Dojo dGrid with Observable Store Not updating with Single Record - dojo

When using an Observable store for a dGrid a call to the notify() method will update a record. See this example: Git Hub Drgid Example
However, when there is only one record, notify does not appear to notify the record. This can be seen in the above example by removing all but one stock in stocks.json.
Is this a known issue or is there a work around?

There is a work around for this. Set the cleanEmptyObservers: false on your dGrids. Thanks to


Vue3 computed property in parent child component structure not working

After trying to find solution to this issue for hours on various forums i am posting this here.
So i have two components. 1) App and 2) Todo. Both renderes a list and i can complete items so there will be two lists one for incomplete items and one for complete items. you can click on item and it will be gone to complete items list.
So in my example you can see i am using same component but with two diffreent ways to give data to component. one using API and one using native js Data. in both cases it renderes but with api i can click on list item and it will be gone to completed list but with javascript array example it doesn't work. i am completely amazed with this because component is same. how it can affect like that.
many answer here do tell me that computed properties are not reactive as they are cached but what’s the solution to that ? i can put data variable but then the first case of api will not work because time it takes to fetch it. so please help me with this one.
complete code at sfc playground
You have reactivity issues the computed property probably expects that value to be constant because you provide a non-reactive array from the parent.
I think you have 2 options here:
you either provide a reactive prop from parent
or you set a local data attribute in the child-component so that vue will know that it can change
Your fiddle didn't work for me so I copied your code to codesandbox, I have both examples there but commented out the first solution, there you basically simply add the array to the data object and reference that in the code.
Second solution you can add a mounted hook to define reactiveAssignments to your data in the child component this way it will have the same reference so that's why it would work that way.
I think the first solution is simpler, but it is really up to which one you prefer.
You can check the solutions here in my codesanbox
A better approach could be though by setting up component events instead of v-models in the child you should use it in the parent because this way you are directly modifying the props. You can read more about this here:

Vue slot is not working in rare and unpredictable cases (potential vue bug?)

I have this weird bug with a slot that is unreliable in certain unknown cases.
There are 3 hierarchical components.
The grandchild (headlessTable), which offers a slot named arrayValue.
The child (collapsableCard), which passes the slot between grandchild and parent.
The parent (orderDataCard), who decides to render a link for that slot.
Problem: Instead of rendering the link of the parent, the default slot html of the child is being rendered when new data is loaded.
Datastructure (orderDetails)
process (obj)
mark (string)
common (obj)
additionalArguments (array)
category (string)
type (string)
name (string)
value (string)
salesOrganisation (obj)
invoices (array)
invoiceAgreementId (string)
paymentType (string)
Stackblitz or Codesandbox
Please look at the field additionalArguments, it contains a link.
Press ALT+M to simulate fetching new data. Now, instead of rendering a link, the default slot html for that named slot is rendered instead.
You can press ALT+J to load the original data, but this time there's no link.
Initial data (ALT+J)
Loaded data (ALT+M)
Equal value
invoices (empty)
How 2 resolve
if you uncomment line 68 in app.js (or line 73 in App.vue if you're on codesandbox), which is the field called mark
if invoices is not initially empty in app.js
if mark is removed from html in orderDataCard
if salesOrganisation is removed from html in orderDataCard
if the html in the v-for template section for invoiceItems is empty in orderDataCard
Obviously, these are not solutions.
In any case, there is no dependence or anything between any of the fields, so it's hard for me to understand why this happens and I suspect this to be a bug with vue. I already created an issue for this. However, devs won't look at the reproduction, because they think it's not minimal as #lines > 100. As soon as I delete any more meaningful lines, the bug is resolved and the removed code is not faulty, so it's very frustrating to work on this. I could still remove lines that are not meaningful, but that would make it more difficult for everyone involved to understand what data is being rendered.
Is anyone able to acknowledge the fact that this is a problem with vue and that the code is not reducible OR (I would prefer this) is anyone able to fix this?
The problem is linked to Vue handling of multiple instances of the same component. In OrderDataCard.vue you have two instances of Collapsable-Card without unique keys. In this case:
Vue uses an algorithm that minimizes element movement and tries to
patch/reuse elements of the same type in-place as much as possible.
I don't quite know how these algorithms work, and why, apparently, it reused the second instance (without a defined slot content), but, setting a unique key for these components solved the issue.
See the working code sandbox:
Note: I couldn't trigger keyboard events in my browser, so I triggered them on button click.
This may not be the solution, but could help find it:
I noticed you are working with objects and turning them into arrays. Objects properties can be problematic to work with, because unlike arrays updated properties are not propagated. This is a problem with JavaScript, not Vue. Vue was only possible because of observers introduced, but objects are still not part of that.
You might run into problems when an object is partially updated.
I would suggest looking at Vue.set.
Old code of mine invokes it explicitly by window.Vue.set() for changes in object properties so Vue can propagate them correctly.
That is kind of a bug in Vue, but again stems from JavaScript itself.
Computed arrays
I'm not entirely sure but the computed arrays don't save the above issue with working with objects.
I would go the safe route and use Vue.set() when updating objects and object properties. You can still use the computed arrays then.
Otherwise the obvious: Make real arrays out of the objects instead of working with objects half the time.
Is there a good reason you are using this.process explicitly instead of the component's props? Or is that a component from a library?
Have you tried the exact same code but without using the collapsable-card? Just output the link itself? It might point to slot problems in the collapsable-card component. Maybe also partially because of the objects thing from above.

see the list of event listeners currently attached

I want to check the list of event listeners that are added. For example, I used the code cy.on('pan zoom resize', update); and added function called update in for loop. I do this many times. I also call'pan zoom resize', update); to remove the event listeners but I want to be sure about it.
The only think I can think of is using console.log but this method might not be helpful.
I also think that in some places people forgot to remove the event listeners and just always added. With too many repetitions this might cause problems.
There is a data field in the private cytoscape object called listeners. You can see that if you:
console.log() the cy object,
navigate to _private,
then open the emitter object
and lastly go to listeners
This is the array listing all the default and user defined event listeners with some metadata like the event, type and scope of the listener.
You can access this in your code by simply calling
The question now is, why do you need this information in the first place? Normally, you should be just fine if you call'eventXY', ...) before using any cy.on('eventXY', ...). Are you sure you need this for your application to work? Maybe elaborate more on the core problem (why you want these information in the first place).
Thanks and have a great day!

update store element adds row in grid without removing the old version

I would like updates to the dstore appearing in the dgrid without having to call refresh.
do you know why the grid does not remove the old row?
my records has no id property but Ive setup the idProperty correctly.
My grid is expected to receive multiple updates and calling to refresh would probably have performance implications.
So if you can point a way to throttle refresh events it can also help.
dgrid listens to change events if the store provides them. dstore's Trackable mixin adds change events to the store. Try mixing in Trackable to your store and you should see dgrid automatically render in response to any of the store's add/put/remove calls.

Why does the "columnToggle"-Button animation does not change?

in my table I show/hide columns based on their class attribute. Everything works fine except that that the animation of the "columnToggle"-Button does not change. Therefor it is hard to see which groups have been selected.
Here is a test case on Datatables live with the same behavior : DataTables Live Example
What am I missing? Thanks for your help.
It is a bug in the current version of Datatables. The "active" argument is not set properly. My workaround was to toggle the "active" argument with jquery toggleClass function.