Basic Name Sorting Program using -

My teacher has instructed our class to create a basic word sorting program the 'old fashioned way' in visual basic. So comparing two array values, a and b, then if one is considered higher in the order than the other, swap them if not do nothing, continue until there are no more swaps. Here is the code I have so far:
Imports System.IO
Imports System
Public Class Form1
Public arrText As New ArrayList()
Private Sub btnImprt_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnImprt.Click
'Dim OpenAnswerFile As New OpenFileDialog
Dim objReader As New StreamReader("c:\Users\Adam\Desktop\unSortList.txt")
Dim sLine As String = ""
Dim arrText As New ArrayList()
sLine = objReader.ReadLine()
If Not sLine Is Nothing Then
End If
Loop Until sLine Is Nothing
Dim i As Integer = 0
txtImport.Text = arrText(i)
End Sub
Private Sub btnSort_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSort.Click
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim a As Integer = i + 1
txtImport.Text = i
txtImport.Text = a
Dim Temp As String
Dim Change As Boolean = True
While Change = True
Change = False
For Each i In arrText(i) - 1
If String.Compare(arrText(i), arrText(i + 1)) = 1 Then
Change = True
Temp = arrText(i)
arrText(i) = arrText(i + 1)
arrText(i + 1) = Temp
End If
i = 0
End While
txtSort.Text = arrText(39)
End Sub
My problem is that I am getting an Index error and I'm not sure where the error is located as the logic seems fine.
And yes I am aware of the sorting function built into Visual Basic. but as the teacher said. No cheating.

Your code has several flaws, which I'm ignoring and just concentrating on the sorting part, as your query is related to that. Replace your sort loop with the following and check again. The basic problem was that your loop should only iterate up to List.Count - 2 and not List.Count - 1 because you're comparing List(i) and List(i + 1) inside the loop:
Dim Temp As String
Dim Change As Boolean = True
While Change
Change = False
For i = 0 To arrText.Count() - 2
If String.Compare(arrText(i), arrText(i + 1)) = 1 Then
Change = True
Temp = arrText(i)
arrText(i) = arrText(i + 1)
arrText(i + 1) = Temp
End If
End While


calling a part of a structure into a button click

I'm relatively new to vb. I have made a structure and now I want to do a bubble sort on the values. I'm unsure on how to call all of the data in the single part of the structure which is also a list.
module module 1
structure studenttype
dim id as string
dim name as string
end structure
public studentdetails as new list(of studenttype)
(main code)
Private Function bubbleSortbyID(ByVal namelist() As String) As String()
Dim n As Integer = namelist.Length()
Dim swapped As Boolean
swapped = False
For i As Integer = 1 To n - 2
If namelist(i) > namelist(i + 1) Then
Dim temp As String = namelist(i + 1)
namelist(i + 1) = namelist(i)
namelist(i) = temp
swapped = True
End If
Loop Until swapped = False 'no swap made so order Is correct
Return namelist
End Function
Private Sub BtnSort_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnSort.Click
Dim id As String ' it is here I do not how how to call the whole variable
bubbleSortbyID(id)' id remains empty
End Sub'''

