uploading a file in a non-blocking manner without using gridFSBodyParser(gridFS) - playframework-2.2

The plugin play-reactivemongo offers an easy way to upload a file:
def upload = Action(gridFSBodyParser(gridFS)) { request =>
val futureFile: Future[ReadFile[BSONValue]] = request.body.files.head.ref
futureFile.map { file =>
// do something
}.recover { case e: Throwable => InternalServerError(e.getMessage) }
Unfortunately this solution doesn't suit me because:
I would like only my DAO layer to depend on reactive-mongo.
I need to save the file only if a user is authenticated (with SecureSocial) and use some user's properties as checks and metadata.
If no user is authenticated the request body shouldn't be parsed at all (see also this question).
It would be something along the lines
def upload = SecuredAction { request =>
val user = request.user
val enumerator = an enumrator from the body parsing ???
myDAO.saveFile(user, enumerator)
object myDAO {
def saveFile(user:User, enumerator:Enumerator[Array[Byte]]) = {
val fileToSave = DefaultFileToSave(...)
gridfs.save(enumerator, fileToSave)
Unfortunately it seems there is no way to get an enumerator from the parsing of the request body. The only way seems to provide the Action with a parser and an Iteratee that will be fed with the the body being parsed.
I couldn't figure out how to achieve it in a reactive way (without using a temporary file or storing the body in memory). Is it at all possible?

Actually, you might consider not using girdFS built-in parser at all:
val gfs = new GridFS(db)
// the controller method, Authenticated here is custom object extending ActionBuilder
def upload = Authenticated.async(parse.multipartFormData) { request =>
request.body.file("photo") match {
// handle error cases
case Some(photo) =>
val fileToSave = DefaultFileToSave(photo.filename, photo.contentType)
// here some more operations, basically you don't need the and need only photo.ref.file
val enumerator = Enumerator(Image(photo.ref.file).fitToWidth(120).write)
gfs.save(enumerator, fileToSave) map {
//handle responses and stuff


Use KTOR as a pipe for simultaneously fetching and responding a file

I have a KTOR backend which serves as a broker between the frontend-client and an external REST API. I want to make KTOR fetch the chunks of a file from the REST API, and as it receives these chunks KTOR should pass them on to the client, without having to temporarily store the entire file. The file can be very large, which is why the only option is to stream it.
I have made this simple illustration to show what I want to achieve:
I have something like this in my code so far, but it doesn't seem to work correctly:
get("/file") {
val uri = "/rest-api"
downloadFileClient.prepareGet(uri).execute {response ->
call.respondOutputStream(ContentType.Application.Pdf, HttpStatusCode.OK, producer = {response.bodyAsChannel()})
You can respond with an object of the OutgoingContent.ReadChannelContent class which can use client's response as a source:
get("/file") {
val uri = "/rest-api"
downloadFileClient.prepareGet(uri).execute { response ->
val channel = response.bodyAsChannel()
call.respond(object : OutgoingContent.ReadChannelContent() {
override fun readFrom(): ByteReadChannel = channel
override val status: HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK
override val contentType: ContentType = ContentType.Application.Pdf

Need my server to return a response that includes a data error. Need client to see what was wrong with data in request

As it will become quickly apparent, I have never seriously written a webserver before
Here is the current scenario:
Clients make requests to webserver, asking to save some data
Server looks at payload, and makes 2 checks
a. Is this client banned from saving data?
b. Does the payload of this data pass a language filter?
Server responds with success, or one of those 2 errors
My endpoint is written with Express in TypeScript
class ChatRequest {
public uid: string;
public message: string;
export const register = (app: express.Application, deps: dependencies.IDependencies) => {
app.post("/sendChat", (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
transformAndValidate(ChatRequest, req.body)
.then((sendGlobalChatRequest: SendGlobalChatRequest) => {
const payload = {
message: sendGlobalChatRequest.message,
uid: sendGlobalChatRequest.uid
//Check if uid is banned here
//Check if payload passes language filter here
//Save Payload here
}, (err) => {
I have been using this article for reference:
But I think my conclusion is that they are discussing something slightly different.
So from my understanding, I can just make up HTTP codes...
so I could just do res.sendStatus(499); if the uid is banned, and maybe res.sendStatus(498); if the payload doesn't pass language filter
Then my client can just read the Int statusCode and quickly determine the failure.
But even though I think I can do that, and it would work, it doesn't seem right?
Should I instead be using a standard HTTP Response Code? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status
And then add in the body of the response, a String or something that my client can parse to determine the error?
The String parsing seems way harder to maintain, but technically seems more "legal" if that makes sense?
What is the best way for me to have a client determine the type of server-side error?
I decided to return 400 with a JSON mapping errors to bools
if (isProfane(message)) {
res.status(400).json({messageContentBlocked: true});
In this way the client can receive multiple errors for the request at once, and it's more explicit
And in case anyone is googling around, I am using RxSwift/RxCocoa
Here is how I handle the error on the client:
extension Error {
var chatMessageBlockedURLError: Bool {
guard let rxCocoaURLError = self as? RxCocoaURLError else {return false}
switch rxCocoaURLError {
case let .httpRequestFailed(response, data):
guard response.statusCode == 400, let data = data else {return false}
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.dateDecodingStrategy = .millisecondsSince1970
guard let errors = try? decoder.decode([String:Bool].self, from: data) else {return false}
return errors["messageContentBlocked"] == true
return false

