jython commands in WSadmin - jython

Can anyone tell me how to exit from jython scription on exception.I tried using exit/quit commands but it throws me error.In the below command am expecting to comeout of scripting on test = ''
-c "print (sys.version); test='';" +
-c "if (test == 'project'):" +
-c "print test" +
-c "else:" +
-c "exit"
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "exit"; exception information:
com.ibm.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<input>", line 1, in ?
NameError: exit
Please help me in this

The function to exit from a script is:
So replace your exit with the code above.
If you still have problems, let me know. :)
Have a nice day!


how to solve snakemake 5.32.0 env problem

i had meet a problem when i run snakemake in cluster system, "missingoutputfile" and i had searched trying to solve the problem, maybe because it is "run" derived, not "shell", and it is a bug, in the new verision you had solve this problem, when i update it (verison 5.32.0). but another problem is raising up.
Error in rule predict_plasforest:
jobid: 34
output: linear_plasmid_genome/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_contigs_1kb.csv
log: log/isolating-linear-contig/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_linear_plasforest.out, log/isolating-linear-contig/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_linear_plasforest.err (check log file(s) for error message)
conda-env: /home/projects/ku_00041/apps/wanli/F_pipeline/conda_envs/60d0848d
export PATH=$PATH:/home/projects/ku_00041/apps/wanli/F_pipeline/db/blast/bin;cp /home/projects/ku_00041/apps/wanli/F_pipeline/db/plasforest/plasmid_refseq.* .;cp /home/projects/ku_00041/apps/wanli/F_pipeline/db/plasforest/plasforest.sav .;python3 /home/projects/ku_00041/apps/wanli/F_pipeline/db/plasforest/PlasForest.py -i assmebly_res/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_contigs_1kb.fasta -r -b -f --threads 30 -o linear_plasmid_genome/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_contigs_1kb.csv 2>log/isolating-linear-contig/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_linear_plasforest.err >log/isolating-linear-contig/DP-Sample058-S54-adapter-phix-moving-sickle-sss_linear_plasforest.out
(one of the commands exited with non-zero exit code; note that snakemake uses bash strict mode!)
cluster_jobid: 30135295
when i see the log file:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/projects/ku_00041/apps/wanli/F_pipeline/db/plasforest/PlasForest.py", line 26, in <module>
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn'
but in the conda-env, it has already install sklean. and when i activate this env and reun the same command, it is working.
did you know how to solve this problem?

Executing BTEQ file via shell script (BTEQ: Command not found error)

I'm trying to set up an environment to execute BTEQ script via shell script in the local machine. On running the shell script I'm getting an error of BTEQ: Command not found. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
I've created a separate .tdlogon file which contains .LOGON credentials. BTEQ script is a simple create table statement that I'm trying to execute.
My .tdlogon file is something like
.logon servername/uname,pwd
I'm calling the file like this
echo -e 'Starting the script'>> ${log_path}/test_log.log
cat ${server_path}/.tdlogon ${server_path}/code/temp_query.btq | bteq >> ${log_path}/test_log.log 2>&1
if [ ${rtn_code} -ne 0 ] ; then
echo -e 'Script completed successfully'>> ${log_path}/test_log.log
exit 0
echo -e 'Error in the script'>> ${log_path}/test_log.log
exit 1
On executing the above code I'm getting below error in the log file
line 10: bteq: command not found
Appreciate any guidance related to this.
Seems like your Linux is not pointing to the bteq path. Update the bteq path:
export PATH=/usr/bin/bteq:$PATH
And, in some cases, there will be bteq32 instead of bteq in that case set path as:
export PATH=/usr/bin/bteq32:$PATH

/bin/bash: command not found Google Colab

I am trying to run a ready project on Google Colab.. when I run a shell it gives the following error:
/bin/bash: example.sh: command not found
How I can solve this problem?
You have two options to run shell script in google-colab:
1) Execute a single script with !:
!sh example.sh
!echo "I am your code !!!"
2) Execute entire code-block as shell script with %%shell:
sh example.sh
echo "You should add %% "
Note: In the second approach, entire block interpreted as shell script. You do not need ! at beginning of every script.

Handling DCL ON ERROR actions after first error?

The OpenVMS DCL command HELP ON EXAMPLE displays:
A command procedure that contains this statement continues
to execute normally when a warning or error occurs during
execution. When a severe error occurs, the ON statement signals
the procedure to execute the next statement anyway. Once
the statement has been executed as a result of the severe
error condition, the default action (ON ERROR THEN EXIT) is
According to the help if neither [-]x.for nor [-]y.for exist then the last two lines will not be executed:
$ on error then $ continue
$ rename [-]x.for []
$ rename [-]y.for []
$ type *.for
Is there a way to set the ON ERROR handling as in the first line w/o placing an ON ERROR statement between each line of the script?
If the ON ERROR fires, you have to re-establish it. It looks like you
don't know whether any of the files exists. So the ON ERROR needs to be
re-established after the first failing command.
You can do this in a subroutine, like in:
$ on error then $ gosub on_error
$ rename [-]x.for []
$ rename [-]y.for []
$ on error then $ exit
$ type *.for
$ exit
$ on_error:
$ on error then $ gosub on_error
$ return
Also, you can handle this differently, with disabling error checking (SET
$ set noon
$ rename [-]x.for []
$ rename [-]y.for []
$ set on
$ type *.for
or establishing error handling only for sever errors (ON SEVERE_ERROR):
$ on severe_error then $ exit
$ rename [-]x.for []
$ rename [-]y.for []
$ on error then $ exit
$ type *.for

Redirect stderr through grep -v in LSF batch job

I'm using a library that generates a whole ton of output to stderr (and there is really no way to suppress the output directly in the code; it is ROOT's Minuit2 minimizer which is known for not having a way to suppress the output). I'm running batch jobs through the LSF system, and the error output files are so big that they exceed my disk quota. Erk.
When I run locally on a shell, I do:
python main.py 2> >( grep -v Minuit2 2>&1 )
to suppress the output, as is done here.
This works great, but unfortunately I can't seem to get that or any variation of it to work when running on LSF. I think this is due to LSF not spawning the necessary subshell, but it's not clear.
I run on batch by passing LSF a submit script. The relevant line is:
python main.py $INPUT_FILE
which works great, aside from the aforementioned problem of gigantic error files.
When I try changing that line to
python main.py $INPUT_FILE 2> >( grep -v Minuit2 2>&1 )
I end up with
./singleSubmit.sh: line 16: syntax error near unexpected token `>'
./singleSubmit.sh: line 16: `python $MAIN $1 2> >( grep -v Minuit2 2>&1 )'
in the error log file.
Any idea how I could accomplish what I want, or why this is not working?
Thanks a ton!
The syntax you're using works in bash, not in csh/tcsh. Try changing the first line of your submission script to