Removing "old" data from an Access table - sql

I have two tables (tblCurrentStudents and tblNewStudents) in an Access file. tblCurrentStudents was current at of the end of the last school year and contains a list of last year's students and their information. tblNewStudents contains a complete list of this year's student information. There are some students common to both tables, meaning they were here last year and are here this year. However, in tblCurrentStudents there are some students who were NOT here last year, but enrolled at the beginning of this year.
What I need to do now is remove the students from tblCurrentStudents who are no longer enrolled, meaning they left at the end of last year and will not be in tblNewStudents.
I know I can join two tables together using a Union command (I found the necessary code to do this). I don't know how to do the opposite, meaning find those records not common to both tables and remove just those records from tblCurrentStudents.
Any suggestions? Is there such as thing as a Not Union command?

Assuming I'm understanding your question correctly, you want to remove any student from tblCurrentStudents who are not in tblNewStudents?
If so, I think you're looking to use IN():
DELETE FROM tblCurrentStudents
WHERE StudentId NOT IN (
SELECT StudentID FROM tblNewStudents)

I created a practice set of tables that simulate what I want. This is the UNION code I found on the Internet and used:
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim sql As String, sTable As String, oTD As TableDef
sql = "SELECT * FROM MergeTable UNION SELECT * FROM MainTable"
If MsgBox("Store unique records in a Table?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
sTable = InputBox("Which table name?", , "tblMerged")
For Each oTD In CurrentDb.TableDefs
If oTD.Name = sTable Then sTable = sTable & "1"
Next oTD
sql = "SELECT * INTO " & sTable & " FROM (" & sql & ")"
DoCmd.RunSQL sql
End If
End Sub
Assuming I'm understanding your question correctly, you want to remove
any student from tblCurrentStudents who are not in tblNewStudents?
Yep, that's exactly what I need. I'm going to try the IN command. I'll let you know how it goes.


Dynamic Selection Query with Criteria in Ms Access | SQL

I have a query in which I select multiple values. To create my form.
The results look like this :
the last Column [Candidat Nom] is a drop down list with an other query (lets call it Query 1) that select my drop down list values.
The selection is good and is what I'm looking for. Except I get the same value for all lines when they need to be different.
To simplify
let's take the following exemple
I have the following candidate that wants to join for the following job (Represented with their ID).
As we can see 2 candidates wants job N° 12. and 1 candidate for each other job.
What I get
All candidates are listed for every job.
What I want
What I actually did
is I put the following query (Query 1) on my column.
WHERE (((T_STATUT_EMPLOI.STATUT_EMPLOI_statut) Like "*valid*" Or (T_STATUT_EMPLOI.STATUT_EMPLOI_statut) Like "*décidé*") AND ((T_EMPLOI.EMPLOI_entreprise_id)=1));
This gave me the result I want but with the issue I mentioned previously (Same result for each line)
I thought I needed a new Criteria.
I added one, where It's going to select the candidate when the two "emploi ID" of my actual table (Shown before) and the one helping me select the candidates are equal.
With the following query:
WHERE (((T_STATUT_EMPLOI.STATUT_EMPLOI_statut) Like "*valid*" Or (T_STATUT_EMPLOI.STATUT_EMPLOI_statut) Like "*décidé*") AND ((T_SALARIE_EMPLOI.SALARIE_EMPLOI_emploi_identifiant)=[R_Select_COMOB]![ACTION_identifiant_emploi]));
But I keep on getting the following pop up that asks me to enter a Job ID
So how can I make the query for each line compare and select the right values?
I hope I was clear in explaining. If not please let me know so that I can add more details.
Thank you !
Thanks to your help and specially #June7 for his propositions, I found a solution regarding my problem :
I added a criteria to select values based on JobID that I wasn't selecting in the first hand.
And then based on the column (jobID) select the values needed
here is my final query :
(((T_SALARIE_EMPLOI.SALARIE_EMPLOI_emploi_identifiant)=[Formulaires]![F_COMOB]![ACTION_identifiant_emploi]) AND ((T_STATUT_EMPLOI.STATUT_EMPLOI_statut) Like "*validé*") AND ((T_SALARIE_EMPLOI.SALARIE_EMPLOI_Entreprise) Like "*RTE*"));
And Then to update my values for each line. I added a VBA code that requery on input.
Private Sub ACTION_Candidats_P_Enter()
End Sub
With that my problem is solved.

