Existing saga instances after applying the [Unique] attribute to IContainSagaData property - nservicebus

I have a bunch of existing sagas in various states of a long running process.
Recently we decided to make one of the properties on our IContainSagaData implementation unique by using the Saga.UniqueAttribute (about which more here http://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/nservicebus-sagas-and-concurrency).
After deploying the change, we realized that all our old saga instances were not being found, and after further digging (thanks Charlie!) discovered that by adding the unique attribute, we were required to data fix all our existing sagas in Raven.
Now, this is pretty poor, kind of like adding a index to a database column and then finding that all the table data no longer select-able, but being what it is, we decided to create a tool for doing this.
So after creating and running this tool we've now patched up the old sagas so that they now resemble the new sagas (sagas created since we went live with the change).
However, despite all the data now looking right we're still not able to find old instances of the saga!
The tool we wrote does two things. For each existing saga, the tool:
Adds a new RavenJToken called "NServiceBus-UniqueValue" to the saga metadata, setting the value to the same value as our unique property for that saga, and
Creates a new document of type NServiceBus.Persistence.Raven.SagaPersister.SagaUniqueIdentity, setting the SagaId, SagaDocId, and UniqueValue fields accordingly.
My questions are:
Is it sufficient to simply make the data look correct or is there something else we need to do?
Another option we have is to revert the change which added the unique attribute. However in this scenario, would those new sagas which have been created since the change went in be OK with this?
Code for adding metadata token:
var policyKey = RavenJToken.FromObject(saga.PolicyKey); // This is the unique field
sagaDataMetadata.Add("NServiceBus-UniqueValue", policyKey);
Code for adding new doc:
var policyKeySagaUniqueId = new SagaUniqueIdentity
Id = "Matlock.Renewals.RenewalSaga.RenewalSagaData/PolicyKey/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
SagaId = saga.Id,
UniqueValue = saga.PolicyKey,
SagaDocId = "RenewalSaga/" + saga.Id.ToString()
Any help much appreciated.
Thanks to David's help on this we have fixed our problem - the key difference was we used the SagaUniqueIdentity.FormatId() to generate our document IDs rather than a new guid - this was trivial tio do since we were already referencing the NServiceBus and NServiceBus.Core assemblies.

