SQL query for game rental website - game delivery report - sql

I am creating a game rental website using MS SQL 08 and I have to create a report which will give me a list of all the games that need to be posted and to who.
This query will have to go through different stages:-
List the users that have not reached their game quota for that month based on the subscription package they have chosen and rental table.
Compare this list of users to their favourites list and asign a game to them based on what game is their highest priority and by date.
The game or games selected must be in stock which needs compared to quantity levels in games table.
I have a SQL query but it is not taking into consideration the dates that a user added a game to their favourites list, it works solely on priority level. I need to change this query so it picks the oldest date added if the priority of the games are the same. In this sample data in SQL Fiddle it should be giving me barcode 27 to match with Need for Speed Rivals but it is giving me FIFA 14 as it is the first favourite record it sees.
Also the report needs to show more than the game barcode, it needs to show user name and game details. It is also only working for a single user at the moment with with me entering a user ID manually but it should just go through all users.
If anyone can help me with this query it would be much appreicated it, just really dont know where to go from here.

ORDER BY Favourites.Priority
ORDER BY Favourites.Priority, Favourites.DatePicked asc


Filtering access control data to get list of people inside office

I would like to create an SQL query for a "Role Call" which would show me the people who are inside the building only. Each person has his own access card and has to go in or out of the building using 1 of 4 turnstiles. So far I managed to retrieve the 4 turnstiles (in and out) data for todays date. I need to filter the list to only show people who had an "in" entry but did not leave yet. People can come and go as they please and use any of the 4 turnstiles and have multiple "ins" and "outs" per day.
I am bit stuck here how to do this.
I am joining 2 tables which have the device information (turnstiles) and the log of all swiped cards. I am filtering for the turnstiles data only and todays date.
SELECT [dbo].[lACLog].[LogID],[dbo].[lACLog].[LogDate],[dbo].[lACLog].[DeviceAddress],[dbo].[pPeriphery].[Name],[dbo].[pPeriphery].[PeripheryUID],
FROM [dbo].[lACLog]
LEFT JOIN [dbo].[pPeriphery]
ON [dbo].[lACLog].[DeviceAddress]=[dbo].[pPeriphery].[DeviceAddress]
WHERE [dbo].[lACLog].[LogDate]>=CAST(GETDATE()AS Date) AND [dbo].[pPeriphery].[PeripheryUID]
IN ('2130B72E-D8E9-4269-B6B0-68BEC95CB483',

Access Database - Most Recent Record - Max Function

I'm in the process of building a database to keep track of loaning equipment. I'm trying to build a query that will display the latest record of each machines location.
Relevant table is:
Movement ID (PK)
EntryDate (Automatically generated on record entry)
Serial (FK from a table called stock, with (Make, Model etc)
Location (Where the machine is)
Status (Things like: Available, Testing, Sold etc)
Current query is:
SELECT Movements.Serial, Max(Movements.EntryDateMovements) AS MaxOfEntryDateMovements
FROM Movements
GROUP BY Movements.Serial;
Which spits out the latest date of a record, and the serial associated with it.
What I need is the status to be shown in the results, but it still be grouped by the serial.
My issue is that when I try and add that, it either comes back with an error with about the expression not being part of the aggregate function, or I get more results than expected, as it no longer just keeps the results unique to the serial.
I'm pretty new Access, and have so far been able to muddle through guides, and books, and this site, to get everything else working, but i'm stuck at this hurdle.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Select top 1 *
from Movements
order by EntryDateMovements desc
This will give you everything for the newest record. This is TSQL but I think it carries over to Access.
Try this
Select t.serial,t.EntryDateMovements ,t.location, t.status
From movements as t
Inner join (SELECT Movements.Serial, Max(Movements.EntryDateMovements) AS MaxOfEntryDateMovements
FROM Movements
GROUP BY Movements.Serial) as MaxMovements on t.serial= MaxMovements.serial and t.EntryDateMovements=MaxMovements.MaxOfEntryDateMovements