SQL query to display rows of 2 different tables

I'm trying to figure out how to pull all rows from two different tables with the OutageID = X. The purpose of this is to view the current outage and all the revisions in one statement to see all of the changes. Below is an example I was trying. However, it puts it all in one row. I want it to display all rows separately like you would if you were to query SELECT * From Table WHERE X = Y.
The Current Outages are in one table and the history is in another so they are not written over and not to change the design of the current DB.
Outages Table
`strSQL = "SELECT Outages.OutageID, Outages.Outage, Outages.Building,
Outages.OutageType, Outages.OutageStart, Outages.OutageStartTime,
Outages.OutageEnd, Outages.OutageEndTime, Outages.Duration,
Outages.Reason, Outages.Areas, Outages.Comment, Outages.ORN,
Outages.Contact, Outages.Phone, Outages.Job, Outages.Timestamp
FROM Outages
WHERE (((Outages.OutageID)=3305));"`
Outage History Table
`strSQL = "SELECT OutageHistory.RevisonID, OutageHistory.OutageID,
OutageHistory.Outage, OutageHistory.Building,
OutageHistory.OutageStart, OutageHistory.OutageStartTime,
OutageHistory.OutageEnd, OutageHistory.OutageEndTime,
OutageHistory.Duration, OutageHistory.Reason, OutageHistory.Areas,
OutageHistory.Comment, OutageHistory.ORN, OutageHistory.Contact,
OutageHistory.Phone, OutageHistory.Job, OutageHistory.Timestamp
FROM OutageHistory
WHERE (((OutageHistory.OutageID)=3305));"`
`Private Sub All_Revision_Histoy_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT * From OutageHistory WHERE OutageHistory.OutageID = " &
Me.OutageID & ";"
Debug.Print strSQL
ShowDataSheet strSQL`
I think that I might need to create a temp table and insert both rows for the results and then Delete the table when its closed. However, I am not sure how to do that. I already feel I may of bitten off more than I can chew with this one. Thank you in advance.
select * from (
select 1 as revisionID, Outages.* FROM Outages
WHERE (((Outages.OutageID)=3305))
select OutageHistory.* FROM OutageHistory
WHERE (((OutageHistory.OutageID)=3305))
) order by revisionID desc

Find changes made in PGSQL table using SQL in Excel VBA

Is it possible to create an SQL query to compare a field within a single table to see if a change has been made and if possible list the before and after?
I have the following SQL query written in Excel 2010 VBA, which connects to an Oracle PostGreSQL database
Dim au As String
au = "SELECT id, priority, flag, code " _
& "FROM hist WHERE ( aud_dt >= '18/05/2020' AND aud_dt <='18/05/2020' ) " _
Set rs = conn.Execute(au)
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=rs, Destination:=Range("A1"))
End With
Where fields include:
"priority" is the field that I'd like to check for changes which will
be a single number between 0-9
"code" is the record that has been
assigned the priority and is a mixture of numbers and letters up to 7
"flag" shows a 1 as the active record, and 2 as an edited
"id" refers to the user account
I'd ideally like to end up with something like: id | priority | flag | priority_old | flag_old | code
Which should show the before and after changes to the priority. If the record shows priority=3 and flag=2 and code=Ab12, there must also be record with a 1 flag, as that is now the active record. If it has the same priority number for the code I'm not interested in it as that just means something else was changed instead as I have not listed all the column fields.
If the active record now shows priority=4, flag=1 and code=Ab12, that would be exactly the record I need to see.
Consider a self-join query (possibly you need to adjust date filter in WHERE depending on when items change):
SELECT, h1.priority, h1.flag,
h2.priority AS priority_old, h2.flag AS flag_old, h1.code
FROM hist h1
LEFT JOIN hist h2
ON h1.code = h2.code
AND h1.priority <> h2.priority
AND h1.flag = 1
AND h2.flag <> 1
WHERE (aud_dt >= '2020-05-18' AND aud_dt <='2020-05-18')

