Display PDF in browser through grunt-contrib-connect - pdf

I'm running an AngularJS app and I'm using the grunt-contrib-connect plugin to host my stuff. I'd like some PDF files to be accessed in the browser (tested in all of them), but the pages stay blank. It does show the correct amount of pages, though. I've exported the PDF from a .doc-file using both Word and Pages, but the result stays the same.
I wrote this little middleware snippet to ensure the headers are set (and they are, according to Chrome's Network tab), but the pages stay blank. Any help?
In my Gruntfile;
settings: {}, // ...
connect: {
livereload: {
middleware: function(connect) {
var middlewares = [];
// Other middlewares
middlewares.push(function (req, res, next) {
if (~req.url.indexOf('.pdf')) {
res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/pdf');
return next();
return middlewares;

It seems grunt-contrib-connect has problems serving binary files: https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-connect/issues/142


Playwright - Cookies not set from storageState file from different domains in Chromium

I'm using the concept of reusing the authentication state via storageState file in Playwright.
Following is my code snippet spread across different files:
import type { PlaywrightTestConfig } from '#playwright/test';
import { devices } from '#playwright/test';
const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
testDir: './e2e',
reporter: 'html',
globalSetup: require.resolve('./e2e/global-setup.ts'),
use: {
storageState: './e2e/authStorageState.json',
projects: [
name: 'firefox',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Firefox'],
name: 'webkit',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Safari'],
name: 'chromium',
use: {
...devices['Desktop Chrome'],
export default config;
import { firefox, FullConfig } from '#playwright/test';
import E2EConstants from './e2e.constants';
const authenticateUser = async () => {
const browser = await firefox.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(`${process.env.BASE_URL}/${E2EConstants.LoginPage.URL}`);
await page
.fill(process.env.TEST_ADMIN_USERNAME as string);
await page
.fill(process.env.TEST_ADMIN_PASSWORD as string);
await page.getByText(E2EConstants.LoginPage.BUTTON).click();
await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');
await page.context().storageState({ path: './e2e/authStorageState.json' });
await browser.close();
async function globalSetup(_: FullConfig) {
await authenticateUser();
export default globalSetup;
This sets all the cookies in the authStorageState.json file. However, some cookies have domain as .b.com and some of them have the domain as a.b.com.
import { test, expect } from '#playwright/test';
test('homepage has same link', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto(process.env.TEST_URL as string);
await expect(page).toHaveURL(process.env.TEST_URL as string);
The TEST_URL is the URL with domain a.b.com that is behind authentication and is accessible only when the user is signed in.
When I run the tests, I see that the Chromium test fails but the Firefox and Webkit tests pass. The test is unable to sign the user in on Chromium, unlike on other browsers. This is because the auth-related cookies (belonging to a.b.com domain) are not set on Chromium but they are set on other browsers. However, the non-auth-related cookies (belonging to .b.com domain) are set properly on all browsers.
What I tried
I tried manually setting the url of the cookies saved in authStorageState.json file to https://a.b.com after deleting the domain and path keys for the auth-related cookies and then when I run the tests, the Chromium test also passes.
The secure key for all cookies, which were not set, had the value as false. I tried manually changing the "secure": true for all cookies which were not set. Note that the sameSite property is set to "None". This change made the Chromium test cases to pass.
The sameSite key for all cookies, which were not set, had the value "None" while having "secure": false property. I tried manually removing the "sameSite": "None" property for all cookies which were not set. Note that I did not change the secure property. This change made the Chromium test cases to pass.
[Note that all the above points were independently implemented as workarounds and were not done together.]
However, because the authStorageState.json file is to be created by default on first sign-in, I want to persist the same cookies that appear on browser instead of manually manipulating them. How can I get my Chromium test cases to pass?
What is the difference between providing url instead of domain + path for Chromium?
Why do the cookies with subdomain a.b.com require secure property to be set to true and the Chromium-based test cases pass after this change?
Is removing the "sameSite": "None" for all the cookies with subdomain a.b.com right and why do the Chromium-based test cases pass after this change?

Why Vercel Web vitals is not loading for my Astro Project?

