How can I save extra PowerPoint Chart information in an XML - vsto

In my PowerPoint Add-in that creates different charts, I am drawing some shapes and lines to highlight different data and do some basic functionality.
Now, when the user saves the Presentation, I need to save the information related to these lines and shapes, as well as some of my chart properties. In my R&D, I have found that data can be saved in XML format inside a .pptx file because its an XML based format.
I can save my custom data in an XML file inside .pptx file pro grammatically by using CustomXMLParts.
string xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" +
"<connectors xmlns=\"\">" +
"<connectorLine>" +
"<connectorLineIndex>1</connectorLineIndex>" +
"</connectorLine>" +
"</connectors >";
Office.CustomXMLPart connectorXML = presentation.CustomXMLParts.Add(xmlString, missing);
This adds an XML in .pptx file.
Now, I am stuck. I need to read this XML file(and a couple of other XML files) when user opens the Presentation and draw the objects according to the data saved in the XML file.
How can I do this? Am I even doing it the right way? Thanks in advance for any help.


Laravel Convert Word file images to PDF

I am tring to convert my word file into pdf
to convert word file into pdf and that is woking fine but it removes all the spaces from the text if word file is not containing any image but in case if word file is containing any media/image it disturb the whole pdf layout and structure this is my code from the controller
//Load word file
$Content = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load($request->file);
//Save it into PDF
$PDFWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($Content, 'PDF');
$PDFWriter->save(public_path('uploads/word-to-pdf/'. pathinfo($request->file->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME).'.pdf'));
please guide me for this what is the solution for this thanks in advance

Preserve settings in the file

I am creating my excel add-in that saves the current file as csv into user-specified folder. I would like my program to ask for the folder path the first time the program is launched and to remember that folder in the future. I am wondering is there any way to preserve the data within the program? I figured that I could write the path into .txt-file but that feels a little hack-like solution and would clutter the addin folder.
I use the GetSetting and SaveSetting functions in my VB 6 apps. Rather than cover them in detail, take a look at this excellent web page that illustrates how to use in with Excel
Excel Tips From John Walkenbach
Create a Worksheet, and store the values in cells. Then in the VBA Editor find the Worksheet in the Project Explorer (Ctrl + R) and set "Visible" to "2 - xlSheetVeryHidden" in the Properties Pane (F4) so that it is not readily visible to users.
You can then set/retrieve the data in with code in the format SheetName.Cells(row,column).Value, e.g.
MyPath = Sheet1.Cells(1,2).Value 'Get data from cell B1
Sheet1.Cells(2,2).Value = NewPath 'Set data in cell B2
There are multiple ways to approach this. Besides the hidden sheet approach, already described, you can
Write the information to a CustomXMLPart. This is a xml file stored in the workbook's ZIP file where information can be stored.
For something as short and simple as a file path, you could also use a CustomDocumentProperty

Show picture/image from userform in print header, VBA MS Project

I am making a template and thought to store our logo.jpg inside a userform. Then I'll call this userform and insert the logo in the print header for each "macro activated" print.
So far I have managed to print the image only as numbers. Bits and bytes probably(?). I might be missing some conversion of the picture before printing:
FilePageSetupHeader Alignment:=pjLeft, Text:="&P" & UserForm1.Image1.Picture & " "
This prints as: 1-670746914 in the top left header.
What am I missing?
The syntax I found on MSDN gives the following parameters for inserting a picture:
&;P""path"" Inserts the specified image. An example would be &;P"" [My Documents] \Image.gif"". The term [My Documents] represents the full path to your My Documents folder.
My code makes a copy of the current view, make changes to the view settings, headers etc, before exporting to PDF and deleting the view again.
UserForm1.Image1.Picture is a picture object, not the path to the original source file. Once a picture is loaded into an image control, it is embedded and its original path is not stored.
Store the path the the picture so that you can reference it later (e.g. using the Tag property of the Image control). See Stack Overflow: VBA UserForm Get Filename for more details. (FYI: Excel and Project use the same UserForm object, so this is applicable.)
I gave up on saving the logo inside the Project file itself.
Instead I check if the logo exists inside "C:\CompanyLogo", if does not, create that direcotry and download it from imgur.

Change Path to Picture Links in Excel

I have manually pasted a large number of linked pictures into a 2010 Excel spreadsheet using insert picture -> select picture location --> link to file. These pictures are part of a report. I update the pictures using R each quarter, and my report automatically updates. Perfect.
I now need to change the directory where the plots are kept, and need to update the links. As there are around 200 of them (its a big report), I want to do this in VBA. Whilst I can loop through the pictures ok (ActiveSheet.Pictures), I can't seem to find the links/address. Any idea how I can see the underlying file location so I might change it - the reference has to be stored somewhere (note - these don't seem to be stored as hyperlinks).
Any idea how I can see the underlying file location so I might change it - the reference has to be stored somewhere
Create a new folder
Paste a copy of the .xlsx or .xlsm excel file
Uncompress the file with a zip tool (i'm using 7-Zip)
Delete the .xlsx or .xlsm file (optional)
Now we have all the component parts of the original file as plain text xml files and folders
Inside the folder xl\drawings\ _rels there are files named as drawing2.xml.rels, drawing3.xml.rels, ...
It seems that each file corresponds to a sheet and stores the paths to images in this format:
Change the paths with a text editor
Compress all the contents of the folder to a .zip
Change the extension to the original .xlsx or .xlsm
These steps could be automated with VBA, AutoIt, etc., here some references:
An example with AutoIt and 7-zip
Ron de Bruin zip examples with VBA
Read and change multiple XML files in Excel (2007) VBA
Excel uses the Formula Bar as the link in this case, just the same as it would link between ranges in two different worksheets. When I select a linked picture, the formula below populates in the formula bar:
You can access the Shape's formula using the code below and inserting your picture's specific name:
ActiveSheet.Pictures("Picture Name").Formula = "=[TrialWB.xlsm]Sheet1!$C$4:$E$6"
In updating the links, you'll have to change the file path in the formula. This might look like:
ActiveSheet.Pictures("Picture Name").Formula = "='C:\Reports2015\[TrialWB.xlsm]Sheet1'!$C$4:$E$6"
changing to
ActiveSheet.Pictures("Picture Name").Formula = "='C:\Reports2016\[TrialWB.xlsm]Sheet1'!$C$4:$E$6"
This question may be of some further assistance for accessing formulas:
Excel: create image from cell range
And here's a useful Microsoft page for formula file path editing:

vb parse word from clipboard into html

I want to copy some word text with tables, links and images and paste it into a rich textbox in my vb project. Where I want to parse it to html.
The Questenion is, how can access the copied word in the clipboard. Using
just returns text, without the structure for links, tables or images. But there have to be a way to access it, because my rich textbox seems to know the word format. When I paste it into it, tables, images and links are also displayed in there.
You can try to specify text format in GetText's parameter as follow :
Dim htmlText As String = Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Html)