For educational reasons I would like to reproduce the following example schema from "Mondrian in Action":
But I cannot find a button for "Add Attribute"!?
I am only offered buttons for:
add cube
add dimension
add dimension usage
add hierarchy
add named set
add user defined function
add calculated member
add measure
add level
add property
add calculated member property
add virtual cube
add virtual cube dimension
add virtual cube measure
add role
Why is "add attribute" missing? Or ... what is it that I am missing here?
"attribute" has been added to Mondrian schema at version 4 while the Schema Workbench is officially no longer maintained and stuck at Mondrian schema version 3.x.
This should be the documentation for Mondrian 4:
And this "seems" to be an older version - maybe 3.x:
how to get the polygon name that contains a point in the point feature attribute table with automatic update? is there a way with attribute assistant??
I have used spatial join but it does not make automatic update when I create a new feature point or when I update point location
Yes, you can do this easily with attribute assistant using the "INTERSECTING_FEATURE" method. See the docs for description and examples:
If you want the attribute assistant to trigger this method automatically on feature update/create then set the "ON_CHANGE" and "ON_CREATE" attributes to "1"(True).
The cube (sql Server 2016) contains dimensions [Unit].[Unit].&[1] and [Unit].[Unit].&[2]. I’ve created a calculated dimension:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Unit].[Unit].[All].[1/2] AS [Unit].[Unit].&[1]/[Unit].[Unit].&[2]
To restrict access to the dimension of [Unit].[Unit].[All].[1/2] I’ve created the Role.
But I can not select [Unit].[Unit].[All].[1/2] in DimensionData-Basic tab, because this attribute does not appear in the list of attributes.
If I specify the attribute [Unit].[Unit].[All].[1/2] in DimensionData-Advanced tab in the MDX-script Denied member set: {[Unit].[Unit].[All].[1/2]}, the user sees this attribute.
How do I restrict access to the calculated dimension?
If you change your DimUnit SQL table to include a "1/2" row then replace your CREATE MEMBER statement with the following it should work the same and you should be able to see this member in dimension data security after you deploy and process the cube:
= DIVIDE([Unit].[Unit].&[1], [Unit].[Unit].&[2]);
Then after you have created a role that makes the 1/2 member disappear you will get an error when browsing the cube with that user. Change the above line to the following:
= DIVIDE([Unit].[Unit].&[1], [Unit].[Unit].&[2]);
BTW, DIVIDE does safe divide so divide by zero won't cause problems.
Off the top of my head I can't recall if StrToMember is necessary vs. just a member reference so I played it safe. Feel free to try it without StrToMember.
To be clear the whole script should say:
= DIVIDE([Unit].[Unit].&[1], [Unit].[Unit].&[2]);
I need to make summery of raw materials used, the qualty of products ,final products status . . . for each manufactureing process and provide this information on the reporing tab like sales anlysis and purchase analysis . . . How can I do this? and insights about my requirment?
Create a module for your custom analysis report. I will explain how the Sales Analysis report is created. Using that you could create your own analysis report.
Create a module for your report in the addons folder. You can use the following link for details about creating a module How to create an ODOO module
Create a python file in the module and import it in the file. In that file create a model based on a PostgreSQL view. Add a method init(self, cr) that creates a PostgreSQL View matching the fields declared in _columns. You can check this in the file in report folder of sale module. Create the fields you needed in the _columns and write the query in the init method for getting values to these fields.
Specify the parameter _auto=False to the OpenERP object, so no table corresponding to the _columns dictionary is created automatically.
For the model data is taken from a view defined in the init method of the model. The value for each field is calculated dynamically, that is at the time we click on the menuitem for the Sales Analysis report in Reporting tab. The aliases in the select query of the view creation are the field names of the model sale_report. For example in select query you can find uom_id as product_uom where product_uom is column in the model sale_report.
Define the views. Create an XML file in the report folder of the module. You can use the sale_report_view.xml file in the sale module as reference. Create an XML view for the model, including tree view, search view and graph view. In the tree view, there is an attribute in the <tree> tag that is create="false". This is used for hiding the create button in the tree view. Create an action and a menuitem for the view as in the sales analysis report.
Restart the server and upgrade the module.
Compare your report with sales analysis reportto solve any issues.
In my WebI Report I would like to print the Author or the Last modified User name.
How can I obtain it?
Have a look at the manual Using functions, formulas and calculations in Web Intelligence, which contains a reference information regarding functions you'd need to retrieve this information. You can find the manuals for your specific version of BusinessObjects on
The functions you're probably looking for are DocumentOwner() and DocumentAuthor().
While you can't retrieve the user's full name in Web Intelligence, there is a workaround, provided that
You're using third-party authentication (e.g. Windows AD)
You're able to pull the full name from that source into the CMC
If so, you can use User Attribute Management to define a new user attribute in the CMC and then create a new dimension in your (UNX) universe which uses the #Variable to get in the new user attribute value.
From the IDT manual (paragraph 18.3.6 About #Variable, version BI 4.1 SP5):
To reference a User Attribute, specify the internal name for the at
tribute as it is defined in the CMC. #Variable returns the value of
the attribute for the current user. For example, the User Attribute
MYCOUNTRY contains the value of the country of each user in the CMC.
Specify the attribute's internal name surrounded by single quotes:
The attribute’s internal name is defined when the attribute is cre ated in the CMC
User Attribute Management is described in the Administrator Guide, paragraph 6.2.17 Managing attributes for system users (version BI 4.1 SP5).
I'm attempting to create a ragged hierarchy in SSAS 2005. The "Category Name" and "Sub-Category Name" levels should be hidden in the hierarchy if either of them is blank. Leaf nodes which always have a value must display even if these two levels are blank.
An image of how the measure has been configured is as follows:
Measure dimension
I thought using HideMemberIf would fix this problem but it hasn't made any difference. Here is the Translations configuration:
Dimension translations
According to MSDN, HideMemberIf with a NoName value hides the member when it is empty.
Any ideas why this isn't working?
The solution was pretty simple. The MDX Compatibility property needs to be set to 2 for this to work correctly.
See TechNet for more information.