The short answer is that it is not enough to make the data resemble the new identity documents. Where you are using Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), that data is important! That's why your solution isn't working right now. I spoke about the concept of identity documents (specifically about the NServiceBus use case) during the last quarter of my talk at RavenConf 2014 - here are the slides and video.
So here is the long answer:
In RavenDB, the only ACID guarantees are on the Load/Store by Id operations. So if two threads are acting on the same Saga concurrently, and one stores the Saga data, the second thread can only expect to get back the correct saga data if it is also loading a document by its Id.
To guarantee this, the Raven Saga Persister uses an identity document like the one you showed. It contains the SagaId, the UniqueValue (mostly for human comprehension and debugging, the database doesn't technically need it), and the SagaDocId (which is a little duplication as its only the {SagaTypeName}/{SagaId} where we already have the SagaId.
With the SagaDocId, we can use the Include feature of RavenDB to do a query like this (which is from memory, probably wrong, and should only serve to illustrate the concept as pseudocode)...
var identityDocId = // some value based on incoming message
var idDoc = RavenSession
// Look at the identity doc's SagaDocId and pull back that document too!
.Include<SagaIdentity>(identityDoc => identityDoc.SagaDocId)
var sagaData = RavenSession
.Load(idDoc.SagaDocId); // Already in-memory, no 2nd round-trip to database!
So then the identityDocId is very important because it describes the uniqueness of the value coming from the message, not just any old Guid will do. So what we really need to know is how to calculate that.
For that, the NServiceBus saga persister code is instructive:
void StoreUniqueProperty(IContainSagaData saga)
var uniqueProperty = UniqueAttribute.GetUniqueProperty(saga);
if (!uniqueProperty.HasValue) return;
var id = SagaUniqueIdentity.FormatId(saga.GetType(), uniqueProperty.Value);
var sagaDocId = sessionFactory.Store.Conventions.FindFullDocumentKeyFromNonStringIdentifier(saga.Id, saga.GetType(), false);
Session.Store(new SagaUniqueIdentity
Id = id,
SagaId = saga.Id,
UniqueValue = uniqueProperty.Value.Value,
SagaDocId = sagaDocId
SetUniqueValueMetadata(saga, uniqueProperty.Value);
The important part is the SagaUniqueIdentity.FormatId method from the same file.
public static string FormatId(Type sagaType, KeyValuePair<string, object> uniqueProperty)
if (uniqueProperty.Value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("uniqueProperty", string.Format("Property {0} is marked with the [Unique] attribute on {1} but contains a null value. Please make sure that all unique properties are set on your SagaData and/or that you have marked the correct properties as unique.", uniqueProperty.Key, sagaType.Name));
var value = Utils.DeterministicGuid.Create(uniqueProperty.Value.ToString());
var id = string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", sagaType.FullName.Replace('+', '-'), uniqueProperty.Key, value);
// raven has a size limit of 255 bytes == 127 unicode chars
if (id.Length > 127)
// generate a guid from the hash:
var key = Utils.DeterministicGuid.Create(sagaType.FullName, uniqueProperty.Key);
id = string.Format("MoreThan127/{0}/{1}", key, value);
return id;
This relies on Utils.DeterministicGuid.Create(params object[] data) which creates a Guid out of an MD5 hash. (MD5 sucks for actual security but we are only looking for likely uniqueness.)
static class DeterministicGuid
public static Guid Create(params object[] data)
// use MD5 hash to get a 16-byte hash of the string
using (var provider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider())
var inputBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(String.Concat(data));
var hashBytes = provider.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
// generate a guid from the hash:
return new Guid(hashBytes);
That's what you need to replicate to get your utility to work properly.
What's really interesting is that this code made it all the way to production - I'm surprised you didn't run into trouble before this, with messages creating new saga instances when they really shouldn't because they couldn't find the existing Saga data.
I almost think it might be a good idea if NServiceBus would raise a warning any time you tried to find Saga Data by anything other than a [Unique] marked property, because it's an easy thing to forget to do. I filed this issue on GitHub and submitted this pull request to do just that.


How to retrieve the Id of a newly Posted entity using ASP.Net Core?

I Post a new Waste entity using the following code:
var result = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(wasteApiRoute, waste);
The Api Controller (using the code created by VS) seems to try to make life easy for me by sending back the new Id of the Waste entity using:
return CreatedAtAction("GetWaste", new { id = waste.Id }, waste);
So the resultvariable wil contain this data. Indeed, I find it in its Headers.Location property as an url.
But how do I nicely extract the Id property from the result without resorting to regular expressions and the like? Surely the creators of ASP.Net Core will have included a nifty call for that?
Well, the best I can come up with is:
var result = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(wasteApiRoute, waste);
var newWaste = await result.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<Waste>();
Where waste has an Id of zero, newWaste has its Id set.