I created a landing page using Astro with Tailwind CSS. And it is currently hosted on Vercel. I wanted to try out the analytics service provided by Vercel. I have been able to avail the Audience analytics service provided by Vercel. However, I cannot avail the web vitals services. After enabling the service and redeploying my project, I am stuck in this screen (screen shot provided).
Please note that I did turn off the ad blocker but that did not resolve the issue.I also added the following meta tag to resolve any CSP issue
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"
content="default-src 'self' vitals.vercel-insights.com"/>
But that has not solved the problem.That is why I want to know does Vercel support analytics for Astro projects and if they do, then what am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Vercel’s Web Vitals analytics currently only has out-of-the-box support for Next, Nuxt, and Gatsby.
To track Web Vitals with a different framework like Astro, you need a bit of manual set up work as documented in Vercel’s Web Vitals API docs.
For example in your base Astro layout you could include a script tag that will import their example code and run it:
// src/layouts/BaseLayout.astro
import { webVitals } from '../scripts/vitals';
const analyticsId = import.meta.env.PUBLIC_VERCEL_ANALYTICS_ID;
path: window.location.pathname,
Here’s Vercel’s example vitals.js snippet:
// src/scripts/vitals.js
import { getCLS, getFCP, getFID, getLCP, getTTFB } from 'web-vitals';
const vitalsUrl = 'https://vitals.vercel-analytics.com/v1/vitals';
function getConnectionSpeed() {
return 'connection' in navigator &&
navigator['connection'] &&
'effectiveType' in navigator['connection']
? navigator['connection']['effectiveType']
: '';
function sendToAnalytics(metric, options) {
const body = {
dsn: options.analyticsId, // qPgJqYH9LQX5o31Ormk8iWhCxZO
id: metric.id, // v2-1653884975443-1839479248192
page: options.path, // /blog/my-test
href: location.href, // https://my-app.vercel.app/blog/my-test
event_name: metric.name, // TTFB
value: metric.value.toString(), // 60.20000000298023
speed: getConnectionSpeed(), // 4g
if (options.debug) {
console.log('[Analytics]', metric.name, JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));
const blob = new Blob([new URLSearchParams(body).toString()], {
// This content type is necessary for `sendBeacon`
type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
if (navigator.sendBeacon) {
navigator.sendBeacon(vitalsUrl, blob);
} else
fetch(vitalsUrl, {
body: blob,
method: 'POST',
credentials: 'omit',
keepalive: true,
export function webVitals(options) {
try {
getFID((metric) => sendToAnalytics(metric, options));
getTTFB((metric) => sendToAnalytics(metric, options));
getLCP((metric) => sendToAnalytics(metric, options));
getCLS((metric) => sendToAnalytics(metric, options));
getFCP((metric) => sendToAnalytics(metric, options));
} catch (err) {
console.error('[Analytics]', err);
For a slightly more real-world implementation you, check out the <TrackVitals> Astro component in the astro-badge repo.
Vercel analytics has support for frameworks other than Next, Nuxt Gatsby etc. The way to achieve it in Astro (1.6, 2.0 etc.) is to install the #vercel/analytics package and inject a simple <script> tag that imports it and calls its exported function inject():
import { inject } from '#vercel/analytics'
// #ts-ignore: process.env.NODE_ENV is required by #vercel/analytics internally
// so that it can determine the correct path for importing the analytics script
globalThis.process = { env: { NODE_ENV: import.meta.env.MODE } }
You can inject this code in your <head> section in any .astro template file.
Unfortunately, the package is expecting a non-ESM runtime environment and is internally conditionally checking for process.env.NODE_ENV to determine which script to load (local-relative path to JS or from a remote host, fully qualified domain name). This is the reason, the MODE needs to be exposed as process.env.NODE_ENV. I tried to achieve this via Vite using define, but Astro seems to check for process somewhere else internally and fails.

