Mapping Tables in Access Without ID - vba

If I have multiple tables all from the same XML source, but one of those tables has a number of different items in one column, and no column specifying who those items belong to, while another table has a list of each person and an ID for each person is it possible to link the two tables, or would the person ID or name need to be present in the items table?

In a similar situation, I made a VBA routine that would crawl the database in search of whatever I entered.
Systematically following the few clues I had yielded a lot of information. The routine itself was just a few hundred lines of code.
Open Database
Get all Tables
For Each Table
Get all Fields
For Each Field
If Field type is text ... and
If Field size is not TOO Long ...
Search for string
If found, write to a results bucket
So my answer is Yes, it can be done. But,
There is painstaking work to get it running (depends really on your VBA expertise)
The more you know about your real-world connections, the better you can exploit the tool.


Custom user defined database fields, what is the best solution?

To keep this as short as possible I'm going to use and example.
So let's say I have a simple database that has the following tables:
company - ( "idcompany", "name", "createdOn" )
user - ( "iduser", "idcompany", "name", "dob", "createdOn" )
event - ( "idevent", "idcompany", "name", "description", "date", "createdOn" )
Many users can be linked to a single company as well as multiple events and many events can be linked to a single company. All companies, users and events have columns as show above in common. However, what if I wanted to give my customers the ability to add custom fields to both their users and their events for any unique extra information they wish to store. These extra fields would be on a company wide basis, not on a per record basis ( so a company adding a custom field to their users would add it to all of their users not just one specific user ). The custom fields also need to be sesrchable and have the ability to be reported on, ideally automatically with some sort of report wizard. Considering the database is expected to have lots of traffic as well as lots of custom fields, what is the best solution for this?
My current research and findings in possible solutions:
To have generic placeholder columns such as "custom1", "custom2" etc.
** This is not viable as there will eventually be too many custom columns and there will be too many NULL values stored in the database
To have 3x tables per current table. eg: user, user-custom-field, user-custom-field-value. The user table being the same. The user-custom-field table containing the information about the new field such as name, data type etc. And the user-custom-field-value table containing the value for the custom field
** This one is more of a contender if it were not for its complexity and table size implications. I think it will be impossible to avoid a user-custom-field table if I want to automatically report on these fields as I will have to store the information on how to report on these fields here. However, In order to pull almost any data you would have to do a million joins on the user-custom-field-value table as well as the fact that your now storing column data as rows which in a database expected to have a lot of traffic as well as a lot of custom fields would soon cause a problem.
Create a new user and event table for each new company that is added to the system removing the company id from within those tables and instead using it in the table name ( eg user56, 56 being the company id ). Then allowing the user to trigger DB commands that add the new custom columns to the tables giving them the power to decide if it has a default value or auto increments etc.
** Everytime I have seen this solution it has always instantly been shut down by people saying it would be unmanageable as you would eventually get thousands of tables. However nobody really explains what they mean by unmanageable. Firstly as far as my understanding goes, more tables is actually more efficient and produces faster search times as the tables are much smaller. Secondly, yes I understand that making any common table changes would be difficult but all you would have to do is run a script that changes all your tables for each company. Finally I actually see benefits using this method as it would seperate company data making it impossible for one to accidentally access another's data via a potential bug, plus it would potentially give the ability to back up and restore company data individually. If someone could elaborate on why this is perceived as a bad idea It would be appreciated.
Convert fully or partially to a NoSQL database.
** Honestly I have no experience with schemaless databases and don't really know how dynamic user defined fields on a per record basis would work ( although I know it's possible ). If someone could explain the implications of the switch or differences in queries and potential benefits that would be appreciated.
Create a JSON column in each table that requires extra fields. Then add the extra fields into that JSON object.
** The issue I have with this solution is that it is nearly impossible to filter data via the custom columns. You would not be able to report on these columns and until you have received and processed them you don't really know what is in them.
Finally if anyone has a solution not mentioned above or any thoughts or disagreements on any of my notes please tell me as this is all I have been able to find or figure out for myself.
A typical solution is to have a JSON (or XML) column that contains the user-defined fields. This would be an additional column in each table.
This is the most flexible. It allows:
New fields to be created at any time.
No modification to the existing table to do so.
Supports any reasonable type of field, including types not readily available in SQL (i.e. array).
On the downside,
There is no validation of the fields.
Some databases support JSON but do not support indexes on them.
JSON is not "known" to the database for things like foreign key constraints and table definitions.

