HTTPS proxy with support for chunked-encoded requests - apache

I'm developing a simple HTTPS proxy (written in Python) which receives POST/GET requests/responses, applies some transformation and finally forwards the result to the recipient.
I need to handle chunked-encoded requests/responses in a "streaming" fashion, meaning that as soon as a chunk is received the proxy transforms it and forwards it to the recipient.
Before deciding to support chunked-encoded requests, I've been using mitmproxy and it worked perfectly. Unfortunately, I noticed that it waits until the entire body is received before letting me handle the response/request.
How can I implement a proxy supporting chunked-encoded requests/responses? Has anyone of you ever done something like this?
I need to handle POST requests and GET responses.
In the POST request I receive a JSON object and I have to encrypt some of its values.
In the GET response I receive a JSON object and I have to decrypt some of its values.
Till now, the following code has worked perfectly:
def handle_request(self, r):
// encryption of r.get_form_urlencoded()
def handle_response(self, r):
// decryption of r.content
How can I do the same thing with single chunks?
After evaluating different solutions, I decided to go for Squid (proxy) + ICAP (content adaptation).
I've successfully configured Squid and the performance are just great. Unfortunately, I can't find a suitable ICAP server (in Python, if possible) for doing content adaptation (modification). I thought this one could do the job but looks like it doesn't read the body of myPOST requests.
Do you guys know a Python ICAP server that I can use together with Squid?

The answer below is outdated. You can now pass --stream to mitmproxy, whose behaviour is explained in the mitmproxy documentation.
mitmproxy developer here. This is definitely a feature we want for mitmproxy as well, but it's not that trivial and probably not coming very soon. If you really want to implement that yourself, I can recommend two things:
If you have a very specific use case, you can employ libmproxy.protocol.http.HTTPRequest.from_stream for parsing the header and do the body processing yourself.
If you do not want to modify the request/response body, you may find it sufficient to modify mitmproxy itself. In a nutshell, you would need to read the request/response without content (see 1.), modify it to your needs, pass it to the server and then delegate control to the libmproxy.protocol.tcp (see
If you have further questions, don't hesistate to ask here or on mitmproxy's IRC channel.
Re Comment #1:
You can't take too much out of mitmproxy, but at least you get delegate the header parsing & processing.
# ...accept request, socket.makefile() etc...
req = HTTPRequest.from_stream(client_conn.rfile, include_content=False)
# manually forward to the server (req._assemble_head())
# manually receive response body chunk by chunk and forward it to the server, see
resp = HTTPResponse.from_stream(server_conn.rfile, include_content=False)
# manually forward headers
# manually process body and forward
That being said, this is a fairly complex topic. Eventually, you're better off hacking that directly into libmproxy.protocol.http.HTTPHandler.
Another option, depending on your use case again: Use mitmproxy, set the conntype to tcp and forward traffic as-is and use regex replacements on the content in libmproxy.protocol.tcp . Probably the easiest way, but the most hacky one.
If you can provide some context, I may guide you further in the right direction.
Re Comment #2:
Before we get to the main part: JSON is a really bad choice for streaming/chunking as long as you don't want to encrypt the complete JSON object and treat it as a single string. You should definitely consider something like tnetstrings if you only want to encrypt parts.
Apart from that, hooking into read_chunk works, but first you need to get to the point where you can actually receive chunks over the line. Then, it's as simple as reading the single chunks, encrypting them and forwarding them.


