error NullReferenceException was unhandled at progressbar -

Public Sub GetStationDataFromDatabase()
Dim StationTable As New DataTable
StationTable.TableName = "Station"
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim SqlString As String
Dim OperStaRow As DataRow
Counter = 0
ProgressBar.Visible = True
ProgressBar.Minimum = 1
ProgressBar.Maximum = LocalDataSet.Tables("OR").Rows.Count
ProgressBar.Value = 1
ProgressBar.Step = 1
For Each OperStaRow In LocalDataSet.Tables("OR").Rows
ExecuteSqlCommand(SqlString, StationTable)
Counter = Counter + 1
If Counter Mod 20 = 0 Then
End If
End Sub
so, the error first happpen at progressbar.visible = True. even when i remove it, the error occur the to the line below it. can you tell me what is wrong?
and it happen when user select listbox menu. suppose i have options A and B.

i suspect that there is a typo with progressbar object name. pls check spellings. there is nothing wrong in your code.
other than that,
i suggest that you check row count > 0 before assigning progressbar maximum value.


Type mismatch user form

I'm getting a error mesage when I run this code.
Dim usf as object
If usfOKNAR01.Visible = True Then
k = 1
Set usf = VBA.UserForms(usfOKNAR01) 'here I'm getting the error
ElseIf usfOKNAR02.Visible = True Then
k = 2
Set usf = VBA.UserForms(usfOKNAR02) 'here I'm getting the error mesage
End If
I want to create a dynamic object control which is reffering to 2 Userforms called usfOKNAR01 and usfOKNAR02.
Depending which is visible the proper will be set and then used like this usf.Controls("txt" & k & "oknar13").Value in other part of my code.
I don't know where the issue can be?
Thank you for your help!
I have removed a part of my code and it seems to work but I don't know if this is the proper way to solve my issue.
Here the new code:
Dim usf as object
If usfOKNAR01.Visible = True Then
k = 1 Set
usf = usfOKNAR01
ElseIf usfOKNAR02.Visible = True Then
k = 2 Set
usf = usfOKNAR02
End If
You can't use the name or the class name as an index to VBA.UserForms - it only accepts Integer index arguments. If you don't know the integer index of the collection, you'll have to iterate over it:
Dim usf As Object
Dim found As Boolean
If usfOKNAR01.Visible = True Then
k = 1
Dim candidate As Object
For Each candidate In VBA.UserForms
If TypeOf candidate Is usfOKNAR01 Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
Next usf
If found Then Set usf = candidate
Since you need to do this at least twice, I'd recommend extracting it to a function.
Note that if either of the forms is not loaded when your code runs, VBA will instantiate them when you test whether they are Visible.

What is causing 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error?

