Google+ Sign-in integration with API - google-plus

I have a website where I was allowing user logins based on my own database. I have migrated this login system to Google+ sign-in and it worked well for UI based login workflow.
My website also allows users to perform some operations through our custom REST API. I want my API users to go through google sign-in as well. Does google provide a standard workflow where our end-users authenticate themselves from google and send auth token to my API?
If there is no standard workflow defined by google, I have thought of hack-ish way where users use google refresh token as API key. I will not store refresh token in DB, rather Users will send the refresh key to my API in form of API access key. API will generate access token from google. Users will use the access token as session key for further requests (for abt 1 Hr). Is it right way to go forward? Is there any security flaw in this?


How to login into Google workspace using OIDC with my own identity provider

I am building an SSO system for android where I am the identity provider. And I want users to sign in from my app that will automatically log them in to google workspace (or any other enterprise application e.g salesforce). I cannot figure out what and how to send identity values from my Idp to Google workspace.
This can't be done this way round. When a user signs in to your app she can't be automatically signed in to any other application. The options that you have are:
When a user signs in to your application you can ask Google for an access token. As part of your sign-in process, you can run an OAuth flow against Google Authorization Servers and ask for proper permissions. This will allow the user to additionally log in to their Google account, consent to release information to your app and you will then get an access token that will enable you to call Google's APIs. This way your users will have to log in twice (both to your app and to Google).
You can rely on Google to log users into your app. So, Google will be the OIDC Provider and your app will only be the client. People will log in to their Google account, and you will get an ID token in return. You can use the data from the ID token to create user accounts and sessions in your app.
In the first case, you will want to have a look at OAuth flows, like the code flow. In the latter, you will need OIDC flow, e.g. the OIDC code flow.

Storing and using facebook's refresh token in Identity as a service (IDaaS)

We're planning to use IDaaS for better identity management. We are comparing functionalities between Okta, Auth0, and AWS Cognito.
However, Facebook provides a way to refresh user token. They also have an option for extending page token. My question is if I use any of IDaaS or identity management system, can I use those functionalities.
I know I can get a refresh token from Okta or Auth0 and use it to get access token. But could not find any way to retrieve or use the refresh token from Facebook. Am I missing anything?
I have added Facebook as Social Identity Provider. I can log in using via facebook account. My applications do not know about Facebook's App Id and secret. Is it possible to use the facebooks refresh token functionalities via IDaaS?
you can use Okta's Identity Provider API to get the Facebook access token issued for a user during authentication.
You can then use it to call Facebook APIs to get a refresh token that you can then store within Okta as a custom attribute on the (idp)user profile.
I'm assuming that you want to use the FB refresh/access token to get additional data from Facebook. Is that your use case, or is it primarily about keeping the user logged in to facebook? More detail on the use case can help me provide more relevant information.

When to use Oauth and API key authentication types

I get it that Oauth is used to grant permission to a third party application to access a user's data (like photos on his facebook account) without revelaing his facebook credentials to the third party application. For example, when you try to use an online photo editing tool and you want to load a photo from facebook, facebook will pop up a message asking whether you really want to allow the application to access your data. So at that point facebook just returns a temporary access token and the app can use it to access your facebook photos. (as i understand the scope for this access token is such that it only has permission to access the particular user's photos only) Yes, this sort of a setup is required because you can't trust a third party application that much as to give away your credentials.
Assume somehow instead of oauth, facebook used api key authentication. This would mean that all third party applications that have subscribed for facebook API already have a key which they can use to access facebook's data sources.So that the app can directly take you to your facebook photos and facebook will not notify you that an outsider is trying to access your private data. This approach is not suitable for an api that exposes user sensitive data but for apis that expose not so user specific (like google maps) data, the api key approach should be enough, right ?
So my question is, what are the criterion to decide which authentication type should be used ? And appreciate feedback if my understanding is wrong.
Here are 2 of the standard 4 Oauth2 flows which cater for the scenarios you mention.
Authorisation Code
Client Credentials.
Using your Facebook example above you could think of like this:
Use Authorisation Code flow for your "Oauth" scenario, where your app needs delegated authorisation to access a user's Facebook photos. This means the user must login and grant access to your app and your app must have an API key (client ID) issued by Facebook.
Use the client credentials flow for your "API Key" scenario. This would be when your app needs access to, for example, public Facebook pages / info and thus does not require specific user consent and can just use its API Key (Client Id & Client Secret)

What is the correct way to use OAuth for mobile and website consuming my own API?

