I have a disjoint relationship among my tables: Employee(empId PK, name), HourlyEmployee(empId PK FK, hourlySalary) empId is a reference to Employee.empId,
MonthlyEmployee(empId Pk FK, monthlySalary) empId is a reference to Employee.empId.
How can I create a query resulting AllEmployees(empId,name,hourlySalary,monthlySalary).
For all hourly employees monthlySalary will be null and for all monthly employess hourly salary will be null
Use outer joins to get all employees no matter if they exist in HourlyEmployee or MonthlyEmployee (or neither of them).
select e.empid, e.name, h.hourlysalary, m.monthlysalary
from employee e
left outer join hourlyemployee h on h.empid = e.empid
left outer join monthlyemployee m on m.empid = e.empid;
select e.empid, e.name, h.hourlysalary, m.monthlysalary
from employee e
left outer join hourlyemployee h on h.empid = e.empid
left outer join monthlyemployee m on m.empid = e.empid
where (h.hourlysalary is null) or (m.monthlysalary is null);
I am trying to figure out how to "find all employees' name who has a manager that lives in the same city as them." For this problem, we have two tables. We need to make a query.
The employee table that we can refer to has both normal employees and managers
new york
new york
Our manager table which we can refer to with mangerid = employeeid
Right now I have found a way to get just the employees and filter out the managers, but now I am trying to figure out the next step to get to the comparison of managers and employees. Would this just be another subquery?
FROM employee e
WHERE employeeid not in(
SELECT mangerid
FROM Managertable pm
INNER JOIN employee e
ON pm.mangerid= e.employeeid);
Expected result :
employee name
I think the easient way to achieve this would be like this:
FROM employee e
inner join Managertable mt on e.projectid = mt.projectid
inner join employee manager on mt.mangerid = manager.employeeid
e.city = manager.city
and e.employeeid <> manager.employeeid;
One approach is a correlated subquery in which we look up the employee's manager's city.
select e.name
from employee e
where city =
select m.city
from managertable mt
join employee m on m.employeeid = mt.managerid
where mt.projectid = e.projectid
and m.employeeid <> e.employeeid
The same thing can be written with an EXISTS clause, if you like that better.
Based off the table structure you're showing, something like this might work
First find the employee ids of employees who have managers in the same city, then join it back on employee to retrieve all data from the table
;WITH same_city AS (
SELECT DISTINCT e.employeeid
FROM employee AS e
INNER JOIN managertable AS mt ON e.projectid = mt.projectid
INNER JOIN employee AS m ON mt.managerid = e.employeeid
WHERE e.city = m.city
FROM employee
INNER JOIN same_city AS sc ON e.employeeid = sc.employeeid
I don't see how projectid is relevant in your question because you didn't mention that as a requirement or restriction. Here's a method using a CTE to get the managers and their cities, then join to it to find employees who live in the same city as a manager.
with all_managers as (
select distinct m.managerid, e.city
from manager m
join employee e
on m.managerid = e.employeeid
select e.name
from employee e
join all_managers a
on e.city = a.city
and e.employeeid <> a.managerid;
But it you want us to assume that an employee reports to only that manager as listed in the projectid, then here's a modification to ensure that is met:
with all_managers as (
select distinct m.managerid, e.city, e.projectid
from manager m
join employee e
on m.managerid = e.employeeid
select e.name
from employee e
join all_managers a
on e.city = a.city
and e.projectid = a.projectid
and e.employeeid <> a.managerid;
View on DB Fiddle
You just need two joins:
one between "managers" and "employees" to gather managers information
one between "managers" and "employees" to gather employees information with respect to the manager's projectid and city.
SELECT employees.name
FROM managers
INNER JOIN employees managers_info
ON managers.mangerid = managers_info.employeeid
INNER JOIN employees
ON managers.projectid = employees.projectid
AND managers_info.employeeid <> employees.employeeid
AND managers_info.city = employees.city
I have 3 tables: Employee, Department and employeeProject.
The relation between employee and employeeproject is one-to-many. The relation between employee and department is many-to-one.
I want to write a query to select 10 employees who have worked in projects 3 and 4. The query should return employees of different departments if possible.
The query below kind of works. The only problem is that the relationship between employee and employeeproject is one-to-many, so it might return the same employee number multiple times.
I cannot use distinct because all fields in the order by clause should be used in select when using distinct.
select top 10 empid from employee e
inner join department d on d.depId=e.depid
inner join employeeProject p on p.empid=e.empid
where p.projectID in (3,4)
order by row_number() over(partition by e.depId order by e.empid)
Bit of a guess, but use an EXISTS?
SELECT TOP 10 e.empid
FROM employee e
JOIN department d ON e.depid = d.depid
FROM employeeproject p
WHERE p.emdid = e.empid
AND p.projectid IN (3,4))
ORDER BY e.depid, e.empid;
I suggest aggregating by employee, and then using an assertion the HAVING clause:
SELECT TOP 10 e.empid
FROM employee e
INNER JOIN department d
ON d.depId = e.depid
INNER JOIN employeeProject p
ON p.empid = e.empid
p.projectID IN (3,4)
MIN(p.projectID) <> MAX(p.projectID);
If the minimum and maximum projectID are not equal for a given employee, after restricting to only projects 3 and 4, then it implies that this employee meets the criteria.