What is causing 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' error? It can't be my file, defianetly not. Below is my code:
Sub pupiltest()
Dim exitt As String = Console.ReadLine
If IsNumeric(exitt) Then
Exit Do
'error message
End If
Select Case exitt
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
End Select
If exitt = 1 Then
ElseIf exitt = 3 Then
Exit Do
End If
Dim score As Integer
Dim word As String
Dim totalscore As Integer = 0
'If DatePart(DateInterval.Weekday, Today) = 5 Then
' Console.WriteLine("You are only allowed to take the test on Friday unless you missed it")
' pupiltest()
'End If
Dim founditem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
founditem = item
Dim stdntfname As String = founditem(3)
Dim stdntsname As String = founditem(4)
Dim stdntyear As String = founditem(5)
If founditem IsNot Nothing Then
If stdntyear = founditem(5) And daytoday = founditem(6) Then
Exit Do
ElseIf daytoday <> founditem(6) Then
Console.WriteLine("Sorry you are not allowed to do this test today. Test available on " & item(6).Substring(0, 3) & "/" & item(6).Substring(3, 6) & "/" & item(6).Substring(6, 9))
ElseIf stdntyear <> founditem(5) Then
Console.WriteLine("Year not found, please contact the system analysts")
End If
End If
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\testtests.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
Dim mine As String = String.Join(",", item(2), item(3), item(4), item(5), item(6))
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
Console.WriteLine(i.ToString & "." & item(1))
Console.Write("Please enter the word: ")
word = Console.ReadLine
If word = Nothing Or word <> item(0) Then
score += 0
ElseIf word = item(0) Then
score += 2
ElseIf word = mine Then
score += 1
End If
If score > 15 Then
Console.WriteLine("Well done! Your score is" & score & "/20")
ElseIf score > 10 Then
Console.WriteLine("Your score is" & score & "/20")
ElseIf score Then
End If
Using sw As New StreamWriter("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdntscores", True)
sw.Write(stdntfname, stdntsname, stdntyear, score, daytoday, item(7))
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error accessing designated file")
End Try
End Using
End Sub
All help is highly appreciated,
You are constantly replacing the foundItem array when you do founditem = item:
Dim founditem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
founditem = item
Also, you are using (=) the assignment operation instead of (==) relational operator, to compare. Refer to this article for help in understanding the difference between the two.
Instead of this: If stdntyear = founditem(5) And daytoday = founditem(6) Then
Use this: If (stdntyear == founditem(5)) And (daytoday == founditem(6)) Then
Now back to your main error. You continue to assign the itemarray to founditem every time you iterate (Which overwrites previous content). At the end of the Iteration you will be left with the last entry in your CSV only... So in other words, founditem will only have 1 element inside of it. If you try to pick out ANYTHING but index 0, it will throw the exception index was outside the bounds of the array
So when you try to do the following later, it throws the exception.
Dim stdntfname As String = founditem(3) 'index 3 does not exist!
To fix it do the following change:
Dim founditem() As String = Nothing
For Each line As String In File.ReadAllLines("F:\Computing\Spelling Bee\stdnt&staffdtls.csv")
'NOTE: Make sure you know exactly how many columns your csv has or whatever column
' you wish to access.
Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c)
founditem(0) = item(0) 'Assign item index 0 to index 0 of founditem...
founditem(1) = item(1)
founditem(2) = item(2)
founditem(3) = item(3)
founditem(4) = item(4)
founditem(5) = item(5)
founditem(6) = item(6)
For more help on how to work with VB.NET Arrays visit this site:
In your line Dim item() As String = line.Split(","c) there's no guarantee that the correct number of elements exist. It's possible that one of the lines is missing a comma or is a blank trailing line in the document. You might want to add a If item.Length >= 7 and skipping rows that don't have the right number of rows. Also, remember that unlike VB6, arrays in .Net are 0 based not 1 based so make sure that item(6) is the value that you think it is.

For loop producing IndexOutOfRange error

I keep getting the following error and unsure has to how fix it. As a fairly new user to VB.NET, I think it is saying that there are no rows at that position? To compensate for this, I included an If statement to check the row count, but it is still producing this error. In fact, the messagebox is not firing at all. Can someone please advise as to how I can correct this error. Thanks
Link where code obtained:
There is no row at position 1.
Private Sub loadpages()
Dim i As Integer
Dim startRec As Integer
Dim endRec As Integer
Dim dtTemp As DataTable
'Dim dr As DataRow
'Duplicate or clone the source table to create the temporary table.
dtTemp = dtSource.Clone
If currentPage = PageCount Then
endRec = maxRec
endRec = pageSize * currentPage
End If
startRec = recNo
'Copy the rows from the source table to fill the temporary table.
If dtSource.Rows.Count <> 0 Then
For i = startRec To endRec - 1
dtTemp.ImportRow(dtSource.Rows(i)) <--- ERROR HERE
recNo = recNo + 1
End If
frmMain.DGV.DataSource = dtTemp
End Sub
combobox sub to change pagesize
Sub cmbpage()
'Set the start and max records.
pageSize = CInt(frmMain.cmbPageSize.Text)
maxRec = dtSource.Rows.Count
PageCount = maxRec \ pageSize
' Adjust the page number if the last page contains a partial page.
If (maxRec Mod pageSize) > 0 Then
PageCount = PageCount + 1
End If
'Initial seeings
currentPage = 1
recNo = 0
' Display the content of the current page.
End Sub
you have assigned startRec to 1,so it is throwing error when dtSource.Rows(1),as there is only one element in the array
you can rectify this by using dtSource.Rows(i-1)
You probably want this looping.
For i = 0 To dtSource.Rows.Count-1
If you just want to copy one DataTable to another then you can just use DataTable.Copy method.
Dim dtTemp As DataTable
dtTemp = dtSource.Copy()