How to identify duplicate records using client name and address in SQL while both of them is in free text

I have a database with millions of client contacts. However, a lot of them are duplicated and may I ask some hero from here to advise how to identify those duplicates using Oracle SQL, PL/SQL or Excel.
Following is the data structure:
id integer (Primary Key)
Client_First_Name (varchar2)
Client_Last_Name (varchar2)
Client_Date_Of_Birth (timestamp)
Client_Id (Foreign Key ref Client_header)
Address_Line1 (varchar2)
Address_Line2 (varhchar2)
Adderss_Line3 (varchar2)
Suburb (Varchar2)
State (varchar2)
Country (varchar2)
My challenge is other than Client_Date_Of_Birth and those key fields, all fields are free text only.
For example, we have a client like following
Surname : Jones
First name : David
Client_Date_Of_Birth: 10/05/1975
Address: Unit 10 Floor 1, 20 Railway Parade, St Peter, NSW 2044
However, as those fields are free text, I have a lot of data issues and following link (jpeg file only) illustrated some of those issues
Sample of data issues
Other than those issues, sometime we may miss the first name or last name of the client (but not both) too
Sometimes multiple problems can be find within the same record.
Also sometime, the address may simply be the name of a school,
shopping center etc.
The system does not store any other id that can uniquely identify the client.
I understand it is close to impossible to gather all duplicate records where the client address is a school or shopping center. However, for other cases, is there anyway to identify most of the duplication.
Thank you for your help!
Not a pretty sight, and I'm afraid I don't have good news for you.
This is a common problem in databases, especially if the data entry personnel are insufficiently trained. One of the main objectives in data entry training is to make the problem well understood and show ways to avoid it. Something to keep in mind in the future.
Unfortunately, there isn't any "magic wand" that will clean your data for you. I'm sorry, but you have before you one of the most tedious tasks in database maintenance. You're going to have to basically remove the duplicates by hand, and the job requires more of an editor than a database administrator.
If you have millions of records, of which perhaps a million are actually duplicates, I would estimate that it will take an expert working full time for at least two years -- and probably longer -- to clean up your problem: to do it in two years would require fixing 2000 records a day, with time off on weekends and two weeks of vacation.
In the end, the only sure way to remove all the duplicates is to compare all of them and remove them one at a time. But there are plenty of tricks you can use to get rid of blocks of them at once. Here are a few that I can think of with your data sample:
Change "Dave" to "David" in both first and last name fields. (Make sure that nobody actually has the last name "Dave.")
Change all instances of "Jones David" to "David Jones." (Make sure that there are no people named "Jones David".)
Change "1/F" to "Floor 1."
The idea is to focus on some of the fields, and in those fields get all of the duplicates to be exact duplicates. Once you have that done, you delete all the records with the target values in the fields, except the one with the primary key of the record that you want to keep (if your table isn't keyed, you'll have to find another way to do it, such as selecting the top record into a new table).
This technique speeds things up for records with a large number of duplicates. Where you have only a few duplicates, it's quicker to just identify them one by one. One way to do this quickly is to go into edit mode on a table, work with a particular field (for example, the postal code field in this case), and put a unique value in that field when you want to mark it for deletion (in this case, perhaps a single zero). Then you can periodically delete all the records with that value in the field.
You'll also need to sort the data in multiple ways to find the duplicates, which it appears you already know.
As for your notes, don't try to identify all the ways that the data is messed up. Once you identify one record as a duplicate of another, you don't care what's wrong with it, you just have to get rid of it. If you have two records and each contains data that you want to keep that the other one is missing, then you'll have to consolidate them and delete one of them. And then go on to the next, and the next, and the next...
Some years ago I had a similar task and I tooks about one years to clean the data.
What I did in short:
send the address to for validation and split into single fields (with it is also possible)
use a first name and last name match list to check the names (we used A lot depends on the quality of this list. This list should base on country of birth or of the first address. From the results we made a propability what kind of name it is (first/last/company).
with this improved date you should create some normalized and fuzzy attributes. Normalized fields from names and upper and just with alpha-numeric
List item
at the end I would change the data model a little bit to improve the data quality by design. I recommend you adding pre-title, post-title, middle-name and post-name fields. You should also add the splitted address fields like street, streetno, zip, location, longitude, latitude, etc...
I would also change the relation between Client_Header and Client_Address with an extra address_Id as primary key...but this depends on the requirements. And at the end I would add some constraints to prevent duplicated entries.
after all that is the deduplication not hard. Group just all normalized or fuzzy data together and greate a dense_rank. (I group by person, household, ...) Make a ranking over the attributes (I used data quality, data fillrate and transaction history for a score value) Finally it is your choice if you just want to delete the duplicates and copy the corresponding data to the living client or virtually connect the data via Client_Id in an extra Field.
for insert and update processes you should create PL/SQL functions that check if fuzzy last-name (eg. first-name) + fuzzy address exist. Split the names and address fileds and check them with the address API's and match them with the names reference. If it is a single tuple data entry, show the best results to the user and let him decide.

