Hebrew punctuation displayed incorrectly in Objective-C - objective-c

I have the very basic line:
self.label.text = #",הם הכריחו אותה לשתות ויסקי";
Notice the comma at the left of the string. When this displays in a UILabel, I see the comma at the right. This is one example of punctuation problems I am seeing with Hebrew.
Any ideas for resolving this?

Most of the text you have is right-to-left, but a comma is left-to-right. You are displaying source code here as it is displayed by Xcode. It's not at all obvious what rules Xcode would choose to display such text. You would be much confident about what your source code is if you write
self.label.text = #"הם הכריחו אותה לשתות ויסקי" ",";
for example or
self.label.text = #"," "הם הכריחו אותה לשתות ויסקי";
so you know 100% sure what text you have in Xcode. After that I'm afraid it's very much a matter of reading the documentation and seeing what you need to do. While characters in text have some ordering, a text field on its own has a text ordering as well. You can have latin text with a bit of hebrew inside, or hebrew (right to left) text with a bit of latin inside, and they will behave differently.
What you describe looks like a left-to-right text field that is used to display some hebrew text, so the overall display order is left to right, but hebrew items inside (not the comma) are displayed right to left. You'd need to change the display order of the text field itself.

I've been reading up on Bi-directional text, it seems as though certain Unicode characters specify certain properties of the following text. Through experimentation, I've found that the Right-To-Left Isolate character, or U+2067 ⁧, will cause the text that follows to be displayed in the correct order. So the Objective C solution to the problem was:
self.label.text = [#"\u2067" stringByAppendingString: #",הם הכריחו אותה לשתות ויסקי"];


Why is it so hard to convert PDF to plain text?