GET vs. POST when the request is some arbitrary size

I understand the semantics of GETting vs. POSTing, one endpoint should get data, the other should post it. The latter being a request that you may not wish the user to be able to easily replay.
That said, on the project I'm working on at the moment - the approach has been to POST to endpoints that are clearly responsible for responding with data, and these endpoints do not transform data in any way.
The reasoning behind this has been that the payloads are (potentially) of considerable size and seem more appropriate for a body as opposed to a query string.
Can anybody please shed light on which request would be right for a GET request that takes a large request payload? I'm not asking for opinion, I'm asking for what would be compliant to RESTful deisgn.
Further Context
The request is potentially large due to the fact it's a search DTO from the UI, where users may choose to pass any number of filters or search terms.
Can anybody please shed light on which request would be right for a GET request that takes a large request payload? I'm not asking for opinion, I'm asking for what would be compliant to RESTful deisgn.
Today's answer: It's OK to use POST.
For requests that are fundamentally read-only, we'd like to use standardized HTTP semantics to communicate that to general purpose components, so that they can themselves do intelligent things.
BUT: GET, while being both safe and ubiquitous, isn't an appropriate choice when you need to include a message-body in the request:
content received in a GET request has no generally defined semantics
So if you can't, for whatever reason, copy the information you need into a resource identifier, then GET is not an option.
Now, if your payloads are consistent with WebDAV, then you might be able to use one of the safe methods described in those specifications. But, as far as I can tell, they aren't really appropriate for general use.
Tomorrow's answer: the HTTP-WG accepted a proposal for a safe-method-with-body. So we should eventually expect to see a registered HTTP method that is safe and has defined semantic for the request content.
Then, depending on what those semantics are, we may be able to use it for requests like yours.

How do I design a REST call that is just a data transformation?

I am designing my first REST API.
Suppose I have a (SOAP) web service that takes MyData1 and returns MyData2.
It is a pure function with no side effects, for example:
MyData2 myData2 = transform(MyData myData);
transform() does not change the state of the server. My question is, what REST call do I use? MyData can be large, so I will need to put it in the body of the request, so POST seems required. However, POST seems to be used only to change the server state and not return anything, which transform() is not doing. So POST might not be correct? Is there a specific REST technique to use for pure functions that take and return something, or should I just use POST, unload the response body, and not worry about it?
I think POST is the way to go here, because of the sheer fact that you need to pass data in the body. The GET method is used when you need to retrieve information (in the form of an entity), identified by the Request-URI. In short, that means that when processing a GET request, a server is only required to examine the Request-URI and Host header field, and nothing else.
See the pertinent section of the HTTP specification for details.
It is okay to use POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.”
It's not a great answer, but it's the right answer. The real issue here is that HTTP, which is a protocol for the transfer of documents over a network, isn't a great fit for document transformation.
If you imagine this idea on the web, how would it work? well, you'd click of a bunch of links to get to some web form, and that web form would allow you to specify the source data (including perhaps attaching a file), and then submitting the form would send everything to the server, and you'd get the transformed representation back as the response.
But - because of the payload, you would end up using POST, which means that general purpose components wouldn't have the data available to tell them that the request was safe.
You could look into the WebDav specifications to see if SEARCH or REPORT is a satisfactory fit -- every time I've looked into them for myself I've decided against using them (no, I don't want an HTTP file server).

REST API for sending files between services

I'm building a microservice which one of it's API's expects a file and some parameters which the API will process and return a response for.
I've searched and found some references, mostly pointing towards form-data (multipart), however they mostly refer to client to service and not service to service like in my case.
I'll be happy to know what is the best practice for this case for both the client (a service actually) and me.
I would also suggest to perform a POST request (multipart) to a service endpoint that can process/accept a byte stream wrapped into the provided HTML body(s). A PUT request may also work in some cases.
Your main concerns will consist in binding enough metadata to the request so that the remote service can correctly handle it. This include in particular the following headers:
Content-Type: to provide the MIME type of the data being transferred and enable its proper processing.
Content-Disposition: to provide additional information about the body part such as the file name.
I personally believe that a single request is enough (in contrast to #Evert suggestion) as it will result in less overhead overall and will keep things simple (and RESTful) by avoiding any linking (or state) between successive requests.
I would not wrap data in form-data, because it just adds to the total body size. You can just put the entire raw file in the body of a PUT or POST request.
If you also need to send meta-data, I would suggest 2 requests. If you absolutely can't do 2 requests, form-data might still be the best option and it does work server-to-server.

Proper REST verb for checking if sensitive data input is valid?