What is the most correct way to store a "list" in a SQL Database?

So, I've read a lot about how stashing multiple values into one column is a bad idea and violates the first rule of data normalisation (which, surprisingly, is not "Do Not Talk About Data Normalisation") so I need some help.
At the moment I'm designing an ASP .NET webpage for the place I work for. I want to display data on a web page depending on what Active Directory groups the person belongs to. The first way of doing this that comes to mind is to have a table with, essentially, a column containing the AD group and the second column containing what list of computers belong to that list.
I've learnt that this is showing great disregard for relational databases, so what is a better way to do it? I want to control this access by SQL tables, so I can add/remove from these tables and change end users access accordingly.
Thanks for the help! :)
EDIT: To describe exactly what I want to do is this:
We have a certain group of computers that need to be checked up on, however these computers are in physically difficult to reach locations. The organisation I belong to has remote control enabled for these computers, however they're not in the business of giving out the remote control password (understandable).
The added layer of complexity is that, depending on who you are, our clients should only be able to see a certain group of computers (that is, the group of computers that their area owns). So, if Group A has Thomas in it, and Group B has Jones in it, if you belong to either group then you would just see one entry. However, if you belong to both groups you should see both Thomas and Jones computers in it.
The reason why I think that storing this data in a SQL cell is the way to go is because, to store them in tables would require (in my mind) a new table for each new "group" of computers. I don't want to crank out SQL tables for every new group, I'd much rather just have an added row in a SQL table somewhere.
Does this make any sense?
You basically have three options in SQL Server:
Storing the values in a single column.
Storing the values in a junction table.
Storing the values as XML (or as some other structured data format).
(Other databases have other options, such as arrays, nested tables, and JSON.)
In almost all cases, using a junction table is the correct approach. Why? Here are some reasons:
SQL Server has (relatively) lousy string manipulation, so doing something as simple as ensuring a unique list is really, really hard.
A junction table allows you to store lots of other information (When was a machine added? What is the full description of the machine? etc. etc.).
Most queries that you want are pretty easy with a junction table (with the one exception of getting a comma-delimited list, alas -- which is just counterintuitive rather than "hard").
All the types are stored natively.
A junction table allows you to enforce constraints (both check and foreign key) on the elements of the list.
Although a delimited list is almost never the right solution, it is possible to think of cases where it might be useful:
The list doesn't change and presentation of the list is very important.
Space usage is an issue (alas, denormalization often results in fewer pages).
Queries do not really access elements of the list, just the entire thing.
XML is also a reasonable choice under some circumstances. In the most recent versions of SQL Server, this can be made pretty efficient. However, it incurs the overhead of reading and parsing XML -- and things like duplicate elimination are still not obvious.
So, you do have options. In almost all cases, the junction table is the right approach.
There is an "it depends" that you should consider. If the data is never going to be queried (or queried very rarely) storing it as XML or JSON would be perfectly acceptable. Many DBAs would freak out but it is much faster to get the blob of data that you are going to send to the client than to recompose and decompose a set of columns from a secondary table. (There is a reason document and object databases are becoming so popular.)
... though I would ask why are you replicating active directory to your database and how are you planning on keeping these in sync.
I not really a bad idea to store multiple values in one column, but will depend the search you want.
If you just only want to know the persons that is part of a group then you can store persons in one column with a group id as key. For update you just update the entire list in a group.
But if you want to search a specified person that belongs to group, then its not recommended that you store this multiple persons in one column. In this case its better to store a itermedium table that store person id, and group id.
Sounds like you want a table that maps users to group IDs and a second table that maps group IDs to which computers are in that group. I'm not sure, your language describing the problem was a bit confusing to me.
a list has some columns like: name, family name, phone number etc.
and rows like name=john familyName= lee number=12321321
name=... familyname=... number=...
an sql database works same way. every row in a sql database is a record. so you jusr add records of your list into your database using insert query.
complete explanation in here:
This sounds like a typical many-to-many problem. You have many groups and many computers and they are related to eachother. In this situation, it is often recommended to use a mapping table, a.k.a. "junction table" or "cross-reference" table. This table consist solely of the two foreign keys in your other tables.
If your tables look like this:
- computerId
- otherComputerColumns
- groupId
- othergroupColumns
Then your mapping table would look like this:
- groupId
- computerId
And you would insert a single record for every relationship between a group and computer. This is in compliance with the rules for third normal form in regards to database normalization.
You can have a table with the group and group id, another table with the computer and computer id and a third table with the relation of group id and computer id.

