Making decisions on designing classes interfaces - oop

I would like to get some thoughts from others about the following problem.
Let's assume we have two classes Products and Items. Products object allows us to access any Item object. Here's the example.
$products = new Products();
// get existing item from products
$item = $products->get(123);
// create item
$item = $products->create();
$item->setName("Some new product");
Now what would be the best way to update/save state of the item? I see 2 options:
First aproach seems very straigh forward. Once attributes of Item object are set calling save method on it will persist changes.
On the other hand I feel like latter approach is better. We're separating the roles of two objects. Item object contains only state and Products object operates on that state. This solution may be also better for writing unit tests.
Any thoughts?

So, effectively the items are buffering the actual changes.
Clearly both approaches will work, however it comes down to how closely you want to adhere to the underlying database's model or the overlaid object model.
Viewed from the outside, $item->save() makes the most sense in terms of the model - as you point out, you update the item's properties and then save them down. Plus it is conceptually an action that is performed on the item.
However, $products->save($item) offers two noticable advantages, and a drawback.
On the plus side, by moving save into products, it can (potentially) handle batching / reordering of the updates in a smarter way since it has visibility of all the items. It also allows the save code to be used as ->add() (more or less)
A downside is it is going to (from the object model view) add the following possible use, which you probably don't want:
$p1 = new Products();
$p2 = new Products();
$item = $p1->create();
// set $item values
Obviously, you could just add an 'is this mine? no? then throw an error' test to Products::save, but that is extra code for blocking a use case the syntax implies could/should work. Or at least would probably slip through a code review.
So, I'd say go with the approach that seems the simplest and binds tightest to the desired functionality ($item->save()), unless you need to do caching/batching/whatever that forces you to go with the other.


DDD - Invariant enforcement using instance methods and a factory method

I'm designing a system using Domain-Driven design principals.
I have an aggregate named Album.
It contains a collection of Tracks.
Album instances are created using a factory method named create(props).
Rule 1: An Album must contain at least one Track.
This rule must be checked upon creation (in Album.create(props)).
Also, there must a method named addTrack(track: Track) so that a new Track can be added after the instance is created. That means addTrack(track: Track) must check the rule too.
How can I avoid this logic code duplication?
Well, if Album makes sure it has at least one Track upon instantiation I don't see why addTrack would be concerned that rule could ever be violated? Did you perhaps mean removeTrack?
In that case you could go for something as simple as the following:
class Album {
constructor(tracks) {
this._tracks = [];
//add tracks
removeTrack(trackId) {
//remove track
_assertWillHaveOneTrack(change) {
if (this._tracks.length + change <= 0) throw new Error('Album must have a minimum of one track.');
Please note that you could also have mutated the state first and checked the rule after which makes things simpler at first glance, but it's usually a bad practice because the model could be left in an invalid state if the exception is handled, unless the model reverts the change, but that gets even more complex.
Also note that if Track is an entity, it's probably a better idea not to let the client code create the Track to preserve encapsulation, but rather pass a TrackInfo value object or something similar.

Preventing breeze.js from creating observables properties on array objects

I must be missing something simple, but can't figure it out. I'm retrieving a bunch of lookup tables in 1 Web API call.
return EntityQuery.from('Lookups')
In processLookups I'm calling getLocal for each array that was returned. Example: State table
datacontext.lookups = {
state: getLocal('States', orderBy.state, true),
function getLocal(resource, ordering, includeNullos) {
var query = EntityQuery.from(resource)
if (!includeNullos) {
query = query.where('id', '!=', 0);
return manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
The arrays are not observable, but each property in the array objects are observable functions. This is just overhead I don't need since these will not be changing.
How can I prevent the object properties from being observable?
The raw lookups are available to you right there in the success callback from the query. No reason to look at cache ... even if they were there (which they are not as Jay makes clear).
But what would you DO with these lookups? Presumably you want them to be related (by Breeze navigation paths) to real entities. For example, you'd like to return the related room object. But if the room is one of your lookups and is NOT an entity, then the navigation property won't return it; nav properties always return entities.
I can think of ways around this. But it's just more work and more trickery.
Let's stop for a moment and ask the most important question: Why?
Why do you care if the lookups are entities with observable properties? It may be "overhead you don't need". But is it overhead that hurts you? Hurts you how? Have you measured it?
Forgive me but I sense premature optimizations that could be distracting you from more worthy pursuits. Happy to be proven wrong.
I'm not sure I completely understand the situation but the 'noTracking' option is really only relevant with 'remote' queries. i.e. not local ones. Basically, 'noTracking' tells breeze not process the results of the query into breeze entities AND ALSO not to cache these results.
When you are querying the cache, which is what 'executeQueryLocally' is doing, both of these steps have already occurred, so 'noTracking' is ignored.

