Fussion of two SQlite3 tables into new one with sum of value in a column - sql

I have two SQLite3 tables in two separate sqlite files:
Table1 (in file1):
Id Number
----- ------
21 1
22 2
23 3
24 4
and Table2 (in file2):
Id Number
----- ------
21 15
32 16
33 17
34 18
I would like to produce a new table, which accumulates values of Number if there is match. So I would like an output:
TableSummary (should be in Newfile or in file1):
Id Number
----- ------
21 16
22 2
23 3
24 4
32 16
33 17
34 18
What kind of statement I should use to achieve the result?

First, use UNION ALL to combine both tables:
SELECT Id, Number FROM Table1
SELECT Id, Number FROM Table2
Then combine the duplicates by using GROUP BY:
SELECT Id, SUM(Number)
FROM (SELECT Id, Number FROM Table1
SELECT Id, Number FROM Table2)


How to grouping with distinct or group max sql

i have date like this Data
id name period difference
6172 A 6 10
6172 A 3 10
10099 AB 12 24
10099 AB 6 24
10099 AB 3 24
10052 ABC 12 26
10052 ABC 6 26
10052 ABC 3 26
9014 ABCD 12 21
9014 ABCD 6 21
9014 ABCD 3 21
how to get result like this
id name period difference
6172 A 6 10
10099 AB 12 24
10052 ABC 12 26
9014 ABCD 12 4
i try with distinct on (id), but the result like this
id name period difference
6172 A 6 10
10099 AB 6 24
10052 ABC 6 26
9014 ABCD 6 4
The query you want looks something like:
ORDER BY id, period DESC;
This is probably the most efficient way to write your query on Postgres. Note that DISTINCT ON syntax does not support more than one column in the ON clause. The above logic happens to work here assuming that id would uniquely identify each group (that is, that id would always be unique). If not, then we might have to resort to using ROW_NUMBER with a partition over id and name.
using max()
select id, name, t2.period, difference from tableA t1
inner join
(select id, max(period) as period from tableA
group by id) t2 on t2.id = t1.id
using distinct()
select distinct id, name, t2.period, difference from tableA
it seems you need just max()
select id,name,max(period),max(difference)
from table group by id,name
Though i have not found difference=4 in your sample data but you used that on output,so i guessed its your typo
Use max()
select id, name, max(period), difference from tablename
group by id, name,difference
You can try my code:
id, name, max(period), difference
group by id, name,difference
order by name
This is a demo link http://sqlfiddle.com/#!17/9ab8d/2

Linking different ids through interactor

I want to link different ids through the common interactor. It is bit complex but i will try my best to frame the problem.
Here are the list of steps
1. Extract id from table A.
Table A
ID Interactor
1 30
2 40
Get the list of interactors corresponding to id from table B. for example,
select * from table B where id = 1
Table B
ID Interactors
1 30
1 32
1 33
1 36
1 38
1 39
Iterate through each interactor from the list and get the list of ids from table A.
Table A
ID Interactors
1 30
70 32
76 33
Null 36
89 38
75 39
2 45
2 40
2 43
4.Join these different ids so that when i select 1 i should get the below result.
Select * where id = 1
ID Interactors
1 30
70 32
76 33
89 38
75 39
I want to achieve this using sql.
Try this:
select B.ID, B.Interactors
from A inner join B
where A.Interactors = B.Interactors
and A.ID = 1
From step 3 you have table A, and before that you have table B.
You can use simple inner join with some where condition to get your desired result.
Select Id, Interactors from
( select tableA.id, tableA.Interactors
from tableA
inner join tableB
on tableA.Interactors = tableB.Interactors
and tableA.Id is not null --- this is required since in your output record having NULL id correspond to tableA is not considered
) as db
where db.Id = 1 ---- you can apply any filter over there to get your desired result.

Count distinct values of a Column based on Distinct values of First Column

I am dealing with a huge volume of traffic data. I want to identify the vehicles which have changed their lanes, I'm Microsoft Access with VB.Net.
Traffic Data:
Vehicle_ID Lane_ID Frame_ID Distance
1 2 12 100
1 2 13 103
1 2 14 105
2 1 16 130
2 1 17 135
2 2 18 136
3 1 19 140
3 2 20 141
I have tried to distinct the Vehicle_ID and then count(distinct Lane_ID).
I could list the distinct Vehicle_ID but the it counts the total Lane_ID instead of Distinct Lane_ID.
Distinct Vehicle_ID, count(Lane_ID)
FROM Table1
Shown Result:
Vehicle_ID Lane Count
1 3
2 3
3 2
Correct Result:
Vehicle_ID Lane Count
1 1
2 2
3 2
Further to that i would like to get all Vehicle_ID who have changed their lane (all data including previous lane and new lane). Output result would be somehow like: Vehicle_ID Lane_ID Frame_ID Distance
2 1 17 135
2 2 18 136
3 1 19 140
3 2 20 141
Access does not support COUNT(DISTINCT columnname) so do this:
SELECT t.Vehicle_ID, COUNT(t.Lane_ID) AS [Lane Count]
) AS t
GROUP BY t.Vehicle_ID
to identify the vehicles which have changed their lanes
you need to add to the above query:
FROM Table1
SELECT distinct Vehicle_ID, Lane_ID FROM Table1
) dTable1 # distinct vehicle and land id
GROUP BY Vehicle_ID # counting the distinct
) cTable1 ON cTable1.Vehicle_ID = Table1.Vehicle_ID # join the table with the counting
I think you should do one by one,
Distinct the vehicle id and land id
counting the distinct combination
and merge the result with the actual table.
If you want vehicles that have changed their lanes, then you can do:
SELECT Vehicle_ID,
IIF(MIN(Lane_ID) = MAX(Lane_ID), 0, 1) as change_lane_flag
FROM Table1
GROUP BY Vehicle_ID;
I think this is as good as counting the number of distinct lanes, because you are not counting actual "lane changes". So this would return "2" even though the vehicle changes lanes multiple times:
2 1 16 130
2 1 17 135
2 2 18 136
2 1 16 140
2 1 17 145
2 2 18 146

Append 2 tables with identical fields

I have 2 tables with identical columns. Is there a way I can append them together. For example if my tables are:
Table 1:
ID Age
1 21
2 26
3 19
4 40
Table 2:
ID Age
6 29
8 40
10 35
I'd like the desired output to be:
ID Age
1 21
2 26
3 19
4 40
6 29
8 40
10 35
Is there a way I can append these 2 tables. Being new to SQL I tried using insert but couldn't do much about it.
Would be great if some one can help out
You can use a UNION ALL query:
FROM table1
FROM table2
This will return all rows from each table in a single result. Here is a demo.
Use Union rather Union All if you want unique values based on two tables.
FROM table1
FROM table2

How to fill in the gaps in a query of totals with zeroes?

I have a table with data like this
This is the table but I need to get result like this.
Picks Count
20 3
19 0
18 1
17 1
16 0
...up to
1 12
How can we write query to get zero totals for data which doesn't exist in the table?
Use a subquery to generate all the numbers and then outer join it to your table.
with nos as ( select level as pick_id
from dual
connect by level <= 20 )
select nos.pick_id
, count(*)
from nos
left outer join picks
on nos.pick_id = picks.id
group by nos.pick_id
order by nos.pick_id desc ;