MS Access manual Auto incrementing field

Im building a system for my company to keep track of internal orders, inbetween our warehouses, we have material that goes out warehouse 1 to warehouse 2 and we kind of lose track of how much of "x" is in warehouse 1 and how much in warehouse 2, so i want to implement this access db where a user fills a form and says: order 1: 500 of "x" order 2: 300 of "y". then another user fills an exit form where he says 1 of "x" going out, so i would need the program to keep track of total order and how much as gone out to fill order 1 and so on...
My idea here is to have both an order number and an id number for each of "x" everytime someoneone assembles 1 "x" they fill the form and print a label directly from the access (i have this part working already) while keeping a record of when it was assembled, who verified and what was verified (it will work as a quality control also).
What i dont know is how to program the db so when it reaches 500 of "x", the id number for "x" starts again from 1
This is the one major issue with my program right now, i'm not experienced in access db's or vba, but im getting there with a tip and a trick from here and there, so, no need to be careful with the technical language, i will google it if i have to :p
The table structure goes as follows:
1 table as the main table where I record the check that is made for every product, where I include the model of the product, the said ID that I want to reset after a number of products checked, and a concatenated field that includes most of this information to generate a qr code.
Then there is a table for the Order Number, which is connected to a form to record each new order with a date/time field, the order number itself and the number of products. This number of products must then be called from the code that will count how many products have been checked to date and keep the order number field updated so we can keep track of the order.
Then there is another minor table just to get values for the form, the product models
Thank you for your answers ;)
See this MSDN Documentation
Unfortunately in Access, you cannot 'reset' an ID field, unless you move the records to a newly created table and use that table for every 500 records.
As for the user control and login form, I'm afraid those are separate questions that must be asked in a different thread.
To get you started:
You can set the RecordSource of a form to a table, and when users make entries, the data will be saved to the table. You can also use a form with controls (text boxes, comboboxes, etc.) and create a button that runs a query to insert these records into a table.
The login piece - you can encrypt the database with a password. That may/may not be sufficient.
I would suggest you change your schema, if possible. Something like the following:
OrderID (Autonumber)
ProductID (link to your Products table)
DeliverableID (Autonumber)
OrderID (link to your Orders table)
SequenceNumber: in the BeforeInsert event set this value equal to:
DCount("*", "Deliverables", "OrderID=" & Me.OrderID) + 1
I'm assuming that your form has a control named OrderID that is bound to the OrderID field of the Deliverables table.
The code uses the DCount() function to get the count of all the other deliverables that have already been created for this order. If this is the first deliverable, DCount() will return 0. It then adds 1 to this count to get the sequence number of the next deliverable.
If the new SequenceNumber is greater than the quantity requested, you could display a message saying that the order has been filled and cancel the creation of the Deliverable record.
This is just one approach and it is not a complete solution. I'm assuming that once assigned a sequence number a deliverable cannot be deleted. You might need to make allowances for deliverables that get lost or damaged. You could incorporate a status field to the Deliverable table to deal with this, but you would still need to make a decision about what to do with the SequenceNumber.