Running Nuxt middleware client side after static rendering

We're switching from SPA to statically generated, and are running into a problem with middleware.
Basically, when Nuxt is statically rendered, middleware is run on the build server first, and then is run after each page navigation client side. The important point is that middleware is not run client side on first page load. This is discussed here
We work around this for some use cases by creating a plugin that uses the same code, since plugins are run on the first client load.
However, this pattern doesn't work well for this use case. The following is an example of the middleware that we want to use:
// middleware/authenticated.js
export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
// If the user is not authenticated
if (!store.state.authenticated) {
return redirect('/login')
// Inside a component
<h1>Secret page</h1>
export default {
middleware: 'authenticated'
This example is taken directly from the Nuxt docs.
When rendered statically, this middleware is not called on first page load, so a user might end up hitting their dashboard before they've logged in, which causes problems.
To add this to a plugin, the only way I can think to do this is by adding a list of authenticated_routes, which the plugin could compare to and see if the user needs to be authed.
The problem with that solution though is that we'd then need to maintain a relatively complex list of authed pages, and it's made worse by having dynamic routes, which you'd need to match a regex to.
So my question is: How can we run our authenticated middleware, which is page specific, without needing to maintain some list of routes that need to be authenticated? Is there a way to actually get the middleware associated to a route inside a plugin?
To me it is not clear how to solve it the right way. We are just using the static site generation approach. We are not able to run a nuxt middleware for the moment. If we detect further issues with the following approach we have to switch.
One challenge is to login the user on hot reload for protected and unprotected routes. As well as checking the login state when the user switches the tabs. Maybe session has expired while he was on another tab.
We are using two plugins for that. Please, let me know what you think.
The plugin handles the initial page load for protected routes and checks if the user can access a specific route while navigating around.
import { PROTECTED_ROUTES } from "~/constants/protectedRoutes"
export default ({ app, store }) => {
app.router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
if(to.name === 'logout'){
await store.dispatch('app/shutdown', {userLogout:true})
return next('/')
if(document.cookie.indexOf('PHPSESSID') === -1){
await store.dispatch('app/shutdown')
await store.dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {msg: 'from before enter plugin'})
console.log('user is logged 2nd try: ' + store.getters['user/isLoggedIn'])
return next()
else {
* All fine, let him enter
return next()
return next()
This plugin ment for auto login the user on unprotected routes on initial page load dnd check if there is another authRequest required to the backend.
import { PROTECTED_ROUTES } from "~/constants/protectedRoutes";
export default function ({ app, store }) {
app.router.onReady(async (route) => {
// Let authRouterBeforeEnter.js do the job
// to avoid two isAuthorized requests to the backend
await store.dispatch('app/createVisibilityChangedEvent')
else {
// If this route is public do the full init process
await store.dispatch('app/init')
Additionally i have added an app module to the store. It does a full init process with auth request and adding a visibility changed event or just adds the event.
export default {
async init({ dispatch }) {
dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {}, {root:true})
async shutdown({ dispatch }, {userLogout}) {
dispatch('user/logout', {userLogout}, {root:true})
async createVisibilityChangedEvent({ dispatch }) {
window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', async () => {
if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
console.log('visible changed');
await dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {}, {root:true})

CRA embedded in express app breaks express routing

I have created an CRA app and have a couple express routes loading the CRA build files, for example:
app.get('/files', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
html: function() {
const fileLoc = './public/react_ui/build/index.html';
const stream = fs.createReadStream(path.resolve(fileLoc));
} catch (e) {
res.redirect(SEE_OTHER.http_status, '/login');
Prior to added the CRA, the express app exposed the /public folder like this:
// access to express App code files
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Now that I have the CRA app embedded, I wanted to expose the build files like this, otherwise the index.html file created by building the CRA does not know where the /static/js/* are:
// access to React App build files
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public/react_ui/build'));
However, it breaks the express routing. For instance, when I logout of the app, it is supposed to send me to the endpoint / and this checks if I am logged in or not, if not, then it is supposed to send me to the login page like this:
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
isLoggedIn(req, function(status) {
switch (status.status) {
case 200:
res.redirect(303, '/loader');
res.redirect(303, '/login');
However, this is what is breaking. If I remove the command to expose the /build folder above, then the routing works again and I am sent to the login page, but accessing the CRA pages breaks, because the build files are NOT FOUND.
// access to React App build files - if removed, routing works again
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public/react_ui/build'));
Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is happening? I don't know if this is a react app issue, an express issue, or something else. Any insights would be helpful.
You have conflicting routes.
app.use('/', express.static(__dirname + 'path/to/static/build'));
// Dont use '/' as it used for static route.
app.use('/auth', (req, res) => {
isLoggedIn(req, function(status) {
switch (status.status) {
case 200:
res.redirect(303, '/loader');
res.redirect(303, '/login');
Note you can use whatever route for static build. I have given general convention.

res.render for routes on page reload?

(Using MEAN with UI Router)
The following code sends a json response for the route defined. This works fine when the template is rendered with UI Router; however, if I reload the page, because the response only contains json, I am left with an empty page rendering no html, only the json response.
router.get('/posts/:post', function(req, res, next) {
req.post.populate('comments', function(err, post) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
Assuming this is a standard issue, how can I best allow this page to res.render('index') when the page is reloaded and respond with the json response? Should I,
Create a separate route for the json response which is called as a post promise with UI Router
Have the /posts/:post route simply respond with res.render('index')?
Thank you for any responses, not sure what the usual practise is for such issues!
It took me a while to find a working solution to this due to many of the examples online having different directory structures. I placed a catch all at the end of my routes so that url requests to any UI Router states would not be met with a 404, but instead always return the index.html file.
app.all('/*', function(req, res, next) {
// Just send the index.html for other files to support HTML5Mode
res.sendFile('index.html', { root: __dirname });
Then I added prefixes to my express routes, e.g. /api/posts/:post etc. Apparently express routes should not clash with any of the angular defined routes. Thanks to NormySan on reddit for informing me about this.