Replace Underscores characters with Space inside a String value - vba

This is a rather simple question.
I have a date variables formated like: 25_December_2010
I would like a statement or a bit of code in the VBA macro that will transform that string value from: 25_December_2010 to 25 December 2010.
Somehow be able to remove the underscores from inside the String value....

As I mentioned in comments, use code below:
Dim strDate As String
strDate = "25_December_2010"
strDate = Replace(strDate,"_"," ")

I wanted something similar in a macro I'm using for data cleaning so I took #simoco's answer and created a simple but mostly safe macro/sub.
Sub ConvertSpaceToUnderscore()
Dim strCellValue As String
' Use basic error handling if more than 1 cell is selected, or
' possibly if something that isn't a cell is selected.
On Error GoTo SelectionTooBig
strCellValue = Selection.Value
strCellValue = Replace(strCellValue, " ", "_")
Selection.Value = strCellValue
On Error GoTo 0
' Exit the sub if things went well
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please select one cell at a time.", vbCritical, "Selection too large"
End Sub


VBA Runtime Error 3131 MS access 2016 Pro Plus

so the below code says there is an issue; however, I can not figure it out.
I am trying to create a search form, and VBA keeps telling me this is wrong. I am not at all a coding person, but just doing this for a project I'm on. any help is greatly appreciated.
Private Sub search_Click()
Dim strsearch As String
Dim Task As String
'Check if a keyword entered or not
If IsNull(Me.txtSearch) Or Me.txtSearch = "" Then
MsgBox "Please type last name of client.", vbOKOnly, "Keyword Needed"
Me.txtSearch.BackColor = vbYellow
strsearch = Me.txtSearch.Value
Task = "SELECT * FROM tbl_table-application WHERE ((Last_Name Like ""*" & strsearch & "*""))"
** Me.RecordSource = Task**
Me.txtSearch.BackColor = vbWhite
End If
End Sub
Table name has hyphen character so need to enclose in [ ]: [tbl_table-application]. Advise not to use spaces nor punctuation/special characters in naming convention. Only underscore is acceptable exception that will work without [ ].

Turn String Into Hyperlink with Preset Name in Excel with VBA

I have a userform where I will be wanting people to enter a link e.g. & I want the program to automatically turn this string into a hyperlink (blue underlined) called "website".
Here's what I have so far.
PublicProperty Get Link() as string
EDIT: Note, words generic to protect company. Actually the problem is not it starting with local server. In the following the file is in the folder but not the subfolder
when running code,
address becomes
The following might help.
It will convert column A values to hyperlinks.
Sub GetHyperlink()
For Each xCell In Range("A:A")
If xCell.Value <> "" Then
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:="http://www." & Replace(xCell.Formula, "www.", ""), TextToDisplay:="Website"
End If
Next xCell
End Sub
This is something that should work, if you read the the entry variable from the Form:
Sub TestMe()
Dim entry As String
entry = ""
Dim httpPrefix As String
httpPrefix = "https://"
If Left(entry, Len(httpPrefix)) <> httpPrefix Then
entry = httpPrefix & entry
End If
With Worksheets(1)
.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Cells(1, 1), _
Address:=entry, _
End With
End Sub
Some business logic is needed to decide whether to write https:// or http:// or anything similar. You may consider using Trim() to remove possible empty cells from the left and the right.

Validation: Allowing one specific word only once can be input in textbox in VBA Excel

I have a 4 different words (financial, location, course, professor) that can be inputted in a textbox, but each word must be used only once per input in the textbox.
For example, I enter a sentence in the textbox like this: "I have a problem with financial because my family is facing a financial problem" the code below processes this sentence into split text.
What I want to do for validation is to inform the user (maybe through msgbox) something like:
"Error - you must used financial only once in a sentence."
In addition, if course, location and professor used more than once in a sentence should also give a msgbox.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call SplitText
End Sub
Sub SplitText()
Dim WArray As Variant
Dim TextString As String
TextString = TextBox1
WArray = Split(TextBox1, " ")
If (TextString = "") Then
MsgBox ("Error: Pls Enter your data")
With Sheets("DatabaseStorage")
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Resize(UBound(WArray) + IIf(LBound(WArray) = 0, 1, 0)) = Application.Transpose(WArray)
End With
MsgBox ("Successfully inserted")
End If
End Sub
Try this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Call SplitText
End Sub
Sub SplitText()
Dim sentence As String
Dim mycount As Long
sentence = InputBox("Enter the sentence")
mycount = UBound(Split(sentence, "financial"))
If mycount > 1 then
Msgbox "Error - you must used financial only once in a sentence"
End if
'Here the rest of the code you need
End Sub
Hope it helps.

