Dynamically Trim Column Values - sql

Here's a question for you all, is there any way to make the PL/SQL code below work by dynamically replacing the column_name in the cursor.column_name syntax? I know I'm confusing the pl/sql engine, but I'm not entirely sure on how to fix this...
Currently I get the error below, but I think the actual issue is that the pl/sql engine doesn't know how to interpret TRIM (e_rec.v_temp_column_name) :
"[Error] PLS-00302 (133: 26): PLS-00302: component
'V_TEMP_COLUMN_NAME' must be declared"
Parameter: x_person_rec IN OUT xxsome_table%ROWTYPE
v_temp_column_name dba_tab_columns.column_name%TYPE;
FOR e_rec IN (SELECT * FROM xxsome_table WHERE ..)
--LOG (3, 'Loading/Sanitizing Header Record');
FOR col IN (SELECT column_name
FROM dba_tab_columns
WHERE table_name = UPPER ('xxsome_table'))
--LOG (3, 'Sanitizing Column Name: ' || col.column_name);
v_temp_column_name := col.column_name;
x_person_rec.v_temp_column_name := TRIM (e_rec.v_temp_column_name);
I've tried doing this (which results in different error): x_person_rec.col.column_name := TRIM (e_rec.col.column_name);

No, you can't and you are indeed confusing the PL/SQL engine. The problem is that v_temp_column_name is a character, so TRIM (e_rec.v_temp_column_name) is evaluated as TRIM (e_rec.'v_temp_column_name'), which doesn't make any sense.
The best things to do, if trailing whitespace is a problem, is to ensure that all data being put into your database is trimmed by your application/ETL processes at the time. If you can't do this then use a trigger to ensure that it happens inside the database. If it's a really bad problem you can even enforce check constraints to stop it from ever happening.
Now, to sort of answer your question, there's no need to do anything dynamically here. Your cursor may be implicit but it's not been dynamically generated. You know every column in the table so be a little less lazy and type them all out.
FOR e_rec IN (SELECT trim(col1) as col1
, trim(col2) as col2
FROM xxsome_table WHERE ...
If you can't fix your data (or if it's not broken!) then this is easily the simplest way to do it.
To actually answer your question, you can dynamically build your SELECT statement using the same techniques you're using here...
l_cols varchar2(4000);
l_curs sys_refcursor;
select wm_concat('trim(' || column_name || ')')
into l_cols
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = 'XXSOME_TABLE'
open l_curs for
' select ' || l_cols || ' from xxsome_table where ...';
end loop;
As you're on 10g you can't use the excellent LISTAGG(), but there are plenty of other string aggregation techniques. Please note that if the resulting string is greater than 4,000 bytes, you'll have to loop rather than generating the column list in a single SQL statement.
P.S., if these columns are CHAR(n) then you'll have to trim them every time you select. It might be worth changing them to VARCHAR2(n)


Oracle Query Logic Declare and With

I want to printout a Dynamic built query. Yet I am stuck at variable declaration; Error At line 2.
I need the maximum size for these VARCHAR2 variables.
Do I have a good overall structure ?
I use the result of the WITH inside the dynamic query.
DECLARE l_sql_query VARCHAR2(2000);
l_sql_queryFinal VARCHAR2(2000);
with cntp as (select distinct
cnt.code code_container,
FROM container cnt
cnt.status !='DESTROYED'
order by cnt.code)
FOR l_counter IN 2022..2032
l_sql_query := l_sql_query || 'SELECT cntp.code_container *STUFF*
FROM cntp
GROUP BY cntp.code_container ,cntp.label_container, cntp.Plan_Classement, Years
cntp.Years=' || l_counter ||'
/*stuff*/ TO_DATE(''31/12/' || l_counter ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'')
AND SUM(cntp.IsA)=0
AND SUM(cntp.IsB)=0
l_sql_queryFinal := SUBSTR(l_sql_query, 0, LENGTH (l_sql_query) – 5);
l_sql_queryFinal := l_sql_queryFinal||';'
The code you posted has quite a few issues, among them:
you've got the with (CTE) as a standlone fragment in the declare section, which isn't valid. If you want it to be part of the dynamic string then put it in the string;
your END; is in the wrong place;
you have – instead of -;
you remove the last 5 characters, but you end with a new line, so you need to remove 6 to include the U of the last UNION;
the line that appens a semicolon is itself missing one (though for dynamic SQL you usually don't want a semicolon, so the whole line can probably be removed);
2000 characters is too small for your example, but it's OK with the actual maximum of 32767.
l_sql_query VARCHAR2(32767);
l_sql_queryFinal VARCHAR2(32767);
-- initial SQL which just declares the CTE
l_sql_query := q'^
with cntp as (select distinct
cnt.code code_container,
FROM container cnt
cnt.status !='DESTROYED'
order by cnt.code)
-- loop around each year...
FOR l_counter IN 2022..2032
l_sql_query := l_sql_query || 'SELECT cntp.code_container *STUFF*
FROM cntp
GROUP BY cntp.code_container ,cntp.label_container, cntp.Plan_Classement, Years
cntp.Years=' || l_counter ||'
MAX(TO_DATE(cntp.DISPOSITION_DATE,''DD/MM/YYYY'')) BETWEEN TO_DATE(''01/01/'|| l_counter ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'') AND TO_DATE(''31/12/' || l_counter ||''',''DD/MM/YYYY'')
AND SUM(cntp.IsA)=0
AND SUM(cntp.IsB)=0
l_sql_queryFinal := SUBSTR(l_sql_query, 0, LENGTH (l_sql_query) - 6);
l_sql_queryFinal := l_sql_queryFinal||';';
The q[^...^] in the first assignment is the alternative quoting mechanism, which means you don't have to escape (by doubling-up) the quotes within that string, around 'DESTYORED'. Notice the ^ delimiters do not appear in the final generated query.
Whether the generated query actually does what you want is another matter... The cntp.Years= part should probably be in a where clause, not having; and you might be able to simplify this to a single query instead of lots of unions, as you're already aggregating. All of that is a bit beyond the scope of your question though.
Is there a way to put the maximum size "automaticcaly" like "VARCHAR2(MAX_STRING_SIZE) does it work ?
No. And no.
The maximum size of varchar2 in PL/SQL is 32767. If you want to hedge against that changing at some point in the future you can declare a user-defined subtype in a shared package ...
create or replace package my_subtypes as
subtype max_string_size is varchar2(32767);
end my_subtypes;
... and reference that in your program...
l_sql_query my_subtypes.max_string_size;
l_sql_queryFinal my_subtypes.max_string_size;
So if Oracle subsequently raises the maximum permitted size of a VARCHAR2 in PL/SQL you need only change the definition of my_subtypes.max_string_size for the bounds to be raised wherever you used that subtype.
Alternatively, just use a CLOB. Oracle is pretty clever about treating a CLOB as a VARCHAR2 when its size is <= 32k.
To solve your other problem you need to treat the WITH clause as a string and assign it to your query variable.
l_sql_query my_subtypes.max_string_size := q'[
with cntp as (select distinct
cnt.code code_container,
FROM container cnt
WHERE cnt.status !='DESTROYED'
order by cnt.code) ]';
Note the use of the special quote syntax q'[ ... ]' to avoid the need to escape the quotation marks in your query snippet.
A dynamic string query do not access a temp table ?
Dynamic SQL is a string containing a DML or DDL statement which we execute with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE or DBMS_SQL commands. Otherwise it is exactly the same as static SQL, it doesn't behave any differently. In fact the best way to write dynamic SQL is to start by writing the static statement in a worksheet, make it correct and then figure out which bits need to be dynamic (variables, placeholders) and which bits remain static (boilerplate). In your case the WITH clause is a static part of the statement.
As has already been pointed out, you seem to have misunderstood what a with clause is: it's a clause of a SQL statement, not a procedural declaration. My definition, it must be followed by select.
But also, as a general rule, I would recommend avoiding dynamic SQL when possible. In this case, if you can simulate a table with the range of years you want, you can join instead of having to run the same query multiple times.
The easy trick to doing that is to use Oracle's connect by syntax to use a recursive query to produce the expected number of rows.
Once you've done that, adding this table as a join pretty trivially:
WITH cntp AS
SELECT DISTINCT code code_container,
[additional columns]
FROM container
WHERE status !='DESTROYED') cntc,
SELECT to_date('01/01/'
|| (LEVEL+2019), 'dd/mm/yyyy') AS start_date,
|| (LEVEL+2019), 'dd/mm/yyyy') AS end_date,
(LEVEL+2019) AS year
FROM dual
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 11) year_table
SELECT cntp.code_container,
[additional columns]
FROM cntp
join year_table
ON cntp.years = year_table.year
GROUP BY [additional columns],
HAVING max(to_date(cntp.disposition_date,''dd/mm/yyyy'')) BETWEEN year_table.start_date AND year_table.end_date
AND SUM(cntp.isa)=0
AND SUM(cntp.isb)=0
(This query is totally untested and may not actually fulfill your needs; I am providing my best approximation based on the information available.)

Dynamic SQL or WITH Clause

I've been mauling the following over-and-over, trying to maximize code re-usability, and at the same time, keep optimal performance.
I have a SQL query which is very long and complex, that I'm trying to run multiple times (6 times to be exact), each time with a different WHERE CLAUSE. It took a lot of effort to get it to the form in which I can interchange the WHERE CLAUSE... but I'm having lots of difficulty running the query for each case.
FROM mst_q (+300 lines query)
WHERE complex_where_clause_1);
FROM mst_q (+300 lines query)
WHERE complex_where_clause_2);
I've tried using UNION ALL, WHERE with CASE, WHERE with OR, and thought of even having 6 different CURSORS that would independently INSERT the results of each of the 6-cases. Having 6 different CURSORS works and performance is great, there is way too much duplicate code, since all that changes is the WHERE clause.
I thought, great, dynamic SQL! But the "long and complex" statement is much larger than the size of a VARCHAR2.
Is there a way to do something like the following? This is the bast option I can think of, the only issue is that v_sql will definitely be longer that the size limit of a VARCHAR2.
v_sql := 'INSERT INTO table_x (col1, col2) SELECT col1, col2 FROM WHERE ';
v_scen1 := 'complex_where_clause_1';
v_scen2 := 'complex_where_clause_2'
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql || v_scen1;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql || v_scen2;
... ah, too simple, just use: v_sql CLOB;
I'll elaborate in a few hours; but I was able to do exactly what I was asking if possible... Using CLOB breaks down the size limitation of a VARCHAR2, and I simply append the WHERE clauses and execute sequentially...
You mentioned "I thought, great, dynamic SQL! But the "long and complex" statement is much larger than the size of a VARCHAR2."
You could do this if you are still interested in using dynamic SQL:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql_stmt_part1 || v_sql_stmt_part2 || ....
That is to say, just break up your SQL statment into 2 (or more) VARCHAR2 variables and then concatenate them when you do the dynanmic SQL.

using comma separated values inside IN clause for NUMBER column

I have 2 procedures inside a package. I am calling one procedure to get a comma separated list of user ids.
I am storing the result in a VARCHAR variable. Now when I am using this comma separated list to put inside an IN clause in it is throwing "ORA-01722:INVALID NUMBER" exception.
This is how my variable looks like
l_userIds VARCHAR2(4000) := null;
This is where i am assigning the value
l_userIds := getUserIds(deptId); -- this returns a comma separated list
And my second query is like -
select * from users_Table where user_id in (l_userIds);
If I run this query I get INVALID NUMBER error.
Can someone help here.
Do you really need to return a comma-separated list? It would generally be much better to declare a collection type
CREATE TYPE num_table
Declare a function that returns an instance of this collection
RETURN num_table
l_nums num_table := num_table();
for i in 1 .. 10
l_nums(i) := i*2;
end loop;
and then use that collection in your query
FROM users_table
WHERE user_id IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE( l_nums ));
It is possible to use dynamic SQL as well (which #Sebas demonstrates). The downside to that, however, is that every call to the procedure will generate a new SQL statement that needs to be parsed again before it is executed. It also puts pressure on the library cache which can cause Oracle to purge lots of other reusable SQL statements which can create lots of other performance problems.
You can search the list using like instead of in:
select *
from users_Table
where ','||l_userIds||',' like '%,'||cast(user_id as varchar2(255))||',%';
This has the virtue of simplicity (no additional functions or dynamic SQL). However, it does preclude the use of indexes on user_id. For a smallish table this shouldn't be a problem.
The problem is that oracle does not interprete the VARCHAR2 string you're passing as a sequence of numbers, it is just a string.
A solution is to make the whole query a string (VARCHAR2) and then execute it so the engine knows he has to translate the content:
aVar T_UT;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select * from users_Table where user_id in (' || l_userIds || ')' INTO aVar;
A more complex but also elegant solution would be to split the string into a table TYPE and use it casted directly into the query. See what Tom thinks about it.
Firstly, I wanted to delete it, but I think, it might be informative for someone to see such a bad solution. Using dynamic SQL like this causes multiple execution plans creation - 1 execution plan per 1 set of data in IN clause, because there is no binding used and for the DB, every query is a different one (SGA gets filled with lots of very similar execution plans, every time the query is run with a different parameter, more memory is needlessly used in SGA).
Wanted to write another answer using Dynamic SQL more properly (with binding variables), but Justin Cave's answer is the best, anyway.
You might also wanna try REF CURSOR (haven't tried that exact code myself, might need some little tweaks):
deptId NUMBER := 2;
l_userIds VARCHAR2(2000) := getUserIds(deptId);
TYPE t_my_ref_cursor IS REF CURSOR;
c_cursor t_my_ref_cursor;
l_row users_Table%ROWTYPE;
l_query VARCHAR2(5000);
l_query := 'SELECT * FROM users_Table WHERE user_id IN ('|| l_userIds ||')';
OPEN c_cursor FOR l_query;
FETCH c_cursor INTO l_row;
WHILE c_cursor%FOUND
-- do something with your row
FETCH c_cursor INTO l_row;

In plpgsql, how can I create and execute a command-string using on a variable number of identifiers?

In postgres 9.1 I'd like to create a function that takes an index name, a table name and a variable number of columns, constructs an index, and then does some other things.
My current approach is to use plpgsql and construct a dynamic command to execute. However, I'm getting tripped up when trying to use quote_ident to protect all of the identifiers. Code thus far:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_create_index(indexname text, tablename text, VARIADIC arr text[]) RETURNS void AS $$
command_string text;
command_string := 'CREATE INDEX ' || quote_ident(indexname) || ' ON ' ||
quote_ident(tablename) || ' (' ||
format(repeat('%I ', array_length($3, 1)), VARIADIC $3) ||
-- display the string
RAISE NOTICE '%', command_string;
-- execute the string
EXECUTE command_string;
-- (do other stuff)
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
The code appears to be successful when passing one column name, but with two or more I get the following error:
ERROR: too few arguments for format
What am I doing wrong? (Presumably something with format or my use of VARIADIC.)
Thank you!
You don't generally to use both format and quote_ident. format is smart enough to do identifer quoting its self; you show that yourself in part of your expression, while using unnecessary concatenation and quote_ident calls elsewhere.
However, I'm seeing the same issue you are with calling format with a VARIADIC array argument, and I suspect you've found a bug.
Here's a workaround until I spot what's going on:
command_string := format('CREATE INDEX %I ON %I (%s)',
indexname, tablename, (
SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(x), ', ')
FROM unnest($3) x
Note that in your original code, '%I ' should've been '%I, '.
Yes, bug confirmed, and it's been reported before but looks like it never got checked up on. The same bug exists in concat and concat_ws. These functions fail to check for the VARIADIC argument flag.
regress=> SELECT format('%I', VARIADIC ARRAY['b','c','d']);
(1 row)
regress=> SELECT format('%I', 'b','c','d');
(1 row)
regress=> SELECT format('%I, %I, %I', VARIADIC ARRAY['b','c','d']);
ERROR: too few arguments for format
The only workaround I can think of is either avoiding them (as shown above) or using EXECUTE to construct the function call dynamically. In the case of format that's totally redundant, so I'd just use the above sub-query with unnest.
I'll try to chase this up on the PostgreSQL mailing lists, but I'm going to be insanely busy next week, so poke me or post on pgsql-bugs with a link back to this question yourself if you don't see a follow-up by mid week-after-next.
You cannot use a VARIADIC parameter in format function now :(. It is a known bug, that will be fixed in PostgreSQL 9.3 (I hope). You can try use patch http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/CAFj8pRDZc7wG1ewnmqUWkjDsB78Pu=Oj_WZ8_CS7qJUCKRUNmQ#mail.gmail.com

Oracle SQL: variables used in place of table names

I am converting a MSSQL script to Oracle, and I haven't been able to figure out the syntax to use a variable in place of a table name or column.
Here is a simple example that I've been try to make work in Oracle SQL Developer so I can better understand the syntax:
set serveroutput on format wrapped;
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select UPDATE_VERSION INTO VR_UPDATE from ' || VR_TABLE || 'where rownum < 2 ;'
Where VR_TABLE is the variable table name that will get changed each iteration of the loop.
Can somebody point out what I'm doing wrong, or link me to a site that would be useful for me to read? I've read a few tutorials on this, but I haven't had any luck thus far.
You need to have a space between the table name and the subsequent WHERE clause
The INTO needs to be part of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE, not part of the dynamic SQL statement.
The dynamic SQL statement should not have a trailing semicolon
The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement should end with a semicolon
Putting those together, something like this should work
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select UPDATE_VERSION from ' || VR_TABLE || ' where rownum < 2'
Of course, since you're not doing anything with VR_UPDATE, nothing will be displayed when this anonymous block is executed.
INTO part of the query should not be directly included in the query
[USING <bind_variable_value>]
The above syntax shows EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command.
Clause INTO is optional and used only if the dynamic SQL contains a select statement that fetches values. The variable type should match with the variable type of the select statement.
Clause USING is optional and used only if the dynamic SQL contains any bind variable.
You can visit this site for a better understanding of Dynamic SQL.