Hofstadter male-female sequences in Forth - sequence

I am trying to write a Hofstadter sequence in Forth, without the use of recursion. I feel like I am very close, but I keep getting an error that is telling me,
TypeError: x[m[w]] is not a function
when I run it with 10 MALE. How can I fix this error?
My code is as follows:
0 MALE-ARR ! \ MALE-ARR(0) = 0

Maybe something like this?
: array ( u "name" -- ) create cells allot does> swap cells + ;
10 constant size
size array male
size array female
: compute ( -- ) 0 0 male ! 1 0 female !
size 1 do
i i 1- female # male # - i female !
i i 1- male # female # - i male !
loop ;
: print ( u -- ) 0 do i male # . loop ;


print Sprintf error while the input is a string which consist of symbol in heatmap gnuplot

I am working on heat map with a unique dataset. The dataset consists of a symbol.
Here is the example of my dataset 1q.txt
one two three
2009 0/0 1 0/0 1 0/0 1
2010 0/0 1 0/0 1 0/0 1
2011 0/0 1 0/0 1 6/179.5 1
2012 0/0 1 2/0.4 1 11/83.0 1
2013 7/0.8 1 7/21.3 1 17/268.5 1
2014 1/3.5 1 4/7.7 1 9/37.9 1
and here is my gnuplot script
set term pos eps font 20
unset colorbox
unset key
set nocbtics
set cblabel "Score"
set cbtics scale 0
set cbrange [ 0.00000 : 110.00000 ] noreverse nowriteback
set palette defined ( 0.0 "#FFFFFF",\
1 "#FFCCCC",\
2 "#FF9999 ",\
3 "#FF6666")
set size 1, 0.5
set output '1q.eps'
YTICS="`awk 'BEGIN{getline}{printf "%s ",$1}' '1q.dat'`"
XTICS="`head -1 '1q.dat'`"
set for [i=1:words(XTICS)] xtics ( word(XTICS,i) i-1 )
set for [i=1:words(YTICS)] ytics ( word(YTICS,i) i-1 )
set for [i=1:words(XTICS)] xtics ( word(XTICS,i) 2*i-1 )
plot "<awk '{$1=\"\"}1' '1q.dat' | sed '1 d'" matrix every 2::1 w image, \
'' matrix using ($1+1):2:(sprintf('%.f', $3)) every 2 with labels
What I'm trying to do here is I want to displaying "0/0" as a label in the heatmap and the integer number as a heatmap color.
The problem that I face here is the gnuplot only take a number before "/"
and ignore the other one.
Here is the result of my current plot.
How to make the heatmap show a lable like "1/3.5" and have color based on the integer number.
There is no need to usesprintf at all. Simply use stringcolumn to get the raw content of a column as saved in the data file:
plot "<awk '{$1=\"\"}1' '1q.dat' | sed '1 d'" matrix every 2::1 w image, \
'' matrix using ($1+1):2:(stringcolumn(3)) every 2 with labels

Gnuplot - Iteration with two commands

I'm trying to build a sort of bar-chart using a simple data file (.example) containing only 0s or 1s. Here is the data contained in .example:
dest P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 NA
D1 0 1 1 0 0 0
D2 0 0 1 0 0 0
D3 0 1 0 1 0 0
GPV 1 1 1 1 1 1
and here is the code I'm using:
set style histogram rowstacked title textcolor lt -1
set datafile missing 'nan'
set style data histograms
plot '.example' using ( $2==0 ? 1 : 0 ) ls 17 title 'NA', \
'' using ( $2==1 ? 1 : 0 ) ls 1, \
for [i=3:5] '.example' using ( column(i)==0 ? 1 : 0) ls 17 notitle, \
for [i=3:5] '' using ( column(i)==1 ? 1 : 0) ls i-1
where the last two commands iterate over a potentially large number of
columns stacking white or colored boxes depending on the value of column(i). To keep the same color order among different columns in the histogram I would need to merge the two iterations into a single one with two commands.
Is it possible? Any suggestion on how to do that?
You can use nested loops, which I think is what you want to achieve. You can use an outer loop iterating over your large number of columns and an inner loop iterating over the two options (white vs. colored), for [i=3:5] for [j=0:1], and tell gnuplot to ignore the column if its content doesn't match the value of j using 1/0 (or use the trick, valid for histograms, of setting it to 0 as you're already doing):
set style histogram rowstacked title textcolor lt -1
set datafile missing 'nan'
set style data histograms
plot '.example' using ( $2==0 ? 1 : 0 ) ls 17 title 'NA', \
'' using ( $2==1 ? 1 : 0 ) ls 1, \
for [i=3:5] for [j=0:1] '.example' using ( column(i) == j ? 1 : 0 ) \
ls ( j == 0 ? 17 : i-1 ) notitle
The code above is equivalent to what you have already, only the value of j allows to switch the style depending on whether you have a 0 or a 1 as the column's value.