VBA Error 1004 When Calling A Module with an Argument

This is my first post so bear with me.
I get a run-time error 1004 when I try calling a module from my user form and passing on an argument. I'm sure the answer is pretty obvious but I'm new to passing on arguments.
From User Form when clicking submit button:
Sub SubmitButton_Click()
Dim addRowValue As Integer
addRowValue = LineBox.Value
MsgBox "Add " & addRowValue & " rows."
Call Sheet1.ResizeTable(addRowValue)
End Sub
From Sheet1:
Sub ResizeTable(addRowValue As Integer)
Dim rng As Range
Dim tbl As ListObject
Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("DATA_INPUT")
Set rng = Range("DATA_INPUT[#All]").Resize(tbl.Range.Rows.Count + _
addRowValue, tbl.Range.Columns.Count)
tbl.Resize rng
End Sub
Call Sheet1.ResizeTable works fine but when I add the argument is when I get the error. Also, the module ResizeTable() works fine when I change the variable addRowValue to a set number and run it.
Thanks for any help!
Problem is you are assigning a string to variable of type integer.
addRowValue = LineBox.Value
addRowValue = CInt(LineBox.Value)
EDIT: You might also want to ensure the user enters a numeric value so have something like:
If IsNumeric(LineBox.Value) Then
addRowValue = CInt(LineBox.Value)
MsgBox "Please enter numeric value", vbCritical
LineBox.Value = ""
End If

Error 9: Subscript out of range

I have a problem in excel Vba when I try to run this code, I have an error of subscript out of range:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
n_users = Worksheets(Aux).Range("C1").Value
Debug.Print Worksheets(Aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
ListBox1.RowSource = Worksheets(Aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
ComboBox1.RowSource = Worksheets(Aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
ComboBox2.RowSource = Worksheets(Aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
End Sub
And Debug.Print works well, so the only problem is in Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value.
If the name of your sheet is "Aux", change each Worksheets(Aux) reference to Worksheets("Aux"). Unless you make Aux a string variable, for example:
Dim Aux As String
Aux = "YourWorksheetName"
n_users = Worksheets(Aux).Range(C1).Value
you must use quatations around sheet references.
Firstly, unless you have Aux defined somewhere in the actual code, this will not work. The sheet-name reference must be a string value, not an empty variable (which ARich explains in his answer).
Second, the way in which you are trying to populate the rowsource value is incorrect. The rowsource property of a combobox is set using a string value that references the target range. By this I mean the same string value you would use in an excel formula to reference a cell in another sheet. For instance, if your worksheet is named "Aux" then this would be your code:
ComboBox1.RowSource = "Aux!B1:B" & n_users
I think you can also use named ranges. This link explains it a little.
I can't see how you can get an Error 9 on that line. As others have pointed out repeatedly, the place you'll get it is if the variable Aux doesn't have a string value representing the name of a worksheet. That aside, I'm afraid that there is a LOT wrong with that code. See the comments in the below revision of it, which as near as I can figure is what you're trying to get to:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'See below re this.
aux = "Sheet2"
'You should always use error handling.
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'As others have pointed out, THIS is where you'll get a
'subscript out of range if you don't have "aux" defined previously.
'I'm also not a fan of NOT using Option Explicit, which
'would force you to declare exactly what n_users is.
'(And if you DO have it declared elsewhere, I'm not a fan of using
'public variables when module level ones will do, or module
'level ones when local will do.)
n_users = Worksheets(aux).Range("C1").Value
'Now, I would assume that C1 contains a value giving the number of
'rows in the range in column B. However this:
'*****Debug.Print Worksheets(aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
'will only work for the unique case where that value is 1.
'Why? Because CELLS have values. Multi-cell ranges, as a whole,
'do not have single values. So let's get rid of that.
'Have you consulted the online Help (woeful though
'it is in current versions) about what the RowSource property
'actually accepts? It is a STRING, which should be the address
'of the relevant range. So again, unless
'Range("B1:B" & n_users) is a SINGLE CELL that contains such a string
'(in which case there's no point having n_users as a variable)
'this will fail as well when you get to it. Let's get rid of it.
'****ListBox1.RowSource = Worksheets(aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
'I presume that this is just playing around so we'll
'ignore these for the moment.
'ComboBox1.RowSource = Worksheets(aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
'ComboBox2.RowSource = Worksheets(aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Value
'This should get you what you want. I'm assigning to
'variables just for clarity; you can skip that if you want.
Dim l_UsersValue As Long
Dim s_Address As String
l_UsersValue = 0
s_Address = ""
'Try to get the n_users value and test for validity
On Error Resume Next
l_UsersValue = Worksheets(aux).Range("C1").Value
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
l_UsersValue = CLng(l_UsersValue)
If l_UsersValue < 1 Or l_UsersValue > Worksheets(aux).Rows.Count Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 20000, , "User number range is outside acceptable boundaries. " _
& "It must be from 1 to the number of rows on the sheet."
End If
'Returns the cell address
s_Address = Worksheets(aux).Range("B1:B" & n_users).Address
'Add the sheet name to qualify the range address
s_Address = aux & "!" & s_Address
'And now that we have a string representing the address, we can assign it.
ListBox1.RowSource = s_Address
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
Resume ExitPoint
End Sub