I need to send data and compare if it exists in the API server. For example:
$a['foo'] = 'hello';
$a['bar'] = 'world';
$rest->verb('resource', $a);
If the value of foo and bar exist in the API server it should return OK else Bad Request.
I would like to use GET as verb as it sounds more proper and just send data in query string but what if foo and bar is sensitive info and much more safer transmitted via post/put? But then I am not adding or updating anything.
What is the best verb in this situation?
Well, ruling out GET1 for security concerns effectively leaves only POST/PUT (flat out ignoring DELETE).
Out of these available options, I suggest using POST because it is the more common (especially outside of REST) and less specific HTTP verb overall.
From REST for the Rest of Us:
The POST verb can carry a variety of meanings. It's the Swiss Army Knife of HTTP verbs. For some resources, it may be used to alter the internal state. For others, its behavior may be that of a remote procedure call.
1 The issue with GET is that any data to the server must be transferred via URI (resource name and query string). This response thus assumes that a request using the POST verb would not use the URI to transfer sensitive information, or it would be no better than GET. The article How Secure are Query Strings over HTTPS? discusses some concerns with data in URIs, even with HTTPS connections (which should be used for all sensitive requests).
If you send a question like that to the server and get OK back. One millisecond later, it might not be OK any longer. So if you use an old (milliseconds old but still old) response from the server as truth to accept some client input, you still might go wrong when you try to store that data later on.
You should simply try to create something on the server, which means that it SHOULD be PUT or POST. If you read about REST, it states that PUT should be used if you know the resulting resource's URL and otherwise POST. There you have it. You probably want to send 201 if everything works and 409 otherwise.
What you create on the server with PUT / POST does not have to be the final data - it might just be a token that states that a client has claimed this id or whatever.
Now, if you still want your extra pre-check before storing anything at all on the server, you might want to look at Expect or Accept or something... dont quite remember. Here are your two friends when working with REST. :)
I also recommend this very good book on REST:

Confused about Http verbs

I get confused when and why should you use specific verbs in REST?
I know basic things like:
Get -> for retrieval
Post -> adding new entity
PUT -> updating
Delete -> for deleting
These attributes are to be used as per the operation I wrote above but I don't understand why?
What will happen if inside Get method in REST I add a new entity or inside POST I update an entity? or may be inside DELETE I add an entity. I know this may be a noob question but I need to understand it. It sounds very confusing to me.
#archil has an excellent explanation of the pitfalls of misusing the verbs, but I would point out that the rules are not quite as rigid as what you've described (at least as far as the protocol is concerned).
GET MUST be safe. That means that a GET request must not change the server state in any substantial way. (The server could do some extra work like logging the request, but will not update any data.)
PUT and DELETE MUST be idempotent. That means that multiple calls to the same URI will have the same effect as one call. So for example, if you want to change a person's name from "Jon" to "Jack" and you do it with a PUT request, that's OK because you could do it one time or 100 times and the person's name would still have been updated to "Jack".
POST makes no guarantees about safety or idempotency. That means you can technically do whatever you want with a POST request. However, you will lose any advantage that clients can take of those assumptions. For example, you could use POST to do a search, which is semantically more of a GET request. There won't be any problems, but browsers (or proxies or other agents) would never cache the results of that search because it can't assume that nothing changed as a result of the request. Further, web crawlers would never perform a POST request because it could not assume the operation was safe.
The entire HTML version of the world wide web gets along pretty well without PUT or DELETE and it's perfectly fine to do deletes or updates with POST, but if you can support PUT and DELETE for updates and deletes (and other idempotent operations) it's just a little better because agents can assume that the operation is idempotent.
See the official W3C documentation for the real nitty gritty on safety and idempotency.
Protocol is protocol. It is meant to define every rule related to it. Http is protocol too. All of above rules (including http verb rules) are defined by http protocol, and the usage is defined by http protocol. If you do not follow these rules, only you will understand what happens inside your service. It will not follow rules of the protocol and will be confusing for other users. There was an example, one time, about famous photo site (does not matter which) that did delete pictures with GET request. Once the user of that site installed the google desktop search program, that archieves the pages locally. As that program knew that GET operations are only used to get data, and should not affect anything, it made GET requests to every available url (including those GET-delete urls). As the user was logged in and the cookie was in browser, there were no authorization problems. And the result - all of the user photos were deleted on server, because of incorrect usage of http protocol and GET verb. That's why you should always follow the rules of protocol you are using. Although technically possible, it is not right to override defined rules.
Using GET to delete a resource would be like having a function named and documented to add something to an array that deletes something from the array under the hood. REST has only a few well defined methods (the HTTP verbs). Users of your service will expect that your service stick to these definition otherwise it's not a RESTful web service.
If you do so, you cannot claim that your interface is RESTful. The REST principle mandates that the specified verbs perform the actions that you have mentioned. If they don't, then it can't be called a RESTful interface.