Removing duplicates in Text Box and adding the corresponding values

I have a VB form with three TextBoxes. Here's an example of what I'd like the program to achieve:
So, that's the form ... the program sorts a text file and gets names, goals, and positions. E.g.
Jordan 26 Center
James 10 Mid
Jordan 4 Center
Jack 6 Forward
James 10 Mid
When the update button is clicked, the program should realize that James and Jordan are written twice, remove one of them and add their goals, so it should output:
Jordan 30 Center
James 20 Mid
Jack 6 Forward
To do this I've had the data transferred into ListBoxes which makes it easier to remove duplicates, the data is then transferred back into a multi-line TextBox so it is editable. Here's my code so far. It either gives the wrong results or an index out of range error.
Dim Count1 As Integer
Dim Count2 As Integer
Dim Count3 As Integer
Dim NewInt As Integer
Dim ValOne As Integer
Dim ValTwo As Integer
NewInt = 0
ValOne = 0
ValTwo = 0
Count1 = ListBox1.Items.Count
Count2 = ListBox2.Items.Count
Count3 = ListBox3.Items.Count
If Count1 = Count2 And Count1 = Count3 And Count2 = Count3 Then
'Set two counters to compare all words with each other
For iFirstCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
For iSecondCounter As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
'Make sure there will not be an 'out of range' error,
'because you are removing items from the listbox.
iSecondCounter = Convert.ToInt64(iSecondCounter)
iFirstCounter = Convert.ToInt64(iFirstCounter)
If iFirstCounter < iSecondCounter Then
ListBox2.Items.Insert(iFirstCounter, NewInt.ToString)
ListBox2.Items.Insert(iSecondCounter, NewInt.ToString)
End If
Players.Text = ""
Goals.Text = ""
Positions.Text = ""
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If Players.Text = "" Then
Players.Text = ListBox1.Items(i)
Players.Text = Players.Text & vbNewLine & ListBox1.Items(i)
End If
Dim a As Integer
For a = 0 To ListBox2.Items.Count - 1
If Goals.Text = "" Then
Goals.Text = ListBox2.Items(a)
Goals.Text = Goals.Text & vbNewLine & ListBox2.Items(a)
End If
Dim b As Integer
For b = 0 To ListBox3.Items.Count - 1
If Positions.Text = "" Then
Positions.Text = ListBox3.Items(b)
Positions.Text = Positions.Text & vbNewLine & ListBox3.Items(b)
End If
MessageBox.Show("The Text Boxes don't contain an equal number of values ... please add more/remove some values")
End If
Could be done in multiple ways, for example:
If TextBox2.Lines.Count > 1 Then
Dim LineList As List(Of String) = TextBox2.Lines.ToList 'textbox lines
Dim NewLines As List(Of String) = TextBox2.Lines.ToList 'can't edit list we're looping over, a copy of lines
Dim NamesList As New List(Of String)
For x = 0 To LineList.Count - 1
Dim linesplit As String() = LineList(x).Split({" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If NamesList.Contains(linesplit(0)) Then
End If
TextBox2.Lines = NewLines.ToArray
End If
Here's an example of code that does this via LINQ and Lambdas.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim ungroupedPlayers(1) As String
ungroupedPlayers(0) = "Jordan 26 Center"
ungroupedPlayers(1) = "Jordan 4 Center"
Dim players = ungroupedPlayers.ToList().ConvertAll(Of Player)(Function(x As String) As Player
Dim split() As String = x.Split(" "c)
Dim p As New Player
p.PlayerName = split(0)
p.Count = split(1)
p.Position = split(2)
Return p
End Function)
Dim playersGrouped = From p In players
Group By PlayerName = p.PlayerName Into g = Group
Select PlayerName, Count = g.Sum(Function(ip As Player) ip.Count), Position = g.Min(Function(ip As Player) ip.Position.ToString())
Dim groupedPlayers() As String = playersGrouped.ToList().ConvertAll(Of String)(Function(ip)
Return ip.PlayerName.ToString() & " " & ip.Count.ToString() & " " & ip.Position.ToString()
End Function).ToArray()
For Each groupedPlayer as String in groupedPlayers
End Sub
Public Class Player
Public PlayerName As String
Public Count As Integer
Public Position As String
End Class
End Module
You don't need heavy ListBox control for working with players data.
Use List(Of T) and create class Player for better readability.
You can remove duplicates before you will display values in your form.
And instead of multiline textbox you can use DataGridView as "right tool for the editing data".
Public Class Player
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Position As String
Public Property Goals As Integer
Public Class PlayersForm : Form
Private Sub Form_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim data As List(Of Player) = LoadPlayersData()
Dim players As List(Of Player) = NormalizeData(data)
' Use DataGridView
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = players
End Sub
Private Function LoadPlayersData() As List(Of Player)
Dim rawData As String() = File.ReadAllLines("pathToTextFile")
Return rawData.Select(Function(line) LineToPlayer(line)).ToList()
End Function
Private Function NormalizeData(players As List(Of Player)) As List(Of Player)
Return players.Group(Function(player) player.Name)
Return New Player With
.Name = group.Key,
.Position = group.First().Position,
.Goals = group.Sum(Function(player) player.Goals)
End Function)
End Function
Private Function LineToPlayer(line As String) As Player
Dim values = line.Split(" "c)
Return New Player With
.Name = values(0),
.Position = values(2),
.Goals = Integer.Parse(values(1))
End Function
End Class
DataGridView control will automatically update your List(Of Players) when you make any change. which give you possibility to have some other controls which automatically display best scorers for example, without extra converting data from string to integer and back.

What has to be done to show a marquee output with a scroll menu?

