___jb_bak___ and ___jb_old___ files in PyCharm - intellij-idea

When I got some PyCharm project from my colleague I saw some backup files of *.py files.
This files have types: *.___jb_old___ and *.___jb_bak___.
I open the files in Notepad++ and see that these are identical backup files of the corresponding *.py files.
I asked my colleague, but he didn't know what these are.
Why are there TWO identical backup files for each *.py file?
How can I tune PyCharm? We want to turn off this backup.
Google gave me nothing :(

You can disable "safe write"
Use "safe write" (save changes to a temporary file first) If this
check box is selected, a changed file will be first saved to a
temporary file; if the save operation is completed successfully, the
original file is deleted, and the temporary file is renamed.

i had this problem in webstorm when a script file was running and i was editing it in webstorm. when i stopped the script and edited it everything was fine

it's a temporary file used by PyCharm to make sure you change will not be lost when editing files. it's safe to delete them manually, you will only loss very recent changes. IntelliJ IDEA works the same as PyCharm.
How to delete them?
To delete a file on a file system requires two things: 1)you have the permission. 2)no program is using it.
so make sure you have 'w' the permission, and stop all program which is using it. then you can remove it.
How to know which program is using it?
Normally you should already know it. but sometimes some background programs(like crash plan, google drive sync, e.g.) may also hold it quietly, then find and kill all programs may be very tricky. the easiest way is reboot your computer with 'safe mode', in which only the OS kernel is loaded.
I spend two hours to figure out the reason why I cannot delete the temp file even when I have whole permission. a crash plan service is holding it in background. This may not be your issue, but if you cannot delete the temp file, this will save your time.

While JeremyWeir's solution probably does work, the real fix - imo - is to enable write permission on the directory.
Saving a file would only need write permission to that file itself. But with the "safe write", you need permission to create the file and rename it - which means you need write access to the directory.
In Linux this would be e.g. chmod ug+w DIR, if you want to give write access to user and group.

I have exact same issue with PhpStorm after system crash. The fix I found was to manualy delete *._jb_old_ and *._jb_bak_ files and reinstall PhpStorm


How to configure IntelliJ products WITHOUT editing files in bin?

I'd like to set some specific options in idea.vmoptions and idea.properties for IntelliJ IDEA 14, but I don't have access to those files in C:\Program Files\... (yes, that's Windows, don't troll ;)
Is there a folder in %UserProfile% or an environment variable I could set to read those files (both vmoptions and properties!) from elsewhere?
Please don't suggest to copy the whole IDEA folder elsewhere, there's a reason why I can't access it. I would be interested in a Linux solution too, the same would most likely work on Windows.
My Research
For Mac there're specific instructions at Increasing Memory Heap, but for Linux and Windows it's just filename which are trivial to find out anyway.
I also found IntelliJ IDEA files locations, but it says can be modified in IDEA_HOME\bin\idea.properties which doesn't help since I can't access that file, but want to change properties in it.
Update: Simple Answer
Create IDEA_PROPERTIES and IDEA_VM_OPTIONS environment variables and point them to the files you want, restart IDE, done.
Also see documentation for more (and maybe report that it lacks any mention of IDEA_PROPERTIES).
You can use %USERPROFILE%\.IntelliJIdea14\idea%BITS%.exe.vmoptions on Windows as custom options file. I tried it and it works.
Another way that I haven't tried, but I think should work, is to copy idea.bat and edit it to use the file you need.

How to access file with unacceptable file name

I don't know is this site a good place to ask this question... A long time ago, my operating system was linux. On linux I made a file with name \/:*?"<>|. Then I installed windows instead of linux, but now I cannot access or delete this file. I tried to delete it using Unlocker, ProceXP, Command Prompt and many other programs, but I couldn't. Also, I tried all commands in Command Prompt which can be used for deleting undeletable files, but this file is still here. If I try to rename it, process explorer.exe crashes. Then I installed linux again and this file become accessable.
Now I have windows and another file with name \/:*?"<>|. Is it possible to access this file without installing linux? Is there a way to access place on filesystem where this file name is stored and manualy change it to any acceptable file name? If yes, can you explain which program is best for it?
Try using DeleteDoctor. I've used it under similar situations as yours with great success. You can download a copy here:

SSIS File System Task Deleting Directory Leaves Directory and Removes all Permissions

I have a rather bizarre issue with an SSIS package I have. After processing some files within a Directory I am removing the Directory so my For Each Loop doesn't process the same files again.
It fails to Delete the Directory but yet leaves it in the folder and then tells me I do not have access to this folder, I cannot take ownership of it or even move it to another directory.
I have even tried a VB.NET Script tasks to try and remove it and I get the same result.
A reboot of the server makes the folder disappear - has anyone experienced this before.
Sounds like the directory is "in use" still but with the deletion pending. When you reboot, the lock on the directory is cleared and the deletion completes. The discussion at
try ing to move a file "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
may be helpful.

FTP Concurrency issues using Ipswitch WS-FTP Pro

I think we have a problem in our FTP scripts that pull files from a remote server to a local machine. I couldn't find an answer in their knowledge base, nor scripting documentation.
We are doing an MGET *.* and then a MDELETE *.* immediately after it. I think what is happening is that, while we are copying files from the server, additional files are copied into the same directory and then the delete command deletes everything from the server. So we end up deleting file we never copied down.
Is there a straight-forward way to delete only the files that were copied, or is it going to be some sort of hack job where we generate a dynamic delete script based on what we actually copied down?
Answers that are product specific would be much appreciated!
Here were the options that I came up with and what I ended up doing.
Rename the extension on the server, copy the renamed files, and then delete the renamed files. This could not work because there is no FTP rename command that works with wildcards (Windows rename command will by the way).
Move the files to a subdirectory on the server, copy the files from that location, and then delete from the remote location. This could not work because there is no FTP command to move the files on the remote server.
Copy the files down in one script and SHELL a batch file on the local side that dynamically builds a script to connect to the server and delete the files that were copied down. This is the solution I ended up using to solve this problem.

Geany IDE backup copy path

I just lost an entire script in Geany editor...
Is there a place where Geany saves a backup or cached copy somewhere?
Thank you for your help...
Geany does not automatically create backup files unless you enable the "Save Actions" plugin, and select "Auto Save".
It depends on what do you want. Geany can save a backup copy of the unedited file and also various options of saving the edit buffer. Read this nice wiki All you never wanted to know about file saving.
To backup scripts, use GitHub.
There are other VCS's (Version Control System), but Git has a strong feature set and is fairly easy to use. The real strength of Git, to my mind, is GitHub, which, so far as I know, is the only free-as-in-beer site which will let you create a large number of projects. It also seems to be well run, and I find many API's I like on that site.
Use VCS to:
1.) backup your code so that you don't lose it
1a.) backup offsite, such as to github in the event of your computer bursting into flames
2.) keep track of different versions, comments, etc
3.) collaborate! Give your code to the community. Or, fork someone elses code.
The caveat to all this is to omit passwords or other sensitive files. Don't upload a file with your credentials for logging into e-mail, for example. RTFM to see how to omit specific files with Git.
Finally, if you don't like Git there are alternatives, SVN has, in some scenarios, better syntax.
If you have just overwritten the file (Ctrl+S) and haven't yet quit Geany, you can just Ctrl+Z to the desired document state and save that file version.
If you have already quit Geany after that and haven't set up back up in Geany before, I am afraid that by means of Geany you cannot restore the file to the previous state.
Read this article about how to set up back up in Geany. Basically you can go to Edit -> Preferences -> Various (read the manual and the link above before changing these preferences) and:
disable use_atomic_file_saving (disabled by default)
enable use_gio_unsafe_file_saving (enabled by default)
enable gio_unsafe_save_backup (disabled by default)
This will always keep the previous version of the file (as a hidden file with ~ attached to its name) next to original.
Or you can install/enable the Save Actions Geany plugin and enable the Auto Save and Backup Copy options to automatically save files at a certain time interval and to keep a copy of previous file versions.