Difference between LocalCacheFolder and TemporaryFolder - windows-8

I wonder what's the difference between the LocalCacheFolder and the TemporaryFolder.
Regarding MSDN, the LocalCacheFolder is not backed up/restored, but the temp folder isn't either, is it? What's the difference, then? Will only the temporary folder be deleted when I clean up storage manually`?
MSDN doesn't tell me a lot, so I hope someone can tell me the difference. Thanks in advance :)

Both are folders that aren't backup up. The difference between them is that the OS may delete files from TemporaryFolder whenever it needs additional space. With LocalCacheFolder, you're responsible for deleting the files you don't need anymore.
You can find a more thorough explanation here: http://java.dzone.com/articles/windows-phone-81


How to recover file from ransomware with "[3442516480#qq.com].pdf" in each file

Which steps should I do to recover my files which are affected by ransomware.
Each html file is changed to byte-code and renamed as [3442516480#qq.com].pdf at last.
Please share you experience on this.
Thanks for your time
First you should know what type of ransomware you are infected with. In your case https://www.pcrisk.com/removal-guides/15698-pdf-ransomware this might help you.
Also, You should give a try to some free reamsomware decryptor tools such as STOP Decryptor,Rakhni Decryptor provided by some antivirus companies for free.
If you get the variant of the ransomware you are infected with you can try a specific tool on your files if that helps you.

Can I restore removed files in cloud9-ide?

Good evening,
I discovered cloud9-ide a few weeks ago and I find its possibilities for workig in a projetc team incredible.
When I came up with it at our teammeating I mentioned it, and my collegue asked the question
"It is pretty nice that you can see what was changed and that you can reverse it, but does this can also restore deleted files?"
I stood there, awkwarldy, and had to admit that I have no idea if this works and if so, how?
Can someone help me out? Is restoring deleted file possible? This would be a HUGE contra, if not.
To restore a deleted file simply recreate it then look at the revision history. All previous versions will be there.

How to create a truly in memory jacrabbit repository

I've been trying to figure out if it is possible to have a jackrabbit repository to be run completely in memory.
Whatever I try in order to run the repository fully in memory, I still end up with a repository directory full of files on my disk?
If anyone has figured this out I'd much appreciate if you could explain how to achieve it.
See this 4+ year old blog post, which hopefully still applies and is helpful: http://modeshape.wordpress.com/2008/02/22/speedy-unit-testing-with-jackrabbit/

Locked Classes with VBA/VB

I want to package my classes (in VBA or VB), but I want to put a lock on them before I do so. I want the computer to return a message similar to one in the Word file attached. Can anybody point me in the right direction? There doesn’t seem to be a lot of help in this regard.
I would need something that would lock just the classes that I have made while still leaving the rest. My understanding is that the mde would compile the whole works, and therefore would not work. Is that correct?
Could you have 2 projects for 1 mdb file? Then I could allow 1 project to be locked (mine) and then the other to be open to everyone
Marty Habicht
An add-in may suit: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa902693.aspx
You can create an mde and include it as a refernce in other Access applications (code window, Tools-References).
See my Add-in Tips, Hints and Gotchas page for an Access only answer.
A simple solution would be to put the classes in an mde, and then just set a reference to the MDE from the unlocked project. This will give you access to the class, while rendering your source unviewable. This won't stop a determined reverser, but I don't really think a determined reverser is in the threat model:)

is it possible to automatically purge a Word document of all scripts and other malicious threats?

reputedly, it is possible to make a "malicious" Word document. Maybe using embedded VB script? Anyway, not sure. My question is, is it possible to make an app that safely scrubs all such insertions from a .doc file? Of course, preferably this app should work without actually opening that file in Word application since presumably that may be sufficient for the machine to get damaged.
Is there something like that out there already? Is this even a problem worthy of discussion or in reality there is nothing really malicious that can be done using the Word documents distributed online?
ADDED LATER: johnnyArt, yes, and when you get dirt on your clothes, make sure to go to mommy and tell her about it. Mommy knows best! As a computer programmer, I am interested in learning more about how the world works, including how the world of .doc files and their embedded malicious scripts works. As for using the antivirus and anti-spyware, I will handle these issues without your precious advice. As will, probably, most other users of this forum.
You should scan the file with your antivirus/spyware of choice.
My advice is, if it has malware in it, it's not worth "cleaning" it for use.
Get yourself a clean copy somewhere else.