Today i continue my work, Building a menu with a console application. I found more samples to build with Windows forms. Still i try to get Basic Knowledge with the console surface.I was not able to put the following marquee text in a scroll menu, the second Code past the marquee text.
Module Module1
Dim aTimer As New System.Timers.Timer
Const marqueeText As String = "The quick brown fox... "
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim direction As Boolean = False
Sub Main()
aTimer.AutoReset = True
aTimer.Interval = 100 '1/10 second
AddHandler aTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf tick
End Sub
Private Sub tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs)
If sb.Length = 0 Then sb.Append(marqueeText)
If direction Then
sb.Insert(0, sb(sb.Length - 1))
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1)
sb.Remove(0, 1)
End If
Console.CursorLeft = 10 'no visible change
Console.CursorTop = 10 'visible change
Console.Write("{0}{1}", vbCr, sb.ToString)
End Sub
End Module
The marquee text Output from above is not easy to manage with the console.cursorleft command. I have no clue how to move it to the right or to put the marquee Output in the following Code, a scroll menu, on the third line.
Module Module1
Dim MenuList As New List(Of String)
Sub PrintMenu(highlight As Integer, left As Integer, top As Integer)
Dim Nickvektor() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
For I = 0 To MenuList.Count - 1
Console.CursorLeft = left
Console.CursorTop = top + I
If I = highlight Then
Console.Write("{0}", "[" & Nickvektor(I) & "]")
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
Console.CursorVisible = False
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim Nickvektor() As String = {" "}
For counter As Integer = 0 To 0
For Each s In Nickvektor
x += 1
Loop Until x = 5
Console.SetCursorPosition(10, 16)
Console.Write("[ ]")
Dim CurrentItem As Integer = 0
Dim CurrentKey As ConsoleKey
While CurrentKey <> ConsoleKey.Enter
PrintMenu(CurrentItem, 10, 10)
CurrentKey = Console.ReadKey(True).Key
Select Case CurrentKey
Case ConsoleKey.DownArrow
CurrentItem += 1
Case ConsoleKey.UpArrow
CurrentItem -= 1
End Select
CurrentItem = (CurrentItem + MenuList.Count) Mod MenuList.Count
End While
End Sub
End Module
The menu Frame for the above Code can be used with the up and down arrows on the Keyboard.
Maybe it is to much work but i have no clue how to continue.
The first Solution for the marquee Output is an easy change of the original code. The wrap, vbCr, was the main Problem to move the text output toward the right edge oft he screen. The following code can be used to change the cursorTop Positon and also the cursorLeft Position of the Text.
Console.CursorVisible = False
Console.CursorLeft = 30
Console.CursorTop = 10
Console.Write("{0}", sb.ToString)
The heavy part are the Menu code Lines. To answer my own question some additional help was necessary.
I posted my question on the MS developer Network written in german language. With the following link it can be viewed.
For the case the link should be broken or other cases i post the code on this site.
Module Module1
Dim MenuList As New List(Of String)
Dim aTimer As New System.Timers.Timer
Const marqueeText As String = "The quick brown fox... "
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim direction As Boolean = False
Sub PrintMenu(highlight As Integer, left As Integer, top As Integer)
Dim Nickvektor() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
For I = 0 To MenuList.Count - 1
Console.CursorLeft = left
Console.CursorTop = top + I
If I = highlight Then
Console.Write("{0}", "[" & Nickvektor(I) & "]")
End If
End Sub
Sub Main()
Console.CursorVisible = False
aTimer.AutoReset = True
aTimer.Interval = 100 '1/10 second
AddHandler aTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf tick
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim Nickvektor() As String = {" "}
For counter As Integer = 0 To 0
For Each s In Nickvektor
x += 1
Loop Until x = 5
Console.SetCursorPosition(10, 16)
Console.Write("[ ]")
Dim CurrentItem As Integer = 0
Dim CurrentKey As ConsoleKey
While CurrentKey <> ConsoleKey.Enter
If CurrentItem = 2 Then ' Zero can be used to show the marquee output prompt
aTimer.Start() ' With a change to two or four the timer can be stoped:
'If aTimer.Enabled Then
' aTimer.Stop()
'End If
End If
PrintMenu(CurrentItem, 10, 10)
CurrentKey = Console.ReadKey(True).Key
Select Case CurrentKey
Case ConsoleKey.DownArrow
CurrentItem += 1
Case ConsoleKey.UpArrow
CurrentItem -= 1
End Select
CurrentItem = (CurrentItem + MenuList.Count) Mod MenuList.Count
End While
End Sub
Private Sub tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs)
If sb.Length = 0 Then sb.Append(marqueeText)
If direction Then
sb.Insert(0, sb(sb.Length - 1))
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1)
sb.Remove(0, 1)
End If
Console.CursorVisible = False
Console.CursorLeft = 20
Console.CursorTop = 12 ' For the first Element CursorTop=10, fort he third 12
Console.Write("{0}", sb.ToString)
End Sub
End Module
To learn an other language like English i have to search a lot. Visual Basic Code is mostly written with English key words for the commands. I think it is easier to look up the maintainable changes for your self. To search is not every day funny.