Gnuplot: How to load and display single numeric value from data file

My data file has this content
# data file for use with gnuplot
# Report 001
# Data as of Tuesday 03-Sep-2013
total 1976
case1 522 278 146 65 26 7
case2 120 105 15 0 0 0
case3 660 288 202 106 63 1
I am making a histogram from the case... lines using the script below - and that works. My question is: how can I load the grand total value 1976 (next to the word 'total') from the data file and either (a) store it into a variable or (b) use it directly in the title of the plot?
This is my gnuplot script:
set term png truecolor
set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768 enhanced font 'Segoe UI,10'
set output "output.png"
set style fill solid 1.00
set style histogram rowstacked
set style data histograms
set xlabel "Case"
set ylabel "Frequency"
set boxwidth 0.8
plot for [i=3:7] 'mydata.dat' every ::1 using i:xticlabels(1) with histogram \
notitle, '' every ::1 using 0:2:2 \
with labels \
title "My Title"
For the benefit of others trying to label histograms, in my data file, the column after the case label represents the total of the rest of the values on that row. Those total numbers are displayed at the top of each histogram bar. For example for case1, 522 is the total of (278 + 146 + 65 + 26 + 7).
I want to display the grand total somewhere on my chart, say as the second line of the title or in a label. I can get a variable into sprintf into the title, but I have not figured out syntax to load a "cell" value ("cell" meaning row column intersection) into a variable.
Alternatively, if someone can tell me how to use the sum function to total up 522+120+660 (read from the data file, not as constants!) and store that total in a variable, that would obviate the need to have the grand total in the data file, and that would also make me very happy.
Many thanks.
Lets start with extracting a single cell at (row,col). If it is a single values, you can use the stats command to extract the values. The row and col are specified with every and using, like in a plot command. In your case, to extract the total value, use:
# extract the 'total' cell
stats 'mydata.dat' every ::::0 using 2 nooutput
total = int(STATS_min)
To sum up all values in the second column, use:
stats 'mydata.dat' every ::1 using 2 nooutput
total2 = int(STATS_sum)
And finally, to sum up all values in columns 3:7 in all rows (i.e. the same like the previous command, but without using the saved totals) use:
# sum all values from columns 3:7 from all rows
stats 'mydata.dat' every ::1 using (sum[i=3:7] column(i)) nooutput
total3 = int(STATS_sum)
These commands require gnuplot 4.6 to work.
So, your plotting script could look like the following:
set terminal pngcairo size 1024,768 enhanced
set output "output.png"
set style fill solid 1.00
set style histogram rowstacked
set style data histograms
set xlabel "Case"
set ylabel "Frequency"
set boxwidth 0.8
# extract the 'total' cell
stats 'mydata.dat' every ::::0 using 2 nooutput
total = int(STATS_min)
plot for [i=3:7] 'mydata.dat' every ::1 using i:xtic(1) notitle, \
'' every ::1 using 0:(s = sum [i=3:7] column(i), s):(sprintf('%d', s)) \
with labels offset 0,1 title sprintf('total %d', total)
which gives the following output:
For linux and similar.
If you don't know the row number where your data is located, but you know it is in the n-th column of a row where the value of the m-th column is x, you can define a function
get_data(m,x,n,filename)=system('awk "\$'.m.'==\"'.x.'\"{print \$'.n.'}" '.filename)
and then use it, for example, as
y = get_data(1,"case2",4,"datafile.txt")
using data provided by user424855
print y
should return 15
It's not clear to me where your "grand total" of 1976 comes from. If I calculate 522+120+660 I get 1302 not 1976.
Anyway, here is a solution which works even without stats and sum which were not available in gnuplot 4.4.0.
In the data you don't necessarily need the "grand total" or the sum of each row, because gnuplot can calculate this for you. This is done by (not) plotting the file as a matrix, and at the same time summing up the rows in the string variable S0 and the total sum in variable Total. There will be a warning warning: matrix contains missing or undefined values which you can ignore. The labels are added by plotting '+' ... with labels extracting the desired values from the S0 string.
Data: SO18583180.dat
So, the reduced input data looks like this:
# data file for use with gnuplot
# Report 001
# Data as of Tuesday 03-Sep-2013
case1 278 146 65 26 7
case2 105 15 0 0 0
case3 288 202 106 63 1
Script: (works for gnuplot>=4.4.0, March 2010 and gnuplot 5.x)
### histogram with sums and total sum
FILE = "SO18583180.dat"
set style histogram rowstacked
set style data histograms
set style fill solid 0.8
set xlabel "Case"
set ylabel "Frequency"
set boxwidth 0.8
set key top left noautotitle
set grid y
set xrange [0:2]
set offsets 0.5,0.5,0,0
Total = 0
S0 = ''
addSums(v) = S0.sprintf(" %g",(M=$2,(N=$1+1)==1?S1=0:0,S1=S1+v))
plot for [i=2:6] FILE u i:xtic(1) notitle, \
'' matrix u (S0=addSums($3),Total=Total+$3,NaN) w p, \
'+' u 0:(real(S2=word(S0,int($0*N+N)))):(S2) every ::::M w labels offset 0,0.7 title sprintf("Total: %g",Total)
### end of script
Result: (created with gnuplot 4.4.0, Windows terminal)