Why not just use select distinct?
select distinct top 10 empid
from employee e inner join
employeeProject p
on p.empid = e.empid
where p.projectID in (3, 4)
order by row_number() over (partition by e.depId order by e.empid);
Note that the department table is not needed.
select top (10) e.*
from employee e
where exists (select 1
from employeeprojects ep
where p.emdid = e.empid and
p.projectid in (3, 4)
order by row_number() over (partition by e.depid order by newid());
I've been using joins for a long time, but it's always been the old syntax. Now I'm trying to figure out how to do basic inner joins with the JOIN syntax, and having trouble figuring it out.
Let's say I have 3 tables.
EmployeeID EmployeeName DepartmentID
1 John Smith 2
2 Jane Doe 3
3 Mark Brown 1
DepartmentID DepartmentName AreaID
1 Sales 2
2 Marketing 1
3 Opeations 3
AreaID AreaName
1 Marketing
2 Sales
3 Opeartions
I need to get a list of all employee names with their departments and areas.
With the old syntax, I'd run the following query:
select e.EmployeeName, d.DepartmentName, a.AreaName
from employees e, departments d, areas a
where e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
and d.AreaID = a.AreaID
With the new syntax it seems that I can only join employees with departments, but not departments with areas in the same query. Or should I perhaps use a subselect?
Try this.
select e.EmployeeName, d.DepartmentName, a.AreaName
from employees e join departments d on e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
join areas a on d.AreaID = a.AreaID;
I find this explanation of joins to be pretty useful.
Your query will look like this:
SELECT e.EmployeeName, d.DepartmentName, a.AreaName
FROM employees e
INNER JOIN departments d on e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
INNER JOIN areas a on d.AreaID = a.AreaID
You can try left joining the Employees, Departments, and Areas tables, in that order. We are meticulous here at Stack Overflow, and so we chose LEFT JOIN rather than INNER JOIN because it handles the possibility that an employee may not have been assigned to a department, in which case the query would display NA as the value.
SELECT e.EmployeeName,
COALESCE(d.DepartmentName, 'NA'),
COALESCE(a.AreaName, 'NA')
FROM Employees e
Departments d
ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
ON d.AreaID = a.AreaID
The code that you've written is an alternative code for Inner Join.
You can use the code below.
So what I've done is Joined the Employee table to the Department table using the DepartmentID and Joined the Employee table to the Areas table using the AreaID.
Select e.EmployeeName
, d.DepartmentName
, a.AreaName
from employees e
INNER JOIN departments d
, areas a
ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID
INNER JOIN areas a
ON d.AreaID = a.AreaID
I have 2 tables,
The first one is called emp, and has 2 columns called id and name
The second one is called dep, and has columns called id and empid and nameOfDep
if I want to list all emp that have X dep, but don't have Y dep
This is an example I use
Select e.id, e.name
from emp e
where e.id in (Select empid from deptid where deptid=X)
and e.id not in (Select empid from deptid where deptid=Y);
How I can make it using JOIN instead of with subqueries?
An IN can be converted into an INNER JOIN. A Not IN can be converted to LEFT JOIN / NULL Test. Sometimes called an ANTI JOIN.
SELECT e.id,
FROM emp e
ON e.empid = d_x.empid
AND deptid = 'X'
LEFT JOIN deptid D_Y
ON e.empid = d_Y.empid
AND deptid = 'Y'
Also I'm making the assumption that when you wrote deptid = X that you meant X to be a literal string and not a field name
SELECT e.id, e.name
FROM emp e
INNER JOIN dep d ON (e.deptID = d.deptID AND d.deptID NOT y)
Add the Department ID to the employee record and then join on that.
My bad, updated.
Helps to read, go with Conrad's answer.
i`m new in SQL and i need a tip. I got 2 tables ( employee and department ),
employee table as E:
id (int), name(nvarchar), gender(nvarchar), departmentID(int), dateofbirth(datetime)
department table as D :
dep_id(int), name(nvarchar), location(nvarchar), boss_id(int)
That`s what i need as output table:
E.id / E.name / D.name / D.location / (and last which i cant get with simple join is:) D.boss.name (not simple boss id but real employee name from E table)
Just simple question for advanced people :-)
Join the table a second time for the boss. (This is assuming that boss_id FK's to Employee)
FROM Employee E
INNER JOIN Department D on E.DepartmentID = D.Dep_id
INNER JOIN Employee B ON D.Boss_id = B.Id
You can write a query using cte as well:
d.Location as DepartmentLocation,
d.name as DepartmentName
From Employee e
INNER JOIN Department d on d.boss_id =E.id
Select c.id, c.name, e.name as BossName, c.DepartmentLocation, c.DepartmentName
from cte c
Inner Join Employee e1 on e1.id=c.boss_id
SELECT e.Id, e.Name, d.Name, d.Location,
SELECT e2.Name
FROM tblEmployee as e2
WHERE e2.id = d.boss_id
) AS [Boss name]
FROM tblEmployee as e
INNER JOIN tblDepartment as d
ON e.DepartmentID = d.dep_ID