Can't access colum value in QSqlQueryModel - qt5

i have some problem with changing value in QTableView cell.
int num = model->rowCount();
for (int i = 0; i<num; i++) {
QSqlRecord rec = model->record(i);
QString file_chron = rec.value(1).toString();
QString file_age = get_file_agestring_from_chron(file_chron);
//model->setData(model->index(i,1), QVariant(file_age), Qt::EditRole);
it seems that both functions work as they should in a loop
qDebug()<<rec.value(1).toString()+" "+rec.value(2).toString()+" "+rec.value(3).toString()+" "+rec.value(4).toString()+" "+rec.value(5).toString();
but outside we have old value.
i need to reimplement value inside this field.
I think that it is access error, but i can't understand how to set new value!
sorry, i can't add tag QSqlQueryModel

You are operation on QSqlRecord rec; which is copy of the record instead of the reference to it. As for setting data - see model : setData function


check is the value exists in array Google Sheets scripting?

I need to check if the certain value exists in both arrays and if exists remove this element from the second array. I know that it exists.
taking the 1st element from array doubleTue, taking the index where is this value in amTue and pmTue then remove those by using splice command.
But now my code is having problem on getting the first value.
tried as in level array: var val = doubleTue[i]
and 2 level array: var val - doubleTue[i][0]
tried toString(), read()
for (var n=0; n<doubleTue.length; n++)
var val = doubleTue[i][0];
var val1 = amTue.indexOf(val);
if (val1!=-1) {amTue.splice(val1, 1);};
var val2=pmTue.indexOf(val);
if (val2!=-1) {pmTue.splice(val2, 1); };
the issue is found. i have used wrong variable for looping. hehe. copy past issue
thnks all

EPPlus - How to set data type of a column to General

In my ASP.NET Core 1.1 app I'm using EPPlus.Core to export data to Excel. Some columns exported have mostly numbers but rarely a text (e.g. N/A). These columns in generated Excel are showing (as expected) a green triangle on the top left corner of their cells. I want to get rid of those warnings.
Question: What's a good way of getting rid of those triangles when Excel is generated? I tried setting the format of these columns to text as follows but it did not work. I guess we need to set the format of these columns to General but I can't figure out how:
workSheet.Cells["D1:P1"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "General";
Per a user's request, the code looks similar to following.
Error at inner loop for (var j = 4; j < testlist[i].Count(); j++){...}: MyViewModel does not contain a definition of Count()
Error at line if (testlist[i][j] is string){...}: cannot apply indexing with [] to an extension of type MyViewModel
var testlist = (qry to load a MyViewModel).ToList();
using (ExcelPackage pkg= new ExcelPackage())
var ws = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("TestWorkSheet");
ws.Cells[1, 1].LoadFromCollection(rc_excel, true);
//I'm starting from 2nd row and 5th column
for (var i = 1; i < testlist.Count; i++)
for (var j = 4; j < testlist[i].Count(); j++)
if (testlist[i][j] is string)

dynamically change a part of the variable path

I know this question has been asked a bunch of times, but none of the answers (or at least what i took away from them) was a help to my particiular problem.
I want to dynamically change a part of the variable path, so i don't have to repeat the same code x-times with just two characters changing.
Here's what i got:
In the beginning of my script, i'm setting the reference to PlayerData scripts, attached to the GameManager object like this:
var P1 : P1_Data;
var P2 : P2_Data;
function Start(){
P1 = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent.<P1_Data>();
P2 = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent.<P2_Data>();
Later, i want to access these scripts using the currentPlayer variable to dynamically adjust the path:
var currentPlayer : String = "P1"; //this actually happens along with some other stuff in the SwitchPlayers function, i just put it here for better understanding
if (currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value){
// do stuff
As i was afraid, i got an error saying, that PlayerEnergy was not a part of UnityEngine.String.
So how do I get unity to read "currentPlayer" as part of the variable path?
Maybe some parse function I haven't found?
Or am I going down an entirely wrong road here?
PS: I also tried putting the P1 and P2 variables into an array and access them like this:
if (PlayerData[CurrentPlayerInt].PlayerEnergy >= value){
// do stuff
to no success.
First of all,
var currentPlayer : String = "P1"
here P1 is just string, not the previous P1/P2 which are referenced to two scripts. So, if you want, you can change
currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value
P1.PlayerEnergy >= value
P2.PlayerEnergy >= value
But if you just want one function for them, like
currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value
Then you have to first set currentPlayer to P1/P2 which I assume you are trying to do. You must have some codes that can verify which player is selected. Then, maybe this can help -
var playerSelected: int = 0;
var currentPlayerEnergy: int = 0;
//Use your codes to verify which player is selected and then,
if (playerSelected == 1) {
currentPlayerEnergy = P1.PlayerEnergy;
} else if (playerSelected == 2) {
currentPlayerEnergy = P2.PlayerEnergy;
//Now use your favorite function
if (currentPlayerEnergy >= value) {
//Do stuff
As there was no reply providing the answer I needed, I'll share the solution that did the trick for me, provided by a fellow student.
Instead of having the PlayerData scripts pre-written, I generate them using a public class function in a Playermanager script. This generates the Playerdata as attached scripts, saved into an array.
I can then access them through Playermanager.Playerlist[Playernumber].targetvariable.
Which is what I wanted to do, only with the Playerdata being attached to a script instead of a gameobject. And it works great!
Here's the full code of my Playermanager Script:
//initialise max players
public var maxplayers : int = 2;
// Initialise Playerlist
static var Players = new List.<PlayerData>();
function Start () {
for (var i : int = 0; i < maxplayers; i++){
var Player = new PlayerData();
Players[i].PlayerName = "Player " + i;
DontDestroyOnLoad (transform.gameObject);
public class PlayerData {
public var PlayerName : String;
public var PlayerEnergy : int = 15;
public var Fleet : List.<GameObject> = new List.<GameObject>();
As you see, you can put any type of variable in this class.
I hope this helps some of you who have the same problem.

jqxDropDownList set multiple item selected

we are use below code for multiple item checked from jqxDropdownlist.
for (var i = 0; i < parsedData[0].user.length; i++) {
window.jQuery('#user').jqxDropDownList('checkItem', parsedData[0].user[i] );
Could someone help for jqxDropdonwlist dynamically selected multiple value ?
With jqxDropDownList you must check multiple value when check property is true like described here:
jQWidgets: Properties

Save and Load Data Model in Sench Touch 2.1

I need to read and write a history data array.My data does loose data while page refresh. Thanks!
I resolved this problem by using LocalStore HTML 5.
With a some simple data, you can use:
var data = {};// data is a object just include text and value.
data = {"key1": value1, "key2": value2};// Example, i have a this object.
//===> We save a object "history" by a string of "data" var.
localStorage.setItem('history', JSON.stringify(data));
// ===> And get it:
var retrievedHistory = localStorage.getItem('history');
// In Sencha Touch, you can parse this oject to your model. and Syns it.
var history = Ext.getStore("HistoryTracking");
var num = Object.keys(data).length;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
var string = '' + data["trackID" + i];
Hope my sharing help you have same problem!