Mysql Query data filled check - sql

I had created the table with 200 columns and i had inserted data
Now i need to check that specific 100 columns in one row are filled or not,how can we check this using mysql query .the primary key is defined .please help me out how to resolve this.

select * from tablename where column1 != null or column2 != null ......

That is a lot of columns so at the risk of being mysql server version specific you can use the information schema to get the column names and then write a SQL procedure or something in your chosen shell / language that iterates over them performing a test.
select distinct COLUMN_NAME as 'Field', IS_NULLABLE from information_schema.columns where TABLE_SCHEMA="YourDatabase" and TABLE_NAME="YourTableName" and TABLE_NAME not like "%view%" escape '!' ;
The example above will tell you the column name as "Field" and tell you if it can hold a NULL. Having the field name may give you a better way of automating a field name specific test.


How to make postgres tell which column is causing an error

While inserting data into a table which has many columns:
INSERT INTO MyTable ("name", ..100+ columns)
VALUES ('Michel', ... 100+ values)
I made an error creating a specific value so PostgreSQL tells us:
ERROR: value too long for type character varying(2)
I would like to avoid going through the whole table schema to guess which column is failing.
Is there a way to configure PostgreSQL so it tells us which column is causing the error?
One quick way might be to query the information schema table for your database and look for character columns having a maximum width of 2 (to which your error is alluding):
SELECT column_name
WHERE table_name = 'MyTable' AND
character_maximum_length = 2;

Query to get columns from system.catalog table and do a select query

I am trying to build a query to fetch columns from the system.CATALOG table and to continue querying based on the resultset. I looked at a few queries but seem to be unable to find anything that satisfies my requirements. I don't have much to show, that I have tried as I don't know, how to approach this.
I am using Apache Phoenix DB. (Any SQL is also OK, as I am interested in learning.)
I have now written the query below, which will fetch me all the column names, that start with A in schema test for table element.
Now I want to use the list of columns names in an UPSERT query from the resultset of above query, to update these columns in the element table's records. So I am stuck here.
try this, it works perfect.
SELECT column_name
FROM system.catalog
WHERE table_name = 'your_table' AND key_seq IS NOT NULL
Example: To get the salt buckets on the table :
select table_name, salt_buckets
where salt_buckets is not null and table_name='TABLE_NAME';

Retrieve Column names From one table that contain 'report'

I need to know the column names of my table exchangecondition that contains "report" in their names. I tried to use USER _TAB_COLUMNS but that didn't work, because I get no rows selected with this query:
select * from USER_TAB_COLUMNS;
However, if I could get rows when I use USER_TAB_COLUMNS, I can use this query:
SELECT column_name FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'exchangecondition' and column_name like '%report%'.
Can someone help me please?
Instead of using user_tab_columns, use all_tab_columns, provide table name and column name in upper case, provide owner name (incase you know it already).

How to find the name of a table based upon a column name and then access said table

I have a column name "CustomerIDClass" and I need to find the table it's associated with within an entire Oracle database.
I've run this to determine the owner and name of the table where this column name appears:
select * from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS
where COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%CustomerIDClass%';
and I'm getting this response:
I don't have enough reputation to post the image, so here's the link:
I have no idea how to access this (BIN$Csew==) table. When I try to use it as a table name I get errors or messages saying that no rows were returned.
My main goal here is to write a simple statement that lets me search the database for the "CustomerIDClass" and view the table that contains this column name.
This table is in the recycle bin. You have to issue FLASHBACK TABLE "Customer1"."BIN$Csew==$0" TO BEFORE DROP command, given you have the appropriate privileges.
Do note that in oracle the column names are stored in capital but you are using mixed case in your like statement therefore the select clause will not return any result
Try the below
select * from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS

SQL set column names from another query

I'm am using MS Reporting Services to graph some data from an Oracle database. I want to name the columns in my select statement with values from another select statement. Is this possible?
Like instead of
Select Column1 As 'Test' From Table1
could I do something like
Select Column1 As (Select column2 from Table2 where Value = 1) From Table1
I would think you'd have to query out separately, then form the query dynamically. Interested to see if there is a different answer.
My PL/SQL's a little rusty, so what follows is more pseudocode than compilable & tested code. And this is completely off the top of my head. But if you know the specific ordinal location of the column in the table, you may try this:
columnName varchar2(50) :=
Select column_name
From all_tab_columns c
Where lower(table_name) = '<% Your Table2 Name %>' And
column_id = 9 -- The appropriate ordinal
Order By column_id;
Select Column1 As columnName From Table1;
There may be more column values drawn from "all_tab_columns" that'll help you as well. Take a look around and see.
I hope this helps.
You can query all needed column names into separate report dataset, create hidden multivalue report parameter vColumns, set dataset with columns as a parameter default values, and use it as a string array:
Parameters!vColumns(0).Value - will be the first column etc. So you can use them as a query parameters.
See Lesson 4: Adding a Multivalue Parameter