How do I disable built-in index for a model property for GAE? - django-nonrel

GAE model properties can be removed from built-in index by setting "indexed" to false.
In DjangoAppEngine, I don't see an API to set model fields to not be indexed. How do I set a model field as such?

Per the excellent documentation you would use 'unindexed' as explained here:
In case you prefer not to follow the link here's a code-sample:
from myapp.models import MyContact
MyContact: {
'indexed': [...],
'unindexed': ['creation_date', 'last_modified', ...],


How can I make a Jira REST API call to get a specific value?

I am making a Jira REST API call using this example url:
Here is an example of the returned JSON
Here is an image of the returned JSON with better formatting
What URL would I use to only return the issues with the value "Common" for the customfield_14600? Basically I am trying to return the number of issues with the "Common" value.
Thank you.
Hello Yousuf and welcome to StackOverflow.
Since you are using a JQL query, you could add another filter to check that the custom field you need has the value you require, as such:
project = example AND type = test AND cf[14600] = "Common"
Or, if you know the name of the custom field and/or prefer it to be readable:
project = example AND type = test AND "Field name" = "Common"
You can check the manual for more operators/keywords.
On another topic, I would recommend using the POST endpoint instead of the GET one for searches that include complex queries. Check the REST API documentation for instructions.

How to add my custom page resolver instead of Spartacus page resolver?

I'm adding my resolver (which extended from PageMetaResolver) into providers in my own home.module. However, my method 'resolve' is not called. Have you got any ideas?
providedIn: 'root'
export class HomePageMetaResolver extends PageMetaResolver implements PageDescriptionResolver {
protected routingService: RoutingService,
protected translationService: TranslationService,
protected cms: CmsService
) {
this.pageType = PageType.CONTENT_PAGE;
resolve(): Observable<PageMeta> {
return this.cms.getCurrentPage().pipe(
switchMap(page =>
map(([description]) => ({ description }))
resolveDescription(): Observable<string> {
return new Observable(sub => {'test description');
Please specify not only this.pageType, but also this.pageTemplate for your PageMetaResolver.
Detailed explanation
The most specific Page Meta Resolver wins
Guessing from the name of your meta resolver, you want to provide custom meta only for your Home page. Please note that the most specific meta resolver wins thanks to the simple scoring algorithm, which takes into consideration 2 factors: page type and page template (see source
Currently your resolver HomePageMetaResolver has the same specificity as the generic one so your resolve method is not called.
You need to specify more your meta resolver by defining its property this.pageTemplate = '<name-of-page-template-used-only-at-homepage>'. Then your HomePageMetaResolver will get higher score than a default ContentPageMetaResolver whenever you visit a homepage.
Custom scoring algorithms
For custom scoring algorithms (which could take pageId into account, for instance), you can overwrite the method getScore of your PageMetaResolvers. You can even extend the method PageMetaService.getMetaResolver to redefine all rules of chosing the right page meta resolver. But for your case the standard solution (described above) should suffice.

Key construction in Tink for KeysetHandle

The following lines show how to generate a key in Tink:
privateKeysetHandle = KeysetHandle.generateNew(SignatureKeyTemplates.ECDSA_P256)
Could you show me how to construct a key given the parameters such as key bytes and related parameters?
It is also possible to create a key by loading the parameters from JSON:
String keysetFilename = "my_keyset.json";
KeysetHandle keysetHandle =
JsonKeysetReader.withFile(new File(keysetFilename)));
How is the key format in JSON defined?
Maarten Bodewes: would you mind tell us what wrong with the APIs, and how you think it should be changed? We're all ears for feedback.
Ursa Major: we don't want users to deal with keys directly, because it's easy to mess up. It's why we provide APIs that generate, persist and load keys. The Java HOWTO [1] shows how to do this.
It looks like you have an existing key, in some other format, that you want to use it with Tink. Tink's keys are stored in protobuf. Each key type is defined in its own protobuf. You can find all definitions at Tink doesn't work with individual keys, but keysets which are also protobuf. You can convert existing keys to Tink's keysets by providing an implementation of KeysetReader. SignaturePemKeysetReader [2] is an example that converts certain PEM keys to Tink.
If you encounter any further issue, feel free to comment or email the mailing list at
Hope that helps,
edit: update the second link.
I've had a similar problem, but with HMAC in unit tests. Hope it helps.
Example JSON:
"primaryKeyId": 2061245617,
"key": [{
"keyData": {
"typeUrl": "",
"keyMaterialType": "SYMMETRIC",
"value": "EgQIAxAgGiB9qbGjo1sA41kHHKbELAKmFzj3cNev0GJ3PpvhR00vuw=="
"outputPrefixType": "TINK",
"keyId": 2061245617,
"status": "ENABLED"
code used to generate it (Scala):
def generate(): Unit = {
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import{CleartextKeysetHandle, JsonKeysetWriter, KeysetHandle}
val generatedKeyset = KeysetHandle.generateNew(HmacKeyManager.hmacSha256Template())
val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream
CleartextKeysetHandle.write(generatedKeyset, JsonKeysetWriter.withOutputStream(output))
Loading the JSON and usage:
import{CleartextKeysetHandle, JsonKeysetReader}
val hmacKeyset =
val mac = hmacKeyset.getPrimitive(classOf[Mac])
Keep in mind this is totally insecure and should never be used outside tests.
Relevant parts of the implementation:
Even easier way to generate a keyset JSON:
$ tinkey create-keyset --key-template HMAC_SHA256_256BITTAG
"primaryKeyId": 1132518908,
"key": [{
"keyData": {
"typeUrl": "",
"keyMaterialType": "SYMMETRIC",
"value": "EgQIAxAgGiDwIucBpWJ8WHVIEKIdEVQlfynm+4QS8sKUVUga2JzRlw=="
"outputPrefixType": "TINK",
"keyId": 1132518908,
"status": "ENABLED"

How to document an web component with jsdoc3

What would be the way to document a web component using jsdoc3
Here is an example of web component registered with x-tag.
lifecycle : {
created : function(){
accessors : {
code : {
attribute : true
domain : {
attribute : true
Since X-Tag is also just JavaScript, you can simply use the corresponding annotations provided by jsdoc. So things like #memberof etc.
However, Web Components syntax can have its own kind of additional meaning. For example you probably want an annotation for #element or #lifecycleCallback and stuff like this. This is not provided by jsdoc and therefore e.g. Polymer uses it's own documentation annotation using core-component-page.
You either use what jsdoc provides and see what annotations fit best for your use case, or you use something like dgeni which lets you build a documentation tool pipe entirely from scratch, so you have full control over your annotations etc.

How to change the default analyzer for dynamic fields

RavenDB uses the LowerCaseKeywordAnalyzer by default and switches (if I'm not mistaken) to the StandardAnalyzer if you set a field to FieldIndexing.Analyzed.
RavenDB also defaults to the LowerCaseKeywordAnalyzer for dynamic fields.
I would like to change this. I want RavenDB to use the StandardAnalyzer for ALL my dynamic fields.
How can I do that?
Do I have to use a plugin and implement AbstractAnalyzerGenerator?
I would prefer not to since this will make deployment a lot more complicated for something as simple as changing the default analyzer.
I fixed this problem with the next code.
public class Product_ByFields : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Product>
public Product_ByFields()
Map = products => from product in products
select new
_ = product.FieldValues.Select(f => CreateField(f.Key, f.Value.SearchTerms, false, true))
this.Analyze("__all_fields", "Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer");
You can use this:
_= CreateField("Foo", "bar", stored: false, analyzed: true);