Looping though a list of sheets - vba

I am trying to loop through a list of (randomly named) worksheets and for each calculate the last row and then loop though all the rows and execute some code.
I've tried the code below but I'm getting Invalid Procedure Call or Argument. I've modified in all kinds of ways but it's driving me crazy...thank you in advance.
Sub myloop()
Dim ws As Variant
Dim WsArray As Variant
Dim rcount As Integer
WsArray = Array("mysheet1", "mysheet2", "mysheet3", "mysheet4")
With ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In WsArray
rcount = .Worksheets(ws).Cells("A1").End(xlDown).Row
For i = 1 To rcount
If ...Then
End If
End With
End Sub

#Santosh makes a great point about finding the last row. As for the original question, in any Workbook there exists a Worksheets collection that might actually be easier to loop through depending on your structure:
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
'match worksheet names if necessary using ws.Name...
'do other cool stuff...
'wrap it all up
Next ws

Try this. Instead of going to cell A1 and going down to find the last row its better to go to last cell (rows.count) and then go up.
Sub myloop()
Dim ws As Variant
Dim WsArray As Variant
Dim rcount As Integer
WsArray = Array("mysheet1", "mysheet2", "mysheet3", "mysheet4")
With ThisWorkbook
For Each ws In WsArray
With .Worksheets(ws)
rcount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
End With
For i = 1 To rcount
'If .. Then
End If
End With
End Sub


Split Worksheets

Currently this macro splits worksheets based on a cell.
It works well, however I am putting it as a button on a different page but this selects the active page, I want it to run this macro on a specific sheet.
Sub SplitToWorksheets_step4()
'Splits the workbook into different tabs
Dim ColHead As String
Dim ColHeadCell As Range
Dim icol As Integer
Dim iRow As Long 'row index on Fan Data sheet
Dim Lrow As Integer 'row index on individual destination sheet
Dim Dsheet As Worksheet 'destination worksheet
Dim Fsheet As Worksheet 'fan data worksheet (assumed active)
'ColHead = Worksheets("Diversion Report") 'this ask the user to enter a colunm name
ColHead = InputBox("Enter Column Heading", "Identify Column", [c1].Value) 'this ask the user to enter a colunm name
If ColHead = "" Then Exit Sub
Set ColHeadCell = Rows(1).Find(ColHead, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If ColHeadCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Heading not found in row 1"
GoTo Again
End If
Set Fsheet = ActiveSheet
icol = ColHeadCell.Column
'loop through values in selected column
For iRow = 2 To Fsheet.Cells(65536, icol).End(xlUp).Row
If Not SheetExists(CStr(Fsheet.Cells(iRow, icol).Value)) Then
Set Dsheet = Worksheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count))
Dsheet.Name = CStr(Fsheet.Cells(iRow, icol).Value)
Fsheet.Rows(1).Copy Destination:=Dsheet.Rows(1)
Set Dsheet = Worksheets(CStr(Fsheet.Cells(iRow, icol).Value))
End If
Lrow = Dsheet.Cells(65536, icol).End(xlUp).Row
Fsheet.Rows(iRow).Copy Destination:=Dsheet.Rows(Lrow + 1)
Next iRow
End Sub
Function SheetExists(SheetId As Variant) As Boolean
' This function checks whether a sheet (can be a worksheet,
' chart sheet, dialog sheet, etc.) exists, and returns
' True if it exists, False otherwise. SheetId can be either
' a sheet name string or an integer number. For example:
' If SheetExists(3) Then Sheets(3).Delete
' deletes the third worksheet in the workbook, if it exists.
' Similarly,
' If SheetExists("Annual Budget") Then Sheets("Annual Budget").Delete
' deletes the sheet named "Annual Budget", if it exists.
Dim sh As Object
On Error GoTo NoSuch
Set sh = Sheets(SheetId)
SheetExists = True
Exit Function
If Err = 9 Then SheetExists = False Else Stop
End Function
Change your Sub to:
Sub SplitToWorksheets_step4(SheetName as String)
and in the line:
Set Fsheet = ActiveSheet
Set Fsheet = Worksheets(SheetName)
on a different page but this selects the active page, I want it to run
this macro on a specific sheet.
Well that is simple enough.
Set your Worksheet Object to a specific Sheet.Name - eg:
Dim Fsheet As Worksheet: Set Fsheet = Sheets("Your sheet name")
In a more practical usage, you could for example pass the sheet name as a procedure argument:
Private Sub SplitToWorksheets_step4(ByVal sheetName as String)
Dim fsheet as Worksheet: Set fsheet = Sheets(sheetName)
' ... do something
End Sub
Last but not least a practical way to apply a macro for every Worksheet:
Private Sub for_every_ws()
Dim ws as Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
ws.Range("A1") = "I was here!" ' i.e.
Next ws
End Sub

