a, y=y, ...)
and then
> B(A(1:5), 10)
An object of class "B"
Slot "y":
[1] 10
Slot "x":
[1] 1 2 3 4 5