What does the 'cd' in a database column stand for? [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i.e. foo_cd or bar_cd where they are ints in the database representing some "type" or "flavor". I know the letters c and d stand for something but I can't remember what.
In rails as_enum :foo_type, {:flavorA => 1, :flavorB => 2, :flavorC => 3} would make the DB col foo_type_cd

It's a simple_enum table suffix that according to the author simply stands for code.

There is no standard meaning for cd, but from your excerpt I would expect that it is short for code
(bar_code, foo_code). Best practice would be to avoid such abbreviations.


A newbie in SQL asking about functions [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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How can I find data that dont end with letter 'g' without using NOT LIKE function, please help
select * from table where right(column, 1) != 'g'
Since you asked how to do it using "not like," I'll answer that. The function version provided by #Zoories would be more efficient.
This works at w3schools.com
SELECT * FROM Customers where CustomerName not like '%g';

How do i find difference of two columns in SQL [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to find if the difference between 2 columns. How do I achieve that?
For example,
select(col1-col2) output is 1
select(col2-col1) output is -1
Is there a way to get just the difference as 1 without the negative (-) sign?
use abs() function
select abs(col2-col1) as diff

Can I do this relational algebra sentence in SQL? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The schemata of the left and right arguments of operator – (set difference) do not match: {LOC, DEPTNO} ≠ {DEPTNO}.
As is, this relational algebra query could not be evaluated.

find divisors of a number using while loops [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am new to coding and I would like some assistance with how to find the divisors of a number (I would like to add them all together and return the result). Ive seen some examples in different post, but they used for loops. I only know, and can only use, while loops.
anything helps.
You can use while loop to find positive divisors of a number in the following way:
def find_divisors(n):
if n==0:
return []
if n<0:
if n%i==0:
return divisors

Do table names with [Name1].[Name2] pattern differ from normal tables? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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When I look at Microsoft's sample AdventureWorks database, I see the table names follow a pattern such as:
Does this kind of specification differ from a normal pattern such as:
Is it only for readability or is there some other point to it?
It's SchemaName.TableName
So [Person].[Address] != PersonAddress
Instead it'll be Person.Address
The [] are optional, they exist because if you have special characters, or a reserve word in the object name, you will not be able to call the object without them.
For example select last name from people; is not going to work,
instead you need select [last name] from people;
You can find more information here.