Uploading images using Crate blob table - blob

Is it really possible to upload image using Crate Blob table. i found this link (https://crate.io/docs/reference/blob.html) which is able to upload text on blob table.
Similarly, i am looking to upload images to crate Blob table. I didn't find the way to do this. Can somebody help on this.

Yes it is possible to upload all kind of binary files including images to a blob table.
For example with curl you can use:
curl -v -XPUT localhost:4200/_blobs/foo/3b31733584613967a14d5a9ef530fbdc750c09cf --data-binary #/tmp/screenshot.png
(The hash has to be generated beforehand, for example using sha1sum:
sha1sum /tmp/screenshot.png
The python client for example also has built-in blob support:


Have multiple names for same blob content

Let's say I have a file called foo.txt in my Azure Storage as a blob. Is it possible for creating a link of sorts or a redirect url where I can access foo.txt's content even when I visit bar.txt?
Ideally I do not want to upload the same file content again for bar.txt too to avoid wasting space.
No, you can't. Azure Blob Storage is just simple object storage, not a full file system having soft links or hard links.
BTW, you may consider simulating the link feature following answers here: Is there a way to do symbolic links to the blob data when using Azure Storage to avoid duplicate blobs?

Cloudfront bucket - Media consumption using Query String parameter

i would like to ask your help, since i read the Amazon guide talking about using Query String Parameters in the Urls to request content stored in buckets, and it was not clear to me.
So, i am planning to use a bucket to store Media content, and use Query String parameter for different versions of a media file. So, if i have an image, i can create the original version, the small version, the large version, and so on. Then, i can request the different versions on my website, based on my need.
But i did not understand how this is all managed. So, all the versions of the file, do they have the same file name? And using Powershell script to upload the files to the bucket, how do i specify the version that i am uploading?
Thank you.

Extract data fom Marklogic 8.0.6 to AWS S3

I'm using Marklogic 8.0.6 and we also have JSON documents in it. I need to extract a lot of data from Marklogic and store them in AWS S3. We tried to run "mlcp" locally and them upload the data to AWS S3 but it's very slow because it's generating a lot of files.
Our Marklogic platform is already connected to S3 to perform backup. Is there a way to extract a specific database in aws s3 ?
It can be OK for me if I have one big file with one JSON document per line
I don't know about getting it to s3, but you can use CORB2 to extract MarkLogic documents to one big file with one JSON document per line.
S3:// is a native file type in MarkLogic. So you can also iterate through all your docs and export them with xdmp:save("s3://...).
If you want to make agrigates, then You may want to marry this idea into Sam's suggestion of CORB2 to control the process and assist in grouping your whole database into multiple manageable aggregate documents. Then use a post-back task to run xdmp-save
Thanks guys for your answers. I do not know about CORB2, this is a great solution! But unfortunately, due to bad I/O I prefer a solution to write directly on s3.
I can use a basic Ml query and dump to s3:// with native connector but I always face memory error even launching with the "spawn" function to generate a background process.
Do you have any xquey example to extract each document on s3 one by one without memory permission?

Transfer large file from Google BigQuery to Google Cloud Storage

I need to transfer a large table in BigQuery, 2B records, to Cloud Storage with csv format. I am doing the transfer using the console.
I need to specify a uri including a * to shard the export due to the size of the file. I end up with 400 csv files in Cloud Storage. Each has a header row.
This makes combining the files time consuming, since I need to download the csv files to another machine, strip out the header rows, combine the files, and then re-upload. FY the size of the combined csv file is about 48GB.
Is there a better approach for this?
Using the API, you will be able to tell BigQuery not to print the header row during the table extraction. This is done by setting the configuration.extract.printHeader option to false. See the documentation for more info. The command-line utility should also be able to do that.
Once you've done this, concatenating the files is much easier. In a Linux/Mac computer it would be a single cat command. However, you could also try to concatenate directly from Cloud Storage by using the compose operation. See more details here. Composition can be performed either from the API or the command line utility.
Since composition actions is limited to 32 components, you will have to compose 32 files after 32 files. That should make around 13 composition operations for 400 files. Note that I have never tried the composition operation, so I'm just guessing on this part.
From the console, use the bq utility to strip the headers:
bq --skip_leading_rows 1

How to download all data in a Google BigQuery dataset?

Is there an easy way to directly download all the data contained in a certain dataset on Google BigQuery? I'm actually downloading "as csv", making one query after another, but it doesn't allow me to get more than 15k rows, and rows i need to download are over 5M.
Thank you
You can run BigQuery extraction jobs using the Web UI, the command line tool, or the BigQuery API. The data can be extracted
For example, using the command line tool:
First install and auth using these instructions:
Then make sure you have an available Google Cloud Storage bucket (see Google Cloud Console for this purpose).
Then, run the following command:
bq extract my_dataset.my_table gs://mybucket/myfilename.csv
More on extracting data via API here:
Detailed step-by-step to download large query output
enable billing
You have to give your credit card number to Google to export the output, and you might have to pay.
But the free quota (1TB of processed data) should suffice for many hobby projects.
create a project
associate billing to a project
do your query
create a new dataset
click "Show options" and enable "Allow Large Results" if the output is very large
export the query result to a table in the dataset
create a bucket on Cloud Storage.
export the table to the created bucked on Cloud Storage.
make sure to click GZIP compression
use a name like <bucket>/prefix.gz.
If the output is very large, the file name must have an asterisk * and the output will be split into multiple files.
download the table from cloud storage to your computer.
Does not seem possible to download multiple files from the web interface if the large file got split up, but you could install gsutil and run:
gsutil -m cp -r 'gs://<bucket>/prefix_*' .
See also: Download files and folders from Google Storage bucket to a local folder
There is a gsutil in Ubuntu 16.04 but it is an unrelated package.
You must install and setup as documented at: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil
unzip locally:
for f in *.gz; do gunzip "$f"; done
Here is a sample project I needed this for which motivated this answer.
For python you can use following code,it will download data as a dataframe.
from google.cloud import bigquery
def read_from_bqtable(bq_projectname, bq_query):
client = bigquery.Client(bq_projectname)
bq_data = client.query(bq_query).to_dataframe()
return bq_data #return dataframe
bigQueryTableData_df = read_from_bqtable('gcp-project-id', 'SELECT * FROM `gcp-project-id.dataset-name.table-name` ')
yes steps suggested by Michael Manoochehri are correct and easy way to export data from Google Bigquery.
I have written a bash script so that you do not required to do these steps every time , just use my bash script .
below are the github url :
scope :
1. export data based on your Big Query SQL.
2. export data based on your table name.
3. transfer your export file to SFtp server.
try it and let me know your feedback.
to help use ExportDataFromBigQuery.sh -h