how to check checklistbox items using datagridview

I'm just a beginner for coding and I want to programmatically check items in checklistbox using datagridview.
Data grid view values are seperated with commas like this jhon,Metilda,saman,.
Checklistbox name as chklistinput and please help me to solve this ?
'Full coding is here..............................
Private Sub TextBox10_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox10.TextChanged
'this is ok and searching as I want
Dim SearchV As String = TextBox10.Text
SearchV = "%" + TextBox10.Text + "%"
Me.PassIssuingRecordTableAdapter.FillBy(Me.Database4DataSet.PassIssuingRecord, SearchV)
'But the problem bigins here
Dim areasback As String = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(6).Value.ToString
Dim areasback1 As String() = areasback.Split(",")
For Each x In areasback1
For i = 0 To areasback.Count - 1
If chklistInput.Items(i).ToString() = x.ToString() Then
chklistInput.SetItemChecked(i, False)
End If
End Sub
You have to loop over chklistInput.Items.Count - 1 instead of areasback.Count - 1
use the following code:
Dim areasback As String = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(6).Value.ToString
Dim areasback1 As String() = areasback.Split(",")
Dim intCount as integer = 0
For each str as string in areasback1
For intCount = 0 To chklistInput.Items.Count - 1
If chklistInput.Items(intCount).ToString() = str Then
chklistInput.SetItemChecked(intCount , True)
End If
Note: comparing is case sensitive

Bubble Sort logical error VB.NET

This program suppose to sort records(in arySort) in ascending order by last name(index 1 in aryTemp and aryTemp2) and place the result in the list box over the old, preloaded, unsorted records.
It sorts them strangely, I have to click multiple times the Ascending button to get the actual sort result that I suppose to get from clicking the button once.
Why doesn't it sort items with a single mouse click?
The source:
Public Class Form1
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "Students.txt"
Dim numberOfRecords As Integer 'total number of records
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
numberOfRecords += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnAscending_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAscending.Click
'load all students into array
Dim arySort(numberOfRecords - 1) As String
Dim aryTemp() As String 'holds first record's last name
Dim aryTemp2() As String 'holds second record's last name
For i = 0 To numberOfRecords - 1
arySort(i) = lstBox.Items(i)
Dim temp As String 'holds temporary record
Dim k As Integer
For i = 0 To arySort.Length - 2
aryTemp = Split(arySort(i), " ")
For k = i + 1 To arySort.Length - 1
aryTemp2 = Split(arySort(k), " ")
If aryTemp(1) < aryTemp2(1) Then
temp = arySort(k)
arySort(k) = arySort(i)
arySort(i) = temp
End If
numberOfRecords = 0
For i = 0 To arySort.Length - 1
numberOfRecords += 1
End Sub
End Class
If you just need to sort your list (as you say in the comment), don't implement your own sort mechanism but use the one of .NET:
' Define how we want to compare items '
Function compareByLastName(ByVal item1 As String, ByVal item2 As String) As Integer
Return String.Compare(item1.Split(" ")(1), item2.Split(" ")(1))
End Function
Private Sub btnAscending_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAscending.Click
' load all students into array '
Dim arySort(numberOfRecords - 1) As String
For i = 0 To numberOfRecords - 1
arySort(i) = lstBox.Items(i)
' Use built-in .NET magic '
Array.Sort(arySort, AddressOf compareByLastName)
' Write the values back into your list box '
numberOfRecords = 0
For i = 0 To arySort.Length - 1
numberOfRecords += 1
End Sub
This uses the built-in quicksort algorithm of the .NET class library. Here's the documentation of the method we are using: Array.Sort(T(), Comparison(Of T)).
compare with my working bubble sort:
Public Sub BubbleSort(ByVal arr() As Integer)
Dim flag As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 2 - i
If arr(j + 1) < arr(j) Then
flag = True
Dim temp As Integer = arr(j)
arr(j) = arr(j + 1)
arr(j + 1) = temp
End If
If flag = False Then Return ' no swaps =>already sorted
End Sub
I see a two major issues with your algorithm:
It's not bubble sort. Bubble sort swaps adjacent elements, i.e., it swaps i with i+1. You, on the other hand, swap some element i with the first j > i where name(i) < name(j). Maybe you should show us, in pseudo code, which algorithm you are actually trying to implement?
aryTemp contains element i and aryTemp2 contains some element j > i. Why do you swap the elements if aryTemp(1) < aryTemp2(1)? Isn't that already the correct order if you want your elements to be sorted ascending?