Stateful objects, properties and parameter-less methods in favour of stateless objects, parameters and return values

I find this class definition a bit odd:
The Solve method does have a return value but would not need to because the result is also available in the Solution property.
This is what I see as traditional code:
var sqrt2 = Math.Sqrt(2)
This would be an alternative in the same spirit as the solver in the link:
var sqrtCalculator = new SqrtCalculator();
sqrtCalculator.Parameter = 2;
var sqrt2 = sqrtCalculator.Result;
What are the pros and cons besides the second version being a bit "untraditional"?
Yes, the compiler won't help the user who forgot to assign some property (parameter) BUT this is the case with all components that contain writeable properties and don't have mandatory values in the constructor.
Yes, threading will not work, BUT each thread can create its own solver.
Yes, the garbage collector won't be able to dispose the solver's result, BUT if the entire solver is disposed it will.
Yes, compilers and processors have special treatment of parameters and return values which makes them fast, BUT the time for parameter handling is mostly neglectable.
And so on. Other ideas?
Well, after a year I found a clear flaw with this "introvert" approach. I am using an existing filter object which should operate on a measurement object but rather operates on itself in a "it's all me and nothing else"-fashion described above. Now the customer wants a recalculation of a measurement object a few minutes after the first calculation, and meanwhile the filter has processed other measurement objects. If it had been stateless and stored its data in the measurement object, it would have been an easy matter to implement a Recalculate method. The only way to solve the problem with an introvert filter is to let a filter instance be a part of the measurement object. Then filters need to be instantiated for every new measurement object. And since filters are a part of a chain the entire chain needs to be recreated. Well, there is some merit to being stateless.

How to add new values to nested Core Data objects?

My Core Data object model has three nested objects as shown below:
When I first create an instance of Item
Item *item = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Item" inManagedObjectContext:self.objectContext];
the item.beverage property is nil. Next I want to store a value in the item.beverage.brand.title property.
Do I have to create an instance of Beverage and assign it to item.beverage, then create an instance of Brand and assign it to item.beverage.brand.
item.beverage = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Beverage" inManagedObjectContext:self.objectContext];
item.beverage.brand = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Brand" inManagedObjectContext:self.objectContext];
before I can finally assign the value to the title property?
item.beverage.brand.title=#"Sample Title";
Is there a shorter/less verbose way to do this?
You need to create each object in the object graph. I'm not aware of any core-data provided shortcuts. You could of course write your own methods, categories, or macros to reduce the verbosity if you find your self writing a lot of boiler plate code.
If the purpose of your separate entities is primarily encapsulation of behavior or normalization of data, it sometimes occurs that you never wish to insert a parent without automatically inserting a child. In your case, this could be an Item that always, without fail, has a Beverage.
In this case, you could set the relationship between Item and Beverage to be non-optional and to-one, with a cascading delete rule. Together, these reflect the fact that the one is meaningless without the other. Unfortunately, in that case, insertion of the Item still does not insert the Beverage. To do that, override awakeFromInsert to perform this insertion and then it will be automatically present whenever an instance of Item is created.
If on the other hand it is possible that an Item may not have a Beverage, but that when it does, that Beverage always has a name, as the other poster commented, it's also a possibility that adding custom logic - Item.setBrandname, which inserts a Beverage if it is not already present - is a viable solution.
Your business logic drives this kind of decision.
Also, fwiw, 'item', while not a reserved keyword, may be a good word to avoid as a class/variable name because it's an abstract/programming-related concept. That's entirely separate from the rest of my answer. ;-)

Overextending object design by adding many trivial fields?

I have to add a bunch of trivial or seldom used attributes to an object in my business model.
So, imagine class Foo which has a bunch of standard information such as Price, Color, Weight, Length. Now, I need to add a bunch of attributes to Foo that are rarely deviating from the norm and rarely used (in the scope of the entire domain). So, Foo.DisplayWhenConditionIsX is true for 95% of instances; likewise, Foo.ShowPriceWhenConditionIsY is almost always true, and Foo.PriceWhenViewedByZ has the same value as Foo.Price most of the time.
It just smells wrong to me to add a dozen fields like this to both my class and database table. However, I don't know that wrapping these new fields into their own FooDisplayAttributes class makes sense. That feels like adding complexity to my DAL and BLL for little gain other than a smaller object. Any recommendations?
Try setting up a separate storage class/struct for the rarely used fields and hold it as a single field, say "rarelyUsedFields" (for example, it will be a pointer in C++ and a reference in Java - you don't mention your language.)
Have setters/getters for these fields on your class. Setters will check if the value is not the same as default and lazily initialize rarelyUsedFields, then set the respective field value (say, rarelyUsedFields.DisplayWhenConditionIsX = false). Getters they will read the rarelyUsedFields value and return default values (true for DisplayWhenConditionIsX and so on) if it is NULL, otherwise return rarelyUsedFields.DisplayWhenConditionIsX.
This approach is used quite often, see WebKit's Node.h as an example (and its focused() method.)
Abstraction makes your question a bit hard to understand, but I would suggest using custom getters such as Foo.getPrice() and Foo.getSpecialPrice().
The first one would simply return the attribute, while the second would perform operations on it first.
This is only possible if there is a way to calculate the "seldom used version" from the original attribute value, but in most common cases this would be possible, providing you can access data from another object storing parameters, such as FooShop.getCurrentDiscount().
The problem I see is more about the Foo object having side effects.
In your example, I see two features : display and price.
I would build one or many Displayer (who knows how to display) and make the price a component object, with a list of internal price modificators.
Note all this is relevant only if your Foo objects are called by numerous clients.