I needed to convert some PDF back to text. I tried many soft and online tools and result was always mediocre.
Why is it so difficult technically speaking ?
Let's not assume you are talking about PDFs which merely wrap some bitmap image because it should be clear that in that case you can only resort to OCR with all its restrictions.
Let's instead assume that text is drawn in the PDF at hand.
What is drawn on a PDF page is determined by a sequence of instructions in the content stream of that page. "Text is drawn" on a page means that among those instructions there are some setting the font to use by the instructions to come, some setting the text position and direction to use by the instructions to come, and some actually drawing text given by "string arguments".
Text extraction is the task of taking the sequence of instructions from a content stream and instead of drawing the text as indicated by the font and position setting instructions, to export it in a sensible order using a standard encoding, usually the encoding of the character type of the used programming language / platform.
The first problem is to understand the encoding of the string arguments of those text drawing instructions:
each font can have its own encoding; to extract the text one cannot simply ignore everything but the instructions drawing text and concatenate their string contents, you always have to take the current font into account (some extremely simple text extractors ignore this and, therefore, fail pretty often to return something sensible);
there are a large number of predefined encodings, some reminding of encodings you know, e.g. WinAnsiEncoding, many you likely don't know, e.g. Add-RKSJ-H; these encodings may use a constant number of bytes per glyph or they may be mixed-multibyte; so a text extractor must support very many encodings to start with;
encodings also may be completely ad-hoc and arbitrary; in particular in case of embedded subset fonts one often sees ad-hoc encodings generated by dealing out character codes from some starting value whenever one is needed; i.e. the first glyph in a given font used on a page is given the starting value as code, the next, different glyph is given the starting value plus one, the next, different one the starting value plus two, etc; "Hello World" and a starting value of 48 (ASCII value of '0') would result in "01223453627"; these fonts may contain a mapping to Unicode but they are not required to.
The next problem is to make sense out of the order of the strings:
the string drawing instructions may occur in an arbitrary order, e.g "Hello" might be drawn "lo" first, then after moving back "el", then after again moving back "H"; to extract the text one cannot ignore text positioning instructions and simply concatenate text strings, you always have to take the current position into account (some simple text extractors ignore this and, therefore, can fail to return something sensible);
multi-columnar text may present a difficulty, text may be drawn line by line, e.g. first the text of the top line of the first column, then the top line of the second column, then the second line of the first column, then the second line of the second column, etc.; there need not be any hints in the PDF that the text is multi-columnar.
Another problem is to recognize formatting or styling artifacts:
spaces between words need not be created by drawing a space glyph, it may also be done by text position changing instructions; text extractors not trying to recognize gaps created by text positioning instructions may return a result without spaces; on the other hand the same technique can be used to draw adjacent glyphs at an optimal distance, aka kerning; text extractors trying to recognize gaps created by text positioning instructions may falsely return spaces where there should be none;
sometimes selected words are printed s p a c e d o u t for extra emphasis; in the extracted text these gaps might be presented as space characters which automatic postprocessing of the text may see as word separators;
usually for bold text one uses a different, bold font program; if that is not at hand, people sometimes get creative and emulate bold by printing the same text twice with a minute offset; with a slightly larger offset (or a different transformation) and a different color a shadow effect can be emulated; if the text extractor does not try to recognize this, you end up having some duplicate characters in the output.
More problems arise due to incomplete or wrong extra information:
ToUnicode maps of fonts (optional maps from character code to Unicode) may be incomplete or contain errors; there e.g. are many questions here on stack overflow dealing with incorrect ToUnicode maps for Indian writings; the text extraction results reflect these errors;
there even are PDFs with contradictory information, e.g. with an error in the ToUnicode map but the correct information in an ActualText entry; this is used by some PDF creators to allow correct copy&paste from some programs (preferring an ActualText entry in such a situation) while injecting errors in the output of other programs (preferring ToUnicode information then).
Yet another problem arises if you expect the text extractor to extract only text eventually visible in the page:
text may be drawn outside the current clipping area or outside the visible page area; text extractors need to keep these in mind;
text may be drawn using the rendering mode "invisible"; text extractors have to keep an eye on the rendering mode;
text may be drawn using the same color as the background; to recognize this, a text extractor can not only look at the current instruction and a few graphics state details, it has to take into account anything drawn beforehand in the location of the text;
text may be drawn as a clip path; to recognize whether this text is visible in the end, a text extractor must keep track of what is drawn in the text area as long as the clip path is active;
text may be covered by something else later; a text extractor must drop recognized text in such a case; but depending on blend modes and transparency settings these coverings might or might not allow the text to shine through; thus, for a correct result the text extractor must for each glyph keep track of the color its drawn with, the color of the backdrop, and what all those spiffy effects do with those colors later on; and of course, both glyph color and backdrop color can be interesting, e.g. some shading colors; and the color spaces involved may differ, requiring one to convert back and forth between color spaces; and so on.
Furthermore, text may be drawn where text extractors usually don't look:
some tools hide text from text extraction by putting it into a pattern and filling the page area with that pattern;
similarly there are type 3 fonts; each character in a type 3 font is represented by its own content stream; thus, a tool can draw all text in the content stream of a single type 3 font glyph and then draw that glyph on the page.
You surely have meanwhile gotten an idea why text extraction results can be less than optimal. And be assured, the list above is not complete, there still are more complications for text extraction.

How do I make iText 7 diacritic mark stacking work correctly?

I have run into a problem with iText 7 where diacritic marks are painted on top of one another instead of stacking properly when multiple marks are used on a single character. Is there a setting that makes them appear correctly, or is this a bug in iText 7? Any help greatly appreciated. This can be observed if you create a text object in your PDF like below. Obviously, replace the relevant bit with an actual font object, rather than than what I have in there.
new Text("ḗ and ṓ are characters that display incorrectly").setFont(<UNICODE COMPATIBLE FONT LIKE CHARIS>);
While Bruno and Benoit correctly pointed out that for advanced typography stuff like stacking diacritical marks you need pdfCalligraph module, there is a workaround you can try at your own risk. If your combinations of base glyph and diacritics are real, meaning they occur in real texts in some languages or some other known contexts, then such combinations are most probably present in Unicode and have their own number associated with them. For instance, in text you provided, they are 0xU1E17 and 0x1E53 Unicode characters. Some fonts may contain such glyphs, so that there is a second option to showing base glyph and stacking diacritics: showing combined glyphs. For example, ArialUni shipped with Windows does contain the above mentioned glyphs.
To try this approach, you would need the following code for composing known Unicode base glyph + diacritics combinations into single glyphs:
String originalStr = "ḗ and ṓ are characters that display incorrectly";
String normalizedStr = java.text.Normalizer.normalize(originalStr, Normalizer.Form.NFC);
new Text(normalizedStr); // Use this normalized Text instance
The result that I got with ArialUni:
But again as I mentioned do it at your own risk because it will only work if there are necessary combinations present both in Unicode and font. For correct rendering you still should use pdfCalligraph.

