Bind secure server and authentification - ssl

I would make a secure server, I have follow this tutorial.
It work, but I would know how I can use .p12 certificate or .cer.
And when I 'bindSecure' my server, I request a certificate. But when I try to connect, after have choose a client certificate, I get an error (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR). I did something wrong ?
if (!args.contains('--setup'))
SecureSocket.initialize(database: config['SSLpath'], password: config['SSLpass']);
HttpServer.bindSecure(config['Host'], config['SSLport'], certificateName: config['SSLname'], requestClientCertificate: true).then((server) {
getRoute(server, _virDir);
}).catchError((e) => throw "An error occured: ${e}.");
I use keychain on Mac OS for generating certificate.


My ssl certificate generates with lets encrypt but does not install

I'm using [this][1] library to generate SSL certificates. My storage generates 4 files: certificate.pem, private_key.pem, chain.pem, and fullchain.pem.
I want to install this certificate in acquia cloud using their Rest API post endpoint to install ssl certificate. The payload looks like the following:
"legacy": 0,
"certificate": "pasted the content inside our certificate.pem",
"private_key": "pasted the content inside private_key.pem",
"ca_certificates": "pasted the content inside the fullchain.pem",
"label": "My New Cert"
When I send a request, I received an error to contact they api owner support, and searching around through the server log I came across this:
Error response: 500 (Internal Server Error). Error message: Site certificate CA chain certificates are out of order..
What exactly does this error mean by saying out of order?

WebSocketpp handshake issue with TLS

I have been learning with WebSocket++ and built some of the server examples (Windows 10 Visual Studio 2019). The non-TLS examples work without issues, however, the TLS-enabled examples (echo_server_both.cpp and echo_server_tls.cpp) can't do the handshake. I am very new to web development in general so I know I must be doing something wrong with regards to the certificate and keys.
I am testing the servers with WebSocket King client, an extension of Google Chrome that connects correctly to other websocket servers like wss:// and to my own localhost when I don't use TLS.
The echo_server_both example comes with a server.pem file, and the echo_server_tls example comes with server.pem and dh.pem. I have used the same files that come with the samples, and I have also tried generating and registering my own .pem files using openSSL. In both cases I get this when the client tries to connect:
[2021-06-29 20:51:21] [error] handle_transport_init received error: sslv3 alert certificate unknown
[2021-06-29 20:51:21] [fail] WebSocket Connection [::1]:63346 - "" - 0 asio.ssl:336151574 sslv3 alert certificate unknown
[2021-06-29 20:51:21] [info] asio async_shutdown error: asio.ssl:336462231 (shutdown while in init)
I discovered these errors after I edited handle_init() in tls.hpp, following a suggestion in another site, to look like this:
void handle_init(init_handler callback,lib::asio::error_code const & ec) {
if (ec) {
//m_ec = socket::make_error_code(socket::error::tls_handshake_failed);
m_ec = ec;
} else {
m_ec = lib::error_code();
This change let the actual openSSL error to show in the console, otherwise it would show a generic "handshake failed" error.
I know I'm not doing what I should with the certificates, but I have no idea where else to look or what to do next. Can anyone here help please? Should I use the .pem files that come with the examples, or should I generate my own? in case I should generate my own, what would be the openSSL command to do that correctly and how do I tell my PC to recognize these as valid so that the server works?
Found the problem: WebSocket++ will not accept a self-signed certificate (the ones you can create directly in your own PC using OpenSSL or the Windows utilities). There is no way around it. You must have a valid, authority-validated and endorsed certificate. You can get such a certificate for free (valid only for 90 days) from The site has detailed instructions on how to request, obtain and install a certificate. After getting a valid certificate and installing it on my server, everything worked as it should.