Can't define workheet in VBA

Going crazy here. I use this definition of worksheet all the time. Copied every string to avoid typing errors. Still, the code below produces "Nothing" when I try to set FR worksheet. Pls help!
Sub FindReplace()
Dim FRep As Worksheet
Dim c As Range
Dim cText As TextBox
Dim i As Integer
Set FRep = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("FindReplace")
For i = 1 To 23
cText = FRep.Cells(i, 3).Text
FRep.Cells(i, 2).NumberFormat = "#"
FRep.Cells(i, 2).Value = cText
Next i
The code as is seems correct. Make sure that "FindReplace" worksheet is in ThisWorkbook.
Also, you can try to get "FindReplace" worksheet by CodeName instead of by the name of the sheet. The advantage is that if the user changes the name of the worksheet, the CodeName will remain the same and you won't need to update your code to the new worksheet name.
Public Function GetWsFromCodeName(codeName As String, wb As Workbook) As Worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
If ws.CodeName = codeName Then
Set GetWsFromCodeName = ws
Exit For
End If
Next ws
End Function
Add this function in your code:
Sub FindReplace()
Dim FRep As Worksheet
Set FRep = GetWsFromCodeName("YourCodeName", ThisWorkbook)

How to get the newly inserted worksheet

So I have a pivottable and in column C there is field for which I am showing details for each record using this
For i=7 to 10
DATA.Range("C" & i).ShowDetail = True
Set wN = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Next i
Now it works fine but the problem is Set wN = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) assigns the wN the first worksheet but DATA.Range("C" & i).ShowDetail = True sometimes inserts the new worksheet which has the details at 1st or 2nd position. Now I want to know which was the new worksheet which was inserted and assign wN to it.
Do I have to make an array or list which keeps record of existing worksheets and then check which is the new one everytime? or there is an easy way to determine which is the newest worksheet in an workbook irrespective of the position.
Look at the Activesheet. ShowDetail creates the new sheet and activates it - so Set wn=ActiveSheet should work.
Sub Test()
Dim c As Range
Dim wrkSht As Worksheet
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").PivotTables(1)
For Each c In .DataBodyRange.Resize(, 1)
c.ShowDetail = True
Set wrkSht = ActiveSheet
Debug.Print wrkSht.Name
Next c
End With
End Sub
This link to Jon Peltiers page on Pivot Tables should be a massive help... https://peltiertech.com/referencing-pivot-table-ranges-in-vba/
The code shown does not add a worksheet, it sets wN to whatever sheet has index 1 (The second sheet created).
Try wN.Name = "C"& i & " field" to help figure out when each sheet is being created.
Open a new Workbook. Then run this code a few times:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
Set wsNew = Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
Debug.Print wsNew.Name
End Sub
You would see, that wsNew is always the last one added. Thus with Worksheetes(Worksheets.Count) you may access it.
If you want to know the name of the last added Worksheet, without adding After:, then use collection to remember all the worksheets you had before and simply compare them with the new collection. Run this code a few times:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim wsCollection As New Collection
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim strName As String
Dim blnNameFound As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
wsCollection.Add ws.Name
Next ws
For Each ws In Worksheets
blnNameFound = False
For lngCounter = 1 To wsCollection.Count
If wsCollection.Item(lngCounter) = ws.Name Then
blnNameFound = True
End If
Next lngCounter
If Not blnNameFound Then Debug.Print ws.Name
Next ws
End Sub
The complexity is O².