Implement search in multiple tables in database with ASP .NET MVC

I have a question about implementing search functionality. I have a table which contains 2 user id's and details of transaction between them (title, date, description, etc.). I want to allow user to search transactions by any of these criteria (so typing "Mike salary 2013" would result in transactions from 2013 with Mike, which title or description contained word "salary").
This can be accomplished by joining required tables, creating a search string and filtering every input word by that string, but what concerned me, was that Transaction table is designed to have ultimately millions of rows - so joining multiple tables + string operations from database's side could be slow.
My another idea was to create separate column for search string - that string would be created with creation of transaction and would contain all necessary information. The problem is when user decides to change his/her name (users can do that form their "Profile" page). The search strings in all transactions assigned to that user would be outdated.
So here's my question: is it better to search all entries and update search strings after user changes their name (it would be costly, but users don't change their names often) or give up on this whole "search string column" idea and do it with old-fashioned joins? Or maybe there is another option?
Thanks for your help :)
You should use Full Text Search. It actually combines both of your ideas. You can run FTS queries on multiple columns and multiple tables. Behind the scenes, FTS uses an index, which is similar to your "search string column" idea.

How can i design a DB where the user can define the fields and types of a detail table in a M-D relationship?

My application has one table called 'events' and each event has approx 30 standard fields, but also user defined fields that could be any name or type, in an 'eventdata' table. Users can define these event data tables, by specifying x number of fields (either text/double/datetime/boolean) and the names of these fields. This 'eventdata' (table) can be different for each 'event'.
My current approach is to create a lookup table for the definitions. So if i need to query all 'event' and 'eventdata' per record, i do so in a M-D relaitionship using two queries (i.e. select * from events, then for each record in 'events', select * from 'some table').
Is there a better approach to doing this? I have implemented this so far, but most of my queries require two distinct calls to the DB - i cannot simply join my master 'events' table with different 'eventdata' tables for each record in in 'events'.
I guess my main question is: can i join my master table with different detail tables for each record?
SELECT E.*, E.Tablename
FROM events E
LEFT JOIN 'E.tablename' T ON E._ID = T.ID
If not, is there a better way to design my database considering i have no idea on how many user defined fields there may be and what type they will be.
There are four ways of handling this.
Add several additional fields named "Custom1", "Custom2", "Custom3", etc. These should have a datatype of varchar(?) or similiar
Add a field to hold the unstructured data (like an XML column).
Create a table of name /value pairs which are associated with some type of template. Let them manage the template. You'll have to use pivot tables or similiar to get the data out.
Use a database like MongoDB or another NoSql style product to store this.
The above said, The first one has the advantage of being fast but limits the number of custom fields to the number you defined. Older main frame type applications work this way. SalesForce CRM used to.
The second option means that each record can have it's own custom fields. However, depending on your database there are definite challenges here. Tried this, don't recommend it.