Printing out a binary search tree with slashes

That's my code to print out the elements of a binary search tree. The goal is to display it in level order, with slashes connecting the parent to each child. So for instance, the sequence 15 3 16 2 1 4 19 17 28 31 12 14 11 0 would display after execution as:
/ \
3 16
/ \ \
2 4 19
/ \ / \
1 12 17 28
/ / \ \
0 11 14 31
I've been working on it for a long time now, but I just can't seem to get the spacing/indentation right. I know I wrote the proper algorithm for displaying the nodes in the proper order, but the slashes are just off. This is the result of my code as is: http://imgur.com/sz8l1
I know I'm so close to the answer, since my display is not that far off from what I need, and I have a feeling it's a really simple solution, but for some reason I just seem to get it right.
I'm out of time for now, but here's a quick version. I did not read your code (don't know C++), so I don't know how close our solutions are.
I changed the output format slightly. Instead of / for the left node, I used | so I didn't have to worry about left spacing at all.
| \
3 16
|\ \
2 4 19
| \ | \
1 | 17 28
| | \
0 12 31
| \
11 14
Here's the code. I hope you're able to take what you need from it. There are definitely some Pythonisms which I hope map to what you're using. The main idea is to treat each row of numbers as a map of position to node object, and at each level, sort the map by key and print them to the console iteratively based on their assigned position. Then generate a new map with positions relative to their parents in the previous level. If there's a collision, generate a fake node to bump the real node down a line.
from collections import namedtuple
# simple node representation. sorry for the mess, but it does represent the
# tree example you gave.
Node = namedtuple('Node', ('label', 'left', 'right'))
def makenode(n, left=None, right=None):
return Node(str(n), left, right)
root = makenode(
makenode(2, makenode(1, makenode(0))),
makenode(4, None, makenode(12, makenode(11), makenode(14)))),
makenode(16, None, makenode(19, makenode(17),
makenode(28, None, makenode(31)))))
# takes a dict of {line position: node} and returns a list of lines to print
def print_levels(print_items, lines=None):
if lines is None:
lines = []
if not print_items:
return lines
# working position - where we are in the line
pos = 0
# line of text containing node labels
new_nodes_line = []
# line of text containing slashes
new_slashes_line = []
# args for recursive call
next_items = {}
# sort dictionary by key and put them in a list of pairs of (position,
# node)
sorted_pos_and_node = [
(k, print_items[k]) for k in sorted(print_items.keys())]
for position, node in sorted_pos_and_node:
# add leading whitespace
while len(new_nodes_line) < position:
new_nodes_line.append(' ')
while len(new_slashes_line) < position:
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# update working position
pos = position
# add node label to string, as separate characters so list length
# matches string length
# add left child if any
if node.left is not None:
# if we're close to overlapping another node, push that node down
# by adding a parent with label '|' which will make it look like a
# line dropping down
for collision in [pos - i for i in range(3)]:
if collision in next_items:
next_items[collision] = makenode(
'|', next_items[collision])
# add the slash and the node to the appropriate places
next_items[position] = node.left
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# update working position
len_num = len(node.label)
pos += len_num
# add some more whitespace
while len(new_slashes_line) < position + len_num:
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# and take care of the right child
if node.right is not None:
next_items[position + len_num + 1] = node.right
new_slashes_line.append(' ')
# concatenate each line's components and append them to the list
# do it again!
return print_levels(next_items, lines)
lines = print_levels({0: root})
print '\n'.join(lines)