How to convert UTF16 Character to UTF8 representation in Objective-c [duplicate]

I've been trying to make use of the Unicode symbols for astrology in products for both Apple and iOS. I'm getting inconsistent results, as shown here:
Most of these are coming out as I like, but for some reason the Taurus symbol is appearing one way on the first line, following the Moon, and a very different way, with the Emoji-like purple button, when it follows Mars. These results are consistent for different symbols and across Apple hardware; here's a screen capture from my phone showing the same problem with some other signs - Scorpio comes out all right, but Libra and Cancer are buttons.
The strings are extremely straightforward; "Moon Taurus" in the first image is \u263D for Moon, \u2649 for Taurus, basically assembled as [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", #"\u263D", #"\u2649"]. The "Mars Taurus" image is the same, only with \u2642 for Mars. The string formatting is identical in the different cells of the OSX table, and in the iOS AttributedString.
Any idea what makes these symbols appear one way sometimes, and another way other times?
Unicode uses variation sequences to select between different renderings for certain code points—listed in the StandardizedVariants.txt file. In your case, the astrological symbols have both "text style" and "emoji style" variants that are selected between by a U+FEOE (text style) or U+FE0F (emoji style) following the code point:
U+2650 U+FE0E: ♐︎
U+2650 U+FE0F: ♐️
Note that correct interpretation of the variation selector depends on support from both the application/framework and the fonts being used. On Chrome (42) there doesn't appear to be any difference between my examples above, but on Safari (8) they are distinct.

Unwanted space in a PDF generated with TCPDF

We use TCPDF to generate PDFs. In one special case I got a strange behaviour, it looks like TCPDF puts a space inbetween two characters.
I use the cid0cs as font, the strange behaviour appears if I place "µg" in the PDF, it looks like "µ g" (with some space inbetween) now.
I edited the cid0cs.php on index 181 (like here: http://bytethinker.com/blog/correct-display-of-imported-fonts-in-tcpdf) with no success.
Any help is really appreciated.
Did you edit the character µ or g? If you select the letters you can see which letter the extra space belongs to. So... for a small "g" (the first letter after which is the space, you must edit the entry "130=>???" of the $cw array.
Make it half the value. If its 750, make it 400 and try. Or even better: search for a letter that could be the same with as your "g" (an "a" for example).
(customer service is when you look at all the links that lead to your website :)

User input text translation

I'm working on a translator that will take English language text (as user input into a UITextView) and (with a button press) replace specific words with alternatives. I have both the English words in scope plus their alternatives in separate Arrays (englishArray and alternativeArray), indexed correspondingly.
My challenge is finding an algorithm that will allow me to identify a word in the input text (a UITextView) ignoring characters like <",.()>, lookup the word in englishArray (case insensitive), locate the corresponding word in alternativeArray and then use that word in place of the original - writing it back to the UITextView.
Any help greatly appreciated.
NB. I have created a Category extending the NSArray functionality with a indexOfCaseInsensitiveString method that ignores case when doing an indexOfObject type lookup if that helps.
I think that using an NSScanner would be best to parse the string into separate words which you could then pass to your indexOfCaseInsensitiveString method. scanCharactersFromSet:intoString: using a set of all the characters you want to ignore, including whitespace and newline characters should get you to the start of a word, and then you could use scanUpToCharactersFromSet:intoString: using the same set to scan to the end of the word. Using scanLocation at the beginning and end of each scan should allow you to get the range of that word, so if you find a match in your array, you will know where in your string to make the replacement.
Thanks for your suggestion. It's working with one exception.
I want to capture all punctuation so I can recreate the original input but with the substituted words. Even though I have a 'space' in my Character Set, the scanner is not putting the spaces into the 'intoString'. Other characters I specify in the Character Set such as '(' and ';' are represented in the 'intoString'.
Net is that when I recreate the input, it's perfect except that I get individual words running into each other.
UPDATE: I fixed that issue by including:
[theScanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];
Thanks again.