MS Access tables that need to be in the listbox

OK, I have the worst VB class in the world. The friggin textbook has you do programming projects but the stupid book doesn't even explain everything required for the project. Oh yeah, the professor for the class doesn't help worth a crap (online schooling).
So needless to say, I have been struggling with the class for a very VERY LONG TIME...
Well, here's my request:
Here is visual representation of what is required
Now, I have been fighting this thing for MANY MANY hours and would like some tips and advice on how to get this stupid thing done. I usually get more specific when it comes to posting in this website except this time, it seems like I have a problem with EVERYTHING!!!
Here is the instructions:
"The database Microland.accdb is maintained by the Microland Computer Warehouse, a mail-order computer-supply company. The tables below show data in the three tables in the database. The table Customers identifies each customer by an ID number and gives, in addition to the name and address, the total amount of purchases during the current year prior to today. The table Inventory identifies each product in stock by an ID number and gives, in addition to its description and price (per unit), the quantity in stock at the beginning of the day. The table Orders gives the orders received today. Assume that it is now the end of the day. Write a Visual Basic program that uses the three tables to do the following two tasks:
Display in a listbox the items that are out of stock and those that must be reordered to satisfy today’s orders.
Display in a listbox bills for all customers who ordered during the day. Each bill should show the customer’s name, address, items ordered (with costs), and total cost of the order.
So, if any of you VB geniuses would like to tell me how to do some of this stuff, that would be absolutely awesome. Any kind of help will definitely make a difference for me.
(I'm assuming it's VB.NET) Here's some pointers on the bigger picture, you'll need Google to fill-in the details:
1) Establish a connection to your Access database using ADO.NET. Maybe do this in code or use the data tools in Visual Studio?
2) Write a query (in Access or plain SQL) to find the count of the distinct stock items that have been purchased today and subtract that from the count of the items in stock at the beginning of the day. Select the items where the count is zero or less.
You can use the visual builder in Access and save the query object, referring to this query object in code. Or you can copy the SQL generated by Access and use this with ADO.NET command objects.
3) Show the results of this query in a listbox. Either step through the DataReader adding items to listbox in code, or investigate databinding to your datasource.
4) Write another query that shows the data requested in step 2 in your question and then list those results in another listbox.
Try to get a little further with it and then respond with progress and further issues.

Recurring Orders

Hi everyone I'm working on a school project, and for my project I chose to create an ecommerce system that can process recurring orders. This is for my final project, I'll be graduating in May with an associates in computer science.
Keep in mind this is no where a final solution and it's basically a jumping off point for this database design.
A little background on the business processes.
- Customer will order a product, and will specify during checkout whether it is a one time order or a weekly/monthly order.
- Customer will specify a location in which to pick up their order (this location is specific only to the order)
- If the value of the order > 25.00 then it is accepted otherwise it is rejected.
- This will populate the orders_test and order_products_test tables respectively
Person on the back end will have a report generated for deliveries for the day based on these two tables.
They will be able to print it off and it will generate a list of what items go to what location.
Based on the following criteria.
date_of_next_scheduled_delivery = current date
remaining_deliveries > 0
Once they are satisfied with the delivery list they will press "Process Deliveries" button.
This will adjust the order_products_test table as follows
Subtract 1 from remaining_deliveries
Insert current date into date_of_last_delivery_processed
Based on delivery_frequency (i.e. once, weekly, monthly) it will change the date_of_next_scheduled_delivery
status values in the order_products_test table can either be active, hold, or canceled, expired
I just would like some opinions if I am approaching this correctly or if I should scratch this approach and start over again.
A few thoughts, though not necessarily complete (there's a lot to your question, but hopefully these points help):
I don't think you need to keep track of remaining deliveries. You only have 2 options - a one time order, or a recurring order. In both cases, there's no sense in calculating remaining deliveries. It's never leveraged.
In terms of tracking the next delivery date, you can just keep track of the day of the order. If it's recurring -- monthly or weekly, regardless -- everything is calculable from that first date. Most DB systems (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc) support more than enough date computation flexibility so that you can calculate this on the fly, as opposed to maintaining such a known schedule.
If the delivery location is only specific to the order, I see no use in creating a separate table for it -- it's functionally dependent on the order, you should keep it in the same table as the order. For most e-commerce systems, this is not the case because they tend to associate a list of delivery locations with accounts, which they prompt you about when you order more than once (e.g., Amazon).
Given the above, I bet you can just get away with 2 of your 4 tables above -- Account and Order. But again, if delivery locations are associated with Accounts, I would indeed break that out. (but your question above doesn't suggest that)
Do not name your tables with a "_test" suffix -- it's confusing.