How to create a .exe file for running command prompt commands - testing

I wish to put the following steps in a .exe file so that manual intervention is avoided and everything is automated. All the user needs to do is double click this .exe file.
Following are the steps which I wish to automate.
Open command prompt.
Go to desired folder location Eg. cd Desktop\Automation\
Run the command ruby xyz.rb


Yii2 archive installation symbolic link issue

I am trying to install Yii framework via archive file in Windows 7...after downloading the file I tried extracting it into a folder in my C:\wamp\www\bid location, however, I encounter an error saying this:
! C:\wamp\www\bid\yii-basic-app-2.0.2.tgz: Cannot create symbolic link C:\wamp\www\bid\basic\vendor\bin\markdown
A required privilege is not held by the client.
! C:\wamp\www\bid\yii-basic-app-2.0.2.tgz: Cannot create symbolic link C:\wamp\www\bid\basic\vendor\bin\yii
A required privilege is not held by the client.
I thought that perhaps Winrar can't extract tgz files so I downloaded 7-zip...Using 7-zip it extracted into a tar file and the tar file was extracted with no errors...For some reason though I do not seem to have the framework folder that seem to be in other people's directory structure...Moreover after trying create my own framework folder and performing this command:
yiic webapp C:\wamp\www\bid
It states that yiic is not recognized as an internal or external command
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong...I've tried setting this up numerous times and failed
You need to run 7-Zip File Manager in administrator mode.
Right-click the icon of 7-Zip File Manager, and then click "Run as administrator".
you need to call the command with php since it is actually a external command, i do it like this
php ./yiic webapp NameOfApp
This way your terminal understand that yii is a program that runs with php.
Another solution is to add the yii path to your environmental variable, regards

VB.NET - Shell batch file vs. Manually opening batch file = different results, for PSFTP.exe

I am using a Script Task in SSIS. So I am writing in I have a substantial amount of code that ends up writing two files: one is a .bat file with this EXACT contents in it, minus I've changed hostname, username, and password of course:
C:\Users\ipisors\AppData\Local\Temp\091014121929_Phoenix\psftp.exe -pw PASSWORD -b C:\Users\ipisors\AppData\Local\Temp\091014121929_Phoenix\091014121929.txt USERNAME#HOST
(I'm sure it has this, because I manually check it after the Script Task runs).
The content of the .txt file referenced in the command is this EXACTLY:
cd uploads
cd OUT
mget PhoenixEnrollment_20140910*.txt
After the script task runs successfully, there is no downloaded file inside the directory of PSFTP.EXE (C:\Users\ipisors\AppData\Local\Temp\091014121929_Phoenix). Nothing.
However, if I manually double click on that same batch file that the script task was supposed to SHELL(), it immediately works perfectly. Within a few seconds, there is a downloaded file inside C:\Users\ipisors\AppData\Local\Temp\091014121929_Phoenix
What could possibly be the difference in reaction from the FTP server, between my script task code:
Shell(strBatPhoenix, AppWinStyle.NormalFocus, True)
(which by the way - yes I can actually see it working!)
and double clicking the same da*n file
I've also debugged the script task, it's definition Shelling out the EXACT SAME bat file.
Help please!
I will say the password to the SFTP site has a caret (^) in it, which I am escaping by using a double caret.
Figured it out after additionally testing one other way:
I used the command prompt itself to run my batch file. It ALSO did not download to the expected directory. I began to suspect that, even though the Shell was automating a batch file in the 'desired' folder......that batch file was then reading the 'local' directory as whatever calling application had initially Shelled it out.
In this case: c:\users\myusername. And therein was my file.
Lesson to be learned: Shelling a batch file, even if that batch file shells another file, may end up with one application or another reading your instant directory as the instant directory of the application that did the first shell, not the last shell.

