Stop Sencha TOuch suspendEvents from queuing events - sencha-touch-2

I read about Sencha Touch's suspendEvents and resumeEvents commands.
I have used them, they seem to work fine.
The problem is that suspendEvents makes the events bubble, and they resume after the resumeEvents command is triggered.
Is there a way to prevent that?
I saw this aproach, but it does not work: suspendEvents(false)
Any ideas?

Actually resumeEvents has option "discardQueuedEvents". So I guess you should try with resumeEvents()


How can I activate notification (with sound) after Run is finished on IntelliJ?

I usually go on to do other things while the project is compiling. I would like to know if there's a way to get a sound notification when the run is finished.
I tried looking into the Setting -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Notifications but nothing seems to work.
This was already reported, but it seems it's not yet implemented. Maybe you can leave an upvote. Possible workaround is to use this third-party plugin.

wxWidgets: is it possible to nest two different wxTimers?

I am writing an application that stays in the traybar and do some checks every some minutes.
When it performs this checks, I would like the traybar icon to be animated.
That is why I have a first wxTimer triggering checks. In its OnTimer call I tried to manage the second wxTimer to handle the animation.
The issue is that timers work in the mainloop, so the icon is not updated when the second timer updates the icon index.
Is there a way to overcome this problem?
Thank you!
Your description of the problem is unfortunately not clear at all but if you mean that you don't get timer events until you reenter the event loop, this is indeed true and, moreover, almost tautological -- you need to return to the event loop to get any events.
This is the reason why your event handlers should always execute quickly and return control to the main loop. And if they take too long, the usual solution is to use a background thread for the real work and just schedule it in your event handler, but not wait until it is done.
Basing on Ryan G's comment
It is possible to incorporate wx.Yield() into the main loop. This is usually used to temporarily release the global lock to allow the widgets to update.
It is also possible to create a separate thread to update the animation independently from the main thread.
Using wx.Yield() should be easier to implement.

pygtk vlc player does not play next track

I'm writing a small custom player based on libvlc. I've used much of the code from that plays a single track just like I need.
Now I want to swtich to another track after previous has finished. To do that I catch callback "EventType.MediaPlayerEndReached" and in callback handler I write code:
<------>def endCallback(self,event):
<------><------>fname = vlc_controller.GetNextTrack()['url']
<------><------>self.w.set_title('after set_mrl')
<------><------>self.w.set_title('after play')
Now when this code gets executed it stucks on self.vlc.player.set_mrl(fname) and does not go any further and as a result I see NO NEXT TRACK.
I've tried different variations of this code using (vlc.stop(), vlc.set_media instead of vlc.set_mrl) but nothing works
I think the best choise is to make multi threaded application on python
2 Threads:
Main thread - gtk.loop and displaying video an some other thinks
Additional thread that makes media switching.
For some time I was afraid of multithreading but now I know that this was the best way to do this task
For those facing similar issue in C# (Xamarin), per VLC documentation, calling the VLC object from an event tied to the object may freeze the application. So they said to use the code below inside the trigger event.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => PlayNext());
An example would be calling the code above inside the EndReach event.
Where PlayNext() is your own custom method to handle the next action you want to execute.
I struggled with this for about a day before seeing that portion of the documentation.

Objective-C: Trying to use Apple's MultipleDetailView

I am working on trying to make a splitview based application. I am trying to use Apple's MultipleDetailView example code
I have never really used example code like this (I usually just atart from scratch). All i did was copy the code into the correct classes of my app, but when I try to run it on the simulator the app doesn't open.
I feel like I am maybe forgetting something obvious, since I didn't code it myself.
The usual debugging technique applies. Put a breakpoint somewhere early in the program -- the first line of main() for instance, and debug from there. Do you hit the breakpoint? If yes, move forward through the code until you find the line that causes the problem. If no, try to back up even further if you can, and also look for any clues as to what's going wrong. If the app is running at all, there should be some sort of error message in the console output.
"...the app doesn't open" doesn't tell us nearly enough to help you. Something like "the app delegate is instantiated, but it's window and splitViewController properties are nil" goes much further toward getting to the root of the problem.

CAsyncSocketEx + console application ?

I have console applicaiotn that currently uses CAsyncSocket.
I need to implement SSL so after some searching I found this project:
For some reason same simple code that works fine on GUI code does not work in console app.
Has anyone exp. with CAsyncSslSocketLayer ?
CAsyncSocketEx uses a window as a sort of cheap thread to handle the event notifications that come from select(). Unfortunately, if you don't have a message loop, then the window which it creates will not receive these events.
This article explains that a call to CreateWindow() needs to be called from a thread which has a message loop. And if you don't, then anything sent via PostMessage() won't get there.
I've recently started to tinker with this -- I want to remove the annoying hidden window and replace it with a normal thread. Their code relies on WSAAsyncSelect() in order to receive socket events... to a window. Yuk!
It's been a while since I had the same problem, but if I remember correctly, to use CAsyncSocket in a console app you need to add something like DECLARE_CONSOLEAPP (first two links shown below) to your console app. This should give your console a message pump to generate the socket notifications (OnReceive, etc.) GUI apps have these pumps but console apps don't, generally. The third (msdn) link below might also apply, it has more info and a different way.
If these still don't work, you should put breakpoints in your socket code and make sure your socket isn't instantiated in a thread or callback other than the main console app (the one that now has the message pump).
I think googling around for 'CAsyncSocket WinApp' or 'CAsyncSocket console app' would show more.