Excel VBA - Copy range from one sheet paste to all sheets after certain sheet in workbook

I feel like this is too simple to be stuck on, but I have a workbook with about 100 sheets, and I need to copy a range from one sheet (Sheet2 Range a1:H200) to Sheet5 AF1:AM200 and every sheet after (Sheet5 through Sheet100 or more). I have tried creating a loop and copying the original range and pasting to each sheet, but it hasn't worked. I feel like this is the closest I've gotten
Sub CopyPasteLoop()
Dim wsVar As Worksheet
For Each wsVar In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
With wsVar
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:H200").Value = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet5").Range("AF1").Value
End With
Next wsVar
End Sub
I feel like it should be simpler, but I can't make it work. Thanks!
Almost there. Try this:
Sub CopyPasteLoop()
Dim wsVar As Worksheet
Dim i as Integer
For i = 5 to ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Range("AF1:AM200").Value = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:H200").Value
Next i
End Sub
Or for better performance, use this:
Dim vRange as Variant
vRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2).range("A1:H200")
Dim i as Integer
For i = 5 to ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Range("AF1:AM200").Value = vRange
Next i
Hopefully #Scott Holtzman's answer will work for you (providing your sheets are indexed in the same order as they're named). This approach will also work.
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set rng = wb.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:H200")
For Each ws In wb.Sheets
If CInt(Right(ws.Name, Len(ws.Name) - Len("Sheet"))) >= 5 Then
ws.Range("AF1:AM200").Value = rng.Value
End If
Next ws

excel VBA Looping through worksheets : ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(I)?

Yesterday I decided to learn some VBA to make my excel time easier. It has been going better then expected, but I have been breaking my teeth on this code for many hours now.
I am trying to remove all empty (except title) columns, and this in all sheets of a workbook.
After lots of googling I managed to find some examples i could adapt to my needs.
I used this code: remove columns
and then tried to loop it through the sheets by using dear old microsoft support
Together i frankensteined it into this:
Sub WorksheetLoop()
Dim WS_Count As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim iCounter As Long
WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
For I = 1 To WS_Count
' Define the target Range.
Set MyRange = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(I).UsedRange
'Start reverse looping through the range.
For iCounter = MyRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
'If entire column is empty then delete it.
If Application.CountA(Columns(iCounter).EntireColumn) = 1 Then
End If
Next iCounter
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(I).Name
Next I
End Sub
When I run this, only the the starting worksheet is cleaned up. The messagebox does loop through all of them.
Why? What am I doing wrong?
I tried finding a solution, but non of the topics here seemed to give more clarity.
Thank a bunch for leading me in the right direction.
are not prefixed with MyRange so refer to the active sheet's columns not the sheet containing MyRange. Stick MyRange. infront of them.
You're almost there. You just need to qualify your application.counta and also your .columns().delete. so each is working directly with the sheet in question. Otherwise it's just working with the active sheet.
Try this:
Sub WorksheetLoop()
Dim WS_Count As Integer
Dim I As Integer
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim iCounter As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
WS_Count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
For I = 1 To WS_Count
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(I)
With ws
' Define the target Range.
Set MyRange = .UsedRange
'Start reverse looping through the range.
For iCounter = MyRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1
'If entire column is empty then delete it.
If Application.CountA(.Columns(iCounter).EntireColumn) = 0 Then
End If
Next iCounter
End With
MsgBox ws.Name
Next I
End Sub