How to set body of HttpServletResponse using ktor client

I have spring boot controller
#PostMapping(path = ["/download"])
fun getFile(#RequestBody myObjectRq: myObjectRq, httpServletResponse: HttpServletResponse): CompletableFuture<HttpServletResponse> {
return GlobalScope.async {
val response = webService.getFile(myObjectRq)
response?.let {
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", response.headers.get("Content-Type"))
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", response.headers.get("Content-Disposition"))
httpServletResponse.status = response.status.value
in which I use service which in turn uses ktor client to send post request to external server which should respond sending csv file. csv file content depends on values I send in myObjectRq.
suspend fun getFile(myObjectRq: myObjectRq): HttpResponse {
val response = ktorClient.post<HttpResponse> {
body = myObjectRq
Headers in response are properly set, also log.info(String(response.content.toByteArray())) in the method prints out the content of received file, but I can't set it as a body of HttpServletResponse. I keep getting org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation.
Also I get Inappropriate blocking method call for httpServletResponse.writer which kind of breaks async qualities of ktor client.
What do I do wrong? How should I solve it?
So, I think SpringBoot is confused with your return type. It is trying to find a way to serialize your return CompletableFuture<HttpServletResponse> into the body of the HTTP response but failing. I believe you can achieve the same result by changing your implementation as follows:
#PostMapping(path = ["/download"])
fun getFile(#RequestBody myObjectRq: myObjectRq, httpServletResponse: HttpServletResponse): CompletableFuture<Void> {
return GlobalScope.async {
val response = webService.getFile(myObjectRq)
response?.let {
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", response.headers.get("Content-Type"))
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", response.headers.get("Content-Disposition"))
httpServletResponse.status = response.status.value
I actually managed to solve this using CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<ByteArray>> as return type and setting body of the response this way:
This also removed Inappropriate blocking method call warnings.

Akka-http custom 404 page

I'd like to create a custom 404 page in akka-http (high level DSL). This basically means:
Return a page from my static folder (e.g. resources/www/404.html)
Set the result code to ResultCodes.NOT_FOUND
What I tried so far:
getFromResource - I can return the entity, but I can't figure out how to override the HTTP result code for the response, so I can set it to '404'.
complete() - I can return the right code, but I need to read the html page in manually, and build the HttpResponse from ground up. It eventually works, but it's a bit cumbersome.
Am I missing something? Is there an easier way to return a page and customize the result code?
The static page can be returned as the entity of an HttpResponse.
Assuming you have some function of the form
def someFunctionThatCanFail() : Try[HttpResponse] = ???
You will want to use your static page in the event of a failure. You'll first need to create a Source that is based on the static page:
import akka.stream.scaladsl._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity.Chunked
def createStaticSource(fileName : String) =
.fromPath(Paths get fileName)
def createChunkedSource(fileName : String) =
Chunked(ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`, createStaticSource(fileName))
This source can then be placed inside of a response:
def staticResponse =
HttpResponse(status = StatusCodes.NotFound,
entity = createChunkedSource("resources/www/404.html"))
The only thing left to do is to either return the result of the function if it was valid or the static response in the case of a failure:
val route =
get {
complete(someFunctionThatCanFail() getOrElse staticResponse)
To expand on Ramon's excellent answer, this works inside a jar file as well:
def createChunkedSource(fileName : String): Chunked = {
def createStaticSource(fileName : String) : Source[ChunkStreamPart, Any] = {
val classLoader = getClass.getClassLoader
StreamConverters.fromInputStream(() => classLoader.getResourceAsStream(fileName)).map(ChunkStreamPart.apply)
Chunked(ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`, createStaticSource(fileName))