If an INDEX exist in Listbox in

I am running a Do Until Loop and its giving the error Index out of range. I am using this code:
If Not imgList.Item(i).ToString = Nothing Then
but its not working..
Actually this loop (in a private sub) is called before addition of any value in the Listbox..
here is the complete loop..
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do Until i = pagesRange
If Not imgList.Item(i).ToString = Nothing Then
'other code
i += 1
End If
for the given code to avoid Index out of range exception try below
If imgList.Count < i AndAlso Not (imgList.Item(i).ToString Is Nothing) Then
End If
Remember about Zero Based ..
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do Until i = pagesRange -1
If Not imgList.Item(i).ToString = Nothing Then
'other code
i += 1
End If
'why i += 1 not here ?

To iterate through the values of combo box control using

I update my question here .. Am using a combo box with no of phone numbers .I want to get the phone no one by one in a variable. Now am using the below code to get the combobox values. But still now am getting the following error message System.Data.DataRowView. Please help me to fix this error. am new for
My partial code is here ..
For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count
Dim s As String
s = Convert.ToString(ComboBox1.Items(i))
Next i
you are using an index which is zero based.
change this:
For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count
to this:
For i = 0 To ComboBox1.Items.Count - 1
This also works!
Dim stgTest = "Some Text"
Dim blnItemMatched As Boolean = False
'-- Loop through combobox list to see if the text matches
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To Me.Items.Count - 1
If Me.GetItemText(Me.Items(i)) = stgTest Then
blnItemMatched = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If blnItemMatched = False Then
Dim stgPrompt As String = "You entered '" & stgTypedValue & "', which is not in the list."
MessageBox.Show(stgPrompt, "Incorrect Entry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Me.Text = ""
End If
Your problem probably happens here:
s = Convert.ToString(ComboBox1.Items(i))
This doesn't return the value. It returns a string representation of the object at the given index, which in your case apparently is of type System.Data.DataRowView.
You would have to cast ComboBox1.Items(i) to the approbriate type and access its Value. Or, since its a DataRowView, you can access the values throgh the appropriate column names:
Dim row = CType(ComboBox1.Items(i), System.Data.DataRowView)
s = row.Item("column_name")
Nevertheless, first of all you should definitely close and dispose the connection, no matter whether the transaction fails or succeeds. This can be done in a finally block (option 1) or with a using statement (option 2).
Option 1
// ...
con1 = New MySqlConnection(str)
// ...
Catch ex As Exception
Lblmsg.Text = " Error in data insertion process....." + ex.Message
End Try
Option 2
// ...
Using con1 as New MySqlConnection(str)
// ...
Catch ex As Exception
Lblmsg.Text = " Error in data insertion process....." + ex.Message
End Try
End using
Even after long time back you will achieve this with simply by following
For Each item As Object In combx.Items
Please try this
For j As Integer = 0 To CboCompany.Items.Count - 1
Dim obj As DataRowView = CboCompany.Items(j)
Dim xx = obj.Row(0)
If xx = "COMP01" Then
CboCompany.SelectedIndex = j
Exit For
End If
I could not find this answer online in its entirety but pieced it together. In the snippet below cbox is a ComboBox control that has the DisplayMember and ValueMember properties initialized.
Dim itemIE As IEnumerator = cbox.Items.GetEnumerator
Dim thisItem As DataRowView
While itemIE.MoveNext()
thisItem = CType(itemIE.Current(), DataRowView)
Dim valueMember As Object = thisItem.Row.ItemArray(0)
Dim displayMember As Object = thisItem.Row.ItemArray(1)
' Insert code to process this element of the collection.
End While