I have a question more related to the way OAuth 2 is working but since using IdentityServer to implement OAuth I think it's relevant. I could not find an answer anywhere.
I'm building a website and a mobile app that consumes my own API. Each user of my app will have a username and password, that will give him access to the app/website and though the API to his information.
I'm not sure about the right way to handle the flow for user login:
On the website I have my own designed login form. I don't want to move the user to my auth server to login, and then have him approve the information he gives - he is the user on my system - I have access to all information - kida like facebook has a login and access to the informatio - they don't ask what you're willing to give them. So is implicit really the way for this?
On the mobile app I also have a login form and now I read here ( that the OAuth approach is to have the login in a WebView?? Doesn't look like facebook login is in a WebView on their mobile app.
The approach I was first lookin at is the Resource Owner. Users will login, get the token and the refresh token and can start working against my APIs. But storing my client_id and secret on the mobile app? on the website javascript files? doesn't feel right. I can of course make a call to an API that will mask those and be a proxy to the login process... but... (read #4).
In the future I would like to allow access for third-party developers. For them to allow login for users of my system I will use the implicit flow. Also, I plan for those developer accounts to have restricted API access (for example, the number of calls to the API will be limited by plan). What prevents those developers from asking for the username and password of their account on my system on their website, getting the response from my servers with the access token and refresh token, and using my API however they want, without restrictions, and having access to the entire user profile?
Lets say I'm sticking to the resource owner flow, receiving back from the server a token and a refresh token. What should I store on the mobile device and how? What should be stored in the browser and how? the refresh token? and each time he opens the app get a new updated token with that refresh token?
Just to clarify, because I find a lot of lectures and articles that explain the process from an API consumer point of view (ie. the third-party developer): I am the API owner and the auth server owner, I'm the owner of the user accounts (they are my users of my services), I'm also my own consumer (though the website and the mobile app), and in the future I want to enable third-party developers to allow my users to login with their accounts of my service (kinda like Facebook or Google)
You're correct that you shouldn't store the client_secret in your app, but I doubt you will get around storing the client_id. You could disable the consent screen for your app as well, and build a native login view. You need to store the access_token and the refresh_token on the device (maybe encrypted in a database) if you don't want the user to login everytime they use your app.
As for problem 4, you could do the following:
Embed the client_secret in your (web) app
Set up which hosts have access to your api on the IdentityServer
The IdentityServer generates a salt and sends it to the client
The client calculates a session_secret using hash(ip_address + session_salt)
The client uses the session_secret and the client_secret for the API call
Server validates the hash and client_secret
It's nearly impossible to completely prevent someone from using your API. But you should add various rate limiting methods, such as limiting IP addresses, API calls etc. But nothing will stop someone decompiling your app and accessing your client_id.

REST API + OAuth + Mobile Flow

I have to develop a RESTful API for a mobile application and I have some concerns about the flow of the communication between those parts. I'm new to the API development for mobile devices and OAuth.
The project in common should work this way:
users are allowed to login using only their Google accounts
the mobile application uses the website API and all the information is stored on the backend
I found a similar question here OAuth on REST API for mobile app and I prefer the first solution from it, but I have some questions about the security of this solution.
1) Should I use OAuth2 for the API? I'm not sure it's a good idea just to send the user's Google ID to the API to get user's data.
2) How can I check on the server that the Google ID is correct and actual? Or it's not important at all?
I'm thinking about this scenario, but I'm not sure it's the best solution:
1) The user logs in on the mobile application for the first time using his Google Account.
2) The mobile application receives Google ID and some additional information.
3) The mobile application sends the Google ID to the server.
4) The server uses OAuth2. It creates an account for the user (saving the Google ID in the database) and returns an access token to the mobile application.
5) The mobile application stores the access token locally and uses it for requests to the server. Once the access token expires, the user has to login in the mobile application again using his Google account.
I have some concerns about using just Google ID for generating a token. I mean, anybody can just use somebody's Google ID to create a token. Bad idea :(
Also should I use JWT better as a token?
Thanks for your help!
You should send the user's id_token to the API instead
There are a couple of different ways in which you can validate the integrity of the ID token on the server side:
a) "Manually" - constantly download Google's public keys, verify signature and then each and every field, including the iss one; the main advantage (albeit a small one in my opinion) I see here is that you can minimize the number of requests sent to Google.
b) "Automatically" - do a GET on Google's endpoint to verify this token{0}
c) Using a Google API Client Library.
As for the workflow, it's mostly correct, except for the last step, where you can instead refresh an access token without prompting the user for permission. Btw, Google's id_token is actually a JWT.