dojo 1.10 JsonRest idAttribute - server passed a float in PUT

Just getting started with dojo/JsonRest, but having some problems with sending updates back to my server. I've got 2 questions that I'm stuck with;
The code below produces a grid with one of the columns set to editable.
The primary key in my json data is the "jobName" attribute (hence idAttribute in the JsonRest store).
First question is about the URI in the PUT;
- When I call dataStore.save() the server get's a PUT, but the URI is /myrestservice/Jobs/0.9877865987 (it changes each time, but is always a float)
- I don't see where dojo is getting the float number from? It's not my idAttribute value from that row. How can I get the PUT to respect the idAttribute in the JsonRest store?
- I did try setting idProperty in the MemoryStore to "jobName", but that changed the PUT in to a POST and removed the float, but I still don't get a jobName in the URI which is what my REST server needs.
Second question about the content of the PUT;
- The PUT contains the whole row. I'd really just like the idAttribute and the data that changed - is that possible?
I've been through the examples and docs, but there aren't many examples of handling the PUT/POST part of JsonRest.
var userMemoryStore = new dojo.store.Memory( );
var userJsonRestStore = new dojo.store.JsonRest({target:"/myrestservice/Jobs/", idAttribute:"jobName"});
var jsonStore = new dojo.store.Cache(userJsonRestStore, userMemoryStore);
var dataStore = new dojo.data.ObjectStore( {objectStore: jsonStore } );
/*create a new grid*/
var grid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
id: 'grid'
,store: dataStore
,structure: layout
,rowSelector: '20px'}
dojo.query("#save").onclick(function() {
I think you want idProperty, not idAttribute. It also might help to set idProperty in the Memory store being used to cache as well; that may be what's generating the random float.
As for the second question, that'd probably require customization; I don't believe OOTB stores (or grids) generally expect to send partial items.

"Convert" Entity Framework program to raw SQL

I used Entity Framework to create a prototype for a project and now that it's working I want to make the program ready for production.
I face many challenges with EF, the biggest one being the concurrency management (it's a financial software).
Given that it seems to have no way to handle pessimistic concurrency with EF, I have to switch to stored procs in SQL.
To be honest I'm a bit afraid of the workload that may represent.
I would like to know if anybody have been in the same situation before and what is the best strategy to convert a .net code using EF to raw SQL.
I'm investigating CLR but it's not clear if pessimistic concurency can be manage with it. is it an option more interesting than TSQl in this case ? It would allow me to reuse part of my C# code and structure of function calling another functions, if I understand well.
I was there and the good news is you don't have to give up Entity Framework if you don't want to. The bad news is you have to update the database yourself. Which isn't as hard as it seems. I'm currently using EF 5 but plan to go to EF 6. I don't see why this still wouldn't work for EF 6.
First thing is in the constructor of the DbContext cast it to IObjectContextAdapter and get access to the ObjectContext. I make a property for this
public virtual ObjectContext ObjContext
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext;
Once you have that subscribe to the SavingChanges event - this isn't our exact code some things are copied out of other methods and redone. This just gives you an idea of what you need to do.
ObjContext.SavingChanges += SaveData;
private void SaveData(object sender, EventArgs e)
var context = sender as ObjectContext;
if (context != null)
var tsql = new StringBuilder();
var dbParams = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
var deletedEntites = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Deleted);
foreach (var delete in deletedEntites)
// Set state to unchanged - so entity framework will ignore
// Method to generate tsql for deleting entities
DeleteData(delete, tsql, dbParams);
var addedEntites = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Added);
foreach (var add in addedEntites)
// Set state to unchanged - so entity framework will ignore
// Method to generate tsql for added entities
AddData(add, tsql, dbParams);
var editedEntites = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified);
foreach (var edit in editedEntites)
// Method to generate tsql for updating entities
UpdateEditData(edit, tsql, dbParams);
// Set state to unchanged - so entity framework will ignore
if (!tsql.ToString().IsEmpty())
var dbcommand = Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
dbcommand.CommandText = tsql.ToString();
foreach (var dbParameter in dbParams)
var dbparam = dbcommand.CreateParameter();
dbparam.ParameterName = dbParameter.Key;
dbparam.Value = dbParameter.Value;
var results = dbcommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
Why we set the entity to unmodified after the update because you can do
var changed properties = edit.GetModifiedProperties();
to get a list of all the changed properties. Since all the entities are now marked as unchanged EF will not send any updates to SQL.
You will also need to mess with the metadata to go from entity to table and property to fields. This isn't that hard to do but messing the metadata does take some time to learn. Something I still struggle with sometimes. I refactored all that out into an IMetaDataHelper interface where I pass it in the entity type and property name to get the table and field back - along with caching the result so I don't have to query metadata all the time.
At the end the tsql is a batch that has all the T-SQL how we want it with the locking hints and containing the transaction level. We also change numeric fields from just being set to nfield = 10 but to be nfield = nfield + 2 in the TSQL if the user updated them by 2 to avoid the concurrency issue as well.
What you wont get to is having SQL locked once someone starts to edit your entity but I don't see how you would get that with stored procedures as well.
All in all it took me about 2 solid days to get this all up and running for us.

