Display error on actionProductUpdate hook execution - prestashop

Is there any way to display an error message after actionProductUpdate hook is executed in a module?
Looking at the Prestashop code, the hook is triggered in AdminProductController, but the return value is not being processed. Also adding any message in passed Product object seems to be out of my requirement.
The purpose is to provide user with an error message in case of wrong input, database update error etc after clicking on Save button in back-office product edit page.

in belvg blog user Prestarocket post the the very helpful comment:
"Why not using hookActionProductSave ?
With this hook, you can add errors to the controller ($this->context->controller->errors[])"


Slack API: how to get state of all input/action elements at once upon submit

I'm trying to build rich, interactive Slack messages. Example: message with date picker, set of checkboxes and a long text. Upon submit (if modal) or push of an action button, I'd like to receive the current state of all interactive components.
I have tried regular messages with both input and action blocks...also tried modals. I get a message from Slack for every individual change to an interactive object, but not the state of all objects at once. Since the receiver of the interaction payload is stateless, this makes it impossible for me to properly react to the message.
Am I missing something? Appreciate every bit of advice.
OK, error seems to be on my side. I was just looking at the action payload preview in the Slack Block Kit Builder. When actually posting a message I see the state of all elements in the response.

Vue changing the component without URL changes

I'm in Registration.vue component. The component contains registration form with email, password, etc.. fields.
I would like to thanks user for successful registering (with instruction that he should go check email).
What is the best solution to do this?
I was thinking about:
redirecting to second component using this.$router.push or this.$router.replace but this will change URL and when somebody go this URL without registering he will see message that he should check email...
replacing current component with other when registering action successful but I dont know how to do this (without URL change, and with good code).
using <component v-bind:is="currentView"> but I am not sure if this is best solution. I need to make three files (for parent component with :is, for form and for thanks). Also i need to emit event from child that registration went well, but on the other hand i should fire vuex registration action and dont expect for response (see the next sequence)
The other thing is that we should not wait for the vuex action to be completed, but i need to know if registration went well - https://github.com/vuejs/vuex/issues/46#issuecomment-174539828
I am using vue.js 2, vue-router, vuex
You could use something like Sweet Alert to display a success or error dialog. It supports Ajax requests so you can display a "your registration is processing, please check your email" message while it is being handled.
The first approach is suitable when user successfully registers and then redirected to login page.
Now issue how to check whether user has entered required field? So there comes form validations. You can use vee-validate plugin and it's perfect for all projects. I am using it and it has so many available validations.
With these UI validations, after they are passed successfully then only submit action will be fired or else user will be prompted for entering required field.
You can see basic example here - http://vee-validate.logaretm.com/index.html#basic-example
When action is performed,
// register.vue
this.$validator.validateAll().then((result) => {
if (result) {
this.$router.replace( '/login' );
// throw error
Simple as that.
Try this approach if you want the UI validations on the form.

MVC unobtrusive general message

Im working in a project where the validations messages with unobtrusive system works fine.
When any attribute is uncompleted or wrong the proper error messages appear, at client side ofc.
The problem is the following. I need to set an general error message at the top of the site (besides to each field validation message error). I know i can use #Html.ValidationSummary but i dont want the list of fields, what i need is one general message telling the user that there is something wrong with the form.
Edit: On jquery before submit i'm doing $("#frmSubmit").valid();
Did you try using the ValidationSummary(bool) overload? Supplying true excludes property errors.
Why not just have check ModelState on your view like this:
#if (!ViewContext.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
<div>Your error message here...</div>
Then style your div to be errorish...

PrestaShop - Reload CMS page with additional parameters

Situation: I needed to add form with POST method to CMS page. I created custom hook and a module displaying the form successfully. Then I need to react to user input errors eg. when user doesn't enter email address I need to detect it, display the whole page again together with the form and with "errors" in user input clearly stated.
Problem: The problem is to display the WHOLE page again with connected information (eg. about errors etc.). In the module PHP file when I add this kind of code,
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'modulename.tpl');
it (naturally) displays ONLY the form, not the whole CMS page with the form.
In case of this code,
I can't get to transfer any information by GET neither POST method.
$_POST['test'] = 1;
I tried to assign to smarty variables too
$smarty->assign('test', '1');
(I need to use it in .tpl file where the form itself is created) but no way to get it work.
{if isset($test)}...,
{if isset($smarty.post.test)}...,
{if isset($_POST['test'])}... {* neither of these conditionals end up as true *}
Even assigning a GET parameter to url has no impact, because there is link rewriting to some kind of friendly url I guess, no matter I included other argument or not. ([SHOPNAME]/cms.php?id_cms=7&test -> [SHOPNAME]/content/7-cmspage-name)
My question is: is there a way to "redirect" or "reload" current page (or possibly any page generally) in prestashop together with my own data included?
I kind of explained the whole case so I'm open to hear a better overall solution than my (maybe I'm thinking about the case in a wrong way at all). This would be other possible answer.
The simplest method would be to use javascript to validate the form - you can use jQuery to highlight the fields that are in error; providing visual feedback on how the submission failed. In effect you don't allow the user to submit the form (and thus leave the page) until you're happy that the action will succeed. I assume that you will then redirect to another page once a successful submission has been received.
There's lots of articles and how-tos available for using javascript, and indeed jQuery for form validation. If you want to keep the site lean and mean, then you can provide an override for the CMS controller and only enqueue the script for the specific page(s) you want to use form validation on.
If the validation is complex, then you might be best using AJAX and just reloading the form section of your page via a call to your module. Hooks aren't great for this kind of thing, so you might want to consider using an alternative mnethod to inject your code onto the cms page. I've written a few articles on this alternative approach which can be found on my prestashop blog

Z_Form :: Adding a custom error message to zend_form inside Action Controller

I'm new to ZF and I'm discovering how to use Zend_Form and utilize it's capability like validating and filtering input values. I already know the basic of Zend_form like building a form and add element into it. My problem is that I want to add a custom error message to form element and I want to define that message inside the action controller that instantiated the form. I want to defined the error message inside the controller because I need to perform a validation against the database. For example checking if the username/email already exist in the database. I tried googling and that's leads me to setErrorMessage method of zend_form but when I try to use it, the error message is not showing at all... I also tried zend_form->setError and still no error displaying in the view script. Is my idea of setting custom error in the action controller correct or this should be done the other way?
Are you using Zend_Validate_Db_RecordExists?
Something like this should work:
$form->getElement('username')->getValidator("RecordExists")->setMessage('This username exists',
This works for me:
$form->getElement('username')->addError('This username exists.');