Association mapping many-to-one (shipments->order) WHY? - sylius

In sylius, one order has many shipments. I find this strangule. In real life aren't they One-to-One relationship ? Thank you for your explication.

Currently there is only one. But in the future, there will be many. You can for example have multiple devilery addresses, or admin stuff decide to send some of ordered items via different shipping method under same order.
So, this many-to-one gives you flexibility and is investment into the future. Same with payments.


How Can I Avoid Sql Circular Reference In This Instance?

I have a simple app and in this app there are 2 roles. Role 1 is a Buyer and Role 2 is a Seller. A seller can setup a post to list an item for sale. A buyer can bid on the item in a post the seller posted.
I've been thinking of a way to prevent circular reference here but I think I am over thinking it or missing another path. What would be the best way to configure this setup?
There is actually no circular reference to worry about here. BuyerBids and SellerPosts are fact tables (where the second has details about the first), and MarketUsers is a dimension table.
The many-to-one relations are toward the dimension table, as is expected.
There is no cycle where you would follow relations from the many side to the one side via many-to-one. For example if you start in SellerPosts you have a many-to-one to BuyerBids and from there to MarketUsers, but from there we don't have an outgoing many-to-one relation linking back to where we started.
In other words, if the graph formed by many-to-one relations (as directed edges) is a directed acyclic graph (which it is, in this case), the model is not circular.

GraphQL: Modeling evolving types / state transitions

This is an issue we have ran into multiple times now... very much looking forward to others' opinions!
Scenario Description (for illustration purposes):
Somebody visits our website, perhaps they fill out some forms, whatever. To us, this person is a prospect/lead. They have not been fully onboarded as a customer; they are simply a potential future customer.
Certain actions can be performed on these Prospects, such as adding certain data to their profile. Let's call this add_foobar_data. Of course, if they become a real customer (somebody consuming our service), we still need to be able to add/remove said data from their account.
Scenario (tl;dr):
Prospects can become Customers
Mutation add_foobar_data conceptually applies to both Prospects and Customers
Prospects only have a subset of data of Customers (they are a true subset; currently Customers have a lot of non-nullable fields Prospects do not have)
Create a union type, e.g. Customerable. add_foobar_data would return a Customerable (or backref to a Customerable) rather than a specific type.
Create separate mutations for modifying Prospects and Customers (add_foobar_data_to_prospect, add_foobar_data_to_customer)
Everybody is a Customer! Make all those non-nullable fields on Customer that are not in Prospect nullable and add a new flag called isProspect (or isDraft if we want to change how we think about the flow).
Perhaps some other approach I did not think of...
Anybody have thoughts on what is the best approach to this situation and why?
Ended up using an Interface since Prospect is a direct subset of Customer, and not by coincidence.

REST Web API - many-to-many relationship

Ok, my last question had no answers, so I've the doubt that I'm walking on the wrong way.
I'm developing some Web REST Api for a mobile application, and regarding REST best pratices I don't know how to face a many-to-many relationship.
I have two tables, Wallets and Cateories, between these tables there is a many to many relationship since a category may be associated to different wallets and a wallet may own different categories.
Actually this database is used by a non rest website:
when a user creates a new category, he choose from the list of his own wallets which wallets to connect it to, and with this single POST call the category is created and conneted to the wallets.
I don't think that replicating this behaviour is compliant to REST best pratices.
My first idea was to "expose" the connection between categories and wallets with this form:
but I had the problem I wrote on my previous question, and I don't think this is the right way.
Anyone has a valid method to manage a many-to-many realtionship according with REST best pratices?
Thanks in advance.
Namespacing wallets by a category is fine, as in /categories/77/wallets/4. You can also consider a more concise scheme like /categories/77/4 or /wallets/77/4 if there are only wallets in a category.
However, you don't have to namespace. Your wallets presumably have their own IDs, so you could also just expose them as /wallets/4.
Is it worth the effort? I think it can be a good practice if your URLs are also on a public website (in which case you would probably want to support slug IDs as well, e.g. /categories/luxury/wallets/acme). If not, you should be aware it will be a little more configuration work on the server-side and a little more work for clients (clients will have to be aware of 2 IDs instead of 1).

Ways to handle security/authorization in a multi tenant API

I'm playing around with a spare time project, mainly to try out new stuff :)
This involves designing a REST API for a system that is multi tenant. Lets say you have an "organization" that is the "top" entity, this might have an API key assigned that is used for authenticating each request. So on each request we have an organization associated.
Now when a user of the API would like to get a list of, lets say projects, only those that belong to that organization should be returned. The actual implementation, the queries to the database, is pretty straight forward. However the approach is interesting I think.
You could implement the filtering each time you query the database, but a better approach would be a general pre-query applied to all "organization" related queries, like all queries for enities that belong to an organization. It's all about avoiding the wrong entities from being returned. You could isolate the database, but if that is not possible how would you approach it?
Right now I use NancyFX and RavenDB so input for that stack would be appreciated, but general ideas and best practices, do's and don't is very welcome.
In this case you could isolate your collections by prefixing them with the organization_id. It will duplicate maybe many collections.
Use case with mongodb:

Am I breaking my aggregate boundaries in this model?