The third one is generally harder to code for but allows for extreme flexibility. SalesForce and other applications have gone this route; including a couple I'm responsible for. The downside is that Microsoft apparently acquired a patent on doing things this way and is in the process of suing a few companies over it. Personally, I think that's bullcrap; but whatever. Point is, use at your own risk.
The fourth option is interesting. We've played with it a bit and the performance is great while coding is pretty darn simple. This might be your best bet for the unstructured data.
Those type of joins won't work because you will need to pivot the eventdata table to make it columns instead of rows. Therefore it depends on which database technology you are using.
Here is an example with MySQL: How to pivot a MySQL entity-attribute-value schema
My approach would be to avoid using a different table for each event, if that's possible.
I would use something like:
Event (EventId, ..., ...)
EventColumnType (EventColumnTypeId, EventTypeId, ColumnName)
EventColumnData (EventColumnTypeId, Data)
You are them limited to the type of data you can store (everything would have to be strings, for example), but you the number of events and columns are unrestricted.
What I'm getting from your description is you have an event table, and then a separate EventData table for each and every event.
Rather than that, why not have a single EventCustomFields table that contains a foreign key to the event table, a field Name (event+field being the PK) and a field value.
Sure it's not the best. You'd be stuck serializing the value or storing everything as a string. And you'd still be stuck doing two queries, one for the event table and one to get it's custom fields, but at least you wouldn't have a new table for every event in the system (yuck x10)
Another, (arguably worse) option is to serialize the custom fields into a single column of the and then deserialize when you need. So your query would be something like
Select E.*, C.*
From events E, customFields C
Where E.ID = C.ID
Is it possible to just impose a limit on your users? I know the tables underneath Sharepoint 2007 had a bunch of columns for custom data that were just named like CustomString1, CustomDate2, etc. That may end up easier than some of the approaches above, where everything is in one column (though that's an approach I've taken as well), and I would think it would scale up better.
The answer to your main question is: no. You can't have different rows in the result set with different columns. The result set is kind of like a table, so each row has to have the same columns. You can fake it with padding and dummy columns, but that's probably not much better.
You could try defining a fixed event data table, with (say) ten of each type of column. Then you'd store the usage metadata in a separate table and just read that in at system startup. The metadata would tell you that event type "foo" has a field "name" mapped to column string0 in the event data table, a field named "reporter" mapped to column string1, and a field named "reportDate" mapped to column date0. It's ugly and wastes space, but it's reasonably flexible. If you're in charge of the database, you can even define a view on the table so to the client it looks like a "normal" table. If the clients create their own tables and just stick the table name in the event record, then obviously this won't fly.
If you're really hardcore you can write a database procedure to query the table structures and serialize everything to a lilst of key/type/value tuples and return that in one long string as the last column, but that's probably not much handier than what you're doing now.