Trying to update entities from a disconnected entity

Ok, each and every time I get into this situation, I struggle back and forth until I find a way to solve it (and that is usually not the way I would have liked to solve it).
What I'm talking about is disconnected entities in EF that should update existing entities in the database.
I'll give an example of my problem here (this example is the last time I got into this problem that caused me to write this question).
I have a WCF service that uses Entity Framework as well. The other program that have added a service reference to my service have gotten proxy versions of the Entities as normal.
The case is that the consumer of the service now construct a object of this proxy class, and call the method UpdateEntity on the WCF service. This entity has a foreign key to another type of entities, and the primary key of the entity I want to link this new entity to is also sent as a parameter to this method. In this case, I want the entity with the same primary key in the database to be updated. It seems simple enough right?
My method looks something like this now:
public bool ChangeEntity(MyEntity entity, int otherTableForignKey)
//first I verify that the entity to update exist in the system
var entitytochange = entityContext.MyEntities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Name == entity.Name);
if (systemtochange == null) return false;
entity.ForignEntity = entityContext.ForeignEntities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == otherTableForignKey);
//code for updating the entity should go here, but I'm nor sure what
return true;
catch (Exception exc)
return false;
I tried many different combinations of ApplyCurrentValues, Attach, setting ObjectState to Modified and so on, but I get either the error message that I can't add a new entity with the same key as an existing entity, that the object state of the new object can't be Added and so on.
So my question is: What is the best way to do this without writing code that looks like a big hack.
The only way I got this working now was to just set the properties of entitytochange manually with the properties of entity, but it is a bad solution since any added properties to MyEntity will break the code if I don't remember to add code in this method as well, and it seems there really should be another way that is better.
When I put entityContext.MyEntities.ApplyCurrentValues(entity); where my comment is put above, I get the following exception on this line:
The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the Added state. Changes can only be applied when the existing object is in an unchanged or modified state.
However, if I remove this line above entity.ForignEntity = entityContext.ForeignEntities.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == otherTableForignKey); then the ApplyCurrentValues works without any problems.
Why would me setting the ForeignEntity of the object set it to Added state? So it seems that setting a Property on the Detached entity, attaches it to the context with a state of added?

Why does NHibernate need to know the ID of an auto ID based entity before flush is called?

With my only ORM knowledge being L2S/EF, I was surprised when the following code inserted a row into the database before I called repo.Save:
var repo = new UserRepository();
var user = new User { Name = "test" }
Repo looks like this:
public void Add(T entity)
public void Save()
After some digging, it seems NHibernate needs to make the insert happen right away in order to get the ID of the new entity (since it's using an auto increment ID). But L2S/EF doesn't work like this; I can add many entities and save them all at the end.
Question is: is there a way to achieve the same thing with NHibernate, while still using auto increment IDs, and out of interest does anyone know why it works like this?
Fabio Maulo already blogged about the usage of identity generator a few times. The answer is: use hilo, guid.comb or something like this.
NHibernate needs the identity because every entity in the session (they are called "persistent entities") needs to be identified. The identity is also normally used to determine if the record already exists in the database (unsaved value).
session.Save actually only makes a transient entity persistent. When the database is generating the id, it needs to be stored to get the id. If NH can create the id itself (eg using hilo), it could be stored next time when the session gets flushed.