I'm modeling a very basic ASP.NET MVC app using NHibernate and I seem to be stuck on my design. Here's a sketch of my model:
As you can see this is VERY basic but I have some concerns about it. The User root entity and the Organization root entity are accessing the same Organization_Users entity child via two one-to-many relationships. This doesn't seem right and I think I am breaking the aggregate boundaries. This model smells to me but I like the idea because I would like to have code like this:
var user = userRepository.Load(1);
var list = user.Organizations; // All the organizations the user is a part of.
var org = orgRepository.Load(1);
var list = org.Users; // All the users in an organization.
Also the extra data in the table like flagged and role would be used by the Organization entity. Is this a bad design? If you have any thoughts that would be great. I'm still trying to get my mind around the thinking of DDD. Thanks
This is a typical Many-To-Many relationship. And the Organization_Users tables is the bridge table. Infact NHibernate and all the other ORM tools have built-in feature to support bridge table.
This thing should be resolved at data modelling level rather than at application level. You should analyze your data model and it is recommended to avoid many-to-many relationships (in the sense if it is not the necesity of domain model, you should try to avoid many-to-many relationship).
First thing first you need to be sure that many-to-many relationship in data model is necessary for mapping domain entities. Once you have done this then the model represented in your diagram is ok for mapping those relationships at application level
I have used an approach similar to your first model on several occasion. The one catch with this approach is that you need to create an OganizationUser class in your domain to handle the Role and Flagged fields from you Domain. This would leave you with something like this in your code.
var user = userRepository.Load(1);
var list = user.OrganizationUsers; // All the organizations the user is a part of including their role and flagged values.
var organization = list[0].Organization;
*If you're going to be iterating through all a users organizations quite often you'd likely want to eager load the Organization entity along with OrganzitionUser
With the second design you submitted it looks like you would be able to add a user to the OrgUserDetails without adding the user to OrganizationUser. That doesn't seem like something I would want to support from my Domain.
The first things to consider in DDD are :
forget your database schema (there's
no database !)
what actions will you perform on thoses entities from a domain perspective ?
I think your model is fine. I usually think of domain aggregate roots, when I think of them at all, in terms of what is publicly exposed, not internal implementation. With relationships I think of which entity "wears the pants" in the relationship. That is, is it more natural to add a User to an Organization or add an Organization to a User? In this case both may make sense, a User joins an Organization; an Organization accepts a User for membership.
If your domain sees the relationship from the User's perspective, you can put the methods to maintain (add, remove, etc.) the relationship on the User and expose a read-only collection on the Organization.
In response to your second design (it would have been better if you had edited the original question): I don't like it at all. Your original design is fine. I wouldn't necessarily ignore the database while designing your classes, a good design should accurately model the domain and be straightforward to implement in a relational database. Sometimes you have to compromise in both directions to hit the sweet spot. There's no jail term for breaking aggregate boundaries. :-)
My understanding is:
A User can belong to 0-to-many Organizations.
An Organization consists of 0-to-many Users.
Are both of those correct? If so, that does sound like a many-to-many to me.
In a many-to-many, you pretty much need a relationship-like object of some sort to bridge that gap. The problem is, there is no user_organization in the domain.
This makes me think you shouldn't have user_organization as a part of your domain, per se. It feels like an implementation detail.
On the other hand, maybe it makes sense in your domain to have a Roster which holds the Users in an Organization and stores their role and other information specific to that relationship.
Thanks everyone for your answers. They have been very helpful.
While I was thinking about my model a little bit more, I sketched something new that I think would be better.
My thinking was this:
When a user logs into the site the system finds their account and then returns a list of organizations they are apart of and it gets this info from the user_organizations object.
When a user clicks on one of the organizations they are apart of it directs them to the organization's control panel.
The selected organization then looks up that user's role in its org_user_details to know what access the user should have to that organizations control panel.
Does that make sense? :)
I feel like that would be good in a model but I'm having some doubts about the DB implementation. I know I shouldn't even worry about it but I can't break my bad habit yet! You can see that there is kind of duplicate data in the user_organizations object and the org_user_details object. I'm not a DB pro but is that a bad DB design? Should I instead combine the data from user_organizations and org_user_details into a table like the one in my first post and just tell NHibernate that User looks at it as a Many-to-Many relationship and Organization looks at it as a One-to-Many relationship? That sounds like I'm tricking the system. Sorry if I seemed really confused about this.
What are your thoughts on this? Am I over thinking this? :P