Could not install appium using ' npm install -g appium ' command - npm

I have installed node on mavericks using 'brew install node'. Node is installed. But npm version is not shown.
$ node -v
$ npm -v
-bash: npm: command not found
$ npm install -g appium
-bash: npm: command not found
Please help.

Please try re installing node from the installer package available at
If does not work
try running sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/lib/ from Terminal and reinstall node.js


Gatsby : -bash: gatsby: command not found after npm install

When I try to install gatsby running npm install gatsby-cli -g , it does not work : when I run gatsby --help, it shows:
bash:gatsby command not found
I have tried:
uninstalling and reinstalling NPM
this gitHub solution :
I get a permission error when trying to change npm config set prefix /usr/local
I'm working on mac (version 10.14.5).
My environment details are as follows:
npm -v : 6.9.0
node -v : v10.16.0
What can I do to make it work?
Thanks in advance,
If it's a permissions error, you could use sudo npm install gatsby-cli -g to run it as a superuser. I have to do this when I install something globally.

Why I can't get NPM upgraded?

Here is how I install NPM on a Linux Mint 19.
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
The NPM version I get is 3.5.2, which is not the current version. To upgrade, I try the following commands.
sudo npm install latest-version
which has a few warning messages such as "not such file or directory, open '/home/me/package.json'"
sudo mpn install npm#latest -g
which runs without any warning or error messages.
The command
npm -v
still yields 3.5.2.
What is missing?
Also, the reason of using sudo in those upgrade commands is to work around some access permission.
try running:
which npm
sudo which npm
I suspect by running sudo apt-get ... you installed npm for your root user as opposed to your current user.
Try this command: npm install -g npm#latest or npm install -g npm#next
You can update NPM with: npm install -g npm.
See this Q&A for more variations that might occur/needed.

installing react native - Command line interface (env: node: No such file or directory)

While executing this command on terminal(Mac OS) for setup react native environment
:~ npm install -g react-native-cli
getting error env: node: No such file or directory
It seems you don't have node installed on your system. Follow the instructions on this link
for MacOS
Install Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Node
brew install node
Install watchman
brew install watchman
Finally install React Native CLI
npm install -g react-native-cli
If you are using ubuntu try the command as
sudo npm install -g react-native-cli
and make sure node and nstrong textpm was installed in your system.

How to remove ripple emulator using npm

Have problem with uninstaling ripple emulator at Debian Jessie.
Was instaled by command
sudo npm install -g ripple-emulator
But when I try to uninstall using command
sudo npm rm ripple-emulator
It gives warning
npm WARN uninstall not installed in /home/user/node_modules: "ripple-emulator"
I have change location to /usr/share/npm/node_modules/ but there no folder with ripple emulator
If installed with the -g flag you need to pass that in when uninstalling as well. So the following should work:
sudo npm rm -g ripple-emulator

Typescript npm install not working

When I run sudo npm install -g typescript the only thing that gets installed is test3. This is what I get:
$ sudo npm install -g typescript
test3#1.0.0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/test3
$ tsc
-bash: tsc: command not found
The Typescript compiler is never installed. I reinstalled node/npm just now to see if it was an install issue, but that didn't seem to fix it. Any ideas?