MS Access using VBA in a SQL IN clause - sql

I'm trying to pass some values from a vba function to an SQL.
This is my SQL
FROM Hierarchy3
WHERE ID IN (getList("1 and 2"));
this is the definition of the vba function:
Function getList(Measure As String) As String
when I call the function I get: 1,2,3 as a String.
if I run the SQL as
FROM Hierarchy3
WHERE ID IN (1,2,3);
it works fine, but combining the two doesn't work. So I guess the String type is wrong, can you please help?

Your problem is that your query does not work like you expect it. Your function returns a string, so the query performed is:
FROM Hierarchy3
WHERE ID IN ("1,2,3");
Notice the quotation marks. Basically you are comparing an integer to a string and so doesn't return any results.
What you can do is use the INSTR function to see if the ID can be found in the string:
FROM Hierarchy3
WHERE INSTR(getList("1 and 2"),ID);
Now it will work because ID 1 can be found in the string "1,2,3" so the INSTR function will return the position where it can be found.


Selecting substrings from different points in strings depending on another column entry SQL

I have 2 columns that look a little like this:
Column A
Column B
Column C
I need a select statement to create column C - the numerical digits in column B that correspond to the letters in Column A. I have got as far as finding the starting point of the numbers I want to take out. But as they have different character lengths I can't count a length, I want to extract the characters from the calculated starting point( below) up to the next comma.
STRPOS(Column B, Column A) +5 Gives me the correct character for the starting point of a SUBSTRING query, from here I am lost. Any help much appreciated.
NB, I am using google Big Query, it doesn't recognise CHARINDEX.
You can use a regular expression as well.
WITH sample_table AS (
SELECT 'ABC' ColumnA, '{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}' ColumnB UNION ALL
SELECT 'DEF', '{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}' UNION ALL
SELECT 'XYZ', '{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}'
REGEXP_EXTRACT(ColumnB, FORMAT('"%s":([0-9.]+)', ColumnA)) ColumnC
FROM sample_table;
Query results
Regarding #Bihag Kashikar's suggestion: sinceColumnB is an invalid json, it will not be properly parsed within js udf like below. If it's a valid json, js udf with json key can be an alternative of a regular expression. I think.
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION custom_json_extract(json STRING, key STRING)
try {
obj = JSON.parse(json);
catch {
return null;
return obj[key];
SELECT custom_json_extract('{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50,}', 'ABC') invalid_json,
custom_json_extract('{"ABC":1.0,"DEF":24.0,"XYZ":10.50}', 'ABC') valid_json;
Query results
take a look at this post too, this shows using js udf and with split options
Error when trying to have a variable pathsname: JSONPath must be a string literal or query parameter

Translate function not returning relevant string in amazon redshift

I am trying to use a simple Translate function to replace "-" in a 23 digit string. The example of one such string is "1049477-1623095-2412303" The expected outcome of my query should be 104947716230952412303
The list of all "1049477-1623095-2412303" is present in a single column "table1". The name of the column is "data"
My query is
Select TRANSLATE(, '-', '')
from table1 as t
However, it is returning 104947716230952000000 as the output.
At first, I thought it is an overflow error since the resulting integer is 20 digit so I also tried to use following
from table1 as t
but this is not working as well.
Please suggest a way so that I could have my desirable output
This is too long for a comment.
This code:
select translate('1049477-1623095-2412303', '-', '')
is going to return:
The return value is a string, not a number.
There is no way that it can return '104947716230952000000'. I could only imagine that happening if somehow the value is being converted to a numeric or bigint type.
Try regexp_replace()
Taking your own example, execute:
select regexp_replace('[string / column_name]','-');
It can be achieve RPAD try below code.
SELECT RPAD(TRANSLATE(CAST( as VARCHAR),'-','') ,20,'00000000000000000000')

How to split a string using sybase query function

String str = 'ce765e1bc7:abc879:53:7011:2'
How to split the string using sybase query function to value 7011
I have working stored proc for this. But wanted to know if sybase provides any inbuilt function to do so.
If you know the position of the first character and length of the required pattern, you can use 'substring'
Syntax - substring(expression, start, length)
select substring('ce765e1bc7:abc879:53:7011:2',22,4)
If you only have string and the pattern to find but not sure about the length, you can additionally use 'charindex' and 'char_length' as shown in the example below:
DECLARE #stpos INT, #stlen INT
SELECT #stpos = charindex('7011', 'ce765e1bc7:abc879:53:7011:2')
SELECT #stlen = char_length('7011')
SELECT substring('ce765e1bc7:abc879:53:7011:2',#stpos, #stlen)

how to return the value of a scalar function in db2

I have a db2 function returning an integer. As per my limited knowledge the only way to see this function working is using to return column in a query like the example below.
Is there a way to display a return value of a function given a parameter withoyt building up a more complex query?
I have a function
myfoo(index integer) returns integer ...
And I am using it in a more complex quewry like
select myIndex, myfoo(myIndex), myValue from MyTable...
If I try to get the following
select from myfoo(3)
it will not work.
Is there any db2 function to print out the return value of that function without error?
SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 is a special "dummy" table that contains a single row, the equivalent of Oracle's DUAL.
If you have the compatibility vector, you can even use Oracle's Dual table.
Also, you can use the 'values' sentence. For example,
values myfoo(myIndex)

String input matched against a binary field in SQL WHERE

Here is the scenario:
I have a SQL select statement that returns a binary data object as a string. This cannot be changed it is outside the area of what I can modify.
So for example it would return '1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652'.
If I manually add a 0x in front of this string in a query I will retrieve the results I'm looking for so for example:
SELECT a, b FROM mytable WHERE uuid = 0x1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652
My result set is correct.
However I need to find a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 compatible means to do this programatically. Simply concatenating 0x to the string variable does not work. Obvious, but I did try it.
Help please :)
Thank you
My understanding of your question is that you have a column uuid, which is binary.
You are trying to select rows with a particular value in uuid, but you are trying to use a string like so:
SELECT a, b FROM mytable WHERE uuid = '0x1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652'
which does not work. If this is correct, you can use the CONVERT function with a style of 2 to have SQL Server treat the string as hex and not require a '0x' as the first characters:
FROM mytable
WHERE uuid = CONVERT(binary(16), '1628258DB0DD2F4D9D6BC0BF91D78652', 2)