Duplicate sites when using getItemSummaries - yodlee

When using the getItemSummaries command (through both the SOAP/REST API) I recently started getting a duplicate entry for the exact same site (or institution). This is using real world data (not DAG bank).
The duplicate entries have one version (verified by looking inside of itemData being more recent than the other)
Is there any documentation as to how (and why?) this can happen. According to the docs, getItemSummaries is meant to dispaly the latest data of sites

Could you please use getItemSummariesForSite (REST/SOAP) and check if you are still getting duplicate accounts? Ideally having duplicate sites(i.e. with same credentials) should not be a use case.


Non-deterministic response to podio api call

My company uses a systemd service that makes rest api calls to the podio API in a python wrapper on a services server. The process takes in bugsnag bugs, checks that a podio bug item with that external ID already exists, and then creates a new podio bug if no associated podio bug exists and updates any existing item if one does exist. Recently, this check was behaving unpredicatably. It would encounter a request for a given bugsnag ID and for no discernable reason would fail to find a podio bug with a matching external ID on one call, and then successfully find one the next call. The specific API rest call is https://developers.podio.com/doc/items/filter-items-4496747, filtering by external ID.
We haven't been able to recreate the issue on local testing, and reverting the code running on our services server to before a major refactor (the issue started happening around the same time) didn't stop the issue from happening. Was there a change in how the filter request works recently? Even so, that wouldn't explain why we are getting different responses for the same call.
don't know if I'm handing you a Red Herring but, I had to rewrite my Podio.Net code because all the references to integer Podio ItemIds were acting erratically like you described. The issue was that Podio's Id numbering system exceeded the size of an Integer and I had to switch all the calls to Long ItemId values.

Search for issues that starts with xxx in Jira

This is my first time working with Jira and their API. My company wants me to fetch all "ASAPSD" issues, but I don't understand how to. The core problem in itself is that I do not understand exactly how Jira works, and how issues are "built" up.
The issue starts with "ASAPSD" followed by some random characters and numbers. For example "ASAPSD-334". How can I, with a GET request, get all issues that start with ASAPSD?
Basic information about Jira and projects
The first part (prefix) is the Project Key representing a project/collection where all similar issues are stored (in this case, ASAPSD may stand for ASAP Service Desk:-). There are certainly more projects in every Jira instance. Some other projects are intended to track different activities.
Searching for the project issues
You can search for any issues using the search function (available also via REST API).
First, log in to the Jira and try to search for the issues manually by yourself - in Issue Navigator (via Issues top menu bar). Here you'll find that you can search all issues via Basic (Project is ASAPSD) or Advanced search (project = ASAPSD). This advanced search is called JQL (Jira Query Language).
You can then use this JQL in your REST API search method:
GET https://jira.yourdomain.com/rest/api/2/search?jql=project%3DASAPSD
The output lists only limited number of issues (usually 50) - to get more issues, you need to increase the limit (maxResults param) or paginate (startAt param) over next results.
Using expand and fields params you can alter the output to get more/less information.
There two types of Jira instances - on-premise Server/Data Center and Cloud one. REST API and usage might slightly differ.
Alternatively, you can get CSV export. When you search for issues in the Issue Navigator, there's an option to export results to CSV. Save this URL and you can request it in your script via GET.

Empty Query Results after switching API KEY - CA Agile Rally API

I'm running into a strange issue where I'm getting no results from queries to the CA Agile Rally API after switching to a new API key. Both API keys are created on subscription admin accounts and the queries are exactly the same so I'm not sure why I would have this issue.
It is really the strangest thing and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it further. The issue only seems to affect queries that return 1 result (i.e query by ObjectID/ObjectUUID). Other queries with more than 1 result seem to be working as expected (unless it's an OR query with multiple ObjectID/ObjectUUIDs). I've also confirmed that I can get/update the artifact using the ref without a problem. When I switch back to my old API key and run the exact same query I get the desired result.
I'm using this package but I've also tested with my own Node JS request API calls and I have the same problem. What could I be missing here?
Needed to give the user a default workspace/project and it resolved the issue.

how to set allowed values through Rally WSAPI?

How can one set the allowed values for a Rally attribute (e.g. "Package") using Rally's web services API (2.0)?
I know how to retrieve the allowed values, and the WSAPI documentation says one should be able to POST new ones, or PUT to existing ones to rename them. But in actuality, POSTing new ones returns an error saying that POST isn't supported, and PUTting to existing ones isn't possible because they don't have _refs to PUT to.
Clearly there must be some way to do this — after all, the GUI can do it — but I haven't managed to figure it out. Anyone have the answer?
Ah, the package field... 'Twas a simpler time when this field was created. Unfortunately it is implemented differently than almost all other dropdowns in Rally and as such is not able to be updated via WSAPI as you have found. Other field allowed values (including custom fields) have _refs and operate as you expect above.

Alfresco Rest API to get the current node version

I'm making a call to GET service/api/version?nodeRef={nodeRef}, but I want to limit the query to just the most recent version. I found this StackOverflow post which suggests the use of &filter={filterQuery?} to filter results, but that looks like it only applies to the people query method. Is there something like this for the version method?
Before answering your specific query, a general point. Alfresco community is open source, and almost all of Alfresco Enterprise is too, so for many queries around this your best bet is simply to go and check the source code yourself! The rest APIs are held in the projects/remote-api
Looking in there, you can see that the versions webscript returns all versions for a given node. It's fairly fast to do that, so calling that and getting the most recent one isn't the end of the world
Otherwise, the slingshot node details api at http://localhost:8080/alfresco/service/slingshot/doclib2/node/{store_type}/{store_id}/{id} (add the parts of the noderef into the URL) will return lots of information on a node quickly, including the latest version. In the JSON returned by that, inside the item key is something like
"version": "1.7",
Which gives you the latest version for the node
Some of the listing and search APIs will also include the version, but those are likely to be quite a bit more heavyweight than just getting the version history of a node