Uploading image file through API using Symfony2 & FOSRESTBundle

I have been coding an API for a photo sharing app like Instagram using Symfony2, FOSRESTBundle, and Vichuploader for file uploads.
I'm able to work around GET and POST requests, but I can't find an example of how to attach to a POST request, the actual image so that in my case, Vichuploader can grab it and help me out with the file upload.
By the way, I can upload a file without issue using the stack mentioned through the use of a normal form.
I have been looking for a solution about the exact same problem. Here is what I did.
First let me explain my constraints. I wanted my API to be full JSON and to take power of the HTTP protocol (headers, methods, etc.). I chose to use:
Symfony2 for the "everything is almost done for you, just code your business logic".
Doctrine2 because by default with Symfony2 and provide a way to integrate with most popular DBMS by changing one line.
FOSRestBundle to handle the REST part of my API (do the maximum with annotations, body listener, auto format for the response with JMSSerializer support, etc.).
KnpGaufretteBundle because I wanted to be allowed to change the way I store blob file quickly.
First solution envisaged: base64
My first thought, because I was thinking JSON everytime, was to encode all the incoming images in base64, then decode them inside my API and store them.
The advantage with this solution is that you can pass images along with other data. For instance upload a whole user's profile in one API call. But I read that encoding images in base64 make them grow by 33% of their initial size. I did not wanted my users to be out of mobile data after sending 3 images.
Second solution envisaged: form
Then I thought using forms as described above. But I did not know how my clients could send both JSON data (for instance {"last_name":"Litz"}) and image data (for instance image/png one). I know that you can deal with an Content-Type: multipart/form-data but nothing more.
Plus I was not using forms in my API since the beginning and I wanted it to be uniform in all my code. [mini-edit: hoho, something I just discovered, here]
Third and last solution: use HTTP..
Then, one night, the revelation. I'm using Content-Type: application/json for send JSON data. Why not use image/* to send images? So easy that I searched for days before coming with this idea. This is how I did it (simplified code). Let suppose that the user is calling PUT /api/me/image with a Content-Type: image/*
UserController::getUserImageAction(Request $request) - Catching the Request
// get the service to handle the image
$service = $this->get('service.user_image');
$content = $request->getContent();
$userImage = $service->updateUserImage($user, $content);
// get the response from FOSRestBundle::View
$response = $this->view()->getResponse();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', $userImage->getMimeType());
return $response;
UserImageService::updateUserImage($user, $content) - Business Logic (I put everything here to be simplier to read)
// Create a temporary file on the disk
// the temp file will be delete at the end of the script
// see http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.tmpfile.php
$file = tmpfile();
if ($file === false)
throw new \Exception('File can not be opened.');
// Put content in this file
$path = stream_get_meta_data($file)['uri'];
file_put_contents($path, $content);
// the UploadedFile of the user image
// referencing the temp file (used for validation only)
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile($path, $path, null, null, null, true);
// the UserImage to return
$userImage = $user->getUserImage();
if (is_null($userImage))
$userImage = new UserImage();
// auto persist with my configuration
// plus generation of a unique ID that allows
// me to retrieve the image at anytime
$userImage->setKey(/*random string*/);
// fill the UserImage properties
/** #var ConstraintViolationInterface $validationError */
if (count($this->getValidator()->validate($userImage)) > 0)
throw new \Exception('Validation');
// if no error we can write the file definitively
// [KnpGaufretteBundle code to store on disk]
// [use the UserImage::key to store]
return $userImage;
You use form types for posts with the FOSRestBundle:
For example you have this form type:
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'mapped' => FALSE
'mapped' => FALSE
$builder->addValidator(new CallbackValidator(function(FormInterface $form)
if ($form["facebook_id"]->getData() === '' || $form["facebook_id"]->getData() === NULL)
$form->get('facebook_id')->addError(new FormError('facebook_id should not be empty'));
if ($form["profile_pic"]->getData() === '' || $form["profile_pic"]->getData() === NULL)
$form->get('profile_pic')->addError(new FormError('profile_pic should not be empty'));
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
// 'validation_constraint' => $collectionConstraint,
'csrf_protection' => FALSE,
public function getName()
return 'data';
Then what you can do is post JSON to the API. Don't forget to set the header as "Content-type = application/json" when you do a POST.
The JSON structure would look like this:
"data": {
"facebook_id": "12345",
Why is this json wrapped in "data"? Because your form type also has "data" in getName so it will use validation and etc.
What I always do is I encode my pictures as a base64 string while sending them to the API.
Then in the post function you just convert it back:
$base64 = $form['profile_pic']->getData();
//decode back to image data and create image
$image = imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($base64));
imagepng($image, $path);
This is a full upload from api code bit. This does upload the file, but I am still having trouble with validating the uploaded file. Hope this helps.
This uses fosrest bundle for REST.
private function addResource(Entity $resource) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
private function processForm(Entity $resource)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$uploadedFile = null;
$form = $this->createForm(new EntityForm(), $resource);
foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
$uploadedFile = new UploadedFile(
$file['name'], $file['type'],
$file['size'], $file['error'],
$test = false);
$submitData = array(
"file" => $uploadedFile,
if ($form->isValid()) {
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()
$view = View::create();
// handling api requests
if ($this->getRequest()->getMethod() == "POST") {
// store image url
$resource = $repository->find($resource->getId());
if ($resource->getImage()) {
$fs = new Filesystem();
if ($fs->exists($resource->getWebPath())) {
return $view;
return View::create($form);
An example for a upload method exepting post requests:
public function uploadAction() {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$document = new Document();
foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
$document->file = new UploadedFile($file['tmp_name'],
$file['name'], $file['type'],
$file['size'], $file['error'], $test = false);
$serializer = $this->get('jms_serializer');
$data = $serializer->serialize(
$document, 'json',
return new Response($data);
So this action first stores the document on the server and returns a json response containing document meta data and path. I used the response for further processing in my web application.
I am not familiar with VichUploader, the above code is native Symfony2 code using Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile.
Read: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/file_uploads.html