ACE SSL Error: peer did not return a certificate

I am making both server and client for an application, using the ACE library with OpenSSL. I am trying to get mutual authentication to work, o the server will only accept connections from trusted clients.
I have generated a CA key and cert, and used it to sign a server cert and a client cert (each with their own keys also). I seem to be loading the trusted store correctly, but I keep getting the error "peer did not return a certificate" during handshake.
Server side code:
ACE_SSL_Context *context = ACE_SSL_Context::instance();
context->certificate("../ACE-server/server_cert.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
context->private_key("../ACE-server/server_key.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
if (context->load_trusted_ca("../ACE-server/trusted.pem", 0, false) == -1) {
ACE_ERROR_RETURN((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "load_trusted_ca"), -1);
if (context->have_trusted_ca() <= 0) {
ACE_ERROR_RETURN((LM_ERROR, "%p\n", "have_trusted_ca"), -1);
Client side code:
ACE_SSL_Context *context = ACE_SSL_Context::instance();
context->certificate("../ACE-client/client_cert.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
context->private_key("../ACE-client/client_key.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM);
I generated the certificates following these instructions:
And checking online, I found that if the .crt and .key files are readable, they should already be in .pem format and there is no need to convert them. So I just changed the extension and used them here.
Any help is appreciated!
My problem apparently was the same as seen here: OpenSSL client not sending client certificate
I was changing the SSL context after creating the SSL Socket. Now the mutual authentication works, but my client crashes when closing the connection. Though I don't know why that is yet.

Gmail smtp Hostname does not match the server certificate

I'm having an error with gmail gem while trying to send a mail, this is working fine on local, and was working fine on heroku, but now im moving this app to a VPS server. This is the error:
e = g.compose do
to ''
subject 'testasea'
body 'test'
=> #<Mail::Message:25450040, Multipart: false, Headers: <From: .......>
=> OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: hostname does not match the server certificate
I've added this into an initializer file, without any luck:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:openssl_verify_mode => 'none' # I've tested with 0 and false,
I tried to monkey path the class
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.class_eval do
def post_connection_check(hostname)
return true
with no luck, when I do that i receive a 535 Incorrect authentication data, however I know data is ok because i can do
g.inbox.count :read
And it returns me the right number.
I would like to know:
the incorrect certificate is the one my server (smtp client) is sending? or the one that is received by gmail smtp server?
why it works in local?
Why if i monkey path the class I received an authentication error?
Is there any workaround? i dont care if is not safe, is just a tenting application,.
This is only a guess, but if you are in a WHM VPS there is a function that restricts outgoing SMTP connections, you can find it in Tweak Settings.
Restrict outgoing SMTP to root, exim, and mailman (FKA SMTP Tweak)
It redirects all SMTP connections, If this is enabled you will receive your server self-signed ssl certificate, and if you bypass it using the monkey patch or setting configuration to dont check ssl certificate you will probably found an authentication error as you are in fact connecting to the LOCAL SMTP server.
Just disable it and test again.

Use SOAP::Lite based on https, certificate verify failed

I constructed a apache mod_perl web service based on SSL.Of course, From my browser, I can access the web service using https (Of cource,I add my self-signed CA cert to brower's trust list) access the web service,but when using SOAP::Lite , I failed.
This is my source code:
$ENV{HTTPS_CERT_FILE} = '/etc/pki/tls/mycerts/client.crt';
$ENV{HTTPS_KEY_FILE} = '/etc/pki/tls/mycerts/client.key';
#$ENV{HTTPS_CA_FILE} = '/etc/pki/tls/mycerts/ca.crt';
#$ENV{HTTPS_CA_DIR} = '/etc/pki/tls/mycerts/ca.key';
use SOAP::Lite;
my $name = "wuchang";
print "\n\nCalling the SOAP Server to say hello\n\n";
print SOAP::Lite
-> uri('http://localhost/mod_perl_rules1')
-> proxy('https://localhost/mod_perl_rules1')
-> result;
I get the response:
500 Can't connect to localhost:443 (certificate verify failed) at /root/Desktop/ line 18
I really cannot debug this.I don't know if my certificate format is incorrect.I use openssl to generate my cert,including client cert ,server cert and my self-signed ca cert and I make CA sign the client and server cert.I really don't know what is going wrong/.
Simply tell it not to check the certificate. Set SSL Verify to zero like this: