Deploy idea web module on jetty - intellij-idea

I deleted the content of the project's artifacts folder and now the server throws a configuration error:
deployment source 'Hello World IDEA JETTY:war exploded2' is not valid
How can I redeploy the web server module onto the server?


Jruby: How to change the application url in war file deployed on glassfish server

I have deployed application on glassfish server. my application is accessible using url localhost:8080/test
Below is the setting in my warble.rb file do |config|
config.jar_name = 'test'
config.webxml.jruby.min.runtimes = 2
config.webxml.jruby.max.runtimes = 10
config.includes = FileList['init.rb']
The above setting create war file with name "test.war" and so it the application url i.e localhost:8080/test . what i want is i want to keep the file name as it is i.e it should be "test.war" but the application url should be localhost:8080/test_application instead of localhost:8080/test
From the Glassfish Application Deployment Guide (PDF)
When you deploy a web module, if you do not specify a context root, the default is the name of the WAR file without the .war extension. The web module context root must be unique within the server instance.
If you want to change the context root, you must do this in your deployment descriptor. There are several ways to do that, but with warbler the easiest is probably the following (although it is specific to Glassfish).
Create a file called 'glassfish-web.xml' in your Rails application root. It should have the following content:
<!DOCTYPE glassfish-web-app PUBLIC "-// GlassFish Application Server 3.1 Servlet 3.0//EN" "">
Add the following to your warbler config (warble.rb) to ensure that this file gets packaged into your application war's WEB-INFO directory:
config.webinf_files += FileList["glassfish-web.xml"]
Re-warble your application and re-deploy.
It should now be accessible at localhost:8080/test_application.

404 Error in running worklight hybrid application on Enterprise Worklight server

I have created a sample project with an SQL adapter and a hybrid worklight application. The application is a simple login form that accept userid and password and validate them against the value stored in database using the SQL adapter.
Now when I tested this application on the default worklight server installed in eclispe plugin for worklight it is working fine.
But when I install the SQL adapter and worklight application on an enterprise worklight server and testing it, I am getting the following error:
NetworkError: 404 Not Found -
The above error I fetched through Firebug.
SampleHybrid is the name of the worklight hybrid application.
SampleHybridAdapter is the name of the SQL adapter.
The server’s response is:
<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>CWWKT0018E: The application or context root for this request has not been found: /apps/services/api/SampleHybrid/common/query</p><h‌​r /><address>WebSphere Application Server at port 9080</address></body></html>
You mentioned you have moved to running Worklight on an application server - this requires using a context root. I do not see a context root in the 404 error you have provided.
The request to the server was supposed to look like this: http://[localhost:9080]/yourContext/apps/services/api/SampleHybrid/common/query
Because the context root (in this case, "yourContext") is missing, you get a 404 error, since the application is trying to reach a location that does not exist.
The context root value is set in both application-descriptor.xml and
Change the value of the worklightServerRootURL property to include your context root. It should look like this http://your-host-name-here:port/yourContext
Set your context root as the value for the publicWorkLightContext property (also make sure to uncomment it)
After doing the above, you need to re-deploy the .war file to your application server. The .war file can be found in the bin folder of your Worklight project.

Failed to deploy missing security Test

I have successfully gotten the module 41 sample running with eclipse and the local server. Attempting to deploy on my liberty server returns the error.
Failed to deploy application 'PushApplication-all.wlapp'. : application descriptor uses a security test:PushApplication-strong-mobile-securityTest. However, authentication config xml does not contain a security test element with that name.
I am on Worklight 5.0.5 with a successful app running on the server and now trying to add push notifications. I have checked the war file and it does contain the authentication-config.xml with the specified test.
I saw a smilier post a few momths ago but am unable to find whether it got answered
thanks in advance.
From the sound of it, you are trying to deploy your .wlapp to a server that is already running an instance of Worklight, but this instance does not have the required securityTest settings in authenticationConfig.xml
This leads me to believe that you did not replace the .war file you already had deployed in the Liberty-profile application server with the .war file from your Push Notifications project, which contains the up-to-date authenticationConfig.xml

Steps to execute .ear file from Glassfish server into Tomee+ server

As a newbie to Enterprise Applications I'm trying to get it done.
I developed an Enterprise application in Netbeans 7.1.2. It runs successfully using the default Glassfish server. With the need to change the server, I downloaded and installed Tomee+ server, and made some changes to make Tomee Manager Interface work on my system.
I deployed the .ear file (Glassfish server output) into Tomee+ by placing it in the Tomee webapps folder, with the server in the running state. It gets automatically deployed and appears in the Tomcat Web Application Manager interface.
Then, by providing the suitable path in the address bar, like http://localhost:8080/app-war/faces/app.xhtml, it provides the frontend screen but the backend process is not working if I click the submit button. Instead, it simply provides a status page, like HTTP Status 500 - javax.el.ELException: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: Transaction was rolled back, presumably because setRollbackOnly was called during a synchronization.
My question is: what went wrong with the steps I took for deploying it in Tomee+ server?
no more verbose stack?
btw can you try to:
1) check you have in tomee.xml the line
2) put your ear in /apps/ instead of webapps/
The point is by default (can be configured with the snapshot/next release) tomee extracts the ear in a folder simply removing the extension (webapps/your-ear/ for instance) and then tomcat takes this folder as a webapp so your deployment is no more the one expected. That's why moving it over a folder not managed by tomcat (apps) is often enough.
That's said, Glassfish transaction management is sometimes too tolerant (why i ask the full stack you got).

can't deploy ear file on Weblogic 12c

i have EAR file contains jar and war packages.this ear file deploy on glassfish correctly but when deploy this ear file on weblogic 12c, get this error :
Unable to access the selected application.
Error Exception in AppMerge flows' progression
Error Exception in AppMerge flows' progression
Error Unable to resolve deadlock in factory claims
Error Unable to resolve deadlock in factory claims
i check application.xml and name of jar and war packages are correct.anybody have idea for solving this issue ?
I too had this problem and tried everything (schemas, project structure, dependant libs, etc). Finally compared my domain with the sample "medrec", the only difference was that I had added SIP support. After removing this support, I can now deploy my EAR with included WAR and EJBs. I assume this is a bug in 12c...
I too had the same problem and I had to create another domain to resolve the issue.The key here is not to use the eclipse tool to create the the domain as the option to create "Basic Weblogic Domain" is not presented.
The option to create a basic weblogic domain is presented when you launch the weblogic domain creation wizard.
I had faced the exact same problem today. This problem is associated with the way the Domain was created. If you have used "Basic WebLogic SIP Server Domain" then it would occur while installing an ear. You can double check if the Domain is created with Basic SIP or not, go to your Weblogic Server Domain >> bin >> setDomainEnv (cmd or sh) file and check if you have the below properties defined.
-- set WLSS_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_12.1\sip
-- set SIP_ENABLED=true
I tried to create the Domain again with JAX-RPC extension instead of Basic SIP and got this problem resolved.