View Firebird Tables within SQL Server 2008 R2 - sql

I am trying to connect to a Firebird database within SQL Server 2008 R2 and haven't really found a good way to do this? I'm looking for options on how to connect to a Firebird a linked server an option?...or recommended?
Some details...
SQL Server 2008 R2 machine = 64bit
Firebird machine = 32bit
Firebird client files and ODBC are installed on SQL Server machine and the ODBC tests successfully.
If I expand out the Linked Servers portion in SQL Server, I don't see any providers that look like they would work with Firebird (ADsDSOObject,MSDAOSP,MSDASQL,MSIDXS,MSOLAP,SQLNCLI10,SQLOLEDB).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Working with a sql database on SQL Server 2012 and work with the same database on SQL Server Express 2012 is the same?

I have this question about the SQL Server and SQL Server Express.
In my client machine, the database that he's using is SQL Server 2012 and in my machine i have SQL Server 2005.. so i want to install another instance and a friend told me that i dont need to install the SQL Server 2012 Standard (the one that they have) and with the SQL Server 2012 Express will work.. is that ok?
I really don't know the real difference in working with SQL Server Express 2012 and SQL Server Standard 2012 (with the same database).
On of the major differences is that with express you not be able to back ups over the network. Local backups only. When I do back ups from the SqlExpress Server Manager Studio it doesn't recognize mounted drives. Check out this for a more formal approach to your question
Check through this document:
Features supported by the editions of SQL Server 2012
You will soon be able to see if there are any features that you are using in standard that are not available in express.

Error: Can't attach DB to SQL Server 2012

I have SQL Server 2012 and I'm trying to attach a db which was previously used with SQL Server 2012, surprisingly I'm getting the following error:
The database 'DatabaseName' cannot be opened because it is version
706. This server supports version 622 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported.
I don't really understand how this could happen since like I said it was used with same 2012 version. What am I doing wrong? How can I make it work? Please explain in detail how this can be resolved.
Thank you!!
The error sounds like the server you are trying to attach the database to is not SQL Server 2012. This may be the version of Management Studio / Management Studio Express you're using, but I suspect SELECT ##VERSION; will tell you something different. It may just be a connection string mixup if you have multiple instances of SQL Server installed, otherwise you should download and install SQL Server 2012 Express from here.
It sounds like you had the following configuration and source databases:
SQL Server 2008 SP3 (ver 10.0...) - database engine
SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (ver 11.0...) - management tools
a database that was created with SQL Server 2012 (version 706)
As mentioned you could install SSMS for SQL Server 2008 (after you uninstall SSMS for SQL Server 2012). Then you would have to script your database for that version and re-run the script via 'Tasks>Script...', remembering to set the target server version as shown below.
After scripting you can then use the import/export wizard to export and then inport the data into the new (downgraded database), assuming the database had no 2012-only datatypes (such as sequences).
Another consideration is database compatibility level as shown below. You can have a SQL Server 2012 instance which hosts databases with various compatibility levels.
Using SELECT ##VERSION works very well for me. Your Database Engine is connected to a 2008 DB which certainly doesn't allow you to attach. Once I change my Database Engine to connect to 2012 DB, it works for me.
Check your Database Engine connection. You can be working on 2012 Management Studio yet connecting to 2008 DB. This is what happened to me and I have solved it use SELECT ##VERSION.

Accessing the database created on SQL Server 2008 R2 on a SQL Server 2005 installation on a different server

I have a database created on SQL Server 2008 R2 hosted on Server A. For some weird reasons, I might have to access this database from SQL Server 2005 installation on a different server.
The question is, would this be possible, can I access a 2008 R2 created database on SQL Server 2005? If yes, would there be any problems or issues that I should be expecting while doing so?
I'm a newbie to this whole SQL Server and .Net world, I might not have provided all the information that's needed here for you guys to provide an answer, so I apologize before hand. Please help me out.
You can use Cumulative update package 5 for SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 to connect to 2008.

problem in connecting studio management to sql server

I had installed SQL Server 2008, but faced some complications with that. I then installed SQL Server 2005, and now installed SQL Server Management Studio for SQL Server 2005 successfully.
I am not able to connnect to the server name it suggests.
TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to POONAM-C586A95C\SQLEXPRESS.
This version of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 servers. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.ConnectionDlg)
It doesn't show any other option of SQL Server name, though I changed the name as I remembered but for no good.
How can this be solved?
It sounds as if you're trying to connect to the 2008 instance with the 2005 SSMS. It's not clear whether you un-installed the 2008 instance.
Suggest installing the SQL Server 2008 SSMS.
Confirm/modify as needed that you're running the SQL Server instance that you require. This will show you which instances are available.
I would also check to make sure that you're connecting to the correct port. I'm come across a similar error before and the solution was to specify the port to connect to, i.e.

SQL Server Express 2008 database compatibility with SQL Server Express 2005

a) I am in the process of developing a web site using the new free web development tool - Webmatrix (Beta 2) from Microsoft.
b) Web Platform Installer (recommends and also) automatically installs SQL Server Express 2008 along with Webmatrix and VWDE 2010 Express.
c) My database is created in SQL Server Express 2008. But the hosting company says that they would support only SQL Server Express 2005 (but not SQL Server Express 2008).
d) Can I go ahead with this hosting company or should I look for somebody who supports SQL Server Express 2008 specifically? In other words, the crux of the issue is:
Is it possible to open, read, update the database and tables created using SQL Server Express 2008 in SQL Server Express 2005 edition also?
I had the similar issue with hosting company.
They gave me a bak file from SQL server 2008 and I tried to restored in in my SQL 2005 environment and it consistently failed. Quite surprised to see the lack of backward compatibility. I would advise to go with hosting provider who supports 2008 or you migrate your DB to 2005.
In one word: NO.
SQL Server is never backwards compatible - if you have a database in a 2008 version, there is no way to restore and use that on a SQL Server 2005 machine. There's no trick, no third-party tool, no hack, nothing - it just doesn't work. EVER.
So if your hoster supports only SQL Server 2005 Express, you need to uninstall 2008 Express and manually install 2005 Express on your dev machine.
Or find a hoster that support SQL Server 2008 Express.