How to use gitbash instead of windows cmd.exe with meteor Release

I am getting started with Meteorjs. I'm a windows user so I downloaded the windows installer package Release I use gitbash for my command line interface and can't get it to recognize meteor. I get the error "sh.exe": meteor: command not found". It works fine in windows command line but I prefer gitbash.
How do I get meteor to work with gitbash?
I have the perfect answer for you since I literally just solved the issue myself.
First of all make sure meteor works in the default windows command prompt. Next open git bash and check if the following command works:
cmd //c meteor
This runs the command meteor as if you were in the command prompt.
Next step is to set up an alias in git bash so you don't have to type that out each time.
Open git bash and enter the following:
vim ~/.bashrc
this will open/create the bashrc file in VIM, press i to insert and type the following:
alias meteor="cmd //c meteor"
Save and exit vim by first pressing the Esc key then press the ":" key. Now you should be able to enter commands in VIM. Type "wq" and press enter which will write into your .bashrc file and exit vim.
Almost there! Now that you are back in git bash, all you need to do is point to your .bashrc file by entering the following:
source ~/.bashrc
Now you will be able to run meteor commands straight from git bash! Hope that helped!
Here's the fix:
The problem is because of .bat files not being handled properly by
Go to this directory - C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Local\.meteor
You should see a meteor.bat file there. Create a new file called "meteor" (without any extension and ""). Open it with notepad and paste the following:
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
save the file and now run git bash. You should be able to use meteor command in git bash.
To run a *.bat command from MinGW's MSYS shell, you must redirect the execution to cmd.exe, thus:
cmd //c foo.bat [args ...]
The foo.bat command file must be in a directory within $PATH, (or you must specify the full path name ... using slashes, not backslashes unless you use two of them for each path name separator). Also, note the double slash to inform cmd.exe that you are using its /C option, (since it doesn't accept the -c form preferred by the MSYS shell.
If you'd like to make the foo.bat file directly executable from the MSYS shell, you may create a two line Bourne shell wrapper script called simply foo alongside it, (in the same directory as foo.bat), thus:
cmd //c "$0.bat" "$#"
(so in your case, you'd create script file meteor alongside meteor.bat).
In fact, since this wrapper script is entirely generic, provided your file system supports hard file links, (as NTFS does for files on one single disk partition), you may create one wrapper script, and link it to as many command file names as you have *.bat files you'd like to invoke in this manner; (hint: use the MSYS ln command to link the files).
Credits to: Keith Marshall on SO and rakibul on Meteor Forums
It shouldn't be too hard - you just need to make sure that the meteor.bat file is in your executable. Check with echo $PATH from the bash console if it is already there.
For me, the meteor installer appended meteor's folder to the path automatically. However, you can add it manually with:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/user/folder/AppData/Local/.meteor
(On CygWin my user folder is at /cygdrive/c/Users/adam - I'm not sure what the equivalent path would be on git bash).
If you like, append that line to your ~/.profile to make sure meteor gets added to the path when the console opens.
Finally, on Windows the executable file is meteor.bat. I made a symbolic link to the filename meteor, just so I wouldn't have to type the .bat:
cd /path/to/user/folder/AppData/Local/.meteor
ln -s meteor.bat meteor.
Please have a look at the issue
I would suggest maybe creating a trivial wrapper script or alias that invokes LaunchMeteor.exe with the original arguments.
After more research on google I see that there isn't an implemented way to do this yet. The guys at meteor are working on it and accepting pull requests if you have a solution. The conclusion I came to is to use Vagrant and virtualbox to set up a ubuntu vm for meteor development. You can find info at this site: on how to install virtual machines and provision to work with meteor.

Executing Love2D scripts

The only way I found out to execute my script with the Love2d framework is to zip all of it and then rename the zip to love. This kinds of take a lot of time for a small modification. Is there a faster way to do it? I tried to command line and I get this error
'love' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
LÖVE also executes folders if they have the main.lua in them - you can just drag and drop the folder onto the application, or call it from the command line with the folder as the argument if you prefer.
LÖVE runs the contents of a folder if it can find a main.lua in it (Like Bill said).
[Note that it doesn't check subfolders].
There are three ways to run a love2D program, you can:
a) Drag the folder over the love.exe binary/link (This works in Win and *Nix, I don't know about OS X).
b) Navigate to the directory that is one level above the folder and type love [folder containing main.lua]
c) Zip it up and rename the .zip to a .love. Then double click the .love file
Option 'b' will fail if the binary is not in the %PATH%(Windows) or $PATH(*Nix) variable
(It will spout an error message like 'love' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. on windows and bash: love: command not found on linux).
There are two ways to solve this:
(Both require ADMIN/root privileges, )
1) Add the love binary to the PATH variable. Here's how to do this in windows and in linux (In linux you want to do something like this: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/where/ever/you/put/love/)
2) You can add a link to the love2D binary in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or /usr/bin/.
In windows you create a shortcut to the love.exe (wherever you installed it to) and then drag it into C:\WINDOWS\system32. In linux you can run this:
sudo link /path/to/love/binary /usr/bin/love && sudo chmod ugo+rwx /usr/bin/love
I hope this helps!
Google (the links above), Love2D and my knowledge :D
I found this to be very helpful when i started. Hope this helps
A Guide to Getting Started With Love2d
If you're using Mac OS, you should run using:
open -a love
To recreate a file as .love, you can run in command line:
zip file1.lua file2
If you just want to replace a file in .love:
zip -r file1.lua
I think this will make your work easier.
simple way:
create folder /path/to/Game
put your files (main.lua, conf.lua, ...) in folder /path/to/Game
you can run script like this:
love /path/to/Game/
or if you use Linux, you can go in folder (cd /path/to/Game) and type just:
love .
(dot means that you want to run it form in folder
I found a simple solution for save time.
You have to create a file .bat with this simple command:
7z.exe a ..\Project\*
For do this you need to download 7zip and insert this file (file.bat) into the folder of your project. Like this:
Good work!
If you're yousing Notepad++ to write your code, just open your main.lua file, then go to Run and add there this text including quotes:
Where Path is a Full path to love.exe.
The save it to a key combination and now you can test your code by using this combination in any script at Notepad++.
If you use Sublime Text, you can make a build which runs your application.
While in Sublime Text press CMD + B or Ctrl + B

running yiic from commandline fails after necessairy steps have been taken

I'm trying to install a Yii application with the latest framework to date on wampserver2.2.
I edited the .bat file to match the directory of my php /bin folder and added this as a value to the path variable.
However I seem to be unable to run yiic from the commandline. Im trying this on a windows 7 professional OS but to no avail. If i fire up yiic.php it opens the file in a notepad window. If I try to run the .bat file, the cmdline returns that it can not open the input file c:\wamp\framework\yiic
What should I do to make yiic run from the commandline? I think I completed all the necessairy steps but could be easily overlooking something.
If someone could come up with an answer that would be great.
Two things:
Make sure you are running yiic.bat, and not just yiic (which is the Linux shell script). There are two files in the directory, and your error (can not open the input file c:\wamp\framework\yiic) looks like you are using just yiic, the Bash script.
As #schmunk mentioned in the comment on the question, you can just call yiic.php directly with the PHP CLI. That is what the yiic.bat script is doing for you. :)
C:\wamp\framework> php yiic.php webapp C:\wamp\htdocs\myproject
I answered a similar question here that covers the same stuff: