VBA | How to Copy value from Cell to Cell in Excel - vba

I want to copy a cell value to another cell, but I want to retain the value in a variable so I can use it as per requirement.
Following is the code i tried-
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
NumRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
For x = 1 To NumRows
a= Cells(x, 1).Value.Copy
Cells(x, 2).Value= a.PasteSpecial
End Sub

No need to use the Range.Copy method. Try this:
Dim a As Variant
a = Cells(x, 1).Value
Cells(x, 2).Value = a
If you want to retain ALL of the values, you will need to use an array:
Dim x As Long
Dim NumRows As Long
NumRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
ReDim a(1 to NumRows)
For x = 1 To NumRows
a(x) = Cells(x,1).Value
Cells(X,2).Value = a(x)
Next x
I also recommend explicit variable declaration. It can be found in your options or by typing Option Explicitat the VERY top, above any subs or functions. This will force you to declare your variables. I know it feels like a burden as a newbee, but it only takes one typo getting declared as a new variable to change your mind.

If you just want to pass Range value to array, no need to loop.
Try something like this:
Dim a
With Sheets("YourSheetName")
a = Application.Transpose(.Range("A1", .Range("A" & _
End With
'~~> check your array
For i = Lbound(a) To Ubound(a)
Debug.Print a(i)
'~~> rest of your code here to do what you like.
Now, if you want to use your variable a after code execution, just declare it outside the sub like this:
Dim a As Variant '~~> you can also use Public a As Variant
Sub Something()
'~~> put similar code above here and the rest of your code
End Sub
Now, you need to put a test if the variable a is empty or not, else you'll just overwrite it and defeat your purpose.
A simple check like this should work:
If IsEmpty(a) Then '~~> or IsArray if you're sure you'll always have a as array
'~~> populate a
'~~> proceed with what you want to do with a
'~~> proceed with what you want to do with a
End If
Hope it helps.

First, I suggest that you use the Record Macro facility on the Developer ribbon. Be sure to set "Use Relative References" on, and record the mouse clicks and keystrokes of one iteration of what you want to do (copy A1 to B1). Then open the macro in VB and modify it.
This is what I got when I used this approach, and it seems to work for me. I hope it works for you too.
Sub Macro1()
Dim NumRows As Integer
NumRows = Range("A1", Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
For i = 1 To NumRows
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
ActiveCell.Offset(1, -1).Activate
End Sub


Need VBA for loop referencing a named range which contains all the sheet names

I have a piece of "crude" code which copies some data from one sheet to Another, and the sheet-name from which the data is copied can be found in a cell. However, the number of sheets are now growing, and I have created a dynamic named range for the sheetnames, and would like to perform the following code for all the sheets in the dynamic range. My code looks like this:
' get the worksheet name from cell AA3
' Copy the data
' Paste the data on the next empty row in sheet "Artiklar"
Dim NextRow As Range
Set NextRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
NextRow.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Now, I would like to have something like a loop with reference to the dynamic range but I am unable to get it to work as VBA really is not my cup of tea...So, instead of referencing AA3, AA4 etc I would like to referebnce the named range which contains the data of AA3, AA4....AAx. The named range might also contain blank cells, as it is the result of an Array formula in AA3....AA150.
Thank you!
The following code should work for you. I assumed that the named range (i called it copysheets) is in the active workbook (scope workbook).
Sub copySheets()
Dim sheetName As Range
Dim copyRange As Range
Dim destinationRange As Range
For Each sheetName In Range("copysheets")
If sheetName.Value <> "" And sheetName.Value <> 0 Then
Set copyRange = Sheets(sheetName.Value).Range("A1:A1500")
Set destinationRange = Sheets("Artiklar").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
destinationRange.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
End Sub
Dim myNamedRng as Range, cell as Range
Set myNamedRng = Worksheets("MySheet").Range("myRange") '<-- set a variable referencing your named Range
With Sheets("Artiklar")
For Each cell In myNamedRng
If cell.Value <>"" Then .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(1500).Value = Worksheets(cell.Value).Range("A1:A1500").Value
Next cell
End With
The following example loops through each cell in a named range by
using a For Each...Next loop. If the value of any cell in the range
exceeds the value of Limit, the cell color is changed to yellow.
Sub ApplyColor()
Const Limit As Integer = 25
For Each c In Range("MyRange")
If c.Value > Limit Then
c.Interior.ColorIndex = 27
End If
Next c
End Sub
So you might start off with something like this:
Dim NextRow As Range
' get a range object from the named range
For Each c In Range("[File.xls]Sheet1!NamedRange")
' Copy the data
' Paste the data on the next empty row in sheet "Artiklar"
Set NextRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
NextRow.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Next c
You'll notice that I was a bit more explicit with how the named range is being referred to - the requirement here might vary depending on how you declared the range to begin with (what its scope is), but the way I did it will most likely work for you. See the linked article for more information about scope of named ranges.
-= Problem Solved =-
Thank you all for your contribution to my question! All the answers that I received has helped me refine my code, which is now functioning properly!

How to loop through rows, save these as variables and use them as variables VBA

I'm trying to store values in sheets as a variable, and then go on to reference a sheet using that variable as well as use it to filter by.
This will be looped through until the program reaches the first empty cell.
The relevant code I have so far is:
Sub Program()
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1))
Debug.Print i
Dim First As String
First = Cells(i, 1).Value
Debug.Print First
Dim Second As String
Second = Cells(i, 2).Value
Debug.Print Second
'Filters my Data sheet and copies the data
Sheets("DATA").Range("A1").AutoFilter _
Field:=2, _
Criteria1:=First 'Filters for relevant organisation
Sheets("DATA").Range("A1").AutoFilter _
Field:=6, _
Criteria1:="=" 'Filters for No Response
'This should loop through for each separate group
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
i = i + 1
Worksheets("DATA").AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub
I have changed the program significantly trying to add notation such as 'CStr' as there was an error at this line:
Sheets(CStr(Second)).Select when it used to say Sheets(Second)).Select
and the debug.print's to see if it is actually working but it isn't logging to the Immediate Window.
Additionally, when I actually run it, no error comes up but nothing seems to happen.
Not sure what else to add, or what else to try. Cheers!
As a first remark, using (at least the first) sheet activation within the loop seems unnecessary, because the start of the loop is what determines which sheet is being used to control the flow of the loop.
Furthermore, I would argue that it is better to remove the sheet activation altogether, re: the discussion about .Select (the cases aren't the same, but the solution discussed herein works better for both .Select and .Activate in almost all instances): How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros.
Let's also see if we can refer to the table in the "DATA" sheet in a more direct manner, as well as do some errorchecking.
My suggestion:
Sub Program()
Dim i As Integer
Dim First, Second As String
Dim secondWs As Worksheet
Dim dataTbl As ListObject
i = 2
Set dataTbl = Worksheets("DATA").Range("A1").ListObject.Name
' The above can be done more elegantly if you supply the name of the table
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1))
Debug.Print i
First = Sheets("Button").Cells(i, 1).Value
Debug.Print First
Second = Sheets("Button").Cells(i, 2).Value
Debug.Print Second
'Filters my Data sheet and copies the data
dataTbl.AutoFilter _
Field:=2, _
Criteria1:=First 'Filters for relevant organisation
dataTbl.AutoFilter _
Field:=6, _
Criteria1:="=" 'Filters for No Response
'This should loop through for each separate group
On Error Resume Next
Set secondWs = Worksheets(Second)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not secondWs Is Nothing Then
secondWs.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Debug.Print "Sheet name SECOND was not found"
End If
i = i + 1
Worksheets("DATA").AutoFilterMode = False
End Sub
If you get any errors, please state which line it appears on and what the error message actually is.

For loop to change a specific cell in a formula

I have a formula that shows which rows in a specific column meet a set of criteria. When the formula is executed and applied to all rows, I run a loop to check which rows returned a value as a text, and then copy-pastes this cells to another worksheet:
Sub loop1()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set r = Range(.Range("AF2"), .Range("AF2").End(xlDown))
For Each c In r
If WorksheetFunction.IsText(c) Then
Range(.Cells(c.Row, "AF"), .Cells(c.Row, "AF")).Copy
GoTo nextc
End If
With Worksheets("Sheet2")
.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With
Next c
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
What I want to do now is to run the formula for 631 different names, copy-paste every name as a headline and then run loop1. I cant figure out though how to make the for loop work inside the formula.
Sub loop2()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To 632
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[-3]=""district1"",(IF(RC[2]=R2C33 ,(IF(RC[-18]>=1,0,(IF(RC[-16]>=1,0,IF(RC[-14]>=1,0,IF(RC[-12]>=1,0,IF(RC[-10]>=1,1,IF(RC[-8]>=1,1,IF(RC[-6]>=1,1,0))))))))),0)),0)"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("AC2:AC20753")
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Application.Run "'Customers.xlsb'!loop1"
Next i
End Sub
The cells that need to be changed for every loop are, R2C33 to something like RiC33 (which doesn't work) and the "headline" Range("AG2").Select to something like Range("AGi").Select.
Anyone who could help?
The following code will do the trick:
Sub loop2()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To 632
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AC2:AC20753").FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[-3]=""district1"",(IF(RC[2]=R" & i & "C33 ,(IF(RC[-18]>=1,0,(IF(RC[-16]>=1,0,IF(RC[-14]>=1,0,IF(RC[-12]>=1,0,IF(RC[-10]>=1,1,IF(RC[-8]>=1,1,IF(RC[-6]>=1,1,0))))))))),0)),0)"
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AG" & i).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
Application.Run "'Customers.xlsb'!loop1"
Next i
End Sub
In order to let i be used within your String formula you have to stop the String " use & i & and continue the String ".
I have also changed your code to prevent the use of .Select, which is a no no in VBA.
This way it fills in your Formula copy's and changes the Font without selecting anything or changing sheets.
As Jeep noted you do however need to change Sheets(""Sheet2").Range("A1") as I don't know which cell you want to paste into.
Your first sub procedure might be better like this.
Sub loop1()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set r = Range(.Range("AF2"), .Range("AF2").End(xlDown))
For Each c In r
If WorksheetFunction.IsText(c) Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = _
.Cells(c.Row, "AF").Value2
End If
Next c
End With
End Sub
Direct value transfer is preferred over a Copy, Paste Special, Values.
In the second sub procedure, you don't have to do anything but remove the 2 from R2C33; e.g. RC33. In xlR1C1 formula construction a lone R simply means the row that the formula is on and you are starting at row 2. You can also put all of the formulas in at once. Once they are in you can looop through the G2:G632 cells.
Sub loop2()
Dim i As Integer
With Sheets("Sheet1")
.Range("AC2:AC20753").FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(OR(AND(RC[-3]=""district1"", RC[2]=R2C33, RC[-18]>=1), SUM(RC[-16], RC[-14], RC[-12])>=1), 0, IF(SUM(RC[-10], RC[-8], RC[-6])>=1, 1, 0))"
For i = 2 To 632
.Range("AG" & i).Copy _
Sheets("Sheet2").Somewhere.Font.Bold = True
Application.Run "'Customers.xlsb'!loop1"
Next i
Next i
End Sub
I also tightened up your formula by grouping some of the conditions that would result in zero together with OR and AND functions.
The only thing remaining would be defining the Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Somewhere I left hanging.

how to copy one column from one spreadsheet to another

I am trying to copy the data from column A in spreadsheet called "Dividends" and paste in spreadsheet called "Draft" but there`s an error. My code looks like that:
Sub copy_2()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
You don't need to copy/paste either - you can just set the ranges equal.
Sub copy()
Dim lastRow As Integer
'This will let us know the last used row in column A
lastRow = Sheets("Dividends").Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).row
Sheets("Draft").Range(Sheets("Draft").Cells(1, 1), Sheets("Draft").Cells(lastRow, 1)).Value = Sheets("Dividends").Range(Sheets("Dividends").Cells(1, 1), Sheets("Dividends").Cells(lastRow, 1)).Value
End Sub
Or you can copy/paste:
Sub copy()
Dim lastRow As Integer
'This will let us know the last used row in column A
lastRow = Sheets("Dividends").Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).row
Sheets("Dividends").Range(Sheets("Dividends").Cells(1, 1), Sheets("Dividends").Cells(lastRow, 1)).copy _
Destination:=Sheets("Draft").Range(Sheets("Draft").Cells(1, 1), Sheets("Draft").Cells(lastRow, 1))
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Note: If you have a gap anywhere in Column A, the lastRow integer might be off. If you want to copy all the way down to the last used row, replace the "lastRow = " with this:
lastRow = Sheets("Dividends").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Sub copy_2()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Removing references to Active as much as possible helps eliminate confusion.
This works,
Sheets("Dividends").Range("A:A").Copy Sheets("Draft").Range("A1")

Transpose a range in VBA

I am Trying to Transpose a range of cells in Excel through VBA macro but I am getting some errors, mostly Error 91.
I am pretty new to VBA and don't have much idea about functions either.
Set Range1 = Selection
Dim DestRange As Range
Set DestRange = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range1)
After going through a couple of forums, this is what I have come up with. One thing to note is that I don't have to copy them into any other cells.
What I am trying to achieve is to create a co-variance method and in the option window the user will have the option to select the range and then choose either by columns or rows, this will then affect the resulting covariance matrix.
This gets you X and X' as variant arrays you can pass to another function.
Dim X() As Variant
Dim XT() As Variant
X = ActiveSheet.Range("InRng").Value2
XT = Application.Transpose(X)
To have the transposed values as a range, you have to pass it via a worksheet as in this answer. Without seeing how your covariance function works it's hard to see what you need.
First copy the source range then paste-special on target range with Transpose:=True, short sample:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim targetRange As Range
Set sourceRange = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 1))
Set targetRange = ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 1)
targetRange.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
End Sub
The Transpose function takes parameter of type Varaiant and returns Variant.
Sub transposeTest()
Dim transposedVariant As Variant
Dim sourceRowRange As Range
Dim sourceRowRangeVariant As Variant
Set sourceRowRange = Range("A1:H1") ' one row, eight columns
sourceRowRangeVariant = sourceRowRange.Value
transposedVariant = Application.Transpose(sourceRowRangeVariant)
Dim rangeFilledWithTransposedData As Range
Set rangeFilledWithTransposedData = Range("I1:I8") ' eight rows, one column
rangeFilledWithTransposedData.Value = transposedVariant
End Sub
I will try to explaine the purpose of 'calling transpose twice'.
If u have row data in Excel e.g. "a1:h1" then the Range("a1:h1").Value is a 2D Variant-Array with dimmensions 1 to 1, 1 to 8.
When u call Transpose(Range("a1:h1").Value) then u get transposed 2D Variant Array with dimensions 1 to 8, 1 to 1. And if u call Transpose(Transpose(Range("a1:h1").Value)) u get 1D Variant Array with dimension 1 to 8.
First Transpose changes row to column and second transpose changes the column back to row but with just one dimension.
If the source range would have more rows (columns) e.g. "a1:h3" then Transpose function just changes the dimensions like this: 1 to 3, 1 to 8 Transposes to 1 to 8, 1 to 3 and vice versa.
Hope i did not confuse u, my english is bad, sorry :-).
You do not need to do this. Here is how to create a co-variance method:
Alternatively you can use statistical analysis package that Excel has.
Strictly in reference to prefacing "transpose", by the book, either one will work; i.e., application.transpose() OR worksheetfunction.transpose(), and by experience, if you really like typing, application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose() will work also-
Something like this should do it for you.
Sub CombineColumns1()
Dim xRng As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Integer
Dim xNextRow As Long
Dim xTxt As String
On Error Resume Next
With ActiveSheet
xTxt = .RangeSelection.Address
Set xRng = Application.InputBox("please select the data range", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)
If xRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
j = xRng.Columns(1).Column
For i = 4 To xRng.Columns.Count Step 3
'Need to recalculate the last row, as some of the final columns may not have data in all rows
xNextRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, j).End(xlUp).Row + 1
.Range(xRng.Cells(1, i), xRng.Cells(xRng.Rows.Count, i + 2)).Copy .Cells(xNextRow, j)
.Range(xRng.Cells(1, i), xRng.Cells(xRng.Rows.Count, i + 2)).Clear
End With
End Sub
You could do this too.
Sub TransposeFormulas()
Dim vFormulas As Variant
Dim oSel As Range
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
MsgBox "Please select a range of cells first.", _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Transpose formulas"
Exit Sub
End If
Set oSel = Selection
vFormulas = oSel.Formula
vFormulas = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vFormulas)
oSel.Offset(oSel.Rows.Count + 2).Resize(oSel.Columns.Count, oSel.Rows.Count).Formula = vFormulas
End Sub
See this for more info.
if you just want to copy and transpose the values in the clipboard you can use the following makro:
Sub PasteVal()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
End Sub