I want to migrate from cPanel to a custom panel.
I started with migrating the email accounts but I can't find the account infos:
email address
password hash
Where is this email account info stored in cPanel backup file?
you can able to get backup of all mails in two ways
Follow the below Steps
1.Login into cpanel
2.Go to the home directory
3.Open the Mail folder
4.open a domain name folder
5.you can able to see list of email-is folder
6.compress the folders and get the backup of mails.
Solution 2:
1.Install outlook or Thunderbird or live mail into your pc
2.Get the mail configuration details into your hosting provider and configure the email-id into your
PC outlook or thunderbird.
3.Download all mails into your local pc.
It is the simple way to get the backup of your mails into your local pc
I've done several email migrations, including from CPANEL to Office 365. From my experience the best thing to do is one of this two things:
If your users use Outlook or any other offline application, just create all the emails in the new panel and let the users define their passwords. Help them on configuring the new email account in Outlook, for example, and afterwards they just need to copy all the emails to the new account.
If your users only use webmail, just let the cpanel accounts active for them to be able to see the emails on their old account. In my opinion, trying to export/import all this information is not the best option. If you want them to have the old emails in the new accounts, just tell them to use the strategy of downloading with Outlook or other software the emails and copy/move them to the new account.
If you were migrating between versions of the same panel, lets say for example from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, it would have been easy to import the information, and maintain the login info, because you were probably using AD.
you can use imapsync or popsync to migrate emails .
Please create email id on new server and use below command after installing imapsync
imapsync --host1 server1.example.com --user1 sales#example.com --passfile1 /etc/secret2 --host2 server2.example.com --user2 sales#example.com --passfile2 /etc/secret2
or not with passfile
imapsync --host1 old.mailserver.com --user1 test#domain.com --password1 mypasswd --host2 new.mailserver.com --user2 test#domain.com --password2 mypasswd
you need to install imapsync first with the following command Note this command is for centos 6
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm
rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm**
yum install imapsync
If you just like to migrate the emails then perform the imap sync that is best and easiest way to perform the email migration. Just you will need to make sure that your old and new server have open the imap for the migration.
If it's failing then best option is configure the email account using the old setting in one of your local system. Download all emails in it. That's it.
We would like to change the password for our TFSService account. This is the domain account that was used install TFS and has several Windows services running under it.
I did review the link below on changing the TFS service password. Is it as simple as updating the password in Active Directory and then using the TFS administration console to update the account password? Are both steps above required? Are there any additional tasks required?
Yes, it should just be that.
As with any production environment, there may things in your setup strangers on the internet are not aware of, so it would be best to test this process on a non-production copy if possible first.
Although I know setting up a non-production copy of TFS will end up probably end up running on a different domain.
I am new to Management System. Now I need to control a website. Some days ago, someone hack it — not SQL injection, just file change / new files upload.
I need to know the how can I prevent it; I want to learn.
Please, can someone give me some suggestions?
To prevent this, You need to update your server security with the mod_security, Mod_security is web server firewall so you will have to install and upadte mod_sec rules on your server to prevent this,
Also, Update your site scripts and plugin and themes which you are using for your site.
Use strong password for your cPanel, FTP and site admin panel
Also, Check WHM >> Security Center >> Security Advisor and fix all the Warning which you will get in that scan report.
Install maldet on your server and scan your all user home directory and remove infected files from your account.
Sorry about English, Actually i have been looking for best article about WHM/CPANEL server migration but i could not find yet. Hope this is the right platform.
I have one WHM/CPANEL server running with CentOS x86_64 standard. Now i want to migrate all stuff to my new high end machine.
Need to Transfer: (All accounts along with databases, Exim configuration, Tweak settings, PHP etc etc).
Note: I need step by step guide which will be highly appreciated, I am not too much technical and in learning phase so please go easy on me.
Thanks in advance.
First you need to install and setup cPanel on your new server.
After that you can migrate your all cPanel account to new server through transfer tool. WHM >> Transfers >> Transfer Tool
Here are the some useful docs.
cPanel setting are stored in /etc/wwwacct.conf and /var/cpanel/cpanel.config file so you can copy that setting to new server.
After the server setup is complete, you will have to recreate all the accounts you wish to move, on the server. You can create the domains in your server using the WHM and then restore the website contents manually using a FTP client(say FileZilla).
First you have to take the backup of your domain via cPanel. Please check below URL to find information regarding this:-
http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/CpanelDocs/BackupWizard#Backup your entire site
Then Create the account in WHM.
Upload the contents in these newly created domain and restore them via WHM or cPanel.
To restore via WHM please follow below steps:-
Main >> Backup >> Restore a Full Backup/cpmove file
Please refer the cPanel docs link below on how to restore an account via cPanel.
If you have cpanel WHM server and you want to transfer your whole server accounts and websites to another WHM server then its really very easy and simple. All you need is root access of both server.
If you have set up your high end new WHM server, then login to your new WHM with root user and go to transfer tool from WHM > Transfers > Transfer Tool. It will show you fields to input the details of your low end server. Once you provide the root information of server it will fetch the accounts lists and account details. From there you can select which accounts to transfer and which to not. If you want to transfer all accounts then you can select all and proceed the transfer. It will transfer all your accounts with their current package details.
Try the cpanel transfer tool its easy and simple to understand and proceed.
I am developing a site for a client who has not decided on their domain name yet. I set up an account on a web server via WHM but have not pointed any domain names to it.
All was going well until I used a plugin (TinyMCE) to try and browse files on the server - it wouldnt work so I had a look at its script files and realised their permissions are set to not executable (644). I tired to change it to executable (755) but I get an error in my FTP clients console:
550 Could not change perms on file.js: Operation not permitted
Could this be because I am accessing the server not through a specific FTP account and so the server has locked down the files?
EG: I am using the servers IP address to access files with my FTP rather then something like:
Any advice on this would be great! Thanks
Yes, There is an issues with the FTP account permission. You will have to login your server with the main cPanel account user name and password OR you can chnage your file permission through cPanel >> File manager
My company has a MediaWiki setup which we are looking to make [partially] client accessible. Ideally each client would be able to see only their own page. Our wiki requires the user to be logged into view or edit, and we have the LDAP plugin (This one, specifically) so we can use our Active Directory credentials.
I see this question has come up before a few years ago, but I didn't see an question dealing with LDAP in particular. Can we manage a specific AD account if we give clients one on our domain for this purpose? Alternatively, is there a way to give clients a login directly into the wiki (sort of like logging locally into the computer, instead of the domain), that we could control the access rights of?
For reference: we are on MediaWiki version 1.19.1, PHP version 5.3.15, MySQL version 5.0.96-winx64, and the installation is running on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (IIS 7.5).
Thanks very much for the help!
You can use local accounts in addition to the LDAP accounts to log users in. You have to set $wgLDAPUseLocal to true in your LocalSettings.php. Basically, it adds another option to the domain drop down box on the login form that says "local". Users that want to log in with a local wiki account use that. I would also disable account creation on the wiki and create accounts manually for your clients.
Regardless of whether you use local accounts or AD accounts, for page-level access control, you would have to use one of these extensions. Extension:AccessControl seems to be a popular one.