Multiple 'AND' conditions on same column

I'm using an Access 2007 database in ASP.Net where I need to extract data from a table if an item meets multiple 'AND' clauses.
For example:
Select * from tableA
where tableA.column1 = myvalue1
and (tableA.column2 = myvalue2
and tableA.column2 = myvalue3)
(The '(' and ')' parenthesis around the 'and' clauses are an Access requirement)
myvalue1 exists multiple times in column1 because column2 stores many different pieces of data for the column1 value.
However, I only want the results to show those column1 values which meet all of the column2 search criteria.
For example, column1 contains employee surnames, column2 contains the qualifications of the employee.
One employee in column1 may hold many qualifications in column2.
Searching with the 'OR' clause for employees who hold all the required qualifications for an assignment would produce a table with multiple rows for each employee.
What is required is a single row for each employee who holds every one of the required qualifications.
Let's say employee A has qualifications X, Y and Z. The employee's name will be in a row in column 1 each time a qualification is added to column2, so the employee's name appears in column1 3 times. Assume now employee B also has qualifications X, Y and Z but employee C has W, X and Y. If an assignment needs qualifications X,Y and Z I don't want employee C appearing in the results of a search as employee C won't hold the relevant qualifications.
When I use the above 'select' command with just one 'and' clause the search works fine, but with two 'and' clauses nothing is returned, even though I know there are items in column1 that meet both of the 'and' criteria.
What am I missing in the concatenation of the 'and' clauses?
The following solution will work, but performance will suffer. This will return 1 row per person, I can rewrite it to return both rows.
Select * from tableA
where tableA.column1 = myvalue1
and (tableA.column2 = myvalue2
and DCount("column2", "TableA", "column1 = """ & column1 & """ AND column2 = """ & myvalue3 & """" ) <> 0)
Your fundamental problem is that a select query without a group by or pivot clause only evaluates 1 row at a time. I'd probably pivot the data, concatenate it, and then evaluate it for better performance in the end. But that's more complicated, and requires more information on the table structure and what you want to do.
Based on new information, I'll submit this answer:
My gut feeling is that you can't do this in one simple query. This sounds cludgy, but I think you're going to need one query created that's a SELECT DISTINCT query, and that query will pull one record for each employee:
Select DISTINCT Column1 from tableA
Call this query something like qryEmployees
Next you're going to need to create a new table. Call it tblQualifications. It will contain 2 fields; EName and EQualifications. We're going to fill that in a minute.
Next you're going to need to loop through each record in qryEmployees and write the employee name and their qualifications into tblQualifications.
'Run through every Employee name
Do While qryEmployees.EOF = False
'Set up a temp variable, MyQual, and set it equal to Empty
MyQual = ""
'Pull all qualifications from TableA for the current Employee
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset ("Select Column1, column2 from TableA WHERE Column1 = '" & qryEmployees.Column1 & "'")
'Looping through the qualifications
Do While rec.EOF = False
'Add the qualification to the MyQual string
MyQual = MyQual & rec("Column2") & ", "
'Now that we have all the qualifications in a string, trim off the last ", "
MyQual = left(MyQual, len(MyQual)-2)
'Open up tblQualifications and fill it with the Employee and a string of all of their qualifications
tblQualifications(0) = qryEmployees.Column1
tblQualifications(1) = MyQual
'Move on to the next Employee and repeat the process
Now you have one table with Employee Name in one field, and all of his qualifications in the next. If you use the LIKE operator on this table, you should get your results.
Select * from tblQualifications
where tblQualifications.EName = myvalue1
and (tblQualifications.EQualifications LIKE myvalue2
and tblQualifications.EQualifications LIKE myvalue3)
It's not pretty, but it will work (with a little putzing with the code above, as I'm writing it off the top of my head and it's untested).
Thanks Johnny, your suggestion inspired me to write a slightly different approach to the solution.
I swapped the 'AND' to an 'OR' as others have suggested to extract any employee into a table if they have any of the qualifications.
The result is a table with every required qualification for every employee who has one of those qualifications.
I then did a count elsewhere of the number of qualifications required for the assignment and compared this to whether or not the employee had the required number of qualifications, as follows:
Dim objSearchTable As DataTable = DSSearch.Tables("Employees")
Dim i As Integer
If QualificationsCount > 0 Then
For i = 0 To objSearchTable.rows.count - 1
strEmployee = objSearchTable.Rows(i).Item("column1")
Dim foundRows As DataRow() = objSearchTable.[Select]("column1 = '" & strEmployee & "'")
Dim numberOfRecords As Integer = foundRows.count
If numberOfRecords < QualificationsCount Then
End If
End If
This deletes every instance of an employee from the table if the count of qualifications is less than the number required.
The solution isn't as elegant as extracting only the correct employees from the database to begin with.
There is also an overhead on extracting every employee from the database, but the end result is a table with just one row for each employee with all the qualifications, which does what I need.

Group By for Combobox Filter Sort

I've created a basic Combobox Filter Sort that sorts through Company Regions for my company (Acronyns mostly) we refer to these as AOR's or Area of Reference. After defining your AOR, it limits the next combo box to show only Countries in that specific AOR, hense the Filter Sort. But, my problem is - when it displays the countries after selecting an AOR - It displays ALL RECORDS in that specific country, instead of just 1 country listing.
Basically, It isn't grouping my countries - and when I select "Totals" which normally gives me only unique results, this doesnt work.
My question, How can I re-write this code to include a Group By?
My Code:
Private Sub cboRegion_AfterUpdate()
' Region -> Country
Dim sManagerSource As String
sManagerSource = "SELECT [FullEmail].[AORID], [FullEmail].[ID], [FullEmail].[Country] " & _
"FROM FullEmail " & _
"WHERE [AORID] = " & Me.cboRegion.Value
Me.cboCountry.RowSource = sManagerSource
End Sub
My SQL statement looks like this (It's got Group By in it, but it doesn't GROUP)
SELECT FullEmail.AORID, FullEmail.ID, FullEmail.Country
FROM FullEmail
GROUP BY FullEmail.AORID, FullEmail.ID, FullEmail.Country
HAVING (((FullEmail.AORID)=1));
Thanks in advance for reading through!
The previous answer is correct, except with a having clause you need to use aggregates... so just use where.
SELECT Country
FROM FullEmail
GROUP BY Country;
That should fix you up. When you use HAVING it looks at what you've selected, since you didn't select AORID, it didn't know what to do.