What's the R equivalent of SQL's LIKE 'description%' statement?

Not sure how else to ask this but, I want to search for a term within several string elements. Here's what my code looks like (but wrong):
inplay = vector(length=nrow(des))
for (ii in 1:nrow(des)) {
if (des[ii] = 'In play%')
inplay[ii] = 1
else inplay[ii] = 0
des is a vector that stores strings such as "Swinging Strike", "In play (run(s))", "In play (out(s) recorded)" and etc. What I want inplay to store is a 1s and 0s vector corresponding with the des vector, with the 1s in inplay indicating that the des value had "In play%" in it and 0s otherwise.
I believe the 3rd line is incorrect, because all this does is return a vector of 0s with a 1 in the last element.
Thanks in advance!
The data.table package has syntax that is often similar to SQL. The package includes %like%, which is a "convenience function for calling regexpr". Here is an example taken from its help file:
## Create the data.table:
DT = data.table(Name=c("Mary","George","Martha"), Salary=c(2,3,4))
## Subset the DT table where the Name column is like "Mar%":
DT[Name %like% "^Mar"]
## Name Salary
## 1: Mary 2
## 2: Martha 4
The R analog to SQL's LIKE is just R's ordinary indexing syntax.
The 'LIKE' operator selects data rows from a table by matching string values in a specified column against a user-supplied pattern
> # create a data frame having a character column
> clrs = c("blue", "black", "brown", "beige", "berry", "bronze", "blue-green", "blueberry")
> dfx = data.frame(Velocity=sample(100, 8), Colors=clrs)
> dfx
Velocity Colors
1 90 blue
2 94 black
3 71 brown
4 36 beige
5 75 berry
6 2 bronze
7 89 blue-green
8 93 blueberry
> # create a pattern to use (the same as you would do when using the LIKE operator)
> ptn = '^be.*?' # gets beige and berry but not blueberry
> # execute a pattern-matching function on your data to create an index vector
> ndx = grep(ptn, dfx$Colors, perl=T)
> # use this index vector to extract the rows you want from the data frome:
> selected_rows = dfx[ndx,]
> selected_rows
Velocity Colors
4 36 beige
5 75 berry
In SQL, that would be:
SELECT * FROM dfx WHERE Colors LIKE ptn3
Something like regexpr?
> d <- c("Swinging Strike", "In play (run(s))", "In play (out(s) recorded)")
> regexpr('In play', d)
[1] -1 1 1
[1] -1 7 7
or grep
> grep('In play', d)
[1] 2 3
Since stringr 1.5.0, you can use str_like, which follows the structure of SQL's LIKE:
fruit <- c("apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple")
str_like(fruit, "app%")
Not only does it include %, but also several other operators (see ?str_like).
Must match the entire string
_⁠ matches a single character (like .)
⁠%⁠ matches any number of characters (like ⁠.*⁠)
⁠%⁠ and ⁠_⁠ match literal ⁠%⁠ and ⁠_⁠
The match is case insensitive by default